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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. So says you. The gaping price disparity between the two companies has always been observed and documented by many others long before this. Which is why many, many collectors didn't touch Voldy slabs at all. The gap just appears to be widening even more now. Whether or not you choose to ignore, dismiss, or turn a blind eye to it is irrelevant. Many other people don't do that. -J.
  2. Blazing- It's nothing personal. You're a high volume, stand up dealer, and I'm sure that neither this news or anything said in this thread will impact any of that in the slightest. What perplexes me is why anyone posting here, on CGC hosted boards, would be surprised to see someone pointing out that, how, and why CGC slabs routinely sell for more than any distant competition. I understand that some people may know the founder of the competition personally. I understand that some people may have money tied up in Voldy slabs either as buyers or sellers or both and are (rightfully) concerned about what all of this may mean and the current market activity that we are already seeing. But there is a place for that discussion. It's on the Voldy chat boards. Not here. -J.
  3. Great. You've gone from mincing words to butchering mine. I never said nor speculated on anything of the sort. However you want to characterize the owners of this organization running out of their own company, I'm simply observing and noting the seemingly overwhelming negative reaction in the marketplace with recent sales activity as a correlation to the timing of this news. As an apparently panicked dealer of these slabs, I would be surprised if you were not doing the same. -J.
  4. That's how you choose to see it. I see it (based on most external signs) as the owners taking the money and running from a burning building. Either way the net effect and result are the same. -J.
  5. Still trying to figure out what "untruths" I've spoken about, who exactly.(?) I'm assuming you're referring to one of the people who started Voldy. If you are, I haven't said anything about him personally, have I? You say that you and pther eople on thes eboards are his friend. That's great. But he isn't anyone to me, and in the midst of this love fest, I will tell like it is. Because that's what I do. I have said what I didn't like about his company and business practices. I've also said that this is why I believe the company needed a bail out. And that's really what this is, isn't it? Behind all of the cheerleading (on the CGC boards, no less, because "successful Voldy" could never generate any real traffic on their own boards, could they?), the glad-handing, the back-scratching, the yip-yap, knick-knack, slippity slap, bibbity, boppity, boo, that's what happened- Voldy got bailed out. Whether or not this Band-Aid will turn out to be a long term fix, or just a brief salve that is only forestalling the final inevitability remains to be seen. What is very real, is that the market for Voldy slabs is not reacting positively to this news. No, not at all. Nobody needs to "cherry pick" anything to show it, it's obvious. Mr. Iceman399 mentioned that the Voldy AF 15 2.0 SS that I linked earlier was part of a larger Voldy slab dump that closed on October 28. He is correct. He also stated that the "higher dollar" slabs that were being offered there "went for either at or above GPA". This statement is patently false, beginning with that AF 15 2.0, which, even factoring in their sketchy "buyer's premium", still went for -13% less than a comparable graded CGC copy from way back in June ($15,750). I have also already linked the 8.5 FF 48 from this auction, closing at $1375 including BP, -17% less as compared to a CGC copy that sold for $1650. Mr. icemann399 said he bid on "every single high $ book in that auction", and was "hoping for the discount". Did you not see those two books for starters, Mr. Iceman? After reviewing the rest of the results from that auction, I first saw that the vast majority of their offerings were nickel and dime stuff. I didn't bother scrutinizing those. There were a couple of higher dollars sales that either did go for right at CGC pricing or a few hundred dollars below (the 7.0 Hulk 181 for example). Here are now the remaining "high dollar" results from that auction, and compared to similar graded CGC slabs: Voldy 4.0 Avengers 1 SS Stan Lee- $2125 (with BP) -22% less than CGC 4.0 Avengers 1 SS Stan Lee- $2725 (July, 2017) Voldy 3.0 Avengers 4 SS Stan Lee- $750 (with BP) -19% less than CGC 3.0 Avengers 4 SS Stan Lee - $925 (October, 2017) Voldy X men 1 4.0 SS Stan Lee- $3062 (with BP) -3% less than CGC X men 1 3.5 SS Stan Lee - $3173 (90 day average, no current data for a 4.0 so I went a grade down, and CGC still outsold) Voldy Daredevil 1 3.0- $843 (with BP) -26% less than CGC Daredevil 1 3.0- $1136 (October, 2017) Average Voldy discount on recent high dollar sales (including the -3% on the sale that was actually a lower grade)- -16.67%. and that goes up to -19.47% if I ignore the X men 1 sale that was not in the same grade. In terms of dollars and cents, the five comparable sales equate to a total loss of $3,343 in real money looking at Voldy compared to CGC. No "untruths". No "fake news". No mystery sales on the "dark market". Just cold, hard publicly available data points (my favourite kind!). Take from it what you will. -J.
