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Posts posted by aardvark88

  1. If anything goes up from the Mega Man movie news, it's the original NES game that already has some collectability just by being a marquee NES game.


    Agreed. I'm a fan of the mega man game and capcom fan boy. The last thing I would want is a comic . I didn't even know they made comics of mega man. lol

    I think there was a new comic released last week


    Not to be confused with DC's new Omega Men relaunch.

  2. just watched the movie download. Too many gaps in basic logic :makepoint: between Earth and the Negative Zone in the last 1/3 of the movie. I never read the Ultimate FF, so don't know if Ultimate totally changed Dr Doom's origin from the Lee/Kirby version.


    Better to watch Trank's Chronicle on dvd or download for a decent superhero story set in Seattle, WA with well developed characters and logical explanation of learning to use new powers.

  3. Stevens also drew a new Rocketeer cover with Bettie Page for Amaz Heroes Preview # 145 (July, 1988). Don't think it has an interview but it does reprint about 3 other Dave Stevens independent press (thumbs u covers in b/w inside. Might still fit in a slab as it is 1/2 inch thick, comic book sized.

  4. Of the newer Space or Scyfy tv series so far, I like:


    1. Dark Matter - Dark Horse related series that I never read. Kind of like a mix of Firefly and The 100 tv series.

    2. Humans - UK series with good writing about house-bots (androids) with some gaining artificial intelligence.

    3. Kiljoys - featuring Aaron Ashmore (X-men movie's Ice Man) and team as bounty hunters but much weaker writing than Dark Matter.


    All are downloadable from net.

  5. Watched the torrent of Supergirl. It was supposed to be filmed in Vancouver, BC but I could not see any specific architectural backgrounds of that city unlike the Flash tv series where you see downtown (thumbs u Vancouver's football and World Cup Women's soccer stadium every episode.


    Almost too fast paced for a 1 hour pilot but well done. Glad to see Harrison Ford's wife back on tv.

  6. I need to see this movie

    The reviews and reactions from those who have seen it sound amazing


    Main 'weakness' is the 1st 20 minutes when there is hardly any dialog or back story narrative for those who cannot recall Road Warrior or Thunderdome from 30+ years ago. Recommend you see Grandmaster (story of Ip Man) on dvd as a better overall action film. A ballet of kung fu violence, :headbang: stunts, and a side of opium. Do not confuse with the other 3 Ip Man movie dvd's one can borrow from a well stocked public library.


    I did see Thunderdome on Blu-ray at Wal-mart yesterday for about $5.99.

  7. I plugged in my VCR and re-watched Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome on VHS. What a retro experience to see crackly VHS tape intro, no sub-titles, krappy pan and scan tv format and muddy non-stereo amplified sound. Mel Gibson never looked so young. Enjoyed Road Warrior best as an intro to part 4: Fury Road. (thumbs u Now to hit the rewind button to reset the tape.

  8. If they release a Director's Cut, the Fury Road dvd may have an extra hour, as George Miller started with 450 hours of raw footage edited down by his wife Margaret Sixel.

    Guess the movie critics enjoyed Mad Max more than Avengers 2 movie because of all the references to how to survive post-Apocalyse: fight for water, gasoline, repopulating the planet, replanting the scorched Earth.

    I echo what was previously posted that George Miller would do a great job directing Judge Dredd reboot movie 2: Cursed Earth. :wishluck:


    Thinking of taking my (soon to be) 11 year old to see this. How much adult content is in this movie?


    There is one specific scene 3/4 of the way through Fury Road that is not suitable for an 11 year old: not sexy but disturbing.

    Overall, I like all Mad Max movies. The 1st 20 minutes of this one was a real thrill ride but there was so little dialog that some filmgoers may not be able to recall the back story to Mad Max's motivation, as Beyond Thunderdome came out decades :flamed: ago in 1985. Most of us bought the videocassette; this was way BEFORE the now defunct dvd media.

  10. After 13 episodes of DD, it is quite a bit better than Gotham due to the realism: DD does get tired in a fist fight. Enjoyed twists and turns in the plot with imperfect Karen Page, Kingpin's and villian's side stories. Solid writing makes DD great, and the sudden deaths of semi-key characters follow the dramatic format of Game of Thrones Season 3. (thumbs u