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Posts posted by uchiha101

  1. That would be correct but the reason why I'm in debt isn't because I bought comics it's because I've been scammed 3 times. ASM 129 will be a quick seller so I'm not worried and already have two people interested.


    Man, I think it is way past time for you give this up. You need to stop buying comics and sell everything you have. Give up this foolish dream and focus on your life and getting it straightened out. This is more advice you won't listen to like the other that has come before it but it is time to grow up.

    This is great advice that the OP will, as usual, completely ignore. Gabe reminds me of my next door neighbors. They are in their 60s and have 3 kids. Two of those are grown, with families, careers and HOMES of their own. The third? You guessed it, a slightly older version of Gabe. He is 35 years old and lives in his parents basement. I don't know if he's ever been on his own, but he's been living there for the 8 years since his parents moved in. He's a nice guy, but he'd be just as nice if he wasn't approaching middle age and still mooching off of his parents. He has a job, but he's perfectly okay with his mom and dad, who are already past retirement age, not only still working, but working harder and longer to support HIM. Does this sound like anyone the readers of this thread are familiar with? Now I know that if Gabe even responds to this, it will be with one of his canned statements of how his situation isn't his fault, no one will hire him for a better, or even a full time job and how he intends to move out on his own eventually. Lip service is cheap, and I believe what I see once I reach my limit of hearing someone say one thing and then do something completely different, and I reached that point with Gabe about 2 years ago. The only way Gabe will ever change is if his parents get tired of supporting him and toss him out. When and if that ever happens, he'll find out in a hurry that there is no such thing as PayPal money or living money or whatever adjective he wants to use to describe funds that he spends on expensive comics that should be spent on supporting himself. Like another boardie pointed out, there is only money, and there won't be any left over for any non-essentials if he ever does have to truly support himself. I'm sure that like my neighbor, Gabe is not a bad guy, but for crying out loud, he is in his mid 20s, living in his parents basement AND spending $1000.00 at a clip on comic books, while at the same time not even working full time at a minimum wage job. On what planet does that even begin to make sense? The only difference that I can see between Gabe and my neighbors son, besides Gabe being 10 years or so younger, is my neighbors kid spends his "extra" money on weed and Gabe spends his ( or someone's) on comic books. I'll go out on a limb and say that if this thread is still around ten years from now, Gabe will be in exactly the same place, saying and doing exactly the same things. Why? Because he doesn't want to change or to improve his situation, at least not enough to work for it, and flipping comics, in Gabes case, is not working for it. When you have been doing something for 2 and 1/2 years and still are in the red, you are not successful at it, but when your parents are still supporting you, you can continue to "invest" in comics and then make excuses like "I've been scammed 3 times" when things don't turn out the way you want them to. If Gabe ever has to live in the real world, with a full time job that has to support him, he is in for a rude awakening, and it's called REAL LIFE.


    You're right I won't stop buying comics unless something drastic happens. My situation isn't the best and yes I can't fully support myself yet but I'm working on that. That's one of the things that scares me is that fact that there aren't too many jobs here that offer lots of hours unless it's office like jobs.

  2. ...I'm slowly getting better at making deals and my comic debt is going down only 1100 more to go.

    Recent Purchases


    Man thing 2

    Marvel Premiere 1

    ASM 129 CGC 8.5


    Are you saying that you're currently in debt $1,100 from buying comics, and on top of that, you've now bought these?





    That would be correct but the reason why I'm in debt isn't because I bought comics it's because I've been scammed 3 times. ASM 129 will be a quick seller so I'm not worried and already have two people interested.




    the fact that you cannot see the connection here is probably the source of a lot of the boards frustrations -


    You were scammed because you made bad choices trying to deal in comic books. Unless you change - you will get scammed again.


    You should be working on collection deals and with $10-$20 dollar comics. This actually has a decent return if you work hard - and you also learn a lot of the details needed - and also you limit how much risk you take.










    No offense to you but this is bad advice IMHO. He needs to get his act together and learn to put on his big boy pants before he does any "wheeling and dealing" with comics books.


