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Everything posted by uchiha101

  1. The problem with today's youth is they don't want to earn their stripes. Working hard from the bottom up is what we were taught by our parents,kids today want the immediate high paying,no physical job that comes with working your azz off your whole life. I disagree that's the problem with most but not all youth and my dad taught my that same thing but he said that you should also do things the smart way instead of the hard way. Which way are you currently pursuing? Well I'm trying the smart way
  2. It depends but yes in most cases I do both so I have a better chance of getting a interview What I would do is hand my application to the manger personally and try to get an interview right there by starting to tell him why I am qualified. If he took the bait I got an interview right then. This helps to set yourself up above the rest of the pile. If you just hand your application to the manager, or employee. it could just get lost in the stack. I tried that once and they said they don't have time to hear my life story
  3. This isn't a generational problem; it's a Gabe problem. There are plenty of people his age who work extremely hard for what they have and there are lots of retirees who coasted through life. Let's not wave away Gabe's horrific work ethic with "Kids Today" rhetoric. Plus 1. My only disagreement is calling Gabes work ethic "horrific", because that implies that he actually has a work ethic. He doesn't. I do have a work ethic
  4. The problem with today's youth is they don't want to earn their stripes. Working hard from the bottom up is what we were taught by our parents,kids today want the immediate high paying,no physical job that comes with working your azz off your whole life. I disagree that's the problem with most but not all youth and my dad taught my that same thing but he said that you should also do things the smart way instead of the hard way.
  5. No I always knew it was a more sought after comic and since I was told to at least consider it I did and found 13 copies. What makes me not like is it's data and value is inconsistent and all over the place. You'll find FF #112 has a larger market. That comic has been going downhill for a while in the higher grades and the only reason that I know of that it's still holding it's value in the lower-mid grade levels is because it's a classic and crossover comic.
  6. Yeah, but that wasn't my point. I was just alerting you to the fact that that's the kind of book you should be finding. All you need to do now is grade them accurately, list them on eBay truthfully (so as not to mislead any potential buyers). If you do this right .. you might stand a chance of making some money (and if you do make some profit, rather than spending it on more books: Work on getting yourself out of that hole you've made). Yup I will as soon as they respond and send me pics I'll make them an offer for it.
  7. Sure I can do that it was just easier for me to remember it as the "Harambe variant" but yeah I have no problem giving credit to you.
  8. No I always knew it was a more sought after comic and since I was told to at least consider it I did and found 13 copies. What makes me not like is it's data and value is inconsistent and all over the place.
  9. For the FF 110 Green error printings I managed to find 13 copies and I've contacted three of them and it's much cheaper than the poor copy for 80 bucks.
  10. I don't feel like talking about the health issues I have anymore since you'll just say it's being "Lazy" or whatever else. I will say that I will go recheck with the doctor. However you did what my dad did as well now he's a truck driver and his own boss. So again I'm not being lazy but I can't overdo it as well.
  11. Like it always does I guess. I asked for the manager and gave him my resume. McDonalds takes resumes? I worked at KFC years ago and all I did was fill out an application The McDonalds in my area always have Now Hiring signs, and all you do is fill out an application. You're not applying at Microsoft, McDonalds doesn't need a resume. Fifty bucks says he never even walked in the door. I'll only take that bet if you promise a .50 cents return if I lose As far as I know, McDonalds is always hiring, but in the wild chance the one he "applied" to isn't, there are several other options available when you have no real responsibilities. Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy's etc etc. Sorry, man, 50 cents is 50 cents! Seriously, though, he knows all those opportunities are out there, he just doesn't want to work any more than absolutely necessary. Is there any of us reading this thread, besides Gabe, who doesn't know that you can be the biggest doofus in the world, and still work 40 hours or more a week, somewhere, doing something? But you have to WANT to do it, and Gabe very clearly doesn't. I never said that I don't want to work 40 hours a week but I did say that physical jobs would drain me way too quickly. As you have stated, you have "some sort" of emotional and learning issues. I don't need an answer but I am curious...Do you have any medical issues that preclude you from being able to do physical labour? What do you mean "drain you too quickly"? You are a young man in your 20's. Yes, working construction (especially if living a sedentary lifestyle) would take some getting use to but you will. Everyone has aches and pains, when I worked construction you bet I did, but that is normal. You get use to it. Your body will adapt. Most people have and continue to work through pain and/or discomfort at some point or heck, even on a daily basis. For someone your age and in your economic position, not doing a physical job for anything other than a diagnosed physical injury or impairment just seems like an excuse. Earlier in the thread Gabe was complaining about packing and lifting bags of groceries hurting his back. He also had problems with the cold weather. That's ridiculous. The heaviest one grocery bag can be what? 15 lbs? Even if it is double bagged, 20 lbs? All you have to do to work as a bagger is hustle, good manners and be clean. 