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Everything posted by VintageComics

  1. I'll send a facebook clip via IG like a grandma... Well that explains the stalking.
  2. I used to go every week pre-pandemic with Louise. Sometimes two movies on a Sunday. That tapered off as life got busier. Over the pandemic I went many times. Sometimes with my kids, sometimes with my exes and sometimes with friends. The last movie I went to with my kids was the last Suicide Squad movie. We were actually in LA visiting and saw it in Grauman's Chinese theater. After 45 minutes, my kids all turned to each other and said "Can we walk out of this? It sucks." and we did. Quite literally. We still laugh to this day how bad it was. The last 2 times I went to a theater, I went to a little boutique place we have that curates good movies but I haven't watched a Superhero movie in theaters since 2021. I usually catch them all on long flights when they're free or on television while working. So yeah, I was one of those people that the theaters banked on. Popcorn, drinks, meals and drinks in the VIP theaters. We gorged on movies for years but they've lost me as a customer.
  3. Ironically, everyone likes math and charts, right? Check out Comcast's (who owns Universal Studios) ESG score and compare that to Disney's ESG score. Comcast is listed as a "higher risk company" to invest with because they have a lower ESG score. But their movies are doing better than Disney's. The net perspective is that the ESG movement would have you believe the Universal movies should be doing worse. This is the ESG movement in a nutshell. This is what is happening in the real world. There is a MASSIVE disconnect between reality and theory, as we have all witnessed in real time over the last few years in every aspect of life. I don't understand how anyone can argue this anymore. It's just plain silly now. https://www.sustainalytics.com/esg-rating/comcast-corp/1008051587
  4. You're actually twisting not only my words, but EastEnd1's as well. EastEnd1 didn't say it wasn't "new and revolutionary". He said it didn't affect the end product, which is now proven wrong. I also said nothing about controlling the world. You did. You are twisting the argument and stating things nobody has said. Stop it. I said it is controlling ECONOMICS, and that fact is immutable. I've proven it. But, IF YOU CONTROL THE ECONOMICS YOU CONTROL THE WORLD. This fact is immutable too. NOBODY will disagree with it. Not even my worst enemies. So STOP fabricating things to shift the discussion. There's been enough of that. If you want to have a discussion, don't paraphrase and move the goalposts. Quote people directly and reply directly to those points AND STOP misrepresenting what people said. The rest is not even worth replying to.
  5. I'm laughing at your wink because I KNOW it's true. We're actually on the exact same page as far as human perspective but if you don't see the push by the media, you just don't understand how the media works. Almost all Legacy media is co-opted by the same movement we're talking about in the Marvel's thread. But don't take my word for it. Read about it yourself and then come back and let me know.
  6. Ok, now THAT is enough for today. I think I've made my points pretty well. If anyone has any positive, constructive discourse I'd love to hear it. Otherwise, not much else to say.
  7. Shad, you CONSTANTLY bring up PARTIAL FACTS to suit your arguments. Do you not ever get tired of being wrong? Blackrock is one of the most powerful economic entities in the world, but look at their stock chart and tell me how it coincides to everything I've said, including the dates of the ESG movement that they championed. They LITERALLY dropped from a high of 957 to 571 in one year, from the exact point that I said the ESG movement stopped growing. Is this how the Shadrock school of investing actually works? Losing 40% of your profits in one year? The ESG movement they championed is collapsing and no amount of comic book forum posts will make them double their profits to cover your losses.
  8. I'm just stating the facts as they happened. If there are conspiratorial tendencies in those facts, is that my fault? You seem to believe that it's impossible that there may be. Which is the better way to view the world?
  9. You've have, quite literally lambasted me on here for years as uneducated, unintelligent and biased and continue to do so daily. Meanwhile, we have, with the help of a few comic book chat forum members solved a Billion dollar problem that even the greatest minds at Disney couldn't solve for themselves. Even you couldn't solve it with all of your education in the human psyche and neuroscience as a professor. How did we manage to do it? It's simple: You JUST NEED TO PAY ATTENTION to what people the little people actually want rather than tell them what they want. You on the other hand have been cheerleading some of the worst things to happen to people in modern history and are on board with telling people what they should want. It's destructive and sickening. If you can't foster positive discourse, it's time you learn to stay in your lane and let the big people sort it out because it's ideologies like yours that broke everything in the 1st place. This clock seems to be working every time you appear so maybe you're in the Quantum Realm?
