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Everything posted by uchiha101

  1. Lawyers? Yes to get the right closing dates for the place that we'll move into Is that a Canadian thing? I've never needed a lawyer to move,not ever. Not sure maybe my parents are buying something but I know we're moving
  2. I'm not sure I've been blocked out of my account for two days.
  3. Lawyers? Yes to get the right closing dates for the place that we'll move into
  4. Today's Thoughts I think someone hates me or is trying to hack my account it's the 3rd time in two months I've been blocked. Facebook Update Someone thinks it's funny to try and hack me or whatever has happened Moving update 2 Because of lawyers messing up we are staying a bit longer at the current address.
  5. Great points. After High School, I walked into a Sizzler Steak House and talked with the manager and started as a bus boy/dishwasher. I worked hard and kept my area clean. The supervisor over the kitchen saw how hard of a worker I was and got me to being a cook. I was the opening cook for them. I eventually became the meat cutter and did prep work. At one time, I was working for them four days a week and three days a week at a great Mexican restaurant as a prep cook. With all of this experience I worked for a little while for an expensive restaurant on the waterfront call C.I. Shenanigans. I became a really great cook for some great restaurants buy starting out as a busboy/dishwasher and an eagerness to succeed. I also worked at Albertsons grocery making donuts as at the same time working for Safeway where I was promoted twice in two months. After I got burned out of cooking I applied at Serta West (mattresses) and started on the bottom bagging the mattresses, Got promoted to a few more positions to where I was making twice what I started out and was almost promoted to a supervisor position before I injured myself to not being able to do physical labor. I then applied for a sale position and a desk job selling soccer equipment throughout the US. I started on bottom and was promoted quickly for entry level to Senior Sales exec. Each time started at bottom by getting my foot in the door and took my jobs very seriously and got promoted quickly. You have to start from somewhere. I liked how you summarized what you did on each job. When I worked as a dishwasher I worked hard at it too, covered people's shifts and they wanted me to become a cook and I turned it down more than once because I felt I wouldn't be able to handle it.
  6. Yep. Exactly. If you have the time to put in the legwork - there is a lot of gold in them-thar hills! Find the honeypots, drill them till they're dry and move on. I don't know about the location he is in, but in my area, I run a regular weekly circuit of used book stores, antique stores, LCSs (I'm too lazy to get up at the crack of dawn for yard sales) etc digging for gold - like just yesterday I picked up a NM 4th ed. Killing Joke for $1, and the week before that a YTheLastMan1 and Runaways1 for under $2 each and before that I found a Five Ghosts1 for $2, all NM 1st prints. There is gold out there if you do the digging! Cranking $1-$3 books into $5, $10, $20 or more sales is a low-risk, low-cost (but high legwork) way to make a few hundred a month. But if you also happen ENJOY it, then the money is like gravy! These are some really good points and advice. What I have found that works for me is to do both books that are valued at $10+ for quick turn over high profits and having 20+ long boxes to take to small shows that cost me $25-35 a table to make $300-500 every 2-4 months. That sounds like the perfect start for me.
  7. Thanks I'll start speaking to managers because I always just hand in my resume to the people at the front desk or cashiers and I was a shelf stocker too before I was a dishwasher.
  8. I totally agree with this. While employees aren't supposed to discriminate when hiring, you represent their brand and if you come in looking unkempt then you'll have a hard time convincing them they should hire you. Other than college recruitment, I haven't received an unsolicited resume in quite some time. Maybe you should consider looking to see if the place you are applying to has an online application process. Dropping off a resume doesn't do much good if they only take applications on line. That could probably explain why you haven't received a call back. Thanks most of the places that I apply have online application that you can fill out.
  9. I got a haircut not too long ago and I show up with a hoodie and black pants when I apply.
  10. Thanks I'm not sure who that be but I'll pm them when I find them.
  11. Plus 1!!!! I have worked in retail sales for 30 years, and I can tell you one thing with 100 percent certainty: Businesses are hiring holiday help like crazy right now as they gear up for Christmas. If you can't find a job at this time of year, don't kid yourself, you are either not trying hard enough or you don't want one bad enough. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but there is really no nice way to put that. Maybe I'm not trying hard enough but it's depressing to give out 100 resumes with no results.