20 lbs isn't back breaking work for anyone in their 20's. No but the repetitive lifting was getting to me and yes I did have good manners and was clean. No offense, Gabe, but I just don't buy your excuse. At two of the grocery stores in my town, there are baggers that have Down Syndrome. They both hustle their tails off and are grateful to have a job. No, I don't know your specific situation well, but if they can handle it, I'm sure you are more than capable of doing it. Do you do any exercise or just play video games in your spare time? If the answer is more of the latter, do more of the former. I don't buy his excuse either. I have a team member in one of my stores that has developmental issues but is able to hold down a 30+ hours/week job plus he lives on his own. I've had team members with mental health issues that were able to function at work and never complained when they had to do tasks. Gabe's excuses are just that, excuses. If he truly wants to succeed then he needs to work harder and stop being a drama queen. McDonald's is fine if you have down syndrome. The only way to make a decent living, if you don't have a college degree is to start as a laborer in trade work (construction fields) and learn the trade. I was a lazy/shiftless kid in my late teens/early 20's, much like Gabe.I wasn't as out of it as Gabe is, but not much better. I started out and bounced around as a laborer/shovel monkey in landscaping/hardscaping/concrete. Working like a dog builds character, it straightened me out. and I settled into landscape construction as a brick layer. That is the approach that Gabe needs to take. That, or join the military. Either of those two moves would build the character and discipline that Gabe needs to function on his own, in life. McDonald's isn't where one should be for their whole lives and I was a bricklaying assistant for a year which was heavy labor, don't assume that I never did any lifting in my life I just need to address some heath issues I have.
  12. Custom status? Here's the pink variant you need Uchicha. Haha I'm still OUT, but back in for this one reply. .. Gabe, OhBother wasn't joking or jerking you around at all. That FF #110 IS an unintentional, sought-after comic. When it was in production, a colour-plate was left off the press, hence the look it has. THIS is the stuff you should be going for .. stuff that is legit, not just used as a colouring-in book. Here's a link for one up on eBay right now .. I'm not suggesting you buy THIS one, as it's a poor copy .. but try and find a better one, cheap .. and go from there. DON'T tell us you're trying/getting better ... LEARN, man! LEARN .. Here's the link .. open up eBay .. post this listing number in the search bar: 311089124935 I know what this comic is that's why I found it funny
  13. Custom status? Here's the pink variant you need Uchicha. Haha
  14. Like it always does I guess. I asked for the manager and gave him my resume. McDonalds takes resumes? I worked at KFC years ago and all I did was fill out an application The McDonalds in my area always have Now Hiring signs, and all you do is fill out an application. You're not applying at Microsoft, McDonalds doesn't need a resume. Fifty bucks says he never even walked in the door. I'll only take that bet if you promise a .50 cents return if I lose As far as I know, McDonalds is always hiring, but in the wild chance the one he "applied" to isn't, there are several other options available when you have no real responsibilities. Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy's etc etc. Sorry, man, 50 cents is 50 cents! Seriously, though, he knows all those opportunities are out there, he just doesn't want to work any more than absolutely necessary. Is there any of us reading this thread, besides Gabe, who doesn't know that you can be the biggest doofus in the world, and still work 40 hours or more a week, somewhere, doing something? But you have to WANT to do it, and Gabe very clearly doesn't. I never said that I don't want to work 40 hours a week but I did say that physical jobs would drain me way too quickly. As you have stated, you have "some sort" of emotional and learning issues. I don't need an answer but I am curious...Do you have any medical issues that preclude you from being able to do physical labour? What do you mean "drain you too quickly"? You are a young man in your 20's. Yes, working construction (especially if living a sedentary lifestyle) would take some getting use to but you will. Everyone has aches and pains, when I worked construction you bet I did, but that is normal. You get use to it. Your body will adapt. Most people have and continue to work through pain and/or discomfort at some point or heck, even on a daily basis. For someone your age and in your economic position, not doing a physical job for anything other than a diagnosed physical injury or impairment just seems like an excuse. Earlier in the thread Gabe was complaining about packing and lifting bags of groceries hurting his back. He also had problems with the cold weather. That's ridiculous. The heaviest one grocery bag can be what? 15 lbs? Even if it is double bagged, 20 lbs? All you have to do to work as a bagger is hustle, good manners and be clean. 20 lbs isn't back breaking work for anyone in their 20's. No but the repetitive lifting was getting to me and yes I did have good manners and was clean.