    I admit I've made mistakes but I've learned from them slowly.

  3. ...I'm slowly getting better at making deals and my comic debt is going down only 1100 more to go.

    Recent Purchases


    Man thing 2

    Marvel Premiere 1

    ASM 129 CGC 8.5


    Are you saying that you're currently in debt $1,100 from buying comics, and on top of that, you've now bought these?





    That would be correct but the reason why I'm in debt isn't because I bought comics it's because I've been scammed 3 times. ASM 129 will be a quick seller so I'm not worried and already have two people interested.




    the fact that you cannot see the connection here is probably the source of a lot of the boards frustrations -


    You were scammed because you made bad choices trying to deal in comic books. Unless you change - you will get scammed again.


    EDIT BELOW ( cuz Logan makes a great point)


    Until you are working at least 30 hours a week at a job, have a plan in place for a full time career, have moved out, and have 6 months of "living expense" savings (not used for comics) -you should not be buying anything.



    Once you have real life sorted out - then and only then should you think about getting back into comics - then start small by working on collection deals and with $10-$20 dollar comics. This actually has a decent return if you work hard - and you also learn a lot of the details needed - and also you limit how much risk you take.







    I know what you mean and I like how you set it out, I do need more hours and have 6 months money in advance but I don't know what I want as a career. As for buying small I'm beginning to do that both in video games and comics. I made 5-10 dollars profit on small games and yes there's less risk if you do it that way.

  4. That would be correct but the reason why I'm in debt isn't because I bought comics it's because I've been scammed 3 times. ASM 129 will be a quick seller so I'm not worried and already have two people interested.


    Man, I think it is way past time for you give this up. You need to stop buying comics and sell everything you have. Give up this foolish dream and focus on your life and getting it straightened out. This is more advice you won't listen to like the other that has come before it but it is time to grow up.


    I'm working on selling what I have but I'm learning from my mistakes but it takes longer then most people don't worry you'll soon see.

  5. That would be correct but the reason why I'm in debt isn't because I bought comics it's because I've been scammed 3 times. ASM 129 will be a quick seller so I'm not worried and already have two people interested.


    Well ... this is a new development.


    Yes and no the three scams are from 2 years ago, and the last one is from about 8 months ago.

  6. Recent Purchases


    Man thing 2

    Marvel Premiere 1

    ASM 129 CGC 8.5



    Why would you buy a Man Thing 2?

    You should be saving your money, not trying to flip expensive comics. We have all told you this.

    Where did you get the ASM 129? That is an expensive book to be buying when you have no savings and almost no income.


    :gossip: I'm guessing his new credit card...


    My paypal money

  7. Recent Purchases


    Man thing 2

    Marvel Premiere 1

    ASM 129 CGC 8.5



    Why would you buy a Man Thing 2?

    You should be saving your money, not trying to flip expensive comics. We have all told you this.

    Where did you get the ASM 129? That is an expensive book to be buying when you have no savings and almost no income.


    The man thing 2 was a 2 dollar comic and the asm 129 is a quick flip and I already have some people interested.

  8. ...I'm slowly getting better at making deals and my comic debt is going down only 1100 more to go.

    Recent Purchases


    Man thing 2

    Marvel Premiere 1

    ASM 129 CGC 8.5


    Are you saying that you're currently in debt $1,100 from buying comics, and on top of that, you've now bought these?




    He's saying that overall he is down $1100 in his comic "business."


    That would be correct.

  9. ...I'm slowly getting better at making deals and my comic debt is going down only 1100 more to go.

    Recent Purchases


    Man thing 2

    Marvel Premiere 1

    ASM 129 CGC 8.5


    Are you saying that you're currently in debt $1,100 from buying comics, and on top of that, you've now bought these?





    That would be correct but the reason why I'm in debt isn't because I bought comics it's because I've been scammed 3 times. ASM 129 will be a quick seller so I'm not worried and already have two people interested.

