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Posts posted by uchiha101

  1. .40 cents is a bull's-eye?


    After all his bragging about how it was a good buy and how he knew how to market it etc etc.


    .40 cents.



    Most people would see this as a learning experience...



    Anyone know where I can buy a mid grade, restored semi key? Or perhaps a bridge or some swampland?


    Yes 40 cents will be my profit after all that bragging because you know what? I sold it faster then I thought I would because someone wanted it. I also sold it for what I did because I saw another comic I want.


    Oh, I know. But I just recall you telling me you were going to get $60+ because you had a certain marketing strategy. hm


    Most would say spending $30+ to make .40 cents would not be the best use of capital hm


    That's when I was sure the grade was a 4.0/4.5 after the fact I said I would be happy making 5-15 profit in case you missed that.


    Oh, I didn't miss that. I also didn't miss you saying how it was a "good deal".


    Instead of ramming your head into a brick wall next time, why not listen to the good advice people are giving you here. I know not all of us are "pros", but some of the people here are pretty decent at flipping comics 2c


    Ok well you make everything look to your favor when you're speaking. I still think it's a good deal as that bat 189 is, they may not be asap flipable comics but they are keys and something that's not hyped.

  2. .40 cents is a bull's-eye?


    After all his bragging about how it was a good buy and how he knew how to market it etc etc.


    .40 cents.



    Most people would see this as a learning experience...



    Anyone know where I can buy a mid grade, restored semi key? Or perhaps a bridge or some swampland?


    Yes 40 cents will be my profit after all that bragging because you know what? I sold it faster then I thought I would because someone wanted it. I also sold it for what I did because I saw another comic I want.


    Oh, I know. But I just recall you telling me you were going to get $60+ because you had a certain marketing strategy. hm


    Most would say spending $30+ to make .40 cents would not be the best use of capital hm


    That's when I was sure the grade was a 4.0/4.5 after the fact I said I would be happy making 5-15 profit in case you missed that.

  3. .40 cents is a bull's-eye?


    After all his bragging about how it was a good buy and how he knew how to market it etc etc.


    .40 cents.



    Most people would see this as a learning experience...



    Anyone know where I can buy a mid grade, restored semi key? Or perhaps a bridge or some swampland?


    Yes 40 cents will be my profit after all that bragging because you know what? I sold it faster then I thought I would because someone wanted it. I also sold it for what I did because I saw another comic I want.

  4. You should find a store with decent back issue stock, even if its just 90s to present, and be buying up actual high grade cheap moderns for 6 dollars or less. If you don't live in close proximity to a decent lcs then browse the online stores and eBay. Look for poorly worded/advertised listings on eBay. This is a much better use of the odd 100 or 200 dollars than putting that money towards one or two slabs or restored books ffs. With your low amount of capital you want to be spreading that money around as much as you can and turning over books as quickly as possible.


    Hey, he spent $30+ to make .40 cents on the ASM pink variant. He showed us all and he knows what he's doing. :sumo:


    It's not the ideal amount I wanted to sell it for but since the opportunity presented itself I took it since I have my eye on another comic.

  5. Why sell anywhere else Gabe. You have a captive audience. Anyone else want that Batman 189 (slight restoration).


    That Hulk 180 was a fair price and I got no bites so I listed it elsewhere.


    You pulled it out of the sales forum less than 24 hours after you posted it.


    Indeed I did, that was because even though boardies said it was a fair price I didn't even get one question. To be fair I do know you need to make a profit on comics but I know not everyone is a dealer here.


    Right. But books don't necessarily sell instantaneously. I'm on the boards a lot and didn't even see it until after you'd closed the thread.


    Or he could stop buying and selling altogether until he has a handle on the CORE things that will continue to prevent him from being successful, like his impatience, emotional issues, inability to grade, inability to do financial analysis, lack of math or business skills, inability to tell what is/isn't a good deal, and other mental/physical/learning issues. NOTE that addressing those issues would actually improve his life in other, TANGIBLE ways rather than promulgating the dream of someday maybe hoping to breakeven selling comics.


