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Posts posted by Dano

  1. I want to know whose bright idea it was to give a child a name with a hyphen in the middle.



    Jeezus that's racist. It's an urban myth in the simple version. The addition of the last line falls into flat out bigotry.


    I think that story is very sad. Naming your kids with weird names is very dumb.


    The last line doesn't suggest prejudice to me. It made me think of the large number of people we have read about from the Katrina disaster, people who were given free lodging in hotels etc, and destroyed them. I didn't take that last line to mean a certain race is all like that, or even somewhat they way. That kind of person exists in every race and country in the world.


    I read it to mean that there are a lot of extremely stupid people(no color or other stereotype) in this world, and here they are allowed to vote. I don't hate those people, or suggest any serious bad thing befall them. But I do wish we could stop them from voting, and stop giving them more welfare as a reward for having another child. That is not prejudice, but it is a fair judgment about the value of their vote and our welfare system.


    Wow. More hatred.



  2. How do you preserve the integrity of your OA...I just keep mine in a artist folder type thing...but I have a mix of OA and size...some done in pencil others in paint. I would love to preserve it until I raise some funds to properly get them framed. And Ideas or suggestions...


    Quite honestly I don't buy unless I can have the piece framed immediately. Leaving it out in the cold just doesn't work for me. This is my opinion.



  3. Just to clarify I think Walls might have reference a sale he made with me. Books are in the mail but I take full accountability for not getting it out sooner and I have apologize to him for not being able to communicate this earlier. It was a slab and a raw copy of the same book but it took me almost a week to find the raw copy. Then I just hit a super busy spell at work, etc but that's not his problem.


    Walls is fairly new here so I think him asking general questions in this thread is perfectly fine and the right thing to do. I've been here for years and have done a lot of deals with people so I have the luxury of knowing the general landscape whereas a new guy has to rely on what he sees and hears. Besides I'm sure we all agree that the HOS and this thread is much bigger than it should be. Carry on folks. (thumbs u


    I guess I'm small fish, but if it took almost a week to find one of my comic books, I'd re-evaluate the location of my collection.



  4. Instead of searching for cute little graemlins to suit your needs, perhaps a reading comprehension course would be useful (thumbs u


    I've got no dog in this fight. I'm not complaining about anyone and have no "sour deals" pending so why are you quoting me saying I'm person_without_enough_empathying about a bad seller??? (shrug) I'm just agreeing with someone who does have a problem and giving my opinion. If you like waiting around for someone to send what you paid for until their life is absolutely perfect, great for you! I pay for my books immediately and expect the same courtesy in sending my books as soon as reasonably possible.


    It has nothing to do with OCD. When I pay for something, I expect to receive it in a timely manner or have some communication explaining why that isn't happening. As far as I know, that's how buying/selling works on this planet. "life issues"??? Honestly, I could give two craps about that. Everyone has problems but still manage to do what needs to be done without curling up in a ball and Sucking their thumb ignoring their responsibilities until life is perfect again.


    It doesnt strike you as odd how no one EVER has one of these major "life issues" when setting up a sales thread and taking your money? Weird how that only comes up AFTER someone has your money.


    Oh and don't give me the "it's only comics so relax" line. If they are only comics and don't matter, then don't sell them and collect people's money. I don't care if it's a stick of gum, when I pay for it, get it to me in a timely manner or communicate why you aren't. Doing anything less is the nothing but selfish, immature and unacceptable in my book (thumbs u






    Being the Internet, I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not.


    Just to clarify though, I don't want it to sound like I don't care about someone else's problems. I've had MANY times on here where someone pm'd me and explained the problem and why they couldn't send the book or payment. Every single time, my response has been " cool, no problem and don't worry about it, just let me know when it's better and it'll be sent" (thumbs u


    To just completely ignore someone is completely unacceptable unless you are dead or I. The hospital. Losing your job, getting sick etc is NOT an excuse to just leave someone hanging for weeks on end with no communication at all. That's what a 5 year old would do not an adult with any sense of responsibility. I think 99.9% of people on here would be understanding and give you as much time as you need tout you just communicate with them. Ignoring a buyer/seller you have a responsibility to is NEVER acceptable though in my book (thumbs u


    No sarcasm at all. I totally agree with you! :) I agree especially that true life changing events that preclude concluding a comic deal are very rare.



  5. Instead of searching for cute little graemlins to suit your needs, perhaps a reading comprehension course would be useful (thumbs u


    I've got no dog in this fight. I'm not complaining about anyone and have no "sour deals" pending so why are you quoting me saying I'm person_without_enough_empathying about a bad seller??? (shrug) I'm just agreeing with someone who does have a problem and giving my opinion. If you like waiting around for someone to send what you paid for until their life is absolutely perfect, great for you! I pay for my books immediately and expect the same courtesy in sending my books as soon as reasonably possible.


    It has nothing to do with OCD. When I pay for something, I expect to receive it in a timely manner or have some communication explaining why that isn't happening. As far as I know, that's how buying/selling works on this planet. "life issues"??? Honestly, I could give two craps about that. Everyone has problems but still manage to do what needs to be done without curling up in a ball and Sucking their thumb ignoring their responsibilities until life is perfect again.