  15. It depends but yes in most cases I do both so I have a better chance of getting a interview Either your idea doesn't work very well since you don't get very many interviews or you make a very bad first impression when you hand off your resume. Maybe you're giving off some weird vibes to the manager when you drop off your resume. I'm not sure about weird vibes but I'm always nervous when I really want a job. Heck, in that case you should never be nervous. Out of curiosity, what was the managers name? One of the managers was named Peter How many managers did you talk to? What was the name of the manager you handed your resume to? Two managers and the guy that took my resume was named peter Here's something you might try. Send Peter a Thank You note thanking him for taking the time to talk to you, even if all he did was take your resume. Very few people do this, and it might make you stand out among the other applicants. At the minimum, he will remember your name, and that may be the little something extra that gets you a job offer. Can't hurt to try it thanks. How were your fingernails? How was your hair? How were you dressed? Fingernails were trimmed and clean, Hair was nice and clean and I was dressed in a coat.
  16. Like it always does I guess. I asked for the manager and gave him my resume. McDonalds takes resumes? I worked at KFC years ago and all I did was fill out an application The McDonalds in my area always have Now Hiring signs, and all you do is fill out an application. You're not applying at Microsoft, McDonalds doesn't need a resume. Fifty bucks says he never even walked in the door. I'll only take that bet if you promise a .50 cents return if I lose As far as I know, McDonalds is always hiring, but in the wild chance the one he "applied" to isn't, there are several other options available when you have no real responsibilities. Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy's etc etc. Sorry, man, 50 cents is 50 cents! Seriously, though, he knows all those opportunities are out there, he just doesn't want to work any more than absolutely necessary. Is there any of us reading this thread, besides Gabe, who doesn't know that you can be the biggest doofus in the world, and still work 40 hours or more a week, somewhere, doing something? But you have to WANT to do it, and Gabe very clearly doesn't. I never said that I don't want to work 40 hours a week but I did say that physical jobs would drain me way too quickly. As you have stated, you have "some sort" of emotional and learning issues. I don't need an answer but I am curious...Do you have any medical issues that preclude you from being able to do physical labour? What do you mean "drain you too quickly"? You are a young man in your 20's. Yes, working construction (especially if living a sedentary lifestyle) would take some getting use to but you will. Everyone has aches and pains, when I worked construction you bet I did, but that is normal. You get use to it. Your body will adapt. Most people have and continue to work through pain and/or discomfort at some point or heck, even on a daily basis. For someone your age and in your economic position, not doing a physical job for anything other than a diagnosed physical injury or impairment just seems like an excuse. Pm sent.
  17. It depends but yes in most cases I do both so I have a better chance of getting a interview Either your idea doesn't work very well since you don't get very many interviews or you make a very bad first impression when you hand off your resume. Maybe you're giving off some weird vibes to the manager when you drop off your resume. I'm not sure about weird vibes but I'm always nervous when I really want a job. Heck, in that case you should never be nervous. Out of curiosity, what was the managers name? One of the managers was named Peter How many managers did you talk to? What was the name of the manager you handed your resume to? Two managers and the guy that took my resume was named peter Here's something you might try. Send Peter a Thank You note thanking him for taking the time to talk to you, even if all he did was take your resume. Very few people do this, and it might make you stand out among the other applicants. At the minimum, he will remember your name, and that may be the little something extra that gets you a job offer. Can't hurt to try it thanks.
  18. It depends but yes in most cases I do both so I have a better chance of getting a interview Either your idea doesn't work very well since you don't get very many interviews or you make a very bad first impression when you hand off your resume. Maybe you're giving off some weird vibes to the manager when you drop off your resume. I'm not sure about weird vibes but I'm always nervous when I really want a job. Heck, in that case you should never be nervous. Out of curiosity, what was the managers name? One of the managers was named Peter How many managers did you talk to? What was the name of the manager you handed your resume to? Two managers and the guy that took my resume was named peter
  19. I want to congratulate you for being one of the few people to actually check the first page.
  20. It depends but yes in most cases I do both so I have a better chance of getting a interview Either your idea doesn't work very well since you don't get very many interviews or you make a very bad first impression when you hand off your resume. Maybe you're giving off some weird vibes to the manager when you drop off your resume. I'm not sure about weird vibes but I'm always nervous when I really want a job. Heck, in that case you should never be nervous. Out of curiosity, what was the managers name? One of the managers was named Peter
  21. It depends but yes in most cases I do both so I have a better chance of getting a interview Either your idea doesn't work very well since you don't get very many interviews or you make a very bad first impression when you hand off your resume. Maybe you're giving off some weird vibes to the manager when you drop off your resume. I'm not sure about weird vibes but I'm always nervous when I really want a job.
