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Posts posted by uchiha101

  1. Wait he's a Trump supporter?




    I have no opinion on the matter, but I would have bet any amount of money on that.


    I don't want to derail it due to politics, but yes. Tons of "I Hate Hillary" type of stuff intermingled with "Who Is Your Best Friend" type of "quizzes' and Anime.


    It is not the posting of poltical things per se, it is the type of stuff he is posting that may give a potential employer/volunteer coordinator "pause'.


    Again, just wanted to clear that up.




    I haven't posted anything inappropriate and I do realize employers can look at that so I say let them I know plenty of successful people that post what they want and yes I'm not at that stage or close to it yet but if they don't hire me based on that then who cares?


    Your response here speaks volumes about your lack of maturity, attitude and not giving a about actually finding a job and being anything other than a mooch.


    Someone only working 20 hours at a minimum wage job and still livin with their parents should care. Enjoy your life of subsidy and poverty.


    I'm not a mooch I have a job, a 20 hour job but it's better then nothing. Also you keep bringing up the fact that I'm learning nothing if that were true I would be in way more debt then I am and since I know you'll mention the "finder's fee" so I'll make this clear

    The finders fee wouldn't make a dent if I had truly learned nothing at all.


    Or an abstract of the thread so that it's a quicker read. Making money is really difficult so some quick one-liners or bullet points would be great. Don't really have time for stuff like details...



    I will give you an abstract:


    24 year-old lives at home with his parents. He claims to have a learning disability and health issues. He collects government assistance. He can't hold a job bagging groceries and blames it on the aforementioned problems with mind and body. He also apparently struggles with even the most basic forms of hygiene, such as trimming nails and facial hair. He can't seem to form even a basic grasp of the comic business, yet insists upon spending what little money he has on bad deals. To make things worse, he has recently gotten a credit card. He makes the most convoluted, ridiculous deals that you can imagine and always seems to screw things up. People here have given top-notch advice over the last several months (or more) and he continues to ignore everyone. He is the single-most helpless SOB that I've ever encountered. At first, it was easy to feel sorry for him. But not anymore. You can lead a horse to the water, but you can't force one to drink.


    :D Awesome.


    Now how about one about one for the "Moderns that are heating up" thread or the threads about "hot" Copper and Bronze books, because the OP doesn't have time to read up on that due to how overwhelming it is.


    I never said I don't have time to read it I said that it overwhelms me as that's part of my learning disability. If you think you can memorize over 200 different posts go for it but I know I can't.


    It's simple, go through the thread and write down all of the hot books in alphabetical order.


    I believe this is your #1 problem. You don't want to do things for yourself and you expect help.


    No I lack common sense that most people have and my ideas are usually doing things the hard way and I can learn how to do something faster I ask for it.



    Dear Gabe,


    You are (nearly) 24 years old. Time to grow up. This comic thing is not working for you. That's a fact.


    You lack basic life skills and currently have little hope of becoming a responsible and independent adult based on your current trajectory. You have a bad habit of making superficial acknowledgements of your own failures. You always have plenty of excuses and seem to quit anything that is not “fun” (example: “don’t give many any of that hard work bull”) or feel you are not “respected”. This needs to change.


    With your employment track record and only having high school (one year of a two year video game art diploma program means squat) and no trade skills and/or other skill sets to draw from, what kind of work do you hope to get?


    To make a million dollars selling “bomics” is not realistic for you. The fact is it is not realistic for most people to make a comfortable living selling comics. You are $1100 in the hole after nearly 3 years of doing this and you would be even worse off had it not been for that generous boardie giving you a sweet “finder’s fee. You are now onto your next blunder, throwing good money after another bad decsion (ASM #129) that you will be lucky to break even on. Imagine if you had to maintain a roof over your own head, pay your own rent (yes, I know you pay rent now) but also utilities, groceries, transportation and everything else that comes with being independent? You simply could not in your current situation. Your parents are “subsidizing” you and you do not have a viable plan for the future. This is not a good path to success.


    I highly recommend that you seek out professional help. As some have suggested, a professional life coach/mentor or and possibly other therapist, like a psychologist or even psychiatrist to help you address your learning and other issues. You need professional help and you need to listen and act on that advice.


    I believe you are in the Niagara area. Try contacting the Learning Disabilities Association of Niagara Region. Apparently they also provide support to adults. At the very least it would be a starting point. If you are not in Niagara area, there is going to be something similar in nearly every region. Actively seek out help and resources. They are out there and no one is saying it will be easy, but you have to at least try.