  10. So far I haven't disagreed with anything you've said, except for the influence of ESG, on which I am well versed. I think we're more or less in agreement, except on that specific point. The ESG curve is a new learning curve. What has happened in the last 5 years is that they tried it, and it's now backfiring. The firings of CEOs is a part of the backfiring, but there IS a powerful contingent of people who are still pushing FOR it because it's so large and has so much momentum and interia. Here is a great Business Insider article from 2020 (remember, I said 2019 was the tipping point in favor of ESG). The idea seemed great on paper to investors. (I can't post the article because it may get taken down for political content, but you can easily find it) BlackRock Is Fueling A $120 Trillion Transformation On Wall St. From the article: Big money is turning its back on companies that aren’t conforming to one simple idea… Sustainability. And it’s fueling one of the biggest transfers of capital the world has ever seen. In fact, within a year, 77% of institutional investors will stop buying into companies that aren’t, in some way, sustainable. How is Blackrock doing this? A quote BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: "You have to force behaviors and at BlackRock we are forcing behaviors..." ------------------------------------------------------ Now follow the concept as it evolved over 2020-2022 (remember, this was during the pandemic) - it grew to dominate world economics while the general public didn't realize it was even happening. The ESG investment movement quite literally infiltrated every aspect of world economics overnight. Wall Street. Central Banks. The BIS (Bank of International Settlements, which is the single most powerful entity in banking on earth). Every major corporation and EVEN the policy makers. That's how fast the speed of money moves when everyone is united to one common cause in lockstep. Man, that should be terrifying to ANYONE no matter what you think about my personal opinions. ------------------------------------------------------------------ But the backfire is beginning and just like you leaving Disney in 2019 earmarked the START of the ESG upward curve, 2022 has earmarked the downward trend. My point is punctuated by the firing of Bob Chapek. who was fired when? In Nov, 2022. Behind the stunning exit of Disney CEO Bob Chapek What has happened since, is that people have taken notice and pushed back. CEOs everywhere are getting fired. Policies are being implemented by those opposed to ESG outlawing it's use. Heads of state are quite literally losing their jobs over it. If you were to list how many influential and powerful people lost their jobs in the last 1-2 years specifically related to this concept, I think you'd be shocked. I can only say so much on a comic forum, but if anyone wants more info via PM I am all ears. I have done a lot of research on this and it's all based on economics, science and fact. So we are currently smack in the center of it in real time, but the tide is turning and people are realizing that every aspect of their lives have been affected by this strategy and are not interested in it. Iger and Disney LITERALLY still don't get it but they are starting to. So, I think you and I actually both agree, yourself coming from a Disney executive position and me coming from mine as as concerned citizen who just wants normal, human content and not something driven by corroborate greed. We are actually describing the same thing from two different viewpoints. So why doesn't Disney? That's the $155 Billion question. Greed blinds people from reality is my answer.
