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Everything posted by Rich_Henn

  1. Just got these beauties... The IRON MAN #53 is the only 9.8 (and thus highest) on census. (the HTD price variant is sweet too)
  2. I can't believe I am going to say this. AGAIN THERE. IS. NO. GLUE. ON. THAT. CASE. YOU. PARONOID SCREWHEAD. But that's okay...I'm bringing it with me to SDCC and I'll let GEMMA tell you herself after she sees it. IT. IS. THE. HEAT. SEALING. PROCESS. You're really not helping yourself here, Nick. What you have continued to prove to everyone on this board is what a pain in the azz you can be to deal with and will PROBABLY make it difficult for anyone to want to sell to you, for fear of something JUST LIKE THIS happening to them. Dude. You filed a paypal dispute against me for $60 about 3 hours after I told you money would be coming by the next morning. You are PHUKING NUTS. NOW I'm done. Good grief, after dealing professionaly with everyone on these boards for over 7 years, building great relationships and trust, I can't believe I'm even attempting to continue to defend myself here. I'm no newbie here. You might as well have accused someone like Nik or Borock of screwing with your book. REALLY. And to (one more time folks) state the obvious...to tell these people that you would have handled this privately if not for "seeing that glue"....WE WERE HANDLING THIS PRIVATELY UNTIL YOU LOST YOUR MIND AND DECIDED TO DRAG THIS ACROSS THE BOARDS. So let me give fair warning to EVERYONE on these boards then who might choose to deal with you in the future. Actually, I don't have to. You've shown everyone what a frickin' handfull you can be. I simply cannot wait for that 9.8 Gaiman & McKean signature series on this book.
  3. Rich, that is your right, and honestly, I am perfectly okay with this as the feeling is mutual now. Finally. We agree on something. However you want to state this, that is fine. I would have looked that case over completely and pointed out there is something on the bottom that is going to look odd. It occurred at CGC. Lesson learned for us both! And I TOLD you...before it even showed up (or at least before I even had the chance to look at it first hand) what I suspected. Your impatience, your attempt to make me look like I was screwing you (after what I thought was a reasonable private matter) and your attempt to file a dispute against me...why...because you didn't have your refund in 24 hrs??? After we had discussed all this in several PMs...makes you look like a tool. Or a child. Take your pick. We're done here. And THAT is my offical last comment on this matter.
  4. Rich, that is your right, and honestly, I am perfectly okay with this as the feeling is mutual now. Finally. We agree on something.
  5. You know, I thought I would respond to this tirade of Nick's after JUST now seeing this here on the boards....I never in a million years would have thought Nick or anyone on these boards for that matter, would take up an issue with me public in such a manner. What Nick is NOT telling you is the following: When he purchased the book,I honestly thought I mailed it out within 24 hours, because I had something like two dozen books to mail before I took my vacation to Cape May. Upon reaching Cape May,I began emailing some people to follow up on their shipments. I thought that I had mailed Nick's book, but couldn't be sure,and after he said he hadn't received the book, I promised I would follow up on it when I got back. When I did get back from Cape May on July 4th in the evening, I looked through my receipts, my tracking info and couldn't find the results...upon which turning the house upside down, I did indeed locate the book. I emailed Nick, told him the good news, and the book was then shipped out. We were both relieved because at first, I thought that I might have mistakenly shipped it to someone else in my haste to get two dozen books out the door before vacation. When Nick got the book, he PM'd me to say that there seemed to be loose packing material in the case itself (the back of the case, I think)...little pieces that sounded like they came from the inside of the box where the slabs come from. He also sounded distressed at noticing a white substance that looked like "glue" in the bottom corner of the case. I assured him that was not the issue...the book was graded on site in Philly Wiz World, went straight away with me home, where it sat till I mailed it to him. What I suspected was something that I've seen in about a dozen of my own cases, it's something to do with the heat sealing process that might cause a discoloration in the shell of the case itself. Regardless, this was definitely not glue. I said I would get back to him, no worries, mail the book back, I'd issue a full refund. No problem. Book comes back, I'm not home, Nick PMs me to say "I saw