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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Are you now deliberately misrepresenting the very articles that you linked? https://www.google.com/amp/deadline.com/2017/07/spider-man-homecoming-global-promotion-biggest-ever-franchise-media-ad-spend-1202125535/amp/ Sony DID NOT "spend" $140 million dollars on "advertising". "Media value" does not equate to dollars spent. Not only is the article clear about that, the media value of the partnerships is actually cast in a positive light and a financial benefit to SONY, not the "OMG I can't believe they 'spent' $140 million advertising this thing, what were they thinking?" Unless of course, like I said before as an example, you believe Sony paid Audi for all of that product placement. This is why you and your friend reddwarf should not try wading into that end of the pool (have you ever tried to before with any other movie?) because at this juncture you are either trolling the point, or you just don't know what you're talking about. At the end of the day, the tale of the tape will be that Homecoming ruled the hero summer 2017 box office around the world, and this: Wonder Woman Profit: $821MM (grosses)-$150MM(budget)= $671MM Homecoming Profit: $879MM (grosses)- $175MM(budget)= $704MM Amount of more profit Homecoming made than Wonder Woman: $33MM Leave the fuzzy math to the creators when they start fighting over royalties and ancilliaries. As I said before, unless you have direct access to the studios' books the only numbers we KNOW are the ones above. Sure I know you're disappointed Wonder Woman fell to the Spider. Couldn't even make what his first movie made 15 years ago, and without China then. But hey that's not a bad showing for a relentlessly hyped SJW darling, and who knows, maybe she will even help JLA from being the dumpster fire it looks like in its previews. -J.
  2. Seriously, unless you have access to the studios' books, just stop. Homecoming made more money than Wonder Woman did, deal with it. -J.
  3. It was fine in the other thread. It's fine here. It's on topic in both threads, pick your poison. A few people now seem to be trying to control speech when it comes to this comic, even threatening to notify mods over it. That's just obscene. I only pointed out all the shilling in that thread originally because someone cited all those fake auctions to show the book as "heating up". It just rolled on and on from there because a few people didn't just concede the obvious point right away and let it go. First they denied it, then excused it, then defended it. Now they seek to suppress all discussion of it. Screw that. -J.
  4. If you want to discuss "jabs", I will have to refer you to maidenmate91 this time, who took the initial one. But of course you will ignore that. And FYI I will continue to post frauded up auctions and fake "sales" of books in this series wherever and often as I like. That's not against any rules I'm aware of, and if you happen to think otherwise, then notify away. Methinks thou doth protest too much. -J.
  5. Refer your comments to flatliner1313. And you may want to re-adjust your lens a bit if you think alerting the group to continued fraud on this book constitutes "hate". -J.
  6. Yes nothing more brutal than a Rick and Morty fanboy/apologist/pump and dumper getting their knickers in a public twist. Any-who, here's the latest shilled auction of this "rare" book in this "popular" series: http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&item=263253841125&showauto=true (*I seeeeee you l***c (53) ) -J.
  7. "Most profitable relative to budget" is a red herring. At the end of the day what (superhero) movie made the most money? That movie is Homecoming, and by a healthy margin. If someone spent $20M on a film that grossed 200MM that's a 10x multiplier. That's great. That's a 180MM profit. It looks good as a talking point. But Sony's 700MM return on its 175MM investment looks a lot better and is a much bigger deal and a whole lot more money. Dollars and cents is all that matters at the end of the day. As my buddy used to always say "You can't deposit multipliers in the bank and buy groceries and gas with it". -J.
  8. You are certainly free to believe anything you want that gets you through the day, facts and evidence (or lack thereof) notwithstanding. -J.
  9. Great. Now show me the one for this Saga 1 reprint. Because the only semi official thing that has been reported so far was for this year's event with the announcement of "500+" already baked in. -J.
  10. Indeed. How about some kind of official source verifying that number? (Still doesn't explain all the other books either. Also interesting how both books that would be outliers if those print numbers were remotely real are Image books.) -J.
  11. And neither do either facts or overwhelming circumstantial evidence, apparently. And just for kicks, here are other books from the same era that have sold for or sell for more than this with significantly less copies on the census: X 23 1 (Dell'otto, 2010) Walking Dead 100- Lucille Red Foil ASM 688 (Campbell) UXM 510 partial sketch Etc.... -J
  12. I posted with other examples that you did not address or explain the vast difference in census numbers for other books that sell for more than this one (since that seems to be your only line of rationalisation). -J.
