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Everything posted by GeeksAreMyPeeps

  1. Are you including shipping in the price? That's usually what the "shipped" bit means. Yeah I get what it means, I asked the question to draw out the answer to show the disingenuous nature of what's being said. If Turd Man comics sells for $3.99 on eBay, and some clown has $6.00 shipping, it doesn't mean FMV on the book is $10. I realize most of you want to pump up the prices on these worthless modern speculation books, but geez, let's try and be a bit more honest here. When are you going to find FMV on ebay...you have to include what you paid for the entire comic for future sales unless you want to lose money. A comic that's being sold for $10 free shipping and on for $3.99 and $6.01 shipping are being sold for the same price if the sellers shipping cost is $6.01. This is a glass half full/empty discussion so pointless. Does anyone ever actually but just one cheap comic on eBay?
  2. There seemed to be quite a diverse crowd at the show. Go figure. Appealing to more people brings in more fans. It would be nice if some of those complaining here would maybe go to a Mary Sue panel at a con to try to understand the perspective of others, rather than fall back o the same straw man perspectives. Honestly is it diversity when you change practically all the A list characters (that have been around for 50-75 plus years and have done well) just to say look at us everyone and pat ourselves on the back how diverse we are? Diversity either is present or not in a society it can't be forced . The problem is that people seem to think that the people (who aren't straight white males) that want to see themselves represented well in comics are the ones responsible for how companies address that demand. And those same people want the opposite of this now. How many white male characters are appropriate? Is there a specific number that have to represent each race and if so who is in charge of this specific number policy? Is there ever a "right number of people represented" because when diversity is used there is always a number to follow. Two wrongs don't make a right and sparingly made changes add to the MU not what they are doing now. Its a fast storyline change for money right now but the sad thing about it is while you think it's drawing more new readers to it, its also pushing long time supporters of it away. Then stop reading it. Go collect coins. Because Marvel's REAL reason for doing it is MONEY. NEW money. REAL money. Thor is selling MORE. For all the talk about Captain America's Brusker run (which was great), Cap is now selling MORE. Spider-Gwen is selling over 100,000 copies. Silk almost sold as many copies of Avengers Ultron Forever which has a movie. Ms. Marvel sells as well as Superior Iron Man which has a movie. And if they didn't sell as well? Then Marvel would cancel them. They're trying to sell to a segment of a market that is UNTAPPED and it isn't comprised of creepy little white male nerds who are only concerned about what book they can flip next. They're going after READERS. Of all kinds. It's not politics is business. And who is it pushing away? The books are selling more copies now than they were. Fact is: The people who person_without_enough_empathy about it, aren't even the one's reading it. I've corrected numerous people in my store complaining about how Marvel 'turned' Thor into a girl - WRONG. Thor collectors overwhelmingly love the storyline (Jason Aaron rocks), and new readers are joining in. Whatever 'long time supporters of it' that are leaving, isn't apparent in the sales numbers. Bottom line is there are far more people that might be reading comics but aren't, than there are current readers who will be pushed away because not everything is catered to them specifically.
  3. I picked up a half dozen or so Catwoman Hughes covers from a store yesterday for $2 each. Including some that seem to be in higher demand. (Although not 51.)
  4. There seemed to be quite a diverse crowd at the show. Go figure. Appealing to more people brings in more fans. It would be nice if some of those complaining here would maybe go to a Mary Sue panel at a con to try to understand the perspective of others, rather than fall back o the same straw man perspectives. Honestly is it diversity when you change practically all the A list characters (that have been around for 50-75 plus years and have done well) just to say look at us everyone and pat ourselves on the back how diverse we are? Diversity either is present or not in a society it can't be forced . The problem is that people seem to think that the people (who aren't straight white males) that want to see themselves represented well in comics are the ones responsible for how companies address that demand. And those same people want the opposite of this now. How many white male characters are appropriate? Is there a specific number that have to represent each race and if so who is in charge of this specific number policy? Is there ever a "right number of people represented" because when diversity is used there is always a number to follow. Two wrongs don't make a right and sparingly made changes add to the MU not what they are doing now. Its a fast storyline change for money right now but the sad thing about it is while you think it's drawing more new readers to it, its also pushing long time supporters of it away. Not following what you're saying here. Which same people want what? I don't recall any prominent person arguing in favor of a broader range or representation suggesting anything that could be classified as a quota. And again, how Marvel, DC, or any other company addresses the subject of diversity is on them, not on the people that want to see more diversity.
