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Everything posted by Rich_Henn

  1. Thanks Bryan! (you should see what I haven't scanned or snapped yet) I've got to scan and post that Fairuza Balk kissed cover of Fangoria 153 (thanks to Kris Moore!!!)
  2. My one impulse sketch cover commision at VA show in November, someone I'd never even heard of before. Brian Scheer had this great style, but it was his Posion Ivy and Harley renderings that I really liked.
  3. The other 2 covers that make up that complete set of covers for X-Men 1 are still at CGC being graded. And clearly I'm a fan of Bill S. New Mutants 18 and 19!
  4. I am determined that the one and only registry set I'll own is a full run of 1-100 of FABLES. The covers are just awesome. Here's Alex Maleev, James Jean and Bill Willingham s/s
  5. Full run s/s of McDaniel's FALL FROM GRACE storyline from DD. Loved that run, all those covers are awesome. I remember working on those back in the day, and loved the originality of those covers he did. Lots of people don't know that, the following storyline, "Tree of Knowledge," there was an alternate cover to issue 328, I think it was. I believe it was the issue that had Iron Fist on the cover. Anyway, right before we went to press, Marvel called to say STOP THE PRESSES! For some reason they weren't crazy about the cover image and had Scott do something completely different. I wish I still had the xerox of that cover art.
  6. Nice big run of Iron Man s/s Grell! About a year ago, I couldn't get $5 each for these on the boards, then $3...I'm kinda glad nobody bought these back then. I love those yellow label sigs. Just wish Grell popped up more often
  7. 1st printing early SHI, and a sketch by Billy on #4!!!
  8. Note to the other guys that did their Frank Thorne books....grades will be in shortly, I did fast track on these for myself.
  9. I've got to check the census, but I (think) it's the highest s/s copy. Looks more like a 9.6 if you ask me! Had this one for about 8 years or so. One of the few silver age Ebay wins that went right!
  10. Got about a dozen sweetness silver and bronze today---most noteable, these two bad boys!
  11. I just want to say, I just got my Amaz. SM 122 in the mail from Twisty all the way out in Canada, and he couldn't have done a better job packing! Nice secure board sandwhiching the book, wrapped in bubblewrap and placed in a long 3" thick brown box which in turn was put in a 5" thick long white box with peanuts! Bomb proof! All for one book, great job!
  12. Just got these back today :thumbsup: I love that Scott McDaniel DD stuff. The other parts of that saga are currently at CGC to be graded. These were rushed through. I've got a Cavewoman 1 and 6 to get done too.
  13. Kudos to ft88 for some great Swamp Things and Batman's!
  14. That reminds me... Kudos to FT88 (Ed Bird) for that great Swamp Thing run! I drove out to Ed's house in York to p/u the other day, and ended up buying some other great books, including a BATMAN 371 slabbed that I've been looking for...with a Simonson cover (I hope I got that issue # right). I never saw that book prior to Philly this year, as I really didn't buy Batman back then. But I am a Simonson fan, and that rocked. Got some great Destroyer Duck and a few PC and Eclipse horror that I'm into, plus "Battle for a 3-D World!" which was from my early teen years, my first 3-D comic and I needed a replacement for my beat up copy. :thumbsup: Ed!