    You don’t have to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Start small. Focus on the basics of things you can change within yourself. Work on your attitude. Hygiene. Resilience. Work Ethic.


    Finally, genuinely look for other real work. There is absolutely no reason a relatively healthy young man can’t work a 40 hour week. Leave that chip on your shoulder at home. If finding regular work is not going well, look into volunteering somewhere to make contacts and show employers you can stick to something and hopefully gain a positive reference. Volunteering may even lead to paid work.


    Sidebar: You need to clean up your digital footprint. Not to get “political” but your constant postings of right-wing pro Trump memes/propaganda (you do realize you are Canadian and can’t vote for Trump right?) and anime heavy posts on Facebook should be scaled back. Your YouTube is a bit of a joke. There is a video where you can verbally hear you scoffing at a family member. Change the name of Your YouTube channel as someone else has suggested. Delete the voice acting . Also, fix up or take down your LinkedIn profile. It is a mess. Many employers and even volunteer administrators “Google” those who submit an application and you would likely get a big fat “pass” based on what they can easily find out about you online.


    You flat out lack the experience, skill set and resources at this time to buy and sell comics successfully (barring some “miracle” ) so just stop before “dealing” in comics buries you. You can still collect, buy the odd smaller book, enjoy comics for the fun of it but genuinely focus on something that is real and achievable for you. Please don’t squander all the good advice you have received - You have received far more than you deserve to be honest – Or I fear that you are going to end up just another “lost soul”.


    I know I have given you a hard time. I know I am probably coming across as a sanctimonious person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed, but I do hope you listen and act on the advice here and from any professional advice you may receive, but you probably won't so I leave you with a quote.







    I like quotes and yes I do realize I can't vote for Trump but I don't want politics messing with my journal. I'm getting help from a life coach and a psychiatrist and as for comics I just need to be smarter with what I do because I do learn from them whether you believe it or not I night make them two or three times but I do learn.


    Gabe since WHEN did you actually start seeing a life coach and/or psychiatrist? Funny just a few days ago you mentioned that would be a good idea and now all of a sudden you have both?


    Fact is you don't learn. You pay lip service to it. Keep on failing bud.



    It's not funny to me you never asked and I've had her for at least 6 months and the life coach three months you guys don't believe I'm making any changes so I thought it was pointless to mention until you brought it up,

  4. I'll get it pressed and regraded because I have a presser that assured me that he can do it but in that case something happens he'll pay for the comic.


    Show your math for this please. Just because you can press a book doesn't mean its worth while. Show all costs you will have to pay.




    ASM 129 CGC 8.0


    Paid $956


    Expected grade 8.5


    Last sale $1200

    90 day average $1075


    Costs of cpr


    Shipping $30

    Pressing $15

    Grading $75




    956+30+15+75 = 1076 which is 1 dollar over the 90 gpa average of a 8.5


    Expected value




    Now I would take the expected value and take it away from how much everything cost me


    1200-1075 = $125 profit




    Does the cost of grading above (75$) include return shipping to Canada? Selling for 1200 =/= (does not equal 1200 in your PayPal, but rather 1153.20 at 3.9% fee).


    Gabe your presser may tell you he can get you a bump but what happens if it stays an 8.0? What happens if drops are you financially safe to lose another 150 for an 8.0 or like 350 if it drops to a 7.5?


    .... a 10% return on your capital outlay that you have to wait months to make is a waste of time. I think you may be letting your ego run the show.... insisting on carrying only the hot "wow" books that have to be purchased at the top of the market, often with no one in the wings willing to pay higher. I went through that phase myself and took a bath. It's a horrible business model. GOD BLESS...


    -jimbo(a friend of jesus) (thumbs u


    That's why I'm selling it as the 8.0 first before I try anything else and I'm the last person that has a ego I talk about hot comics because that's what's been selling for me as are key issues. I've bought cheaper comics and lost money on them.

  5. I hope that ASM129 comes back 9.0 then what will everyone say


    That would be a good thing, but what if it comes back a 7.5? You know as well as anyone else who flips that you need to have that margin for error built into your business model.


    What is the margin of error percentage?



