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Everything posted by uchiha101

  1. That's because the Silver Age market is stagnant. The Modern market is where the action is. I have to agree pretty much everything has been talked about or hit higher prices on movie hyped comics.
  2. Don't believe this is anywhere near correct unless you are assuming that all sellers, including your average and Jane, which nobody has ever heard of must then have the same brand recognition and market reach as Heritage. Even Schmell himself went through HA when it came time to auction off his multi-million dollar Marvel SA personal collection, even though he has his own industry recognized auction site. So, there must be a reason why consignors are willing to pay the 800-lb gorilla. It is extremely likely that Schmell negotiated a better rate on that consignment. I don't watch the auctions as close as many but I don't think that HA on average gets 16.5% higher (10% seller + 19.5% buyer - Clink/CC 10-13%) prices than other venues do they? Of course Schmell would be able to negotiate a better rate. But not down to 0% which jaybuck is referring to when he says that the seller is losing all 19.5%. Or are you implying that collectors would not have a problem with throwing down half million dollars bids on eBay to a no-name seller which they have probably never hear of. If this was the case, why wouldn't Schmell have auction off his personal collection on his own website at an 0% cost. He can get more bids and eyes on it this way.
  3. O.5 blue label for 500 bucks from a seller with zero feedback. A shill account for sure.
  4. I think it'd be nice to see you at the comic con. If we're talking about Vince or the other boardies then they wouldn't do it unless they are sure everything would turn out fine or have nothing to lose. I'm not sure what his references were at the time but it was enough to make me agree to the trade. Another thing I'll have to keep in mind is the value and insurance in case something happens.
  5. I'll do some of those things as I do need to improve my resume so that I can get a job and interview skills. I was thinking a welder but I have really shaky hands. What I need it to do like a compatibility test that's accurate if there's something like that. I know what I want I just don't know the steps to get there yet.
  6. anyone see this one yet? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Amazing-Fantasy-15-Cgc-0-5-Graded-Comic-Book-/222005923540
  7. Earnings update it's really just must #'s Bought $9915.24 Sold $5802.96 Inventory $4565 BA12 Update The case got cracked during shipping although I do have insurance. Thoughts This BA12 is a nightmare nothing seems to go right with it.
  8. I've applied and I haven't heard back yet and I think my resume looks good because I've seen people with worse get hired. The logic here doesn't make any sense. Either your resume is actually inferior to those you deem "worse" (otherwise you'd be called in for the interview instead of the other guys) OR Your resume really is superior to others but some other factor is keeping you from netting that all-important interview. Earlier in the thread, you mentioned that you hand in resumes wearing a hoodie. Have you changed this practice? Slacks. Collared shirt. Tie. Neat hair. Clean shoes. Consider them all mandatory each time you turn in an application. And be sure you're handing your resume to a manager and not just the first person you see behind the counter. Can I pm you? hmmm well I got a hair cut, new shoes, clean shaven but I don't wear t-shirts too cold. I had it to the first person I see usually sometimes a manager is there and I'll hand it in to them.
  9. I've called them before and the PO told me if they lose it they also pay insurance.Perhaps he has them if that's the case I'm not sure why he offered to pay for it should it not turn up and the PO can't do anything about it. Regarding welfare it kinda was my last resort as I had no money left, rent was coming up and my comics weren't selling at all. I've had great trades on facebook and yes there are a lot of things that got wrong but I always ask for references beforehand.
  10. I'll make this clear to you. I'm not celebrating the fact that I'm on welfare I'm happy to have gotten it as opposed to being on the streets. I do spend my time looking for jobs and when I finish what I'm doing I sell and look at comics in my free time. You make it sound like I'm trying to scam people my need for money while I look for a job is real. I disagree you can't control every decision in your life and if you can you must be god. I'm not saying you can't prepare for it but you can't prepare for everything and FYI the money that I use to go to comic con is my own not welfare's as what I sell I let them know so they take that away from me and what I get the next month. Oh and I'm selling comics to get ahead and pay rent because I hope that won't bother you. Also if you wanna get technical I paid more in taxes and I have gotten 1 month of welfare. I'm not doing this to be lazy I'm taking advantage of something that's being offered to me. I never called you lazy or trying to scam anyone. Let me be blunt - you don't have free-time or spare-money. You're giving your bills to someone else while buying and selling funny books thinking that money will pay for Comicon - which is a path to continued poverty. I'm not arguing with you or trying to belittle or insult you, I'm really not - I'm trying to give you advice that is far better than the advice you've taken which has resulted in you being where you are, unable to support yourself. Doing this is what perpetuates the "cycle of poverty" - the misunderstanding and inability to manage money, how to balance priorities, how to delay gratification and how to put off one's "wants" until they've become self-sufficient. Even birds don't start laying eggs until they're done building their nest. Where you are in life is mostly