  11. This is a great example of a respectful post with the intent to engage with productive discourse and I wholeheartedly and genuinely appreciate it. Thank you. My personality tends to gravitate toward extreme examples to drive home points but that doesn't mean they're held in a vaccuum and that there isn't a spectrum to each point. Of COURSE men and women can do whatever they want. Of COURSE you will have male nurses in a female dominated field or FEMALE CEOs in a male dominated field. There is absolutely an overlap. My kids overlap in those spectrums. 2 of my kids, 1 male and 1 female are BOTH first responders. Another daughter was an athlete in a male dominated world who has now crossed over into the female dominated world of administrative work in the medical field. My youngest daughter (22) works in social work - she is constantly getting assaulted and abused by teen boys. My talking points are generally shown with extreme examples simply so that I can make my point driven home in a way that MOST will get, but you're right, I should provide some more examples for those who overlap between the two. I have SEVERAL great friends who are stay at home dads while the mother is the breadwinner. Nothing wrong with that. It works for them. We are in a better place than any other time in human history and most seem to not realize it. If you live in the West, you live in the top 2% of the world, economically and historically. The rest of the world throughout history lives below the poverty line while we live WELL above it. We have more human rights than ever before. We have more prosperity than ever before. We have more diversity than ever before. And yet, if you listened to the media, they'd have you believe that we are a dumpster fire and nobody is safe. Nobody, LITERALLY NOBODY CARES what you want to do with yourself unless it's harming someone else or harming yourself. NOBODY. What the media has done is put a microscope on the things that nobody cares about and made them seem like EVERYONE CARES and that distortion of perception is what is making everything so volatile and difficult to navigate. Even minority groups have started speaking up about this distortion in society being pushed by the media onto the people. They're speaking out because the backlash is now harming the very groups they are trying to protect. If any single person or group pushes too hard, it will backfire. It's inevitable. So back off the gas on the politics, the virtue signalling, the avatars, the pokes and baiting and have some gratitude for where we're at. Your gratitude and your actions will shine far brighter than your internet avatar and the flag outside your home and it'll teach each of us more as well.
  12. Economics is politics too, but you CAN discuss economics and NOT discuss politics. The Gold is $500 thread is proof. You seem to be unable to separate the two like everyone else in this thread and I don't want to go "bye, bye" the way you're about to.
  13. Inflation generally results in lower unemployment and higher stock market. Yep. The stock market is inflating with the economy. Shadroch generally only cares if he's making money. So if 350 million people have had their assets and savings eviscerated through inflation, 10,000s are losing their jobs through poor CEO decision making at Bud and Disney and poverty is at all time highs, as long as he's making money from the stock market he believes the economy is in good shape.
  14. I am discussing economics, the science of men and women and human nature in relation to the MCU. You are injecting political talking points that I am not interested discussing. I know exactly what I'm talking about, I know what a free market is (I use that term GENERALLY not LITERALLY) and I fully WANT my views disagreed with and overturned if they can be. I have no other vested interest except the truth. Please stick directly to my discussion points without conflating them into something else. If you can't stick to the economics, science and human nature in relation to the MCU then stop replying.
  15. Yes. This is where CANCEL CULTURE comes from. No corporation wants their company to drop their ESG score because it will affect who does business with them. The reason Disney snapped their fingers and dropped Johnny Depp, their largest star IS BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T WANT THEIR ESG SCORE AFFECTED. Read between the lines, people. It's why everything is happening the way it is. ESG has been EVERYTHING up until this point. EVERY SINGLE OCCURRENCE is related to ESG. An article from Barrons from a year ago: BlackRock CEO Stands Firm on ESG Investing ESG is the most powerful tool in the world, held by the most powerful people in the world.
  16. So Bob Iger and The Wall Street Journal both agree with ME? Is there a scientist that can confirm this for me? What a coincidence. The irony here is that many saw from the beginning what it took $155Billion 5 years to see. They're NEVER going to do away with Superheros. Heroes are the ultimate human archetype. They just need to make better stories. What I interpret Marvel as saying is "Oops, we messed up. Here come the X-men and Fantastic Four!" HECK YEAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Yes. Schooling you. I can't imagine how much I'd have to hate my life to take the time to tell someone else on the internet, that I didn't read their post and go on to insult them.
  18. You're deflecting and moving goal posts again. This discussion has NOTHING TO DO WITH DISNEY THEME PARKS. We're talking about the MCU here. Pay attention.
