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Posts posted by uchiha101


    I myself am consistently surprised at the deals Gabe uncovers. Whether or not he should pursue any or all of those deals is another matter entirely but he seems to be a real bloodhound when it comes to finding comics.


    Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every once in a while


    ...Especially when they only work 20-25 hours a week and LOTS of free time to troll the internet because they don't have any real responsibility or motivation to get out on their own...


    Not to mention that he's $1100 in the hole after doing this for 3 years.


    People should continue to encourage him...just not to buy and sell comic books.


    I'm working on getting into the green.

  2. We all believe that we know what is best for us and it is hard for anyone, not just Gabe but all of us, to believe that someone else is better positioned to decide our course of action than we ourselves are.


    We all choose to make decisions that are not in our own best interests.


    We all persist in behavior that does not seem rational. 188 pages of this thread is proof enough of that! And I bet 188 more pages are to come where boardies tell Gabe to stop and he says he is learning and getting better at it.


    I myself am consistently surprised at the deals Gabe uncovers. Whether or not he should pursue any or all of those deals is another matter entirely but he seems to be a real bloodhound when it comes to finding comics.


    A lot of us also wish we had access to as much advice as Gabe is getting, or had listened to, when we were younger. If he put forth the effort and energy towards his life that he does in finding deals then maybe he would be in a better spot in life and in a position to flip books and games.


    That would be true but I don't ignore all the advice I get here and my case worker doesn't know what to do with me because I don't know what I want career wise even though I said I'm willing to do as many tests as it takes.


    Case worker?


    Are you still receiving government/social assistance?


    Nope but my guy that helps me with job stuff is also a case worker but nothing to do with assistance.


    I myself am consistently surprised at the deals Gabe uncovers. Whether or not he should pursue any or all of those deals is another matter entirely but he seems to be a real bloodhound when it comes to finding comics.


    Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every once in a while


    ...Especially when they only work 20-25 hours a week and LOTS of free time to troll the internet because they don't have any real responsibility or motivation to get out on their own...


    You make it sound like I try to people off but anyway I do have free time and it's better to look for deals and sleep then party and do drugs.

  4. I've read about as much of this thread as I could before my eyes fell out.


    This whole thing is rather pointless. From what I gather the OP is living at home, in his mid 20's. Kind of working? Disability? What is the rent? Car payment at all? Utilities? Food?


    Unless you are paying those things, you will not hold my interest in your quest on your "Road To Success", because quite frankly, you are currently ignoring the game called life. I would love to not pay the aforementioned expenses, and just sink money into funny books, but that isn't any of our reality, and if it's yours, you are not on the same playing field with everyone else.


    Call this tough love, but I could be less than interested in your Road, because it sounds like a one way street.


    Learning disability, working 20-25 hours a week and the rent is 600 a month.

    $600 a month isn`t too bad for rent.

    One thing you have in your favor is you have no children,mortgage and wife to account for.

    You are young and have time.

    I say continue to do what you are doing. Don`t give up your dreams.

    Yes,It`s not going as you have planned,but with failure you are learning about business.

    Many successful people failed hundreds of times.

    What sets them apart is they did not give up.


    With great advice like that, maybe he'll finally be in the black in another 3 years.


    I don't think it will take that long

  5. We all believe that we know what is best for us and it is hard for anyone, not just Gabe but all of us, to believe that someone else is better positioned to decide our course of action than we ourselves are.


    We all choose to make decisions that are not in our own best interests.


    We all persist in behavior that does not seem rational. 188 pages of this thread is proof enough of that! And I bet 188 more pages are to come where boardies tell Gabe to stop and he says he is learning and getting better at it.


    I myself am consistently surprised at the deals Gabe uncovers. Whether or not he should pursue any or all of those deals is another matter entirely but he seems to be a real bloodhound when it comes to finding comics.


    A lot of us also wish we had access to as much advice as Gabe is getting, or had listened to, when we were younger. If he put forth the effort and energy towards his life that he does in finding deals then maybe he would be in a better spot in life and in a position to flip books and games.


    That would be true but I don't ignore all the advice I get here and my case worker doesn't know what to do with me because I don't know what I want career wise even though I said I'm willing to do as many tests as it takes.

  6. We all believe that we know what is best for us and it is hard for anyone, not just Gabe but all of us, to believe that someone else is better positioned to decide our course of action than we ourselves are.


    We all choose to make decisions that are not in our own best interests.


    We all persist in behavior that does not seem rational. 188 pages of this thread is proof enough of that! And I bet 188 more pages are to come where boardies tell Gabe to stop and he says he is learning and getting better at it.