  10. Today's thoughts


    I'll bump my asm 300 as I've gotten interest in it

    I'll stop trades till 2017

    I need to get my money back from that trade it's bugging me


    Trades update


    I will not do trades till 2017, I repeat no trading for me till 2017!!!


    Unless he mentions "no deals till 2017" elsewhere, he does say "no trades til 2017." I still don't think the kid will learn since he is making sales from generous forum members.




  11. .. hang on a minute .. I think everyone (including Gabe) is missing the elephant in the room...


    Gabe, ..... you said you weren't going to do any more deals until 2017????(tsk)


    .. what are you doing? You say you listen to everyones advice .. and then do the opposite :facepalm:


    Every person here is trying to help you. Please take some sound advice.


    No that was about trading comics because I kept failing at it.


    You specifically said deals, Gabe.


    I don't remember saying that but I do know I need to sell off what I have.


    Gabe .... that was a massive discussion point ... and you don't remember saying that? Okay.


    Everyone was begging you to stay off making deals of any sort (because it really wasn't working for you). You relented and promised to not make any deals until 2017 (I think for a second there, you realised deals were a mistake for you). You haven't got the many years of experience behind you that a lot of people have here (in making successful deals).


    One relatively successful deal (with massive generosity from another boardie), does not a wheeler-dealer make.


    Can I somehow drum it into you that none of us are giving you bad advice .. we're actually trying to help you .. but .. does what Metal wrote above ring any bells for you?


    I went through a few posts back and it seems many were initially under the impression that Gabe gave up buying as well but promptly turned around and bought something, we all went nuts, then Gabe "clarified" that he was "done trading until 2017" and then there was more talk, something about gambling and welfare and then jobs searches and...Yeah.



    I'm done drinking until 2017, I need to get my head straight and get clean. Oh I should have clarified, I'm done drinking WATER until 2017. Everything else is still on the table.


    Is that what it sounded like?

  12. .. hang on a minute .. I think everyone (including Gabe) is missing the elephant in the room...


    Gabe, ..... you said you weren't going to do any more deals until 2017????(tsk)


    .. what are you doing? You say you listen to everyones advice .. and then do the opposite :facepalm:


    Every person here is trying to help you. Please take some sound advice.


    No that was about trading comics because I kept failing at it.


    You specifically said deals, Gabe.


    I don't remember saying that but I do know I need to sell off what I have.


    Gabe .... that was a massive discussion point ... and you don't remember saying that? Okay.


    Everyone was begging you to stay off making deals of any sort (because it really wasn't working for you). You relented and promised to not make any deals until 2017 (I think for a second there, you realised deals were a mistake for you). You haven't got the many years of experience behind you that a lot of people have here (in making successful deals).


    One relatively successful deal (with massive generosity from another boardie), does not a wheeler-dealer make.


    Can I somehow drum it into you that none of us are giving you bad advice .. we're actually trying to help you .. but .. does what Metal wrote above ring any bells for you?


    I went through a few posts back and it seems many were initially under the impression that Gabe gave up buying as well but promptly turned around and bought something, we all went nuts, then Gabe "clarified" that he was "done trading until 2017" and then there was more talk, something about gambling and welfare and then jobs searches and...Yeah.



    Hmm well I'll go back and read back a few pages to see.

  13. .. hang on a minute .. I think everyone (including Gabe) is missing the elephant in the room...


    Gabe, ..... you said you weren't going to do any more deals until 2017????(tsk)


    .. what are you doing? You say you listen to everyones advice .. and then do the opposite :facepalm:


    Every person here is trying to help you. Please take some sound advice.


    No that was about trading comics because I kept failing at it.


    You specifically said deals, Gabe.


    I don't remember saying that but I do know I need to sell off what I have.


    Gabe .... that was a massive discussion point ... and you don't remember saying that? Okay.


    Everyone was begging you to stay off making deals of any sort (because it really wasn't working for you). You relented and promised to not make any deals until 2017 (I think for a second there, you realised deals were a mistake for you). You haven't got the many years of experience behind you that a lot of people have here (in making successful deals).