    Not that all the other advice and criticisms are not wrong or unwarranted (it's all good advice), but you can't play hockey unless you can skate (or even stand on ice), even if you're getting tips from Wayne Gretzky on how to shoot. And yes skating comes naturally to some, but if it doesn't, then you have to work REALLY hard at it or choose not to be hockey player.


    I'm working on my emotional issues.

  6. Gabe - Would you be willing to sell me the ASM 101 book for $40? You'll make a nice profit % wise and you can post that you made a profit and move on. I'll deduct it as a charitable write-off.


    This is a serious offer, what do you say? (I'll cover shipping of course)


    If that's a serious offer then yes :takeit:


    Good. I will PM you my info..


    Classy move.


    Either that or enabling. Depends on your perspective.


    Gabe truly is the Blanche DuBois of the boards.


    Boardies bailing Gabe out = Enabling. Once on a big item book, now once on a little item book. Regardless Gabe, you should not be "proud" of a pity sale but at least you took it.


    I'm not proud of it but I will be proud when I sell my hulk 180 and bat 189

  7. So, Gabe, what is the situation on the job front? Still at the same place? New place? How many hours per week?


    I mean, between posting, and you saying you have been to a bunch of places this week or so to check out to see if they had comics and online dealings, just curious to see how things are going "in the real world".



    In the real world everything is still the same


    So still only 20 some odd hours per week making minimum wage?


    Have you done any other serious job hunting and/or skill building?


    Yes I'm doing but hunting but no skill building yet. What I'm looking for is a job with more hours.


    What about getting a 2nd part time job? McDonalds is always hiring 2c


    Applying there tomorrow




    Why not do it now?






    Don't worry I will.

  8. You should find a store with decent back issue stock, even if its just 90s to present, and be buying up actual high grade cheap moderns for 6 dollars or less. If you don't live in close proximity to a decent lcs then browse the online stores and eBay. Look for poorly worded/advertised listings on eBay. This is a much better use of the odd 100 or 200 dollars than putting that money towards one or two slabs or restored books ffs. With your low amount of capital you want to be spreading that money around as much as you can and turning over books as quickly as possible.


    I live near two lcs's one of them has a good dollar bin section and the other is a overpriced back issues lcs

  9. Why sell anywhere else Gabe. You have a captive audience. Anyone else want that Batman 189 (slight restoration).


    That Hulk 180 was a fair price and I got no bites so I listed it elsewhere.


    You pulled it out of the sales forum less than 24 hours after you posted it.


    Indeed I did, that was because even though boardies said it was a fair price I didn't even get one question. To be fair I do know you need to make a profit on comics but I know not everyone is a dealer here.


    Right. But books don't necessarily sell instantaneously. I'm on the boards a lot and didn't even see it until after you'd closed the thread.


    Really? weird I saw that it got viewed 60 times but right now the hulk 180 is pending


    Gabe - Would you be willing to sell me the ASM 101 book for $40? You'll make a nice profit % wise and you can post that you made a profit and move on. I'll deduct it as a charitable write-off.


    This is a serious offer, what do you say? (I'll cover shipping of course)


    If that's a serious offer then yes :takeit:


    Good. I will PM you my info..


    Classy move.


    I guess I have to eat crow now, he just made $10 :sorry:


    Actually you can celebrate if you want because when this goes through I'll only be making 40 cents on this.






    What did I do wrong?


    If I was immortal, there would still not be enough time to answer this.


    Ouch you know what I meant.

  11. Gabe - Would you be willing to sell me the ASM 101 book for $40? You'll make a nice profit % wise and you can post that you made a profit and move on. I'll deduct it as a charitable write-off.


    This is a serious offer, what do you say? (I'll cover shipping of course)


    If that's a serious offer then yes :takeit:


    Good. I will PM you my info..


    Classy move.


    Either that or enabling. Depends on your perspective.


    Gabe truly is the Blanche DuBois of the boards.







