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Everything posted by VintageComics

  1. This wasn't meant to be a discussion about which show as better. Circling back to the Marvel booth, I can show you pictures of how their booth has changed over the years. The most impressive one I saw was over 10 years ago before the Thor movie was about to be released. They literally had Odin's throne there and it was so massive it was as big as any display I'd ever seen at a show. Now it's a shell of it's former self. This all meaning to say that Marvel's footprint at conventions, on shelves AND in the real world has been shrinking, and Anime's has been growing. So why is nobody talking about that? That point is at the crux of this entire discussion. Everyone is missing the big picture. -------------------------- To the rest of your point, Corporate involvement destroys art. It always has. One ONLY cares about profit, the other ONLY cares about art and the two are wholly incompatible like oil and water. If the artist gets their way, the corporation makes less profit. If the corporation gets their way, the artist puts out a compromised product. I can give everyone a zillion examples of how corporations have ruined entire careers of artists and employees. Billy Squire. His career was RUINED by corporate involvement. Spider-man 3? Total disaster and Sony admitted there was too much corporate involvement. John Carter from Mars by Disney? Disney literally ruined that movie on purpose just because there was internal feuding among bigwigs. They literally sank a $300MIL blockbuster and ruined the lives of everyone involved by destroying their careers over feuding millionaires. Which significant role has Taylor Kitsch played since that Corporate version of a human sacrifice? Bud Light? Destroyed nearly 40% of their value. These are just a few examples off the top of my head. Also, it's important to note that corporate involvement is NOT SHRINKING, IT'S GROWING. You can't escape it anymore. The Corporations are just as influential now as politicians were a few years ago. They literally have their fingers in everything.
  2. Would you expect any less from me than a deluge of biblical proportions?
  3. It's hard not to reply at all when it's been open season for years and even seems to be endorsed by the powers that be, but you're right. I've edited some of my posts over the last 12 hours and my intent was to stop engaging after my last reply. I do genuinely thank him for directing people to the Marvels movie discussion. Thanks for the reminder, Andrew.
  4. This overall forum is going to continue to expand as Collector's Society acquires new products. It was a "comic / coin / money " forum 20 years ago. Now it's an everything forum as the CS brand has grown. It just makes sense to structure everything in the tidiest way possible for future growth and putting Games in the Games forum and Movies and Shows in their own forum seems logical.
  5. I watched the movie with one of my daughters and her boyfriend. We all found the movie very funny, especially some of the Ken scenes. We were laughing out loud at times uncontrollably. The "beach you off" scene was pretty ingenious. The main thing that I personally felt was that I couldn't relate to these portrayals of "men". I've just never been that "bro" person, and I can illustrate with a story about how our family functions. One of my daughters broke up with her long time boyfriends a while back and was pretty heartbroken about it, but I have to hand it to my kids because they are generally very well wired, really intelligent but also emotionally very mature. After the usual mourning period of a week or two, she started to think things through logically. To her surprise, her boyfriend asked to get back together and SHE had decided she didn't want to after being the one dumped on. She wanted to "think about it". I was pretty surprised so we did the usual father daughter talks, and she decided she wanted some things to change if she was going to get back into this relationship. So she had the talk with her ex and they managed to work things out and things are very different now. She was 21 when this happened, so barely an adult in human years but a fully mature adult in emotional IQ. They got back together after a trial period and now they are happier than ever. This is the world I live in, and how our family operates so I just can't relate to the "bros" in that movie. That's not saying it DOESN'T happen. I know it does. My daughters and female friends tell me how often they get **** pics and lewd comments in their inboxes and it is MUCH more common than the average man realizes. Lewd comments, genitals, creepy stuff thrown their way is actually the norm for women, but and this is a big BUT, this leads me into my 2nd point. And I'm going to make that point after I think about it a bit. I have some work to do.
  6. I'm not here to discuss people. I'm here to discuss ideas. Why moderation continues to allow attacks on PEOPLE I don't understand. People can read the entire locked thread themselves. In fact I think everyone should read it and form their own ideas rather than just read soundbites from the discussion. It's one of the greatest discussions we've had in a long time with lots of nuance and facts that are relevant to this thread and I think they'd learn a lot. Thanks for bringing it up! I fully stand by the points I make. Carry on.