the book arrived, have you had a chance to look at it." To which I say,"I'll check it out when I get home." Key word here....NOT HOME. To answer Nick's implication earlier, about how he "saw that I was online several times throughout the day but didn't reply..." This is true. When I leave the house and know I need to get work done away from home, I take the lap top with me. I pretty much spent the better part of my day at the library what not, and also I know that the desktop computer is always on and almost always signed in on my account. Regardless, I really couldn't answer fairly until I got home that night to see what was going on. When I did, and opened the box, I did see what he was talking about...a couple little flakes of packing material seem to be trapped in the case. The substance at the bottom of the case wasn't any substance at all, but indeed just part of the heat sealing as I suspected. At any rate, I promised Nick a full refund before he even sent the book back, and told him yesterday that I should have some funds clear my paypal. I said that they should be all cleared up my Monday AM and he'd probably have them before he woke up. Later toward the evening, I pm'd him again to say that funds looked like they might be clearing up sooner, and that I might be able to take care of this before the end of the day. All of these PM's going back and forth between us WITHOUT ME REALIZING THAT HE WAS BUSY OVER HERE, MAKING THIS PUBLIC. I never once thought this was a public matter. Clearly two things. Nick wasn't happy that I wasn't readily available to answer his questions quick enough. And second and more the burr in my azz...that he apparently thought that someone had tampered with the case (in that case, that someone being me since Nick and I are the only ones that handled that case). But you know what I could understand how if you haven't seen that before, that could cause concern. Let me ammend by saying the BURR IN MY AZZ is that he filed a paypal dispute against me yesterday even AFTER our back and forth and knowing that a refund was coming....more on that later. But I don't want to get off topic here. SO...I go to bed , got up this morning, saw my funds cleared and then immeadiately issued Nick his full refund. I still hadn't realized that Nick had this public dispute with me in (TWO???) threads---did I read that right, Greggy? Or was it someone else that posted that? And about half hour later after the funds were refunded to Nick, I get an email from paypal saying that a dispute was opened, then another one saying dispute closed. I'm like....what the... To which then I go into my history and see that Nick had filed a dispute against me (it turns out he did so yesterday---I thought he did it this AM after the refund....but regardless...WHAT THE , NICK???!?!?) Bad form, man. BAD FORM. And then promptly canceled his dispute this morning after his refund was sent. I will take FULL accountability for not getting his book out in a timely fashion. I will absolutely stand here and say "I screwed the pooch...it was an honest mistake, I was in a hurry to leave for Cape May on vacation with the family, and after shipping out all those books, I missed his Sandman #1." I will also tell you that the lines of communication were never an issue, were never a question to the book, the reund, the quality, the case, nothing. To see that Nick in his impatience thought that I would actually screw him and filed a paypal dispute against me, is just making me insane. All this before I noticed this thread today (I still haven't seen the 2nd one). I have told Nick that he is NOT to deal with me ever again, on the boards, on ebay, in emails. I don't know how much clearer I can make that statement. To seemingly drag my name around here as if I had intent to screw.... To file a paypal dispute against me (AS IF I HONESTLY WASNT GOING TO ISSUE A REFUND)... I hope that everyone understands my position here when I say... A) after all these years, if you honestly think I am that kind of person, stay away from my threads. B) If you ever think that I issuing a refund within 24 to 48 hrs. isn't reasonable, because I either haven't cleared the fund or just simply NOT AT A COMPUTER, then don't deal with me. Please respect the fact that after reading all this, I do not ever want to deal with Bosco685 again. To say that Nick blew this SO effin' out of proportion is putting it lightly. ALSO...I am bringing the book with me to SDCC so I can show Gemma, Paul Litch and whoever else is there this "glue" substance so they can see for themselves what this is, and confirm for Nick and everyone else on the boards what I already know. And then I am going to crack it out, get a Neil Gaiman signature series at san diego, and with any luck, it'll be a 9.8 :thumbsup: Because I never thought it was a 9.6 to begin with.