not because of what happens to you, it's mostly because of how you react to what happens to you and the cumulative effects of those choices. That's how lottery-winners end up dirt poor a year later. Poverty rarely has anything to do with money, it has to do with choices, habits, decisions and priorities. I'm really not trying to bag on you, honestly, I'm just giving advice that I know (after 50+ years) is good advice. And this is coming from someone who was at one time so broke I was eating out of a relish jar for my meals. Unless you're a child, as an adult it's your choices that have put you where you are, not anyone else's. If you do happen to make a little money, you're foolishly spending that money on luxuries (Comicon is a luxury, not a business expense so don't fool yourself) that you should be SAVING so that you can fully support yourself and don't have to pass your bills onto other people. I know you're gonna do what you want, and I wish you luck, because until you choose to get a stable job with a steady income, luck is really all you have. My plan is different but almost the same. I want to get a job so that I can become stable but at the same time I still have all these comics here with me. I'm not kidding myself that I would say it's a business expense to go to comic con which is why I'll use my own money that I've made. I'll read over what you said in more detail as well because I do agree I've made poor choices but I'm making up for them. you may not see it, but your defense, while honest, is digging you a deeper whole in the eyes of many readers. For right or wrong, you are on welfare. This means that your government is collecting taxpayer money from other people to support you because it has deemed that you are unable to currently provide for yourself in terms of food and shelter. Without debating the merits of why people are on welfare (and whether or not it should or should not exist), that means that any money you spend on anything is welfare money, because you would be spending it on food and shelter if not for the welfare money. Or that if you have enough disposable income to have fun (at significant cost), that you don't need to be on welfare. Yes of course you're within your technical legal rights to accept welfare if you qualify, and spend the money as you see fit (barring any government restrictions), but its a matter of perception, personally and professionally. If gave a homeless man a ten dollar bill, then he turns around and spends it on crack. You wouldn't be happy. And you wouldn't be more happy if he said "Oh I washed this guys car yesterday for $10, that's my crack money. I'm gonna spend the money YOU GAVE me on food today. Thanks bro" You're not likely to donate to him again or to want to give him $10 to wash your car tomorrow or in the future. With that being said, we don't know the situation that led to you being on welfare OR the situation that will lead you to Niagara Comic Con, other than what you post. But if you're looking for advice and opinions, people are definitely going to have them based on what you're posting, which roughly translates as: "Its tough to find a job, I'm on welfare now. I might have gotten screwed on a pretty large trade (even though everyone has advised me against trading), but I'm going cross country to a medium sized comic con in a few months, as an ATTENDEE. But don't worry, I'm paying my own way to the con. " NO ONE is hoping that you're paying your own way to the con. We're all hoping you're being a paid employee, or at least a volunteer intern of some sort, otherwise its NOT WORTH IT, at ALL. Otherwise its just a lot of money spent to go there and a bunch more opportunities to make more poor comic buying/selling decisions. Please please please go on youtube and watch videos to learn a skill, or go on edx to take some free classes if you can't afford them. Go to the library or book store and study for some vocational test, go to the gym and get ready for military or police or fireman, go to the chinese restaurant and wash dishes, anything. Call up every carpenter or plumber in the area and ask to be an unpaid learning intern, then watch youtube videos to help you learn in your own free time, and impress them with your knowledge. Heck you could even move to China and be one of the 'white guys' who get rented out to make companies and parties appear to be more international and classy. Peace Corps? A lot of these things are HUGE steps, but you're in a position where life should be about survival, not success. Would you rather be the poorest guy in Canada, or surviving guy in Guatemala helping kids get fresh drinking water, but building skills and helping people. A lot of times the best way to help yourself is to help others. I do understand there's such a thing as generational poverty and a certain mindset that goes along with it, and that a learning disability is tough too and I'm glad that you have hope and are willing to learn. But it also takes a willingness to invest time, commit to something, and to be bold. Yes there are still lots of things I haven't tried and I'm not going across the country to go to comic con it's a couple minutes bus ride. I will check out those free classes thought I've been thinking about them for a while. I have yet to apply to all the restaurants here but I'm applying to the ones that are hiring.
  11. No what we agreed on was as soon as he gets his end he'll ship his comics to me. I'll be talking to the po on my side as well. I am sorry to see this happened. I love to trade but the 'usual' arrangement is both parties ship at the same time. I would not do it any other way. If you both agree to ship at the same time and you ship but he doesn't, you can always stop the delivery. I'm not sure if I can do that as it says on the tracking that it's been delivered but I'll ask.
  12. I've applied and I haven't heard back yet and I think my resume looks good because I've seen people with worse get hired.