  6. Hard to say. I've seen it go both ways on CPR's. I know Darkknight had an interesting experience with his AF15. -J.
  7. Whatever gets you through the night buddy. In the meantime, here's another "flat out lie" for you to chew on: http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&showauto=true&item=152738186529&rmvSB=true&ul_ref=http%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F1%2F711-53200-19255-0%2F1%3Fff3%3D4%26campid%3D5335849815%26toolid%3D10034%26customid%3DeBay-US_go-url_-76d1aaf11675--www.watchcount.com-ilu.ihist3.152738186529.-_wcc%26mpre%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Foffer.ebay.com%252Fws%252FeBayISAPI.dll%253FViewBids%2526showauto%253Dtrue%2526item%253D152738186529%26srcrot%3D711-53200-19255-0%26rvr_id%3D1351493456546 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Fantastic-Four-48-CGC-8-5-1st-App-Silver-Surfer-Galactus-Inhumans-App/232510012603?epid=85340624&hash=item3622ad3cbb:g:ZIEAAOSw3ONZmy7u&redirect=mobile -J.
  8. They wouldn't even bother to try doing that over there: http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&showauto=true&item=152738186802&rmvSB=true&ul_ref=http%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F1%2F711-53200-19255-0%2F1%3Fff3%3D4%26campid%3D5335849815%26toolid%3D10034%26customid%3DeBay-US_go-url_-76d1aaf11675--www.watchcount.com-ilu.ihist3.152738186802.-_wcc%26mpre%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Foffer.ebay.com%252Fws%252FeBayISAPI.dll%253FViewBids%2526showauto%253Dtrue%2526item%253D152738186802%26srcrot%3D711-53200-19255-0%26rvr_id%3D1351387757355 Maybe some people would rather wait a little longer for their slabs than sell them for the standard Voldy Discount (and it certainly seems steeper since this unfortunate news came out). -J.
  9. Only the "fools"who dare to disagree with him. -J.
  10. Because an outlier is an outlier. He had to go back two months to find one. And yes, the timing makes a difference. Here's another "nasty" one from yesterday: http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&showauto=true&item=282705773953&rmvSB=true&ul_ref=http%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F1%2F711-53200-19255-0%2F1%3Fff3%3D4%26campid%3D5335849815%26toolid%3D10034%26customid%3DeBay-US_go-url_-76d1aaf11675--www.watchcount.com-ilu.ihist3.282705773953.-_wcc%26mpre%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Foffer.ebay.com%252Fws%252FeBayISAPI.dll%253FViewBids%2526showauto%253Dtrue%2526item%253D282705773953%26srcrot%3D711-53200-19255-0%26rvr_id%3D1351456427230 http://offer.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBidsLogin&item=263251950365&item_hash4=9ce90f50&LH_Complete=1&LH_BIN=1&_pgn=1&rc=nt&_trksid=p3750801.m370.h1613&rmvSB=true&ul_ref=http%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F1%2F711-53200-19255-0%2F1%3Fff3%3D4%26campid%3D5335849815%26toolid%3D10034%26customid%3DeBay-US_go-url_-76d1aaf11675--www.watchcount.com-ilu.ihist.263251950365.-_wcc%26mpre%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Foffer.ebay.co.uk%252Fws%252FeBayISAPI.dll%253FViewBidsLogin%2526item%253D263251950365%2526item_hash4%253D9ce90f50%2526LH_Complete%253D1%2526LH_BIN%253D1%2526_pgn%253D1%2526rc%253Dnt%2526_trksid%253Dp3750801.m370.h1613%26srcrot%3D711-53200-19255-0%26rvr_id%3D1351404298737 For someone who purports to have no vested interest in the failure of Voldy, you really do seem to be taking things personally. -J.
  11. Obviously well before this unfortunate announcement (and a clear outlier from the typical low Voldy sales). -J.
  12. Yes, this is me pointing out the tasteless hypocrisy of a few who are afraid of the writing that's on the wall and instead of discussing their fears and concerns in an honest manner on the proper venue (hint-it isn't the CGC boards), they deflect and insult as if that will save their sinking ship. -J.