    The margin of error is lets say you're buying a book for $100 and you submit it thinking it has a good shot at a 9.8 which will then be worth $300. Look up what that book goes for in 9.6 or potentially 9.4. Maybe at 9.6 you break even and at 9.4 it will be a small loss. If you've subbed enough books you start to get a general idea of what CGC is looking for in certain grades, so you have to develop your grading eye so you have some sort of confidence that a book will come back in the grade range you believe it to be.


    There's nothing wrong with taking a gamble now and then as long as you can afford to do so, but you should always try to mitigate your losses, especially now as you're trying to build up your cash.


    I like the way you laid it out and I do think that way sometimes but not often.


    You need to think that way all the time right now. Grind it out, build your cash up and eventually you will be able to take risks on bigger books. Always think about building your cash up, you will take some losses, that happens to everyone, but you want to minimize them as much as possible.


    To be honest I don't know how to begin with finding 100 dollar comics I remember the comics that I do because they are key issues and in mist cases easier to flip.


    On this forum alone there are threads discussing "hot" books in both the Copper and Bronze sections. Take some of that information and start looking on eBay, other web retailers or scour the local LCS's. Most of the guys I personally know have to hustle a little to find books, they're not just going to drop out of the sky.


    To be successful at this you're going to have to work at it. I think there are a lot of people here who are willing to share information and knowledge, but no one wants to hold your hand. Do your research, do your work, build slowly within your means.


    I checked and I was overwhelmed by how much info there was do you how any tips?


    Tips on what, books? Or tips on how to organize information?


    How to organize information properly


    Write stuff down, make lists.



  6. I'll get it pressed and regraded because I have a presser that assured me that he can do it but in that case something happens he'll pay for the comic.


    Show your math for this please. Just because you can press a book doesn't mean its worth while. Show all costs you will have to pay.




    ASM 129 CGC 8.0


    Paid $956


    Expected grade 8.5


    Last sale $1200

    90 day average $1075


    Costs of cpr


    Shipping $30

    Pressing $15

    Grading $75




    956+30+15+75 = 1076 which is 1 dollar over the 90 gpa average of a 8.5


    Expected value




    Now I would take the expected value and take it away from how much everything cost me


    1200-1075 = $125 profit




    Does the cost of grading above (75$) include return shipping to Canada? Selling for 1200 =/= (does not equal 1200 in your PayPal, but rather 1153.20 at 3.9% fee).


    Gabe your presser may tell you he can get you a bump but what happens if it stays an 8.0? What happens if drops are you financially safe to lose another 150 for an 8.0 or like 350 if it drops to a 7.5?


    I would have to check again as I believe he would cover the difference should that happen. The 75 would cover shipping and the return cost to Canada. Would I be able to handle the financial loss? I would but I wouldn't like it.

  7. I'll get it pressed and regraded because I have a presser that assured me that he can do it but in that case something happens he'll pay for the comic.


    Show your math for this please. Just because you can press a book doesn't mean its worth while. Show all costs you will have to pay.




    ASM 129 CGC 8.0


    Paid $956


    Expected grade 8.5


    Last sale $1200

    90 day average $1075


    Costs of cpr


    Shipping $30

    Pressing $15

    Grading $75




    956+30+15+75 = 1076 which is 1 dollar over the 90 gpa average of a 8.5


    Expected value




    Now I would take the expected value and take it away from how much everything cost me


    1200-1075 = $125 profit



    $1,200 - $156 (10% eBay/auction house + 3% PayPal) = $1,044.

    $1,044 - $30 shipping = $1,014


    [LOSS of $62 IF the grade bumps up and IF you can sell it for GPA high.





    I don't agree with those numbers for the simple reason that I wouldn't use anything that would cost me fees like ebay or a auction house and my paypal fee would already be calculated into the price of the ASM 129. Also another thing is you put shipping fees and that isn't right as well as shipping would be added on top of the purchase price of the comic.

  8. What's the sale price outright?


    Tree fiddy


    1050 or 1000


    So, $1,000?


    As soon as you post two numbers of what you're looking to get, do you think a potential buyer will give you the higher of the two numbers? ;)


    I realize that but none of the boardies here would even buy it so I'm not worried and I was answering what they asked of me.

  9. I didn't think it was possible to lose $1,000 in selling books. You may not make a fortune but there are enough deals floating around the sales thread any given week you should be able to make money each week (as long as Hector is not around to grab them first)


    For me it was because my mistakes were overpaying for these comics and the fact that I got scammed three times led me to the situation I'm in now but I'll keep my eyes on the sales threads.


