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Everything posted by uchiha101

  1. so what would you estimate your current inventory value? I haven't calculated that in a while but I'll get around to it I'm trying to sell or trade of the comics worth bigger chunks of money first. if you are running a business you should probably have a decent idea of this, especially if you have a relatively small inventory. Do you think you are in the black? No from the comics I have yet to sell I'm in the red for sure but I'm working on that part.
  2. JLA #1 .5 Trade update I traded my jla 1 .5 for x-men 266 cgc 9.6 Today's thoughts now all I need to do is get rid of my coverless jla #1 and 3 of my past mistakes will be gone.
  3. How about Hulk 126,142 and Thor 200 then ? Avengers 83 already spiked and is now trending down. Hulk 142 will be the one to take off in my opinion. You cN still buy high grade copies at a reasonable price Thor 200 has very few 9.8 copies. I would expect s few more to surface but it is a blood red cover, making 9.8 copies hard to find. I know, I have been actively searching. good to know
  4. so what would you estimate your current inventory value? I haven't calculated that in a while but I'll get around to it I'm trying to sell or trade of the comics worth bigger chunks of money first.
  5. Great post sir! Gabe,jimbo knows his stuff and is a great,kind gentleman.Take his advice and others(mostly ,if not all a great kind group) and do your best,as I know you do.Some real great folks here seem to have,or would like to,take you 'under their wings'.I wish you the best as i hope you know!I dont sell,i hoard for the love of it,so all the advice I can give is to listen to what some of these great folks have offered.you cant buy this stuff. But im here as a friend,so anytime you wanna talk or vent,drop a line pally! Jimmers Thanks I'll pm you should something come up
  6. I know I would because I can make a profit with this trade and it's easier to sell two birds with one stone.
  7. Today's Thoughts Yes I got a asm 300 triple signed JLA #1 CGC 1.8 Update I traded my jla #1 cgc 1.8 for a asm 300 cgc 9.2 tripled signed by stan lee, mcfarlane and david something and 150 cash which I think is a great deal My strategy I'm going to start trading away the comics that are harder for me to sell for comics that are quick to sell
  8. Seems like you're just listening to yourself. For the past couple days everyone has been suggesting you take a break from selling and just appreciate the hobby more by taking your time and just collect. Its great that someone actually turned to you to sell their book but even with the boost in your confidence from that you really lack experience and any business and common sense to be successful. Seriously, you should check out David Cross's show The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret. You might find a lot of similarities between your decision and Todd's life decisions. I'll check that out sometime
  9. Today's Thoughts Yes I sold my nyx #3 need to sell the other comics. Comics sold today NYX #3 Plans Sell my copies of JLA #1'S, TT 44 and IM 282 then get the ba12 pressed and graded. See guys I'm listening I'm selling my comics worth more chunks of money to get more cashflow
  10. That's a long post filled with info I'll read it later and thanks.
  11. A compliment with a insult eh? I wouldn't say I'm irrational just stubborn because with the comics I have I honestly don't want to sell them at a loss so I'd rather wait but sell for a profit but if I need more advice on anything it'd be shipping lots of raw comics and slabs since I'm a visual learner it'd help it if was a video or pics with descriptions and double boxing whoever thought of that either isn't good at packing or didn't put effort in it because all the double box slabs I got all broke Shipping is one piece of advice I'd immediately put to use because it'd help me grow because right now I can ship 10 raw comics and 3 slabs as my max.
  12. Thanks people have better memories then I do since I forget but I've mentioned that I have a lot to learn and the comics general is a jungle I think that was the first places I posted
  13. Gabe,if its what weve talked about in pm,id leave it out..some people may be harsh and or judgemental. But if it helps YOU at all to get it off your chest... It would have been one of the things I talked about but seeing their reactions and how they handle me making mistakes they wouldn't be able to not judge me on it
  14. Thanks I'll pm you about the job stuff and some other things I appreciate it
  15. I have a friend in the us that I ship comics to and the kijiji would be the most up to date address I'm currently using.
  16. I think your right about most things you've said but instead of working harder I need to work smarter imagine how far ahead I'd be if I didn't make any mistakes. I still need to sell my comics I have any I'll give consignments a try and if it fails I'll take a break from it and come back when I'm more stable but if I try anything I'll let you guys review it especially when it comes to legalese
  17. So you're using this as an excuse for your actions? Its pretty sad that your psychologist don't know what you have and that doctors don't even believe you have a learning disability. Earlier you mentioned people tell you you're lazy and that you throw out the "disability card" to change the way they think of you. That is pretty sad kid. Yes and no I'd be lying if I said it doesn't affected my thinking and yes because it does effect my thinking. The doctors don't believe me because they saw they don't see anything wrong with me. I was lazy when I was moving from place to place to list my comics nothing more. I don't throw out the disability card because it's something I have and mention it to people because when I say it they think I'm lying that I have something wrong with me. I'm here to learn and succeed nothing more because as much as some people say they want me to succeed they have conflicting ideas about that when I mess something up.
  18. Uhmm...Airing your personal life story and tragedy may not be the best thing to do on an Internet message board. Besides those two days to write would be better spent hitting the pavement looking for work or going to a job resource center. Speaking of that, you say you want a regular job. What are you doing to get one? And for gosh sakes listen to others and drop this poorly conceived consignment idea and just focus on getting your mess together. +1 You have said, repeatedly, that getting a job is a priority. I don't think this is true at all. I think you applied to a couple of comic stores, got turned down, and then convinced yourself that your "comic business" Is a substitute for a real job. Throwing money down the rabbit hole is not a job, it's simply throwing money away, no matter how hard you are working at it. What you should be saying is that there are no jobs that appeal to you. Are you actually asking us to believe that there are no restaurants, stores or warehouses in your area? You don't need any experience to flip hamburgers, run a cash register or unload trucks. It's called supporting yourself and paying your dues. And stop blaming your learning disability for your problems. Lots of people have disabilities way worse than yours, and the successful ones found a way to overcome or compensate for them. No that's wrong about the jobs part I have applied to any and all jobs that I can I've applied to comic book stores yes that's true but I'm not only applying to them I'm going wherever I can find a job. I know people have worse disabilities then I do I never said I did. I don't know what I have and neither do the psychologists so unless I know what I have I don't know what to do about it since doctors don't believe me when I say I have a learning disability.
  19. Uhmm...Airing your personal life story and tragedy may not be the best thing to do on an Internet message board. Besides those two days to write would be better spent hitting the pavement looking for work or going to a job resource center. Speaking of that, you say you want a regular job. What are you doing to get one? And for gosh sakes listen to others and drop this poorly conceived consignment idea and just focus on getting your mess together. Ok I won't say the story them and I do look for jobs what pisses me off the most is people saying they hire but don't give a rats about it and I think I have a pretty good resume considering that I'm applying for entry level jobs.
  20. I would not do that if I were you. It'll come back and bite you eventually. If you need to open up them pm the members you trust. You're not the only one with a disability and you shouldn't think that by letting people know about your disadvantages that people will give you a pass. Ok I won't write the story then if people are interested then they can pm me. I don't except people to give me a free pass in anything and yes I have disadvantages but I wouldn't ask for handouts or anything like that.
  21. I know that now and I keep being repeated the same thing I know that asking for more money was greedy when I already agreed to the terms I won't make that mistake again.
  22. Hey guys you've done a lot for me and put in lots of effort into helping me and I do appreciate it even though some don't believe me. I want your opinions on if you want to hear a story about me? I will hold nothing back and will be kind of graphic not in the sense of pictures but what I write about. I want you people to understand why I do things the way I do and will take a couple of days to write so lets hear your thoughts