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John E.

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Everything posted by John E.

  1. At Comic Art Live I saw a flipper flipping on a flipper lmao
  2. Did you just sell that McFarlane poster piece? I thought I checked your booth about an hour ago and it was unsold? Anyhow, I can't memorize everything I see. You got a great price on that and the buyer got a great piece. There is a lot of production process on it that it doesn't feel like a "photocopy" at all. And that is such an iconic cover. I just bought the $1 reprint last December because I had to have a reading copy of it. Good work.
  3. Thanks for noticing and the endorsement, Andy. Those pages were nostalgic ones, from my first Batman comic. Even without Bats on them, they were pretty cool. But alas, if I want to diversify my collection, I can't keep everything, says the non-lawyer and non-doctor. After an aggressive bid over a year ago, I was able to land the title splash to the book (click bait alert), so I think it was okay to let these go.
  4. I've dropped prices over at Pen and Brush Comic Art! All prices include shipping for U.S. buyers and with no additional fees for PayPal. I can also do time payments.
  5. I've dropped prices over at Pen and Brush Comic Art! All prices include shipping for U.S. buyers and with no additional fees for PayPal. I can also do time payments.
  6. That was an awesome panel you moderated with Mike Allred, @GotSuperPowers? I thought I was going to have it playing in the background but I was hooked to my screen.
  7. I don't know. As far as I know if you didn't set up a booth already it may be too late. It's still a little ambiguous if we are allowed to switch out art after its sold. I may drop my prices tomorrow.
  8. I know it was a little tricky to figure out my FB i.d. I assumed I got the right one. I wonder if there's a way to check if it works, or how it works, for the next con?
  9. email communication has been fine. I haven't received anything from FB Messenger bu I don't know if someone has tried.
  10. One of my pieces that sold isn't popping up through the "sorter." So it seems like if the seller marked it as "sold" it doesn't even pop up.
  11. Cool... I'm getting confirmations of "will pay." I've marked sold despite non-immediate payment to not hassle with multiple requests. A second wave came through for me.
  12. I jumped around targeting specific booths at first. I just started going in order and I'm barely in the "L's". Taking into account the time responding to purchase requests, I'm been at it for 2 hours 20 mins. I've made three "sales" but I've yet to be paid. One buyer said he will tonight. Anyone else not getting immediate payment? Buyers must be shopping. (I guess I was hoping to ship out by 1pm local time today.)
  13. there's a drop down menu with "for sale". Click on that and you'll see "sold"
  14. Man...you can really spend hours going through the floor. Some prices may be high, but there's enough there to walk away with something at the price you like. Okay I gotta go man my booth. I've sold three piece already.
  15. I’m not sure if you’ve set up your booth yet, but yes, you are forced to put down a price. If you’re not interested in swapping the piece for cash, but in trade, nothing stops you from putting down a ridiculous high price while in the description box writing that you’re more interested in trade. However, keep in mind that wanting to do a trade during Comic Art Live and theoretically not listing a realistic selling price defeats the purpose and the spirit of what I think Bill is trying to do here. I, for one, as a shopper, don’t want to go to a con where 2/3 of everything is listed as $500,000/“Trade Only”. If you have other things you’re willing to sell for cash, maybe in your booth description you can write that you have X to trade for Y, and to “write me for details.” Your booth is also linked up your comic art classifieds/MyComicArtShop/For Sale Gallery, so another alternative is to list your “trade only” piece there. As Bill has said, this is the first Comic Art Live and, in a way, a test run and will need feedback to make the next one better and smoother. You can suggest to him adding a “trade only” option next time. However, to reiterate my point, I think the mission here is to offer fresh to market pieces with no guess work as to the price or to offer stale pieces priced to sell—things that buyer-collectors really need in today’s market. post---script: oh also, I recall Bill writing that anyone who violates the guidelines will have their privileges revoked selling at the next con. Not sure what guidelines though. Something to keep in mind.
  16. I hadn't checked the exhibitor preview in a couple of days and it has blown up with booths since.
  17. I ha ve ne ver bee n af raid of mo’ mo ney
  18. Thank you. The seller’s description is written up so that it distances the seller from responsibility. “My father-in-law..” “The gallery remains closed...” Basically, plausible deniability. Even the charity angle (only 10% really) seems like a way to legitimize the whole thing.
  19. Ah...that was you. It's funny, between the most recent Felix Comic Art chat, last night's Comic Art Live chat, and your CGC avatar, I finally put together who you are and your collecting focus
  20. I thought I read somewhere--or maybe Bill Cox said so on last night's Comic Art Live episode, that he is creating a search function specific to Comic Art Live where you can do a search specifically for this virtual con. Otherwise, each exhibitor, et al has a "purchase request" button and an email button (for some, Facebook Messenger and What's APP function) where you can arrange the purchase with the seller. I guess if you haven't set up a booth, you wouldn't really see this. In my mind, it'll be pretty easy to buy art.
  21. I'm always up for selling art overseas, but heads up that the global health crisis is causing disruptions in mail delivery around the world. Here's a list of countries that the United States Post Office has put out that describes those disruptions. Has anyone sent out art overseas since the crisis?