    It doesnt strike you as odd how no one EVER has one of these major "life issues" when setting up a sales thread and taking your money? Weird how that only comes up AFTER someone has your money.


    Oh and don't give me the "it's only comics so relax" line. If they are only comics and don't matter, then don't sell them and collect people's money. I don't care if it's a stick of gum, when I pay for it, get it to me in a timely manner or communicate why you aren't. Doing anything less is the nothing but selfish, immature and unacceptable in my book (thumbs u





  6. Ok, thanks for the responses. I am really not having good experiences when it comes to buying lately. Either its poor communication or receiving items in not as described condition and shipped poorly packaged.


    I sell items and have had buyers message me about the status of their shipments to which I immediately respond. Just common courtesy in my opinion. I work, have kids , the whole nine yards but I am never that busy that I cannot respond to people who have paid me money and are expecting their merchandise in a timely manner. I don't particularly like the "pay me quickly I ship to you slowly" mentality some sellers have.



    Ok, I'm done. Thanks.


    +1. Communication is easy.


    +2. Communication is easy.



  7. Framed up Captain Pooh by Charles Paul Wilson III. Museum conservation glass and CA blue matte. With frame, 9 1/2 by 10 1/2.






    Nice cartoon image. Every time I see this picture, it makes me think of Homer Simpson as a kid (wearing a Cap America playsuit). :)


    Ha! That's perfect! I'll pass that along to Charles!



  8. The more disconcerting issue, for me, is that there are well respected sellers who sell to probation list and HOS members. These are people who screwed over other members, on these boards, not in a fifth grade game of marbles, and were placed on the list. Yet for the almighty dollar these sellers will continue to do business with them, hoping I guess that they won't be the unfortunate one to be hurt.


    That is pretty (tsk)


    It is but some are here to sell comics and the community is secondary.


    Can I ask where this blanket statement comes from? 1) I don't know of anyone selling to HOS members. 2) to say, if you are referring to me, that selling comics comes first and the community comes second, I suggest you take a look at the entire body of what I've done here.


    This is specifically why I defended clobberintime -- this is the half cocked way in which some people decide to take their holier than thou positions about right and wrong.


    Finally, on the issue of SAGAT, I think there's very clear evidence that he knowingly sold a restored book as unrestored. What list he ought to go on is irrelevant to me, except that people should be informed. If that means the HOS, so be it.


    I purposefully didn't mention any names so as to not offend anyone publicly. If you feel that I was referring to you and you bring up the fact the you do sell to probation list members, that was not my intention.


    I wasn't half cocked, I was full on Viagra engorged cocked. The list exists to let other members know of naughty behaviors of naughty members. Why is Sagat different than any other probation member. Does the offense that gets one placed on the list vary by degree of naughtiness? Is it worse to sell a restored book as unrestored, or take payment and not deliver the book. What about throwing up :takeit: and causing a seller to lose out on other offers while waiting for payment? I don't know enough to make that distinction so I avoid list members. This is not a gray area, you are on the list for screwing someone over. I don't want to deal with you, ever.


    I'm not holier than anyone, and I also didn't minamilize your contributions to these boards, as being a newer member I wouldn't feel qualified to make that judgement. I'm not looking for a contest, you are a well respected member of the boards who I'm sure is a good guy, and I usually can't afford your books anyway:lol:


    I don't really want to detract from the ongoing discussion about Sagat, but there is a difference and there's also a difference in terms of who the person is. Look, I have never, and will never, condone clobberintime treating Nick the way he did. But my relationship with him extends over several years here, discussions about other matters, and a general pattern of him -- for the most part -- always fulfilling his obligations.


    For me, i make a case by case determination. Not everyone deserves to be treated the same by every buyer. It isn't about the money, because he's never spent a lot with me. Every other member of the list, has issues that I think were very clear or that I had no reason to dispute because of some past experience.


    The probation list is not always clearly black and white about how we act moving forward, and I am simply putting out there the fact that many folks sell to folks on the probation list, but have their own reasons.




  9. A really special addition to our collection here at the end of the year. My wife and I were married on December 18th in Ohio and I had commissioned Charles Paul Wilson III earlier in the year for a wedding present for my lovely bride! We both love his work, and I'm lucky to own a few covers and interiors... we also love the book, DANDELION WINE by Ray Bradbury. Sooooo, back in 1991 I performed in the premiere stage production of SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES in California and Mr. Bradbury attended the show and after party... it was a laid back BBQ with a fire circle and he was cool enough to kick back a few cold ones and tell amazing stories to the cast and crew. At the end of the party, I snuck up to him and asked him to sign my paperback edition of DW from 1988 - he was very cool and even drew a dandelion! Soooooo, fast forward to the last three years and my very cool wife reads from this very copy out loud to me over the course of each summer. Sappy, but beautiful stuff!


    I asked Charles to re-interpret the cover of this particular copy and here is the outcome sized 11X17... (note: Charles and I searched and searched thru Bradbury chat rooms and other sources for the name of the original artist to no avail. Hence the ?) We'd both like to figure it out someday so that he or she can be credited.