    Gabe - Would you be willing to sell me the ASM 101 book for $40? You'll make a nice profit % wise and you can post that you made a profit and move on. I'll deduct it as a charitable write-off.


    This is a serious offer, what do you say? (I'll cover shipping of course)


    If that's a serious offer then yes :takeit:


    Good. I will PM you my info..


    Classy move.


    I guess I have to eat crow now, he just made $10 :sorry:


    Actually you can celebrate if you want because when this goes through I'll only be making 40 cents on this.






    What did I do wrong?

  13. Gabe - Would you be willing to sell me the ASM 101 book for $40? You'll make a nice profit % wise and you can post that you made a profit and move on. I'll deduct it as a charitable write-off.


    This is a serious offer, what do you say? (I'll cover shipping of course)


    If that's a serious offer then yes :takeit:


    Good. I will PM you my info..


    Classy move.


    I guess I have to eat crow now, he just made $10 :sorry:


    Yeah, me too. A pity sale is still a sale, and $10 is $10. At least he was smart enough to not turn that deal down. Way to go, Gabe! You'll be playing in Gators end of the pool in no time!!!

    Didn't Gabe pay shipping on top of the $30 for that book?


    Indeed I did

  14. Gabe - Would you be willing to sell me the ASM 101 book for $40? You'll make a nice profit % wise and you can post that you made a profit and move on. I'll deduct it as a charitable write-off.


    This is a serious offer, what do you say? (I'll cover shipping of course)


    If that's a serious offer then yes :takeit:


    Good. I will PM you my info..


    Classy move.


    I guess I have to eat crow now, he just made $10 :sorry:


    Yeah, me too. A pity sale is still a sale, and $10 is $10. At least he was smart enough to not turn that deal down. Way to go, Gabe! You'll be playing in Gators end of the pool in no time!!!


    Yes I was smart enough to take the deal but I didn't make as much profit as you think.

  15. Gabe - Would you be willing to sell me the ASM 101 book for $40? You'll make a nice profit % wise and you can post that you made a profit and move on. I'll deduct it as a charitable write-off.


    This is a serious offer, what do you say? (I'll cover shipping of course)


    If that's a serious offer then yes :takeit:


    Good. I will PM you my info..


    Classy move.


    I guess I have to eat crow now, he just made $10 :sorry:


    Actually you can celebrate if you want because when this goes through I'll only be making 40 cents on this.

  16. You're a riot, Gabe, old chap. Not only do you buy horrible books to flip, but now you're wasting your (admittedly near worthless) time actually thinking up how to brag about it if and when you sell them. Notice, I didn't say "for a profit", just "sold them". Even if you do manage to sucker someone with less comic savvy, or any savvy, for that matter, than you (if such a person even exists, which I doubt), what will you have accomplished? You might make $30-$50 profit, maybe, on both books, after you've spent umpteen hours listing them on eBay, Facebook, kijiji and who knows where else. That's smart. By the way, the village just called...


    No I will brag about comics that you "pros" say I can't sell because to me that means I've seen something you haven't. Also I really don't spend much time at all on my comics after I list I just wait till someone asks me a questions or makes a offer.


    I've always kind of wondered why you rarely ask for advice on specific books here before you buy them. I think I understand it now...you think if you ask you will be revealing "secret" information that the "pros" here would jump all over and steal your market away.


    Don't worry, I doubt anyone here will be jumping on the "pink variant" or restored, mid grade semi key at GPA high market anytime soon bro.


    No it's about making a profit and comics you say are a waste of time and won't make money.


    I hope you make a profit, because that would be better than what you do 80% of the time. I just think you could use your money better on finding sure things as opposed to gambles that have minimal return. But hey, I'm not even a "pro" and you seem to have it all figured out (shrug)


    Agreed the majority of my comics I've bought have been losses.


    Think about that for a while. If you bash your head into a brick wall 100 times, it hurts every time. What makes you think number 101 is going to be any different?


    Three reasons


    I bought it cheap

    It's a key

    There's always a demand for it


    Just like 80% of your other purchases that you lost money on. What's your point?