    You've been doing that for years, your youtube videos prove it. Time after time after time you say in your videos ("I overpaid for this but...")


    Years of making the same mistake, over and over and over - and not just with $5-$10 books but with $100-$1000 books. That's insane that you just keep making the same simple mistake over and over and over again.


    The very very basic and simple concept of RESEARCHING comicbook values and prices before buying appears to be beyond your ability!


    Either that, or you just completely lack any self-control whatsoever and your addiction takes over and STEP #1 of buying comics just goes right out the window. AND the fact that you keep blaming others for your predicament (you didn't "get scammed", you sought out and ALLOWED yourself to get scammed in venues where otherwise-knowledgeable people would know scammers operate and have the advantage. You blame others for your own ignorance.)


    THAT is why so many professional dealers here and sellers with years and decades of experience here have been telling you to STOP BUYING AND SELLING COMICS.


    Because you can't even do Step #1 consistently even after YEARS of doing this.



    Let me tell you something then. I am a emotional person and with that one of my biggest problems are impulse buys and acting on my emotions to do with that. I have made many mistakes where I have overpaid but you know what? I paid all those mistakes off except for the current asm 129. I wasn't the only person that was scammed by these people and many others more knowledgeable than myself the difference is most don't admit it because they'd be embarrassed by it. Should I have known better then to be scammed? Yes I should have. I also do my research before I buy a comic buy this is where my emotions come into play for example if I see something that's a good price and I think someone will buy it from under me I buy it as quickly as I can. I'm not completely naive it may take me longer to realize what I've done wrong but if I really didn't move forward I would still be paying off the overpaid comics which I already did expect for the ASM 129. What's left is my mistake with being scammed which I'm working on because those are some pretty heavy hits I've received but I learned from them. You don't believe me I'm sure but the scams happened in this order. 2 and a half years ago, 2 years ago and 1 year ago.

  10. There's a tool here alright.



    You think that's me haha no I just say what I mean to others and no one forced red to come here.


    No, I don't think. Haha You're pretty insolent for someone in your situation


    No you can say what you wish but I don't like being insulted.


    You choose to be insulted by criticism. Well deserved criticism in this case, by literally hundreds of years of experience on this subject.


    Your "criticisms" border on insulting quite a bit.


    I may not personally agree with how the OP is handling his "business", but he's remained fairly even keeled in the face of a lot of people throwing krap his way. I think that's admirable and I don't know a lot of people here who would be able to do that without lashing out. 2c


    I don't believe in coddling.


    You don't have to coddle but there's a difference between being insulting and giving criticism so I'll say something based on what I see here. You have been so blunt with people over the years your line between the two has blurred so much you can't tell the difference anymore and should someone point this out to you then you turn it around on the person saying they can't handle what you have to say.

  11. I'll get it pressed and regraded because I have a presser that assured me that he can do it but in that case something happens he'll pay for the comic.


    Show your math for this please. Just because you can press a book doesn't mean its worth while. Show all costs you will have to pay.




    ASM 129 CGC 8.0


    Paid $956


    Expected grade 8.5


    Last sale $1200

    90 day average $1075


    Costs of cpr


    Shipping $30

    Pressing $15

    Grading $75




    956+30+15+75 = 1076 which is 1 dollar over the 90 gpa average of a 8.5


    Expected value




    Now I would take the expected value and take it away from how much everything cost me


    1200-1075 = $125 profit




  12. just get all the numbers sorted out and in writing as soon as possible. Like what price for what grade, who pays for shipping, grading, insurance, and other fees if applicable. Get everything signed by both parties, give copies, maybe even get a witness. Make sure names are on everything, maybe a phone number too. All on the contract.



    Yes I will ask for contact info and I want to see how this comic does before I decide the next step.

  13. There's a tool here alright.



    You think that's me haha no I just say what I mean to others and no one forced red to come here.


    No, I don't think. Haha You're pretty insolent for someone in your situation


    No you can say what you wish but I don't like being insulted.


    You choose to be insulted by criticism. Well deserved criticism in this case, by literally hundreds of years of experience on this subject.


    There's a fine line between criticism and being condescending you know this as well as I do and you were quick to point out that it wasn't a insult so go back a few pages and the let me know if everything you see here is really "Criticism"

  14. One thing I found success in was taking advantage of shops who didn't keep up on the latest movie hype or used guide. It's much safer to dig for deals because you aren't wasting money speculating. The market already exists.