    I myself am consistently surprised at the deals Gabe uncovers. Whether or not he should pursue any or all of those deals is another matter entirely but he seems to be a real bloodhound when it comes to finding comics.


    I do my best to find deals and I've found some good ones if I say so myself. If I wasn't learning I would be in even more debt then I am and I'd keep over paying for comics.


    I think I joined this site about 3 years ago. I don't remember what my first thread was but I do know I had a lot more spending money. If you don't mind me asking what is your job?


    My short term goals are pretty simple


    Get a job with more hours

    Sell of my comics

    Decide or at least have a idea of what I want as a career


    I do like how you worded that last paragraph I have the power of choice to end this cycle. That makes me feel good.



    I work as a courier, the company term is a Field Services Technician, for a water testing lab. I drive around the Eastern and Northern part of Kentucky, going to different drinking water plants and waste water plants that contract us out to do their testing.


    My job consists of

    driving, driving and more driving. I drive around 8 hours every day just for the job. My travel time to and from work is about an hour round trip so I get around 9 hours window time every day. I take empty bottles for the testing, coolers, bags of ice, pH, chlorine, and dissolved oxygen meters and of course paper work with me.


    Some places are simple. I pull in, take paperwork for the location and bottles to replace theirs that have sample in them and just exchange them out. I take their full bottles and filled out paperwork, note my arrival time and vehicle mileage, and put the sample bottles in a specified cooler, put ice on them and drive to my next place. Some place is just exchanging bottles and papers like that.


    Some I actually have to collect the sample, which isn't bad, can be smelly though. I might have to fill up all their bottles at the designated sampling sites, which may be by a river or down some steps near a stream but nothing real strenuous. It is a very easy job and anyone can do it. I work for the largest lab in my state so the pay is very good, for the area I live in anyway.



    Those are real good goals to have, Gabe, they really are. You also need to add


    Don't buy anymore comics for flipping, no matter the cost

    Don't buy anymore games for flipping, no matter the cost


    You DO have the power to end the cycle but the way you are going you won't. People here are trying to direct you towards ending it but you keep veering yourself around and around in the cycle. Don't buy stuff to flip. No matter if it is $1, don't look for deals, focus all that deal searching on getting a better paying job and helping yourself. Following this hope, the purpose that you created this thread for, isn't what you need to do.


    This thread isn't about buying and selling a million dollar comic anymore. It is about setting you on the path of success in life.


    Those are big things to think about and I don't know my path yet and equally important is proving to myself that I can succeed at something with effort.


    Yes, proving to yourself that you can succeed at something is good but you are going about it wrong. Succeeding at life is FAR more important than flipping comics and games. You need to work your way up to a good job and get a place of your own first. Those things are way more important even if you don't think they are. Getting a job that pays well and being out on your own is a huge confidence booster.


    Then later, after you are settled down and successful, you can start flipping books as a hobby. That way you can continue to learn using your extra money and maybe then you can turn it into a "career" or at least a side job. It really does need to be on the back burner now though. You need to learn how to manage your priorities. Stop buying books, no matter how good of a deal and put all of that energy into finding a better job or getting a second job.


    I don't know what I want out of my life career wise but I do know what I want. Another thing I want is having more then one stream of income which even people with well paying jobs do as well.

  8. I've read about as much of this thread as I could before my eyes fell out.


    This whole thing is rather pointless. From what I gather the OP is living at home, in his mid 20's. Kind of working? Disability? What is the rent? Car payment at all? Utilities? Food?


    Unless you are paying those things, you will not hold my interest in your quest on your "Road To Success", because quite frankly, you are currently ignoring the game called life. I would love to not pay the aforementioned expenses, and just sink money into funny books, but that isn't any of our reality, and if it's yours, you are not on the same playing field with everyone else.


    Call this tough love, but I could be less than interested in your Road, because it sounds like a one way street.


    Learning disability, working 20-25 hours a week and the rent is 600 a month.

    $600 a month isn`t too bad for rent.

    One thing you have in your favor is you have no children,mortgage and wife to account for.

    You are young and have time.

    I say continue to do what you are doing. Don`t give up your dreams.

    Yes,It`s not going as you have planned,but with failure you are learning about business.

    Many successful people failed hundreds of times.

    What sets them apart is they did not give up.


    Thanks that's another reason why I do this I gave up too quickly on other things

  9. I've read about as much of this thread as I could before my eyes fell out.


    This whole thing is rather pointless. From what I gather the OP is living at home, in his mid 20's. Kind of working? Disability? What is the rent? Car payment at all? Utilities? Food?