  6. I'm going to be possibly listing very soon.... IRON MAN #51 (1972) CGC 9.6 IRON MAN #53 (1972) CGC 9.8 highest on census (one and only 9.8, stands alone at the top of the heap!) Amazing Spider-Man #127 CGC 9.8 (great cover!) highest on census Marvel Two-In-One #1 CGC 9.6 Conan #17 CGC 9.6 Marvel Premiere #4 CGC 9.6
  7. Spectacular! I don't have GPA. Can someone give me GPA for this book in 9.2, 9.4, and 9.6? It's currently one of my most sought after books. Thanks in advance! Grade Notes 2007 Avg 2008 Avg 12Mnth Avg 90Day Avg Last Sale ( 9.6 ) (1) $1,500 - (2) $3,240 (2) $3,240 $3,479 Jun-2009 ( 9.4 ) (6) $694 (11) $738 (11) $717 (2) $608 $610 May-2009 ( 9.2 ) (9) $357 (7) $328 (8) $369 (2) $442 $385 Jun-2009
  8. Bronze age horror and war! Highest on census, and in two cases...the ONLY ones at 9.8 king of the mountain!
  9. Listing the following over the next few days in Copper/Modern All books are top census, special notes made if the book is the ONLY copy at 9.8 standing alone at the top, or if it’s tied for top with just a couple others. Star Wars 100 CGC 9.8 white pgs (Todd McFarlane art HULK issues) : Incredible Hulk 338 CGC 9.8 white pgs Incredible Hulk 339 CGC 9.8 white pgs Incredible Hulk 341 CGC 9.8 white pgs Incredible Hulk 343 CGC 9.8 white pgs Incredible Hulk 344 CGC 9.8 white pgs Incredible Hulk 345 CGC 9.8 white pgs Incredible Hulk 346 CGC 9.8 off white to white pgs Incredible Hulk 350 CGC 9.8 white pgs G.I. Joe #1 CGC 9.8 white pgs (Marvel 1980s series) G.I. Joe #15 CGC 9.4 white pgs (Marvel 1980s series) G.I. Joe #24 CGC 9.6 white pgs. (Marvel 1980s series) G.I. Joe #25 CGC 9.8 white pgs (Marvel 1980s series) G.I. Joe #33 CGC 9.8 white pgs. (Marvel 1980s series) G.I. Joe – Special #1 CGC 9.8 signature series signed by Ray Park (actor plays Snake Eyes in movie) wrote “Yo Joe! Snake Eyes! Ray Park” in gold ink on the cover Advanced Dungeons & Dragons #1 CGC 9.8 white pgs (DC Comics, 1988) *(single highest graded copy on census, none higher or tied with this book) Michael Fleisher story Jan Duursema cover & art Daredevil #131 CGC 9.6 white pgs (1st Bullseye) Daredevil #161, 166, 170, 172, 176 CGC 9.8 white pages (Frank Miller classics) Sandman #1 CGC 9.6 white pgs (Neil Gaiman) Sandman #2, 8, 50 CGC 9.8 white pgs (Neil Gaiman) *(Note…issue #50 is incredibly tough to find in high grade, let alone 9.8—the census shows that there are no copies of this in 9.8, however GPA records two sales…one in 2003, the other in 2008) Hellblazer 27 CGC 9.6 white pgs (Neil Gaiman story, hard to find in HG) Batman 426 CGC 9.6 white pgs (Death in the Family pt 1) Batman 427 CGC 9.8 white pgs (Death in the Family pt 2) Batman 429 CGC 9.8 white pgs (Death in the Family pt 4) Batman Adventures: Mad Love CGC 9.8 white pgs (1st / origin Harley Quinn) (highest on census, tied only with a couple others…HTF in HG due to black cover stock) Batman Adventures: Mad Love CGC 9.6 white pgs Nightwing #1 CGC 9.8 white pgs (highest on census, tied with just a few) Watchmen #8 CGC 9.8 white pgs Action Comics Annual #1 CGC 9.8 white pages (highest on census, stands alone as 9.8 and features great Art Adams cover & art) Sensational Spider-Man #1 CGC 9.8 white pgs (this is the scarce white cover variant, only 2000 were printed and almost never show up at all let alone in high grade. Poly-bagged with audio cassette, was easy to damage) Iron Man #118 CGC 9.8 white pages (1st Jim Rhodes) Iron Man #118 CGC 9.6 white pages (1st Jim Rhodes) Iron Man #118 CGC 9.2 white pages (1st Jim Rhodes) Iron Man #128 CGC 9.8 white pages (classic iconic cover, demon in a bottle and end of the alcoholism storyline) Iron Man #128 CGC 9.6 white pages (classic iconic cover, demon in a bottle and end of the alcoholism storyline) Daredevil / Deadpool ’97 Ann. #1 CGC 9.8 white pgs (stands alone at 9.8 