  15. I rarely come on these threads as often as I should, but I need to give props in no particular order as follows--- FIRST-- Peter_Palmer and Joel Elad. I first got to meet them in person at SDCC 2009 and really enjoy chatting with them ever since having the pleasure of meeting them. Congrats to PP for rookie of the year ---and another kudos to hit hot girlfriend for being able to secure a sketch from Campbell at the Baltimore show! :thumbsup: Both just super nice people. Elad for good advice at Pittsburgh and another high 5 for securing my 2 X-FILES books a few months ago...thanks man. Owe you one. Jesperson--first for letting me bump in with him in line for a quick sig at McFarlane's signing in SDCC (and I didn't realize at the time it WAS Jesperson!) --for buying first round of drinks when Joe, Bill and I went out for dinner and beer at the VA comicon, for the great deals on some great s/s books this year, and for reminding me he's everywhere, just like the force--when I'm at the post office And for being an all around good egg! Chainnball Kondravy! Helped me secure some sigs with Simonson, Dave Gibbons, Jack Davis, Frazetta, BWS, and makes it more enjoyable for me to hang out at Philly Wiz World every year. Yer my boy. "nuff said. Danny Hernandez (Mutantkeys) took care of me with a few Denny O'Neil sigs this fall and refused any sort of compensation no matter how hard I pressed him. I still say I'm picking up your meal or something next show we're at together. Cosmo for just being Cos. I hope things get better for you this year buddy. Chandler & Sharon---aside from things in general at shows, there's a really special kudos/thank you/I owe you one to these two. I first met them in person briefly at SDCC 2009, and while they don't recall, I'm sure, Chandler was one of the last guys at a Joey Q signing, and I walked up with my one book---he tossed it up to Cos for me at the last second and got my sig. I got to spend more time with the both of them in Pittsburgh, but it's the following anecdote that really puts them on my :thumbsup: list----> At the end of the Oct. NYC Comicon, I had forgotten a bag at the s/s witness booth. I left behind a bag with a variety of stuff in my haste to leave. About 40 min later, I got a call from Chandler, who'd found my bag at the booth as he and Sharon were leaving. To wit, he didn't know at first it was mine, he called several of the witnesses trying to find out who left the bag. And after describing to him what was in the bag, figuring out it belonged to me, he and Sharon took my stuff to Fed-X and shipped them out to me in MD. That was above and beyond to me, and I owe you guys one for that simple kind gesture. Jesse (Fingerprintink) for my James Jean sigs!!! Thanks sir! FABLES covers are right now my favorite art collectible. I'm hoping to this year install my first register set with a full 9.8 run of FABLES 1-75 The Collector---what can't be said about this guy? Seriously. Dude---if it comes to light that YOU were the guy to one day get an Obama sig, it wouldn't surprise me in the least. Palin, Crumb, and for me...FAIRUZA BALK. This was a personal best for me in collecting. Balk was supposed to be coming to the Baltimore area Horrorfind show in Sept. and she bailed. I had 3 cps of Fangoria to get signed. Two were for buddies, one was for me. And this guy tells me that she's going to be at a TX Show and does my books for me. And on one copy...A KISS. Yep. I own F.B. DNA! :: Book is graded, BTW bud...a 9.6 and should be back soon for me to show off. NYCOMICS---got me some Romita Sr. sig this year, and a few killer Joe Simon sigs AND saved me a spot in line at the McFarlane signing at the Rebok store in NYC (in the rain). Much appreciated. Glenn (slingingweb) whom I met this year too, and lives not that far from me...in general, I just enjoy talking with him and seeing him at shows. Par2che --aka DAN THE MAN. This guy is the guy who really got me into s/s books. A set of Mike Zeck comics that he handled in Feb this year, at possibly the worst time for me. EVER. I wrote a check to cover it that so happened 2 wks later I REALLY couldn't afford, and I almost called Dan to cancel it entirely. But I held out, I really like Zeck....and when all my books came back, all but 2 were 9.8 graded. Dan handled a few more for me after that, and it just really secured how much I like the program. So it's all Dan's fault that I'm into this area of collecting more then any other. Dan, I still have several of those orig. Zeck books you got done for me hanging proudly in my office. I think those MOKFU books are my favs. I'm really hoping that I am not forgetting anybody that I've personally dealt with, but I can't leave out the best for last. While Steve Borock isn't a s/s witness, he's the guy that to me, is the father of the whole CGC explosion. I love Steve, he's dedication to the hobby, for making it that much more fun, and for making me so involved in what I do today. For being an all around incredible human being, and for taking the high road in a bad situation I witnessed this year (we all kind of did)--a road that I don't think I could have taken. You are a guy we look up to. And last... PAUL LITCH. Litch helped get me into the s/s program, and it quite simply, changed everything for me. While I really and genuinely like and enjoy the friendship of so many people at CGC, the witnesses, friends on the board, P.Litch really helped restructure my buying/selling and collecting in what was a REALLY bad time for me. There's a lot of people that I need to give props to at CGC from Gemma and Ali to Paul and Mark to Joe and Bill....but since this is a s/s props thread and while technically Paul isn't so much a s/s witness (I hope I'm addressing that correctly)---Paul really was instrumental for my being IN the ss/ program, and for that I will always be grateful. That and our mutual love for Anna Torv. mmmmm....Torv.......
  16. Back at you bud. I don't come on this thread as often as I should, but thanks for the kudos, and thanks for the purchases!