  13. I don't see the relevance of that. If anything the "500+" should be a bright red flag on the notion that "only" 500 of these were printed. And they're not just given to retailers, but sponsors, other taste makers (whatever that means), and don't forget about all the courtesy copies. Like I said. Very far fetched. The 235 slabs already on the census and the continuing semi regular availability of raw copies hurts you even more. Also the fact that there were at least 3 people with a carpet full of them doesn't help either. -J.
  14. These links are all just parroting the same basically made up number. I just find it highly unlikely that basically half of this book's print number has been slabbed. Highly unlikely. Especially as compared to other, more expensive comics from the same general time frame, which have 75-200 less slabs. That kind of data is obviously just one slice of the pie, but it's more concrete and tangible than a bunch of sites repeating the same myth. -J.
  15. 235 is actually a whole lot for a book that is only 5 years old. Just compare it to other books that sell for that or more from the same general era- Siege 3 (Campbell), Wolverine 1 (Deadpool), ASM 667 and 678 variants. Books that are generally thought to be in the 200-500 print range. All with far less copies on the census and rarely raw copies for sale. 1000-1500 is the most likely range. -J.
  16. Who knows how many there are. What we do know is that there was no pre-planned print number because copies of this book were sent out to every individual who attended the Diamond summit that year, well after the fact. There are also 235 graded copies with CGC already, and raw copies continue to regularly appear for sale, so that 500 number would appear to be highly suspect. I would put it more like in the 1000-1500 range. -J.
  17. Oh my mistake. I guess I just got a little confused by your motives since you were posting in a sub-forum about modern comics heating up and what not. Oops. Seems like we are all generally in agreement at this point, with regards to at least the rampant shilling going on with at least some of the comics now. So what's that about Venom 1 Gold now? -J.
  18. You're right. I'm definitely feeling overwhelmed at this point. -J.
  19. "Younger kids" who have the money to spend "$150" on sauce from McDonald's. Sure. I understand all right. I understand just fine. -J.
  20. The ones with the wannabe anarchists with nothing better to do than to show up to a public spectacle with their cell phone cameras to record a bunch of people chanting for sauce, and where not one person is heard uttering the words "Rick" or "Morty". -J.
  21. Right. You watch the videos and tell me with a straight face that the vast majority of those people are there because of Rick and Morty. -J.
  22. No. The sauce was already popular. How do you think it made onto the Rick and Morty show in the first place? https://www.cnbc.com/2017/10/08/mcdonalds-rick-and-morty-szechuan-sauce-stunt-backfires.html McDonald's took the reference from the show as an opportunity to re-release the sauce with a Rick and Morty tie in that, judging from the crowds in the videos, the vast majority of them could give two whits about Rick or Morty. I;'m not saying that Rick and Morty does not have a cult following (that about sums it up), what I am saying is that the sauce was already popular with its own cult following before this. McDonalds capitalized on a promotional tie in, but they would have had crowds anyway. To suggest otherwise would be an outright lie. Enough with the pumping already. -J.
  23. Okay, so since I barely have a life I actually watched all of these videos. Upon doing so, the first thing that came into my mind was: "I don't think many, if any of these people are actually Rick and Morty fans, or have even seen the show". So I did a little research on the sauce itself. Turns out, there is already a pre-existing pop cultural following for the sauce. Which is why it was featured in a Rick and Morty episode in the first place. It's kind of like the McRib, except instead of coming out once a year, it's once every several years. Packets of the sauce of already been known to have traded on the secondary market (unbelievably so, but hey, you learn something everyday). So I now have to call "B.S." even more so, because that show is entirely incidental to the turn out that you see for the sauce. Maaaaybe it brought a certain contingency of fans out, but this showing that you are seeing is 95% for the sauce already, and maybe only about 5% or less because of the Rick and Morty, and I'm sure many of these people are planning on trying to make a quick buck by selling this already very popular sauce, which just so happens to incidentally have a Rick and Morty tie-in this time. People who are trying to pump this show (really, the comics more so on these boards), and use this as some kind of additional "evidence" of this fake Rick and Morty hype are beating a dead horse with a red herring here with this. Squarechaos is right, this is all silly and has no business being discussed in this forum, and now that I see how stupid it really is, I agree it would be nice to get back on topic for the thread. -J.