highest…hard to get due to cracking black cover) Amazing Spider-Man #164 CGC 9.8 white pgs Amazing Spider-Man #168 CGC 9.6 white pgs Amazing Spider-Man #174, 175 CGC 9.6 Amazing Spider-Man #194 CGC 9.8 (1st Black Cat) Amazing Spider-Man #229 CGC 9.8 white pgs Amazing Spider-Man #230 CGC 9.8 white pgs Amazing Spider-Man #238 CGC 9.6 white pgs (1st Hobgoblin) Amazing Spider-Man #238 CGC 9.6 signature series John Romita Sr. (1st Hobgoblin) Amazing Spider-Man #316 CGC 9.8 white pgs Amazing Spider-Man #317 CGC 9.6 white pgs Power Man & Iron Fist #66 CGC 9.6 (2nd app. of Sabertooth) Captain America #302 CGC 9.6 white pgs Evil Ernie #2 CGC 9.8 white pgs (1st print, 1st Lady Death cover) Evil Ernie Special Lmt. Edition #1 CGC 9.2 Scud the Disposable Assassin #1 CGC 9.6 white pgs Graphique Musique #1 CGC 9.4 CGC 9.6 white pgs (earliest Mike Allred work, highest on census and never comes up for sale…impossible to find at all, let alone high grade) Defenders #100 CGC 9.8 white pgs (highest tied with only a couple) Defenders #103 CGC 9.8 white pgs (highest tied with 2 others) Uncanny X-Men #119 CGC 9.6 Uncanny X-Men #126 CGC 9.6 Uncanny X-Men #234 CGC 9.8 white pgs (great Wolverine cover) Uncanny X-Men #251 CGC 9.8 (another classic Wolvie cover) Star Wars #56, 62 CGC 9.8 white pgs signature series signed by Walt Simonson Star Wars 84 CGC 9.6 white pgs Harbinger #1 CGC 9.8 white pgs Harbinger #1 CGC 9.6 white pgs Harbinger #1 CGC 9.4 white pgs Cry for Dawn 1993 Calendar comic CGC 9.8 signature series Joe Michael Linsner (stand alone highest on census) Preacher #1 CGC 9.4 signature series signed by Garth Ennis & Steve Dillon Preacher: Tall in the Saddle Special CGC 9.8 signature series signed by Ennis & Dillon
  10. JOHN CARTER, WARLORD OF MARS #18 CGC 9.8 tied with only ONE other copy, which sold in 2005. First FRANK MILLER work. Offering up privately to the boards next week, then to ebay. Just an FYI
  11. What did Chuck and company grade it at? But they probably charged you enough for it RAW....
  12. Another big tip of the hat to my boy, Brian "chainnball" Kondravy for some great Dave Gibbons s/s at NYC con, Frazetta s/s last year and the BWS Conan...and for the recent George Tuska last minute s/s!!!!! :thumbsup: Can't wait to see the Iron Man 5 and Iron Man 105!
  13. Big top of the line kudos to Par2ch (Dan) for getting me some killer s/s of Zeck Caps, MOKF and Perez Avengers! You are THE MAN!
  14. That's pretty much all I got till my Gaiman Sandman and Vess BOM books come back. Nothing special about my Thor 337 or ASM 238 sig series.
  15. Just got these beauties back today from a Zeck/Perez sig series!
  16. Recent moderns (and bronze) back this week!
  17. I need to give a LONG long long overdue special kudos to our Belgium brother in arms, Chromium. He helped me get a special pkg. from Brugges to my daughter late last year. I had to leave it with the shop owners to mail, and when the postage was a little short, they never contacted me. I had to wait over month before I contacted them and discovered the hold up. Chromium helped me get this on the way, going to Brugges and giving them the extra couple bucks so they'd ship it (finally). My daughter LOVES the Tinkerbell bank (hand carved BTW). Thanks sir! :thumbsup:
  18. Probably starting in the next half hour. I haven't come across and FF or DD's yet... And I fixed that post...I'll be putting it in copper/modern, not bronze. There aren't enough bronze or silver to justify it.
  19. Listing today (little later in the afternoon) The beginnings of a big OO collection. The books are all over the place bronze, copper, modern. Mostly this guy collected number #1s, but there's a few silver in there too. Grades are fine to NM+ Image, Marvel, DC, Charlton, some nice obscure indy stuff. I'll be posting in the Copper/Modern forum