    The point is that this wasn't a emotional based buy like all my other comics in the past have been.


    The tires on my truck have a better grasp of reality than you do. A bad purchase is a bad purchase. It doesn't matter if it's based on emotions, advice from the tooth fairy or, God forbid, actual research. How much money do you have to lose before you understand that?


    I do understand that and that's why I've been making better choices of what I'm buying though most don't agree


    No one agrees because your not making better choices. The Hulk 180 was a lucky fluke. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every once in a while.


    Yes Wall Crawler said the same thing.

  17. Why sell anywhere else Gabe. You have a captive audience. Anyone else want that Batman 189 (slight restoration).


    That Hulk 180 was a fair price and I got no bites so I listed it elsewhere.


    You pulled it out of the sales forum less than 24 hours after you posted it.


    Indeed I did, that was because even though boardies said it was a fair price I didn't even get one question. To be fair I do know you need to make a profit on comics but I know not everyone is a dealer here.

  18. Gabe - Would you be willing to sell me the ASM 101 book for $40? You'll make a nice profit % wise and you can post that you made a profit and move on. I'll deduct it as a charitable write-off.


    This is a serious offer, what do you say? (I'll cover shipping of course)


    If that's a serious offer then yes :takeit:


    Good. I will PM you my info..


    Ok thanks

  19. Well I was told that marker or crayon on a comic book always counts as amateur since it wasn't done by a professional.


    You were misinformed. Who did the work is irrelevant. The difference between professional and amateur restoration is what materials were used.


    A crayon or marker used for color touch will always get an amateur designation. If Matt or Susan or Tracy color touched a book with a sharpie, it will get the A designation. Conversely, if you or I used Japan paper to seal a tear, for example, the book would get a P designation.


    Again, who performed the work has no bearing. It's the materials used that counts.


    I'll re-read what the message was and I'll get back to you.



    I just re-read it and you're right

  20. You're a riot, Gabe, old chap. Not only do you buy horrible books to flip, but now you're wasting your (admittedly near worthless) time actually thinking up how to brag about it if and when you sell them. Notice, I didn't say "for a profit", just "sold them". Even if you do manage to sucker someone with less comic savvy, or any savvy, for that matter, than you (if such a person even exists, which I doubt), what will you have accomplished? You might make $30-$50 profit, maybe, on both books, after you've spent umpteen hours listing them on eBay, Facebook, kijiji and who knows where else. That's smart. By the way, the village just called...


    No I will brag about comics that you "pros" say I can't sell because to me that means I've seen something you haven't. Also I really don't spend much time at all on my comics after I list I just wait till someone asks me a questions or makes a offer.


    I've always kind of wondered why you rarely ask for advice on specific books here before you buy them. I think I understand it now...you think if you ask you will be revealing "secret" information that the "pros" here would jump all over and steal your market away.


    Don't worry, I doubt anyone here will be jumping on the "pink variant" or restored, mid grade semi key at GPA high market anytime soon bro.


    No it's about making a profit and comics you say are a waste of time and won't make money.


    I hope you make a profit, because that would be better than what you do 80% of the time. I just think you could use your money better on finding sure things as opposed to gambles that have minimal return. But hey, I'm not even a "pro" and you seem to have it all figured out (shrug)


    Agreed the majority of my comics I've bought have been losses.


    Think about that for a while. If you bash your head into a brick wall 100 times, it hurts every time. What makes you think number 101 is going to be any different?


    Three reasons


    I bought it cheap

    It's a key

    There's always a demand for it


    Just like 80% of your other purchases that you lost money on. What's your point?


    The point is that this wasn't a emotional based buy like all my other comics in the past have been.


    The tires on my truck have a better grasp of reality than you do. A bad purchase is a bad purchase. It doesn't matter if it's based on emotions, advice from the tooth fairy or, God forbid, actual research. How much money do you have to lose before you understand that?


    I do understand that and that's why I've been making better choices of what I'm buying though most don't agree