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Amadeus Arkham

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Everything posted by Amadeus Arkham

  1. To think, no matter how poor this movie is, I'll still never be able to afford a copy of FF#1.
  2. FWIW, Shaun the Sheep is currently at 100% on RT.
  3. Below $395 MM worldwide would be the biggest impact to Fox, and a clear sign it had failed miserably. What is Fox forecasting on this film now after all the reviews published? My one fear is that by the time Marvel has the ability to buy the rights back, the "brand equity" of the Fantastic Four will be so damaged that by the time the dust has settled and it's time to make a good FF flick, the comic book movie craze will be over. We might never see a good Fantastic Four movie.
  4. What kind of numbers would this flick have to do in order for the sequel to be canceled and the mothership having a shot at getting the rights back?
  5. I presume the next big bad will be Negan, so hopefully we'll see a bump in #101 along with someone playing Paul Monroe bumping up #92. I'm holding on to a raw copy of #127 so we'll see where that book goes as well.
  6. My opinion (which means precisely Richard) on the ages: Golden Age - 1938-1954 -Rationale: Action Comics #1 thru the advent of the Comics Code Authority Silver Age - 1954-1973 -Rationale: Comics Code Authority thru the Death of Gwen Stacy Bronze Age - 1973-1986 -Rationale: Death of Gwen Stacy thru Watchmen and Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Copper Age - 1986-1993 Rationale - Watchmen and Batman: The Dark Knight Returns thru The Death of Superman Chromium Age - 1993-2003 Rationale - The Death of Superman thru Walking Dead #1 Celluloid Age - 2003-Present Rationale - Walking Dead #1 thru the advent of major comic-book movies and television shows
  7. Maybe the Fantastic Four are just hard to translate on screen?
  8. The guy can't act. Yeah, I get it. He's hot. So the frack what. Doesn't mean he should be in movies when he can't act. I'm hot, too. I don't get to suck at football and still suit up for the Steelers because so.
  9. I would figure that Pittsburgh Mills would be deader than Century 3. As long as it's a good show and there are some good artists, then I don't care if they hold it in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning.
  10. Michael B. Jordan must have some nudies of Josh Trank that he doesn't want getting out or something.
  11. Man, and people say Marvel is killing the Fantastic Four.
  12. All I want is for the Season Six trailer to end with: "We all have..." *clink clink clink" "...something to FEAR" Fade in of Lucille clinking on the gates of Alexandria. View of Negan "Little pig, little pig, let me come in..." Immediately throw all copies of WD#100 on eBay.
  13. Sweet, this is the first I'm hearing about this show. We also have the Steel City Con which is less comics, more sci-fi and horror but alas CGC isn't there. I have a 9.8 copy of Batman '66 Meets The Green Hornet that I want to get signed by Adam West and Burt Ward but no CGC witness, no dice. I do have a second copy I could get signed just for personal reasons, but I'm not buying show tickets to a convention I'm only mildly interested in for two sigs.
  14. Wizard World bought out The Pittsburgh Comicon and I'm not too happy about it. Seems like they've just turned it into a pop culture con rather than comics. The Pittsburgh Comicon, while smaller, was at least focused on the hobby. Lots of dealers and a good variety of artists like Trimpe, Frenz and the like.
  15. I call BS. Unless he changes form during the flick, then he still looks too much like Ivan Ooze. I've seen cosplay costumes that look better.
  16. Being Canadian, I don't believe either of them would be eligible.
  17. I'm listening to it right now. Hate to say it, but he seems like too much of a "filmmaker" to take on the FF. As much as I can appreciate someone taking an artistic, stylistic view of the world, when it comes to comic book movies I want a good popcorn flick that I don't have to think too hard about. The original X-Men flick was a good example of giving the audience the progressive social undertones inherent in the mutant struggle without beating the viewer over the head with it. It at the same time had great action and characters (argue about the costumes later) that kept the audience hooked.
  18. You mean it's a bad idea to cast someone who can't act, can't pull off a Cajun accent and doesn't look like Gambit as Gambit? Heck, maybe this deal with fall through and I can actually afford a copy of X-Men #266 again.
  19. I'll be seeing this on Sunday for $3. Gotta love AAFES.
  20. I just got through watching the film. Jon Peters definitely comes off as a jagoff who likes to revise history when it suits him and definitely sticks to his guns on what he wants. It seems like this would have been an interesting movie for sure, depending on which -script they eventually went with. The first one written by Kevin Smith seems to be the most "comic book" of the three screenplays and is probably the one that would have made the best flick. It was just interesting to see the behind the scenes stuff on how much time, effort, and money it actually takes to get a movie off the ground.