    Unless you are paying those things, you will not hold my interest in your quest on your "Road To Success", because quite frankly, you are currently ignoring the game called life. I would love to not pay the aforementioned expenses, and just sink money into funny books, but that isn't any of our reality, and if it's yours, you are not on the same playing field with everyone else.


    Call this tough love, but I could be less than interested in your Road, because it sounds like a one way street.


    Learning disability, working 20-25 hours a week and the rent is 600 a month.


    Well...I will admit, I don't know how to flip comics. I could learn to do it, but I honestly feel that for me, it's too much headache without much payout.


    Now if I go to my brother in law's and pick up a shovel, he would pay me thousands a week to work with him. Not much learning there, but so much more rewarding, in the short term. Plus it keeps me in shape.


    Just kinda sucks he lives 3 hours drive away lol But it's nice to know I have options.


    Gabe, what are your options? Do you have any?


    My options? I'm not sure about that to be honest

  10. I've read about as much of this thread as I could before my eyes fell out.


    This whole thing is rather pointless. From what I gather the OP is living at home, in his mid 20's. Kind of working? Disability? What is the rent? Car payment at all? Utilities? Food?


    Unless you are paying those things, you will not hold my interest in your quest on your "Road To Success", because quite frankly, you are currently ignoring the game called life. I would love to not pay the aforementioned expenses, and just sink money into funny books, but that isn't any of our reality, and if it's yours, you are not on the same playing field with everyone else.


    Call this tough love, but I could be less than interested in your Road, because it sounds like a one way street.


    Going the wrong way unfortunately.


    If you're $1100 in the hole after 3 years of flipping, you're doing it wrong.



    I agree which is why I'm working on changing that.

  11. I've read about as much of this thread as I could before my eyes fell out.


    This whole thing is rather pointless. From what I gather the OP is living at home, in his mid 20's. Kind of working? Disability? What is the rent? Car payment at all? Utilities? Food?


    Unless you are paying those things, you will not hold my interest in your quest on your "Road To Success", because quite frankly, you are currently ignoring the game called life. I would love to not pay the aforementioned expenses, and just sink money into funny books, but that isn't any of our reality, and if it's yours, you are not on the same playing field with everyone else.


    Call this tough love, but I could be less than interested in your Road, because it sounds like a one way street.


    Learning disability, working 20-25 hours a week and the rent is 600 a month.

  12. So he "made" $700 on a recent sale and has multiple buyers for a book he just picked up. He is probably making more money flipping books than he is working a regular job. I get what everyone is telling him but why would Gabe stop doing that if he thinks he is making money off the books he buys?


    He's not making money at all, he's still in the red. At the very best he may be climbing a small bit out of the hole he dug himself, but I highly doubt this trend is likely to continue based on his track record. I don't think it's a good idea to encourage him. 2c


    I think the encouragement he is getting is from the sales he is making. As long as he keeps selling, and making a profit, i don't think he'll stop. There are too many buyers that are enabling him. Having just one or two buyer complete a sale is probably enough to get him to think he is on the right track.


    Yes and no, it's a great feeling to make a good sale and profit on it which means I'm slowly getting out of the red. Buyers enabling me? Hmm well if I see a good deal and can afford it and make money I go after it.

  13. Updates


    Comics Sold

    Detective comics 359


    ASM 129


    I've spoken to the owner of a lcs and he is interested in it and it would be great since it would cut out fees and shipping all together.



    You should go with the direct to consumer approach. Why don't you list it here first, if it does not sell then move to the bay. Even with potential fees and shipping you will certainly make out better than what a brick and mortar will give you.



    I listed things a few times here but was told "Your price is too high" 'Your shipping costs too much" So this time I'll see what he offers me as we do have a relationship building so I'll use it to my advantage if not then offer it on fb for time payments.

  14. That would be correct but the reason why I'm in debt isn't because I bought comics it's because I've been scammed 3 times. ASM 129 will be a quick seller so I'm not worried and already have two people interested.


    Well ... this is a new development.


    Yes and no the three scams are from 2 years ago, and the last one is from about 8 months ago.


    Gabe, a scam is a scam is a scam .. it doesn't matter how many times in what time-period. You haven't developed the skills to see a problem approaching.


    Have you heard of the saying: " .. once bitten, twice shy .. "? You've been 'bitten' by being scammed once .. did you stop for a minute and think " .. that didn't work for me .. I best not do that again .. "? .. Evidently: No .. because it happened again .. and again.


    None of us are being mean to you, and we all realise you have a learning disability, but .. surely there must come a time when you think to yourself " .. this isn't working .. my life could be sooo much better. Perhaps I should set this aside for a while until I get my life in a better position to support my hobby .. "? (and it isn't a job for you, Gabe; it's a HOBBY).