  7. Where is Barbie currently streaming if it even is at this point? Under Kang's feet, where everything belongs.
  8. Moved this from the Killer Moon / Scorcese thread so we don't continue to derail it. I guess I'm not sure what you mean about transcending the pettiness. Where did I reciprocate? Where was I petty? If there's one person who doesn't reciprocate it's me. I've taken it for years but I don't dish it back (except for one post which was deserved). If someone you cared about was dealt with improperly, would you just 'take the high road' and not say anything or would you air a grievance? Having grievances is healthy. It fosters discourse and forces consideration of issues that would otherwise just be washed away. Dude, I have no way of convincing you except by stating that I genuinely don't get mad, upset or frustrated about these forums. My life is so much more fulfilling and bigger than an internet chat forum. The only thing I'm upset about is that I've lost many the friends to overdose. Anyway, it's now clear that there are two standards. I don't need to say anything else.
  9. The movie was hilarious in a good way, but I have mixed feelings, although likely not for the reason most people think. My daughter thought it was a bit dumb but enjoyed the comedy and we talked about it for about 10-15 mins after. I'm going to digest my thoughts and reply later.
  10. I guess I don't understand how that's fair or even logical. I started a movie thread thread about a topic I've had a genuine interest in for 7 or 8 years now, and have lost 5 friends in the last year to opioid overdose - my last friend was buried on my birthday 2 months ago, it was moved to a place where I can't see it anymore, but it was only moved after someone who doesn't like me complained. Why didn't they complain about any of the other threads? Then the rules changed, but only for me. All the other threads that don't belong get to stay. Wow. OK. I thought things would be different after 3 years of this but I guess some things haven't changed. I believe this is why so many people constantly attack me, because they feel that moderation approves of impartial treatment. That's fine. It doesn't bother me one bit but I am going to point it out when it's so clear. Anyway, moving on. I'm obviously the problem.
  11. I'd suggest if you had my life you wouldn't want yours because I don't understand what sort of person I'd need to be to attack total strangers on the internet. Does it make you feel better? I genuinely don't get it.
  12. It was an amalgamation of the two. Marvel can advertise all they want but if the product isn't something the public wants, it's lipstick on a pig. Manga appears to have captured the attention, most of the floor space at the NY Comic Con and apparently, from conversations we've had over the last few months, a significant portion of the market - and growing. Manga can afford to advertise because Manga is selling and growing, and Marvel can't because they're not growing. We discussed this in the Millar thread a few months ago and I made a lot of similar points (and posted the same pics, so sorry for the repeats but I felt it was necessary in this discussion). Putting out a better product and raising better kids were my only two points. That's it.
  13. I said no such thing. This is why I don't debate you. You literally twist everything, conflate things nobody said and make things up while making it personal. Stop attacking me personally. I don't do the same to you. The only reason you'd associate me with conspiracy theory is to attempt to discredit me publicly while not addressing anything I've said. It's called cancel culture.
  14. I'm watching it tonight with my daughter and her boyfriend. One of my daughters couldn't make it but she's already seen it so we'll discuss it later. I'll report back.