  19. Why would the two of you conflate everything into the word 'conspiracy' when everything in this discussion on my part has been rooted in fact, science and economics? Throwing around words like a dog whistle just to discredit people doesn't work anymore. That ship has sailed and not returning. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who mentioned taking down civilization? If these corporations take down civilization, who will they sell their products to? I think you're connecting my dots incorrectly so let me spell it out. The WEF meets regularly with the largest 800 corporations in the world. Fact. These corporations are as economically as powerful as entire countries. Fact. Because these corporations are as large as the countries they sit with at the WEF alongside the leaders of 200 countries to discuss policy that will help them drive their businesses into these countries. Fact. Therefore, these corporations have the ability through the WEF, due to their size and influence to dictate terms and policies that are acceptable to them. Fact. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sure it's 'just economics' for the corporations, but when you blend the economics of the 800 most powerful companies that LITERALLY RULE THE ECONOMIC WORLD (remember, Blackrock manages $10 Trillion in assets and they are only ONE SEAT AT THE TABLE - there are 799 other seats) and you mingle that with the aspirations of individual policy makers, what do you get? You get the most powerful lobby industry in the world all sitting at one table multiple times a year to navigate the direction of society. In effect, you get the world's largest polished 'turd'. The Stepford Wives analogy is the perfect analogy. They want a homogenized, consistent, group-thinking society. Why? Well, Larry Fink the CEO of Blackrock said it best: "D******** in the West is messy. It swings one way one day, and the other way the next whereas in countries like China, they have an incredible amount of control on their economics" (I'm paraphrasing but that's the gist - you can search the video of him saying this). What they're saying is that if they can reduce the swings economically, they can better control the direction of the economy and better INVEST IN IT. They're not trying to take down civilization, they're trying make society a consumer driven society so that they can continue to sell you their wares and you continue to buy them. The corporations are removing options while giving people what they deem you and I need. In effect, they are removing the "free" from the "free market". How is that working for them? Well, without a full free market, you ultimately end up with an unpalatable product forced onto everyone. Disney and Bud for proof. THIS is why the MCU is floundering and I've been saying it from the beginning. Outside corporate interests and the pursuit of profit are affecting the art form. Does anyone disagree?
  20. Well, if even two people (you and I) who can't agree on anything else, can agree on this, that HAS to say something meaningful to everyone reading. I know you got annoying with my posts over the last few days or weeks, but I am consistent throughout in my philosophy and outlook on life in every aspect. There's no turds or swiss cheese holes here in my camp, and after being slandered and attacked for years and being called biased and "selfish" and IGNORANT, I simply have wanted people to know what is really going on behind the scenes for some time so I'm thrilled to have been able to share, and I have to partially thank you for providing the ability to do that. Thanks for saying that.
  21. Well, you left one big portion of the equation out of your post. There are a subset of the population, who believe the turd is NOT a turd and keep polishing it, trying to convince it's not a turd and thinking the harder and faster they rub it the better it will get and the more everyone will like it. It's those people that Disney is trying to appeal to. That's why the ESG score is being pushed so hard from the top down into the masses. Those companies are trying to convince people that this is the way. That by polishing the turd, they're going to convince everyone to start thinking this way and sell more of their turd. That's not how human psychology works. You can't force people to like things from the top down in much the way parents can't force kids to love green beans. They will literally gag on whatever you force them to like and grow to hate it. If you want your product to appeal to the masses, the masses have to accept it from the bottom up, organically which is the way nature works. That's how the MCU was built over 10 years and destroyed in LESS THAN HALF THAT TIME. You can't go against nature. Nature won't allow it and nature has rejected Disney's and the rest of the large corporations philosophy. And this isn't code for any talk. I'm being as plain as can be, in referring to the decision making of large corporations, but this philosophy can be applied to every large industry the same and the principles hold immutably true.
  22. Yes. Believe me, I've been tracking this closely, VERY closely for 3 years now and I have come to the same conclusion that you just did. And as you can see, I'm not pulling stuff out of my behind. It's all backed up and real, no matter how much people who don't like it will try to shut down the conversation. You're saying that companies may feel it's a goal worth aspiring to even if it causes some short term pain and losses, and that is the sense I have been getting too. So WHAT could be so worthwhile to aspire to, that it's worth risking losing so much money for, is the next question? And THAT is a much darker question to ask because it has to be something very attractive to risk it all like that, because as EastEnd1 stated, NO corporation would do that previously.