  13. I'll make this clear to you. I'm not celebrating the fact that I'm on welfare I'm happy to have gotten it as opposed to being on the streets. I do spend my time looking for jobs and when I finish what I'm doing I sell and look at comics in my free time. You make it sound like I'm trying to scam people my need for money while I look for a job is real. I disagree you can't control every decision in your life and if you can you must be god. I'm not saying you can't prepare for it but you can't prepare for everything and FYI the money that I use to go to comic con is my own not welfare's as what I sell I let them know so they take that away from me and what I get the next month. Oh and I'm selling comics to get ahead and pay rent because I hope that won't bother you. Also if you wanna get technical I paid more in taxes and I have gotten 1 month of welfare. I'm not doing this to be lazy I'm taking advantage of something that's being offered to me. I never called you lazy or trying to scam anyone. Let me be blunt - you don't have free-time or spare-money. You're giving your bills to someone else while buying and selling funny books thinking that money will pay for Comicon - which is a path to continued poverty. I'm not arguing with you or trying to belittle or insult you, I'm really not - I'm trying to give you advice that is far better than the advice you've taken which has resulted in you being where you are, unable to support yourself. Doing this is what perpetuates the "cycle of poverty" - the misunderstanding and inability to manage money, how to balance priorities, how to delay gratification and how to put off one's "wants" until they've become self-sufficient. Even birds don't start laying eggs until they're done building their nest. Where you are in life is mostly not because of what happens to you, it's mostly because of how you react to what happens to you and the cumulative effects of those choices. That's how lottery-winners end up dirt poor a year later. Poverty rarely has anything to do with money, it has to do with choices, habits, decisions and priorities. I'm really not trying to bag on you, honestly, I'm just giving advice that I know (after 50+ years) is good advice. And this is coming from someone who was at one time so broke I was eating out of a relish jar for my meals. Unless you're a child, as an adult it's your choices that have put you where you are, not anyone else's. If you do happen to make a little money, you're foolishly spending that money on luxuries (Comicon is a luxury, not a business expense so don't fool yourself) that you should be SAVING so that you can fully support yourself and don't have to pass your bills onto other people. I know you're gonna do what you want, and I wish you luck, because until you choose to get a stable job with a steady income, luck is really all you have. My plan is different but almost the same. I want to get a job so that I can become stable but at the same time I still have all these comics here with me. I'm not kidding myself that I would say it's a business expense to go to comic con which is why I'll use my own money that I've made. I'll read over what you said in more detail as well because I do agree I've made poor choices but I'm making up for them.
  14. You know the best thing you can do now if you truly want to better yourself is apply for admission to Brock University and in the interim start looking for a job. If you're truly interested in selling, commission sales positions typically go begging. And you could still continue such a job part-time while attending university. I know what I want but don't know what to do to get there although I think sales will be good for learning though I don't like "hard selling" as I wouldn't force someone to buy something that can't buy.
  15. I make lots of mistakes that's true but I'm willing to listen to advice not preconceptions of what you think I'm doing. I have a long way to go and I do enjoy writing in this journal when things come up.
  16. I'll make this clear to you. I'm not celebrating the fact that I'm on welfare I'm happy to have gotten it as opposed to being on the streets. I do spend my time looking for jobs and when I finish what I'm doing I sell and look at comics in my free time. You make it sound like I'm trying to scam people my need for money while I look for a job is real. I disagree you can't control every decision in your life and if you can you must be god. I'm not saying you can't prepare for it but you can't prepare for everything and FYI the money that I use to go to comic con is my own not welfare's as what I sell I let them know so they take that away from me and what I get the next month. Oh and I'm selling comics to get ahead and pay rent because I hope that won't bother you. Also if you wanna get technical I paid more in taxes and I have gotten 1 month of welfare. I'm not doing this to be lazy I'm taking advantage of something that's being offered to me.
  17. Funny you mention that I had that happen once before with my wd127 cgc 9.8 it was shown as delivered and everything. So I called the person that was supposed to get it saying he didn't. I called the PO explaining my situation and told them if I didn't get it back I'm claiming insurance and within two days they found the comic and delivered it to the right person. Thanks he said if he doesn't get it he'll pay for it himself.
  18. Yeah he mentioned a couple people I've done deals with before so hopefully it doesn't go amiss. Did you follow up on those mentions with those who were mentioned? No I didn't but I'll ask again. wait. you did a trade, but didn't check the references? Was this in a Facebook forum? were the references also on the facebook forum? I was thinking something else but yes I did check the references or else I wouldn't have done the deal he also gave me two groups to check out and I'll be doing some checking on the internet.
  19. The deal was something we both agreed upon I was satisfied and so was he. if he's a scammer Im sure he offered you a deal that you'd be satisfied with, knowing that he'd be the one that ends up with books, and in the end, satisfied. did you check his references? (as in check with the names he dropped and ask a) if they actually did transactions with him and b)how'd they go? That's a fair point and from what I remember doing is asking for his references and he showed me, I checked them up and was satisfied that's how the deal got started but since I'll ask again my memory isn't the best.
  20. Yeah he mentioned a couple people I've done deals with before so hopefully it doesn't go amiss. Did you follow up on those mentions with those who were mentioned? No I didn't but I'll ask again.
  21. THIS. Mind you, I have done one trade on the boards and it all went very smoothly. Let me guess, was this a Facebook Group trade? Sigh....yes this was a facebook trade and I've had three trades go well. I put insurance on this so I'll give them a call and see what's up.
  22. The deal was something we both agreed upon I was satisfied and so was he.