  12. I was thinking welding because I don't have a knack for anything else. With your pleasant demeanor and seemingly endless ability to turn the other cheek, you should give some thought to something in the customer service field. I think that's something you might be very good at. A good personality and a thick skin are traits that are difficult to find in a customer service representative. As a sales rep? or in general? Neither one. You know the last time you had to return a pair of shoes at Wal-Mart, or whichever stores you have up there, the person who helped you with your return or exchange was a customer service representative. That's the position you should consider. Forget about any kind of sales right now, you have to learn that you need to learn to walk before you can run. Ah I had no idea those were customer sales reps.
  13. I was thinking welding because I don't have a knack for anything else. With your pleasant demeanor and seemingly endless ability to turn the other cheek, you should give some thought to something in the customer service field. I think that's something you might be very good at. A good personality and a thick skin are traits that are difficult to find in a customer service representative. As a sales rep? or in general? Sales rep? Start off small and see how it goes. Work at a Best Buy selling TVs for a bit and keep looking for a better job once you have gotten your feet wet. Don't always look for the instant jump to the big time. I'll see if I can get a job like that because I could improve on how I sell things.
  14. I was thinking welding because I don't have a knack for anything else. With your pleasant demeanor and seemingly endless ability to turn the other cheek, you should give some thought to something in the customer service field. I think that's something you might be very good at. A good personality and a thick skin are traits that are difficult to find in a customer service representative. As a sales rep? or in general?
  15. Do you think he'll call you next time he finds something? and good job on sticking to your guns.
  16. My highest level of education is one year of college. I'm sure folks have already suggested this too you, but if you are not currently enrolled in college, that might be your best course of action... People have suggested it but I have no clue what to take. You are young, so start with just basic college entry courses (Freshman English/Comp, History, Math, etc..). Start with the "core" classes that everyone has to take to graduate. Once you take those, you may find one subject is of particular interest to you and you can go from there. When I went to school, I had no idea what I wanted to do. After the first year, I really found that I enjoyed English/Literature, so I focused on that. when I went to college I had English and business so I'll add math and history as well if I can because Pawn Stars made it interesting and I do love ancient civilizations.
  17. I was thinking welding because I don't have a knack for anything else.
  18. My highest level of education is one year of college. I'm sure folks have already suggested this too you, but if you are not currently enrolled in college, that might be your best course of action... People have suggested it but I have no clue what to take.
  19. My highest level of education is one year of college.
  20. Thanks that was a lot of info and I'll reply to it more fully later but I don't know why people say I'm above a job. I'm looking for anything I can get but more towards a cashier or dishwasher.
  21. The comic shops that around me have wall books but every time I find something good they jack up the price and they say they can't budge on it any tips? Yes. Don't go there anymore. If they are jacking it up when you are asking about a book or when taking it to the counter and the price goes higher than what the sticker says, that is a move. HOWEVER, if they know you are a "flipper" they might be treating you a bit differently. Have you ever "irked" them before? Example - There is a known shady flipper guy in my home town and he is a individual_without_enough_empathy - He asked the owner for a bunch of books. Said he was trying to build a run (this is when he was still "new" to the area) then when the owner brought him all those books (out of storage), he only "picked" a few, the "keys" and said he changed his mind and didn't want the rest. There was a significant amount of books from what I was told too. ...After that, my LCS no longer lists variants for cover price and he started basically marking previously below FMV items up to FMV. Thankfully, I am on good terms and I am a long time customer but this one guy ruined it for a lot of others. That sucks and no I have never irked them because I was looking through all the boxes and found key issues and after I took them to the counter they said because it's #1 it has to be valuable and jacked the price up.
  22. The comic shops that around me have wall books but every time I find something good they jack up the price and they say they can't budge on it any tips? You're probably better off at checking the bin books vs. wall books if you want to make some money. You're going to pay FMV on the wall books whereas there could be some gems hiding in the bins. You're right about that with the shop I go to he way overprices issues that are #1 because he think their all valuable.
  23. also yard sales where you spend 50 cents per book to sell them for $5 to $10 per. Its adds up fast with little risk. I'm sort of trying that I bought a short box of comics a while back that once I move I'll need to sell so I'll keep you posted on that. I'm kind of curious as to why you move so much? Moving absolutely sucks, so it can't be because you enjoy it. Moving does suck and usually it's because of bad landlords more then anything else.