    Please, man .. stop .. wake-up .. and please don't provide some BS excuse about " .. yes, I know; but I'm learning etc etc etc etc etc etc etc .. ".


    It's not a excuse I'm telling you what's happening. For me it takes a long time to get that and you don't realize that because you call it a "excuse" I don't remember saying this was my job but I aspire to do this someday if I like it.

  15. So he "made" $700 on a recent sale and has multiple buyers for a book he just picked up. He is probably making more money flipping books than he is working a regular job. I get what everyone is telling him but why would Gabe stop doing that if he thinks he is making money off the books he buys?


    He's not making money at all, he's still in the red. At the very best he may be climbing a small bit out of the hole he dug himself, but I highly doubt this trend is likely to continue based on his track record. I don't think it's a good idea to encourage him. 2c


    Yes I'm still in the red but I'm working on that.

  16. So he "made" $700 on a recent sale and has multiple buyers for a book he just picked up. He is probably making more money flipping books than he is working a regular job. I get what everyone is telling him but why would Gabe stop doing that if he thinks he is making money off the books he buys?


    Because after almost 3 years of buying and selling books he is still $1100 in the hole!

    He is spending countless hours that could be better spent looking for jobs or getting job training.

    And because he is still taking on risky non-traditional methods of buying and selling despite being "scammed" 3 times in his brief time buying and selling.


    But other than that everything is going great. (shrug)


    Yes I made lots of mistakes and the three years was not for nothing I was working off the fact that I overpaid for my comics.

  17. So he "made" $700 on a recent sale and has multiple buyers for a book he just picked up. He is probably making more money flipping books than he is working a regular job. I get what everyone is telling him but why would Gabe stop doing that if he thinks he is making money off the books he buys?


    That finders fee that I got which yes is generous was worth's a months pay. Yes again it was generous but I finally got something right which feels great.

  18. That would be correct but the reason why I'm in debt isn't because I bought comics it's because I've been scammed 3 times. ASM 129 will be a quick seller so I'm not worried and already have two people interested.


    Man, I think it is way past time for you give this up. You need to stop buying comics and sell everything you have. Give up this foolish dream and focus on your life and getting it straightened out. This is more advice you won't listen to like the other that has come before it but it is time to grow up.


    I'm working on selling what I have but I'm learning from my mistakes but it takes longer then most people don't worry you'll soon see.


    Gabe,I do admire your determination but do be careful as many on here have advised!


    Thanks I'm doing my best.


    I think I joined this site about 3 years ago. I don't remember what my first thread was but I do know I had a lot more spending money. If you don't mind me asking what is your job?


    My short term goals are pretty simple


    Get a job with more hours

    Sell of my comics

    Decide or at least have a idea of what I want as a career


    I do like how you worded that last paragraph I have the power of choice to end this cycle. That makes me feel good.



    I work as a courier, the company term is a Field Services Technician, for a water testing lab. I drive around the Eastern and Northern part of Kentucky, going to different drinking water plants and waste water plants that contract us out to do their testing.


    My job consists of

    driving, driving and more driving. I drive around 8 hours every day just for the job. My travel time to and from work is about an hour round trip so I get around 9 hours window time every day. I take empty bottles for the testing, coolers, bags of ice, pH, chlorine, and dissolved oxygen meters and of course paper work with me.


    Some places are simple. I pull in, take paperwork for the location and bottles to replace theirs that have sample in them and just exchange them out. I take their full bottles and filled out paperwork, note my arrival time and vehicle mileage, and put the sample bottles in a specified cooler, put ice on them and drive to my next place. Some place is just exchanging bottles and papers like that.


    Some I actually have to collect the sample, which isn't bad, can be smelly though. I might have to fill up all their bottles at the designated sampling sites, which may be by a river or down some steps near a stream but nothing real strenuous. It is a very easy job and anyone can do it. I work for the largest lab in my state so the pay is very good, for the area I live in anyway.



    Those are real good goals to have, Gabe, they really are. You also need to add


    Don't buy anymore comics for flipping, no matter the cost

    Don't buy anymore games for flipping, no matter the cost


    You DO have the power to end the cycle but the way you are going you won't. People here are trying to direct you towards ending it but you keep veering yourself around and around in the cycle. Don't buy stuff to flip. No matter if it is $1, don't look for deals, focus all that deal searching on getting a better paying job and helping yourself. Following this hope, the purpose that you created this thread for, isn't what you need to do.


    This thread isn't about buying and selling a million dollar comic anymore. It is about setting you on the path of success in life.