  22. Yes they are aware it's a stock photo but I haven't asked the second question. I did give him the option of a refund should he not be satisfied. If the buyer knew that it was a stock photo, then no harm, no foul. However, you make it sound like you're going above and beyond by offering a refund if the buyers not happy. You're not. Any buyer on eBay can return anything whether the seller offers/allows refunds or not. I'm still not sure why that is as people can take advantage of that and I'm not saying I'm going above and beyond I just don't advertise it because people will take advantage of it. There is no defense a seller can make with a stock photo and no description for a "not as described" return if the buyer chooses initiate one. What if the copy you send the buyer is 9.4 and they wanted something higher? No Defense.y What if they find one cheaper over the next 30 days and initiate a return on yours and just say it was not as described? No Defense. What if in 30 days they just would rather have the money for any reason? Again, no defense. I'm not saying any of these would happen, but you've seen them all before (some first hand). There is not just a little risk. as you say, but A LOT of risk. Especially for someone like you who is $1200 in the hole after 2+ years of trying. The people that bought from me have decent feedback and one has more then I do. You do bring up good points except for the last one, you can't return or ask for a refund because of buyer's remorse. First of all, your feedback number is not that high, so to say that someone else has a higher rating not only isn't impressive, it shouldn't be used to make a buying decision. Second, people return stuff for buyers remorse all the time, they just use another excuse. Like it or not, it's part of doing business on eBay, so you just have to deal with it. Finally, the irony of you saying that buyers shouldn't be allowed to return things for buyers remorse (and they shouldn't) on one hand, but then offering to conduct a sale off eBay in your eBay listing is more than a little ironic and humorous. Finally, you don't need to advertise that you accept returns, because anyone whose been on eBay for any length of time knows that is meaningless; meaning they already know they can return their purchase for a refund. No my feedback isn't high but I'm not just starting out either. I know people refund stuff for buyers remorse you just have to ask questions till they admit to it or slip up. I know refunds are a part of ebay and doing business but my point is to minimize it as much as I can. Yes I'm glad you found that ASM 129 so humorous but that had nothing to do with buyer's remorse I just tried to get less fees taken off of it. Why do you always need to have things spelled out for you? Seriously, how many dot to dot puzzles have to be done for you? My entire point about your ASM 129 listing and buyers returning purchases for buyers remorse is simply that they are both wrong, not that one has anything to do with the other. Also, if a buyer wants to return a purchase, let them. You're not Perry Mason or Joe Friday, you don't need to investigate why they want to return an item. If they want to return something, take it back. Not only is it just easier, but if you give buyers hassles about returns, you're just asking for negative feedback. If you think selling is tough now, wait until you try it with a couple of negative feedbacks on your record. I think it was Ed (ft88) who is a better seller than you will ever be if you live 100, stated that even Target will let you return a once worn dress, the least he can do is take back a comic book with subjective grading. And he knows how to grade. You, on the other hand, not so much. Why? Because if I don't understand something I ask and while it may seem easy and basic to you it's not to me. Also you have no trouble bashing me for anything so I'll ask you this, if you're memory is perfectly fine why do I need to repeat myself at least 50 times? I investigate why people ask for returns because I don't like being taken advantage of, if it's a legitimate problem then fine if it's not I have a problem. I realize grading is subjective if it wasn't there would no need for third party grading companies. Oh, cry me a river. First, my memory is far from perfect. Second, nobody asked you to repeat yourself, you just do it. Third, just because I, or anyone else understands something, doesn't mean it's basic or easy. It means we worked to learn it. You, on the other hand, are content to ask the same questions umpteen times, instead of applying yourself and learning a concept. I find it interesting how you became defensive so quickly yet tell me to man up. The reason I repeat myself is because I don't remember if a question has been asked or not and I don't know how to link someone to the answer. No that's exactly what you make it out to be, when you find something simple you ask why don't I know it but when I ask you the same question all of a sudden you said " Doesn't mean it's easy or basic" I understand that I ask the same question a lot but there are also things I've followed from other boardies.