    One relatively successful deal (with massive generosity from another boardie), does not a wheeler-dealer make.


    Can I somehow drum it into you that none of us are giving you bad advice .. we're actually trying to help you .. but .. does what Metal wrote above ring any bells for you?


    Does what he said ring any bells for me? No it doesn't and I'm slowly getting better at making deals and my comic debt is going down only 1100 more to go.

  14. lol


    In one hand, out the other. You aren't going to be leaving your mom's basement anytime soon.


    This reminds me of gambling.


    Real life story...


    "Hey I won 10k at the casino over the last 10 days!"


    "How much did you spend this month?"




    Yeah, excatly


    I see well I didn't do that badly but I see what you mean.

  15. I'll be honest with you James you're frustrating me calling the money "free" I worked for my part of the deal and yes it was with no cost to me but I did put in effort to get the finders fee and make sure everything went as smoothly as I could make it.

    Okay, not ALL of the $700 was "free" - but probably 80% of it was a gift.


    A finders fee is fine and you earned it, but a $700 finders fee on a $1200 sale is and extremely generous tip on top of the $150ish which would probably be customary for a finders fee on that kind of a purchase.



    I agree it was very generous but I did put in effort as well.

  16. .. hang on a minute .. I think everyone (including Gabe) is missing the elephant in the room...


    Gabe, ..... you said you weren't going to do any more deals until 2017????(tsk)


    .. what are you doing? You say you listen to everyones advice .. and then do the opposite :facepalm:


    Every person here is trying to help you. Please take some sound advice.


    No that was about trading comics because I kept failing at it.


    You specifically said deals, Gabe.


    I don't remember saying that but I do know I need to sell off what I have.

  17. [


    To be fair, I don't think I'd want to be stuck in some sort of quagmire deal with the OP. At the beginning I might want to help him a bit and split ownership, but there's too many things that might go awry and I can understand reconsidering. I'd rather him or me own the book completely. And since the OP didn't have the money to own the book completely, that leaves just me. And since I'm the one who wants to change the terms, I should compensate the OP for the changes. And we both get a deal out of it.


    But the OP isn't his responsibility, he's an adult who is most likely probably maybe legally competent


    Just pointing out that even flashattack was excoriating Gabe earlier this year for doing high-dollar "deals" and was telling him NOT go after big deals anymore.


    And then he turns around and encourages him (or uses him, not sure) and perpetuates the OP's desire to "score big" by basically giving him $700 "finders fee" which is extremely generous - but so is giving $700 to a gambling addict.






    no I'm with you, I just don't think that was his intention to begin with. But once he was in it, thought "Hmmm, maybe not the best idea to be in an ongoing joint investor, what's the fairest way out of this 'joint investment'?' I guess I'll just buy him out and pay him for his trouble and for modifying the deal." Yes the result appears to be enabling, but I think the initial intent was just to be help someone help themselves (even if some observers might not have agreed with it).


    The way the deal was done was the easiest way instead of calculating profit later.

  18. I was going to sit this thread out but I figure I'd chime in because I bought the book from Gabe.





    Hope that clears things up.


    DUDE! WTH?


    Going back on this thread, YOU were telling Gabe to quit doing big trades and big-dollar deals... and yet you are now ENCOURAGING him by enabling him with basically free money to fuel his addiction!!




    Where did vvvvvvv THIS vvvvvvv guy go?



    You seem to keep skipping over one very obvious piece of advice everyone is giving you.


    Will you state that you will stop all trades? Make it a New Year's resolution. No trades until 2017.


    Are you willing to commit to that?


    That's where the problem lies if I don't trade I either have to sell for a loss or wait till it reaches a price where I can make a profit on it.

    Sell for a loss man. Get cash back and just be sure you're buying books you can profit on with the cash you got back. You can't move forward unless you accept the loss and move on. Everyone loses on something. Being stubborn in this situation is only hurting you further.


    Here's my advice:


    1) Throw every book up for auction. Start and end it on a Sunday.