    Those are big things to think about and I don't know my path yet and equally important is proving to myself that I can succeed at something with effort.

  20. That would be correct but the reason why I'm in debt isn't because I bought comics it's because I've been scammed 3 times. ASM 129 will be a quick seller so I'm not worried and already have two people interested.


    Man, I think it is way past time for you give this up. You need to stop buying comics and sell everything you have. Give up this foolish dream and focus on your life and getting it straightened out. This is more advice you won't listen to like the other that has come before it but it is time to grow up.

    This is great advice that the OP will, as usual, completely ignore. Gabe reminds me of my next door neighbors. They are in their 60s and have 3 kids. Two of those are grown, with families, careers and HOMES of their own. The third? You guessed it, a slightly older version of Gabe. He is 35 years old and lives in his parents basement. I don't know if he's ever been on his own, but he's been living there for the 8 years since his parents moved in. He's a nice guy, but he'd be just as nice if he wasn't approaching middle age and still mooching off of his parents. He has a job, but he's perfectly okay with his mom and dad, who are already past retirement age, not only still working, but working harder and longer to support HIM. Does this sound like anyone the readers of this thread are familiar with? Now I know that if Gabe even responds to this, it will be with one of his canned statements of how his situation isn't his fault, no one will hire him for a better, or even a full time job and how he intends to move out on his own eventually. Lip service is cheap, and I believe what I see once I reach my limit of hearing someone say one thing and then do something completely different, and I reached that point with Gabe about 2 years ago. The only way Gabe will ever change is if his parents get tired of supporting him and toss him out. When and if that ever happens, he'll find out in a hurry that there is no such thing as PayPal money or living money or whatever adjective he wants to use to describe funds that he spends on expensive comics that should be spent on supporting himself. Like another boardie pointed out, there is only money, and there won't be any left over for any non-essentials if he ever does have to truly support himself. I'm sure that like my neighbor, Gabe is not a bad guy, but for crying out loud, he is in his mid 20s, living in his parents basement AND spending $1000.00 at a clip on comic books, while at the same time not even working full time at a minimum wage job. On what planet does that even begin to make sense? The only difference that I can see between Gabe and my neighbors son, besides Gabe being 10 years or so younger, is my neighbors kid spends his "extra" money on weed and Gabe spends his ( or someone's) on comic books. I'll go out on a limb and say that if this thread is still around ten years from now, Gabe will be in exactly the same place, saying and doing exactly the same things. Why? Because he doesn't want to change or to improve his situation, at least not enough to work for it, and flipping comics, in Gabes case, is not working for it. When you have been doing something for 2 and 1/2 years and still are in the red, you are not successful at it, but when your parents are still supporting you, you can continue to "invest" in comics and then make excuses like "I've been scammed 3 times" when things don't turn out the way you want them to. If Gabe ever has to live in the real world, with a full time job that has to support him, he is in for a rude awakening, and it's called REAL LIFE.


    I joined this site on 10/29/2011. At that time I was 26 and working 40 hours a week at a grocery store making minimum wage. I had just got that job after being unemployed for 6 months after losing my job, a great job, after making some bad decisions. I jumped on here to start collecting CGC Deadpool comics because I learned about the character and read some raw books that I borrowed from a friend and enjoyed the character.


    I made a thread asking for people with Deadpool 9.8 books to PM me. Well, after getting the prices of said books I knew there was no way I could make said purchases with what I was making I decided to not even start and to come back after I had a job that could support the hobby.


    Fast forward to January of this year. I'm now working at one of the best jobs in my area, I've had it for four years now, making double the minimum wage I was making, getting well over 40 hours per week, and finally making good money. More importantly, making money to get into the hobby. I asked a friend about good reads and he let me borrow his TPB of Saga and I was hooked. Now I'm buying 9.8s of Saga like crazy and looking to build my collection, when surgery and medical bills aren't getting in the way. lol


    Gabe, you really need to listen to the advice in here. Stop buying and trading. Sell, sell, sell. Don't worry about flipping. Heck, you don't even need to sell what you have, just stop buying. Sit on them if you must and pick up where you left off in a year, two, or never. You must get your life and yourself straight before you pick collecting and flipping back up. If you don't you will be stuck where you are for the rest of your life. Break the cycle of your family. You and only you can make the choices to do that.


    I think I joined this site about 3 years ago. I don't remember what my first thread was but I do know I had a lot more spending money. If you don't mind me asking what is your job?


    My short term goals are pretty simple


    Get a job with more hours

    Sell of my comics

    Decide or at least have a idea of what I want as a career


    I do like how you worded that last paragraph I have the power of choice to end this cycle. That makes me feel good.