    For instance in the last two years, here's a few:


    Strange adv 187 two copies ($8 each) sold one for $130 one for $80 - one was lower grade


    Batman 251 - 2 copies for a total of $20. Sold for $250-300 total - both mid grade well presenting


    Iron man 55 - $25 - mid grade copy - traded for jla 1


    Iron fist 14 - mid grade - $35

    Xmen 101 - mid grade - $35


    Those are just off the top of my head.


    Of course there is money to be made by capitalizing off of shop owners/ con dealers' ignorance.


    However, you have to know the market in the first place to do this with any measure of success.


    After reading a couple pages of this thread, Gabe does not have the first notion of how to go about making the judgement calls needed to play this angle.


    To suggest any of this to Gabe is doing the kid a huge disservice.


    It is complete lunacy for Gabe to continue onward as a comic dealer.


    Gabe needs to follow the Wall-Crawlers advice, completely.Everything that he said, Gabe needs to do.


    That said, this thread should be closed by a moderator.


    Ridiculous. This is his journal, he wants to do it. None of us have to read it or respond.


    It may be his journal, but it is not his board.When talk in threads becomes unproductive, moderators close threads.As they should.


    Gabe clearly needs professional help, as Wall-Crawler said.There really is nothing else to be said.Going on any further only serves to fuel Gabe's disordered and far from linear thinking.









    I am getting help and no it's not unproductive I may not follow every piece of advice given here but I do follow some things.

  15. Wait he's a Trump supporter?




    I have no opinion on the matter, but I would have bet any amount of money on that.




    Yeah, I saw that reference about Gabe posting die hard right wing videos on his youtube page, going all out for Trump....and the sentiments expressed by you two were exactly what came to my mind.


    The Trump stuff is just icing on the insufficiently_thoughtful_person cake, which I just let slide because talking sense to this kid....as evidenced by the sheer volume of attempts made by others in this thread, is on par with screaming into the wind.





    Fair enough but I'm not going to talk about politics here.

  16. One thing I found success in was taking advantage of shops who didn't keep up on the latest movie hype or used guide. It's much safer to dig for deals because you aren't wasting money speculating. The market already exists.


    For instance in the last two years, here's a few:


    Strange adv 187 two copies ($8 each) sold one for $130 one for $80 - one was lower grade


    Batman 251 - 2 copies for a total of $20. Sold for $250-300 total - both mid grade well presenting


    Iron man 55 - $25 - mid grade copy - traded for jla 1


    Iron fist 14 - mid grade - $35

    Xmen 101 - mid grade - $35


    Those are just off the top of my head.


    Of course there is money to be made by capitalizing off of shop owners/ con dealers' ignorance.


    However, you have to know the market in the first place to do this with any measure of success.


    After reading a couple pages of this thread, Gabe does not have the first notion of how to go about making the judgement calls needed to play this angle.


    To suggest any of this to Gabe is doing the kid a huge disservice.


    It is complete lunacy for Gabe to continue onward as a comic dealer.


    Gabe needs to follow the Wall-Crawlers advice, completely.Everything that he said, Gabe needs to do.


    That said, this thread should be closed by a moderator.


    Ridiculous. This is his journal, he wants to do it. None of us have to read it or respond.


    He should start one in the personal announcements while he's at it





  17. One thing I found success in was taking advantage of shops who didn't keep up on the latest movie hype or used guide. It's much safer to dig for deals because you aren't wasting money speculating. The market already exists.


    For instance in the last two years, here's a few:


    Strange adv 187 two copies ($8 each) sold one for $130 one for $80 - one was lower grade


    Batman 251 - 2 copies for a total of $20. Sold for $250-300 total - both mid grade well presenting


    Iron man 55 - $25 - mid grade copy - traded for jla 1


    Iron fist 14 - mid grade - $35

    Xmen 101 - mid grade - $35


    Those are just off the top of my head.


    Of course there is money to be made by capitalizing off of shop owners/ con dealers' ignorance.


    However, you have to know the market in the first place to do this with any measure of success.


    After reading a couple pages of this thread, Gabe does not have the first notion of how to go about making the judgement calls needed to play this angle.


    To suggest any of this to Gabe is doing the kid a huge disservice.


    It is complete lunacy for Gabe to continue onward as a comic dealer.