  13. Great books, lots of digs, but don't detract from the art (on the batman). Very nice. -J.
  14. Truth is an absolute defense. And the proof is in the pudding in the links cited above. -J.
  15. Looks like Voldy slabs are already tanking (even more) as the news of the company going belly up and having to be rescued by a generally scorned company in the card business gets out there. Here's just a couple of recent low lights of commonly traded books with comparable recent CGC slab sales: http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&showauto=true&item=122768213909&rmvSB=true&ul_ref=http%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F1%2F711-53200-19255-0%2F1%3Fff3%3D4%26campid%3D5335849815%26toolid%3D10034%26customid%3DeBay-US_go-url_-76d1aaf11675--www.watchcount.com-ilu.ihist3.122768213909.-_wcc%26mpre%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Foffer.ebay.com%252Fws%252FeBayISAPI.dll%253FViewBids%2526showauto%253Dtrue%2526item%253D122768213909%26srcrot%3D711-53200-19255-0%26rvr_id%3D1351122086248 https://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Mutants-98-CGC-9-8-UNREAL-HIGH-GRADE-Marvel-Comic-KEY-1st-Deadpool-Gideon/202082556631?hash=item2f0d0f1ad7:g:PbcAAOSwEqtZ5Aug&redirect=mobile https://www.ebay.com/itm/THE-NEW-MUTANTS-87-1ST-APP-CABLE-NO-RESERVE-9-8-KEY-ISSUE-MOVIE-HOLY-GRAIL/263280733894?hash=item3d4cc12ec6:g:SaoAAOSwevdZ8PMA&redirect=mobile http://offer.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBidsLogin&item=112618968143&item_hash4=43204a71&LH_Complete=1&LH_BIN=1&_pgn=1&rc=nt&_trksid=p3750801.m370.h1613&rmvSB=true&ul_ref=http%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F1%2F711-53200-19255-0%2F1%3Fff3%3D4%26campid%3D5335849815%26toolid%3D10034%26customid%3DeBay-US_go-url_-76d1aaf11675--www.watchcount.com-ilu.ihist.112618968143.-_wcc%26mpre%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Foffer.ebay.co.uk%252Fws%252FeBayISAPI.dll%253FViewBidsLogin%2526item%253D112618968143%2526item_hash4%253D43204a71%2526LH_Complete%253D1%2526LH_BIN%253D1%2526_pgn%253D1%2526rc%253Dnt%2526_trksid%253Dp3750801.m370.h1613%26srcrot%3D711-53200-19255-0%26rvr_id%3D1351181630470 Sell! Sell! Sell those Voldy slabs! -J.
  16. Okay so you basically only own the physical piece, not the intellectual property depicted on the piece, a nebulous value that would actually cost you more. Gotta love this hobby ! -J.
  17. Cheerleader? Not really. I just give props where props are due. And Voldy slabs sell less EVERYWHERE. The volume of sales on eBay and Facebook alone easily eclipses all other venues combined. And you forgot Amazon and Craigslist. The discounts Voldy slabs have gotten are memorialized in multiple threads and discussions in both the GA and SA sub forums. It's real and it's palpable. There are people who openly avoid their slabs and services because it doesn't make good business sense to use them if you ever plan on selling. Some of the snarky, personal attacks you see are from people who knowingly bought a lesser product at a discount from a knock-off start up, and are now upset and nervous about it because the company has gone belly up and needs to be saved by a notorious card company stalwart. You get what you pay for. I don't mind paying CGC prices for CGC slabs because I'm getting a solid product from the market leader who created the industry nearly 20 years ago. They have EARNED that premium. A company folding up as quickly as Voldy did and then SELLING OUT (pun intended) to who they did, only validates what I have always thought of them all along- they were a bogus also-ran just one tick above PGX. -J.
  18. It is common knowledge that Voldy sell for less. 15-25% less is the range that I've seen floated the most and is generally consistent with even a casual perusal of online sales. I find it comical, how many people on here are trying to resuscitate and redeem this failed company after their bail out by another company that is generally disliked by our hobby. "But this is a GOOD thing, your posts are so 'dumb!'"- said only the few people who own Voldy slabs and are secretly terrified of them suddenly being worth less than they already were. It's as tasteless as 1950swarcomics said. Go to Voldy's own boards and do that - oh wait, no one is actually on those. -J.
  19. My post really hit a nerve for you, didn't it. Eh who cares about disputing any specific point, it's so much easier to make juvenile and vague generalities (even though all of my points are factually correct and have been expressed by multiple people during the brief nano second that Voldy managed to be a company ). Guess the truth really does hurt. Here's a little more for you: When the owner and founder of a company cashes out and runs for the hills from their sinking ship, that certainly will not be met by a vote of confidence from a market that was already highly skeptical of their derivative, sub-standard product. My advice to you remains the same-get rid of your Voldy slabs before the bottom completely falls out. -J.
  20. Lots of people making money on it and plenty of buyers for every copy. Sounds like the definition of an extremely hot, in demand book to me. -J.
  21. If he owns the original piece would he not have sole rights to its use for publication? If so I'm sure there will be some kind of royalty payment. -J.
  22. They under performed practically everywhere, it was just a matter of how much. Big, in demand books that look nice for the grade on heritage, they might do a little better. The newer the book, the greater the price gap seemed to be. Sending moderns for Voldy to grade was almost a guaranteed money loser. Restored GA/SA also sold for noticeably less. -J.
  23. This is 100% accurate. However... The value of Voldy slabs even before this announcement was made was always appreciably less than CGC slabs. Yes, there will still be an intrinsic value to the books within the slabs, but to maximize slab values and protect slab investments, CPR to CGC. -J.