  15. Another one of those "I'm not getting my perceived equal treatment - everyone else will suffer for it" situations. Great! The rules say non-comic book movies aren't allowed but the forum is full of non-comic book movies against the rules...you're calling me a victim? That doesn't make sense. You'd be more accurate to focus on whoever it was that notified Mike and pushed Mike's hand into putting that stickied rule up. I think EVERYONE would like clarity on what the actual rules are. Personally, I WOULD PREFER NON COMIC MOVIES BE ALLOWED as I enjoy discussing them but rules are rules and they need to be clear and enforced, so I suggest you you figure it out with Mike, because I count 12 non-comic book movies just on the 1st three pages of this forum. I did some heavy lifting for you. You're welcome. https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/463072-apple-tvs-killers-of-the-flower-moon-directed-by-martin-scorsese-tbd/ https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/523109-netflixs-heart-of-stone-starring-gal-gadot-81123/ https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/467664-hunger-games-ballad-of-songbirds-snakes-tbd/ https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/474936-amazons-jack-reacher-show-2022/ https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/523951-sonys-napoleon-directed-by-ridley-scott-starring-joaquin-phoenix-2023/ https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/496818-universals-j-robert-oppenheimer-the-atom-bomb-directed-by-christopher-nolan-tbd/ https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/493202-netflixs-rebel-moon-part-one-a-child-of-fire-direct-by-zack-snyder-2023/ https://boards.cgccomics.com/forum/70-comics-related-movies-tv-video-games/page/2/ https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/499502-arcane-on-netflix/ https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/528598-mgms-the-winter-king-an-arthurian-tale-2023/ https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/529440-netflixs-rebel-moon-animated-series-from-zack-snyder-tbd/ https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/452366-stephen-kings-salems-lot-tbd/
  16. This was the Marvel display. It was LITERALLY tucked in the back half of the room, BEHIND the Anime stuff. Underwhelming at best. Marvel. MARVEL. The literal Goliath of the last 60 years. They were using a power point display that my kids would have used in middle school. It's like when you go to a bar and they start coming up with excuses on why they don't have your favorite tequila or scotch...and then they go out of business a month later. You realize they were on life support but didn't want anyone to know. This is what's happening out in the real world. Everyone is too busy pretending things are great while they get displaced by truly great business. It's called DENIAL.
  17. Thanks. This is why I chose not to have a debate. It always ends this way (Marvels movie thread for lots more). ----------------------------- On a positive note, if you all want to know why these companies are NOT successful, how about studying a model that IS successful at selling comics and related products? Why is Anime so appealing? Why is it outgrowing the entire industry? And why is nobody asking these questions and instead discussing numbering and other non-factors? Why was the NYC Comic Con, arguably the largest show in the country AND THE FACE OF AMERICAN COMICS in the greatest economic city in the USA completely represented by Anime but underwhelmingly NOT supported by US publishers? There's a message in there somewhere if you read between the lines. This was the MAIN ENTRANCE to the NY Comic Con. Anime took up the most important space in the room and about 1/4 -1/3 of the main showfloor. It's hard to describe how big and impressive these displays were unless you saw them in person. This is what the public saw as they walked in the door.
  18. I wasn't trying to help Mike. I'm asking for clarification of the rules. You came back with a smartalec comment. Like, WHY? If you've had many non-comic book threads here, then why did Moderation pin the post on Sept 13th at the top of the forum banning non-comic book movies? It's really simple. They're either allowed or not allowed? Both can't be right. Fo' shizzle, my nizzle.
  19. Porn is really bad for society and I've historically spoken out against using sexual exploitation in comics for as long as I've known about it. Especially the sexually charged variant covers, which are just another sugar addict's crack that is being served to keep the revenue stream of a dying industry alive on life support.
  20. Thank you. That jogs my memory now. So basically, Disney quite literally played with the lives of everyone involved like it was a board game, destroyed entire careers of people who were involved in good faith but they needed to make a point to some rich people they didn't like. Sounds like a family friendly company that genuinely cares about it's people. I'm getting to the point where I may never watch another Disney movie again, even if the FF and X-men come into the universe.
  21. I'm asking because when I started a thread discussing a movie it was pulled to the Watercooler, Mike made a pinned announcement in response and stated no more NON comic book movies. So I'm asking the question as to why non-comic book movies are allowed when he's clearly stated they're not. Does the truth detract from your day?
  22. Why are there non-comic book movies being discussed in this forum when all NON comic book movies are banned from this forum?
  23. I prefer complex carbs over sugary sweets. I don't think I've had Kool-Aid in around 30 years. See what I mean? You can't reason logically when emotions rule the discussion. That's exactly why I'm out on debating with you. That's a checkmate.
  24. I would be VERY interested to hear your take on what happened to John Carter (2012), because in my own limited experience that was the first movie with blockbuster like expectations from the comic book world to bomb at the box office. There may have been a Batman movie or something from the 90's that fit that description but JC 2012 stands out to me. Are you aware of the circumstances surrounding that film? In hindsight it makes for a very interesting case study in this discussion about Marvels.