    Gabe needs to follow the Wall-Crawlers advice, completely.Everything that he said, Gabe needs to do.


    That said, this thread should be closed by a moderator.


    Ridiculous. This is his journal, he wants to do it. None of us have to read it or respond.



  18. Wait he's a Trump supporter?




    I have no opinion on the matter, but I would have bet any amount of money on that.


    I don't want to derail it due to politics, but yes. Tons of "I Hate Hillary" type of stuff intermingled with "Who Is Your Best Friend" type of "quizzes' and Anime.


    It is not the posting of poltical things per se, it is the type of stuff he is posting that may give a potential employer/volunteer coordinator "pause'.


    Again, just wanted to clear that up.


    I haven't posted anything inappropriate and I do realize employers can look at that so I say let them I know plenty of successful people that post what they want and yes I'm not at that stage or close to it yet but if they don't hire me based on that then who cares?



    Dear Gabe,




    You are (nearly) 24 years old. Time to grow up. This comic thing is not working for you. That's a fact.


    You lack basic life skills and currently have little hope of becoming a responsible and independent adult based on your current trajectory. You have a bad habit of making superficial acknowledgements of your own failures. You always have plenty of excuses and seem to quit anything that is not “fun” (example: “don’t give many any of that hard work bull”) or feel you are not “respected”. This needs to change.


    With your employment track record and only having high school (one year of a two year video game art diploma program means squat) and no trade skills and/or other skill sets to draw from, what kind of work do you hope to get?


    To make a million dollars selling “bomics” is not realistic for you. The fact is it is not realistic for most people to make a comfortable living selling comics. You are $1100 in the hole after nearly 3 years of doing this and you would be even worse off had it not been for that generous boardie giving you a sweet “finder’s fee. You are now onto your next blunder, throwing good money after another bad decsion (ASM #129) that you will be lucky to break even on. Imagine if you had to maintain a roof over your own head, pay your own rent (yes, I know you pay rent now) but also utilities, groceries, transportation and everything else that comes with being independent? You simply could not in your current situation. Your parents are “subsidizing” you and you do not have a viable plan for the future. This is not a good path to success.


    I highly recommend that you seek out professional help. As some have suggested, a professional life coach/mentor or and possibly other therapist, like a psychologist or even psychiatrist to help you address your learning and other issues. You need professional help and you need to listen and act on that advice.


    I believe you are in the Niagara area. Try contacting the Learning Disabilities Association of Niagara Region. Apparently they also provide support to adults. At the very least it would be a starting point. If you are not in Niagara area, there is going to be something similar in nearly every region. Actively seek out help and resources. They are out there and no one is saying it will be easy, but you have to at least try.


    You don’t have to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Start small. Focus on the basics of things you can change within yourself. Work on your attitude. Hygiene. Resilience. Work Ethic.


    Finally, genuinely look for other real work. There is absolutely no reason a relatively healthy young man can’t work a 40 hour week. Leave that chip on your shoulder at home. If finding regular work is not going well, look into volunteering somewhere to make contacts and show employers you can stick to something and hopefully gain a positive reference. Volunteering may even lead to paid work.


    Sidebar: You need to clean up your digital footprint. Not to get “political” but your constant postings of right-wing pro Trump memes/propaganda (you do realize you are Canadian and can’t vote for Trump right?) and anime heavy posts on Facebook should be scaled back. Your YouTube is a bit of a joke. There is a video where you can verbally hear you scoffing at a family member. Change the name of Your YouTube channel as someone else has suggested. Delete the voice acting . Also, fix up or take down your LinkedIn profile. It is a mess. Many employers and even volunteer administrators “Google” those who submit an application and you would likely get a big fat “pass” based on what they can easily find out about you online.


    You flat out lack the experience, skill set and resources at this time to buy and sell comics successfully (barring some “miracle” ) so just stop before “dealing” in comics buries you. You can still collect, buy the odd smaller book, enjoy comics for the fun of it but genuinely focus on something that is real and achievable for you. Please don’t squander all the good advice you have received - You have received far more than you deserve to be honest – Or I fear that you are going to end up just another “lost soul”.


    I know I have given you a hard time. I know I am probably coming across as a sanctimonious person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed, but I do hope you listen and act on the advice here and from any professional advice you may receive, but you probably won't so I leave you with a quote.









    Yet another excellent post worth more than gold. (gold prices can go down, good advice never decreases in value)