    2) use that cash and go hit your local stores and buy books that your local shops have priced too low. Not every sale has to be a home run. Go in the local shop, find some books priced at $20-$50 Cdn and see if you can sell them for $20-50 in US dollars. Say for instance you find a DC comics presents 26 for $50 Cdn in your shop. Buying it for $50 in Canadian and selling it for $50 usd will make you - $50usd x 1.40 = $70cdn. You've made $20 on one book by taking advantage of the weak Cdn dollar. Do that a few times over.



    You're like a classic enabler - you gave him solid advice back then, but then later came back and now basically just reinforced his bad behavior of seeking out high-dollar "deals".






    I'll be honest with you James you're frustrating me calling the money "free" I worked for my part of the deal and yes it was with no cost to me but I did put in effort to get the finders fee and make sure everything went as smoothly as I could make it.

  19. Congratulations on earning a very generous finders fee from a fellow boardie! :cool:


    I'm stunned that the JLA thing worked out that way. Kudos! What book(s) are you going to get with the $700?


    Hmm I'm thinking of a TOS 39 coverless because I think I just scouted another deal.


    Coverless books are some of the MOST DIFFICULT to flip. There is a very small number of people that would have any interest in a coverless book. How long did it take you to sell your Action 15? Please take the $700 and put it in your bank account.


    Now DO THIS ^^^^^^^


    Until you get 3 months of living expenses saved up in a bank account, you should not be "investing" this kind of money in rolling "hot deals".


    You need to build up your savings cushion FIRST. Once you got 3 months of living expenses saved - THEN you can start playing/investing in comics (but still, I would advise against doing big deals period.)



    I do have at least three months living expenses saved up.


    Living with your parents is not what I mean regardless of whether you pay them "rent" or not.


    When you have left your parents home and are fully supporting yourself AND have at least a 3-month savings that you never touch, THEN you might want to dabble in flipping $10-$20 comics for profit while still learning the business which takes years (but still avoiding books that cost more than a full week or more of your wages to buy).


    Better to start investing in self-improvement, job-training, soft-skills, communication skills, etc. Now that you have a job - get better at it if you want to keep it or.... work on getting a better job.


    Bottomline - You're gambling, and you hit nicely on one THIS time (with the help of a VERY generous boardie). That only reinforced your addiction.





    I've given up trading till 2017...


    In the end, I have little faith in you though because as another member pointed out - you talk, talk, talk and never hold yourself to your word. Your word is meaningless now.


    You're ignorant about credit card addictions and are falling RIGHT into their traps because.... "they kept bugging me". Bullshot! You want EASY money and credit cards offer yet another way for you to buy that you can't afford because if you CAN afford it - you wouldn't need to use the card.


    You WILL end up with a rolling credit card balance that swallow you up for the next few years and keep you in poverty.


    You're dirt poor and don't care because you haven't grown up yet.


    You're a man-child living with your parents making promises that you don't keep and who can't make it on his own.


    Yet you think you should be spending more money than you earn in a week on comic "deals" over and over again. You got lucky and were bailed out by a fellow-boardie who fueled your addiction at a time when you said you wouldn't be doing this anymore.








    But you're not grown up enough to even recognize that. So... off you go again to buy high-dollar garbage coverless books when you still can't even support yourself on your own.




    Yes and that traded I haven't traded anything yet. I won't lie it's definitely a confidence booster but at the same time it's not like I'm learning at all. No I'm still working on leaving my parents and can't fully support myself yet but as I said before if something costs over what I want to get it for I won't buy it.

  20. I'm stunned that the JLA thing worked out that way. Kudos! What book(s) are you going to get with the $700?


    Hmm I'm thinking of a TOS 39 coverless because I think I just scouted another deal.


    Coverless books are some of the MOST DIFFICULT to flip. There is a very small number of people that would have any interest in a coverless book. How long did it take you to sell your Action 15? Please take the $700 and put it in your bank account.


    lol OP is not interested in advice, he is going to do what he wants. I doubt he'll post failures...


    Failures? I've posted all of them here like I said before I have nothing to hide.


    You sure don't


    What haven't I posted?