  5. I found a Point One today for just over cover price. Of all the places I would have thought I might find one, I never expected one to still be in the back issue bins at Midtown Times Square, probably one of the busiest comic stores in the country. I actually was looking for something else when I saw that it was there. That makes two for a total of $7.50 since the weekend. Followed that up with a trip to another store, where I got a Captain Marvel 17, 2 incentive variants for The Valiant, a batch of Hughes Catwoman covers (including 58 & 60), a Static #1, and a few other books for under $40 total.
  6. There seemed to be quite a diverse crowd at the show. Go figure. Appealing to more people brings in more fans. It would be nice if some of those complaining here would maybe go to a Mary Sue panel at a con to try to understand the perspective of others, rather than fall back o the same straw man perspectives. Honestly is it diversity when you change practically all the A list characters (that have been around for 50-75 plus years and have done well) just to say look at us everyone and pat ourselves on the back how diverse we are? Diversity either is present or not in a society it can't be forced . The problem is that people seem to think that the people (who aren't straight white males) that want to see themselves represented well in comics are the ones responsible for how companies address that demand.
  7. Are they doing a Lando AF variant for the regular series? Marvel has a Lando mini coming. I figured (no pun intended) that they would save the variant for the mini. I guess they'll have to go with Lobot.
  8. There seemed to be quite a diverse crowd at the show. Go figure. Appealing to more people brings in more fans. It would be nice if some of those complaining here would maybe go to a Mary Sue panel at a con to try to understand the perspective of others, rather than fall back o the same straw man perspectives. Not Marvel, but I grabbed a Zero #1 Phantom variant at the show How did sales of A-Force go with Bennet at the show? I liberated a bunch of Valiants from discount bins. I'm surprised there isn't more speculation with Valiant, considering the consistent high quality of the books, and the relatively low print numbers they're producing. Of all the books in the "Valiant Next" initiative, Divinity might be the worst (not that it's bad), but it's getting the most attention. Dysart is doing a great job with Imperium; Kindt's Ninjak has been great (and readers are also getting bonus pages for the first year with no price increase; Bloodshot Reborn is only a couple issues in but I think the quality is evident; and Fred Van Lente, as far as I'm concerned, can do no wrong handling a Valiant property. His Timewalker series has been excellent, and there are some really great new characters. Such as the sentient social network. (He described it at the show as "if 4Chan was a person"; the Lurker is a time prankster.) From "Let's [not] Kill Hitler":
  9. Grab your Punisher minis now… http://radio.com/2015/06/09/walking-dead-jon-bernthal-cast-as-punisher-netflix-daredevil-season-2/
  10. Who cares? You're using your own specific criteria to describe everyone (a common fault on here) when there are various "key" issues that do not involve " the star of his own top selling comic book of a flagship title", right? The point is that there are Flash Thompson fans in the world, and that sub-section of the hobby would certainly view his life-changing moments as "key" to their own collecting viewpoint. To me, Spider-man getting married doesn't amount to 2 dead flies, as the character design just doesn't work with a hot model-wife, kids, mortgage, etc. - that's why Marvel killed off the baby, got rid of MJ for a bit, then retconned the entire marriage into oblivion. The exact same thing will happen with this latest retcon, and years from now, they'll be retconned apart again. By this logic, Amazing Spider-man 121 is not a key, because Spider-Gwen.
  11. The other rumor I saw, along with the Maestro sticking around the 616, was that it may not be Cho, but the Ultimate Reed Richards in his Maker persona that becomes the new Hulk. I think he first appears as the Maker in Ultimate Fallout 4 from what I could piece together. If true, another reason for that book to jump. http://www.cosmicbooknews.com/content/ultimate-reed-richards-rumored-be-new-hulk Whether he's the new Hulk or not, I expect him to be the version of Reed Richards that survives Secret Wars, since that will allow Marvel to still do interesting things with him that would give Fox a headache to adapt into a movie. Also, the fridging of Sue and their kids in the beginning of Secret Wars leaves him with little left to lose by sacrificing himself.
  12. So, by this logic, every single book ever printed could be deemed a "key issue" by a sub-section of the hobby? Fine, but we're talking about "hobby-wide keys" that have been accepted as important books by a significant portion of the collecting base. I don't see how the first point is true. It's not even close to every first issue that features a first appearance or some other milestone event in a character's history. Of course it can, as once you get down to pure minutiae like this, virtually *every* comic printed is special in some way. First, second, third appearance, artist, writer, cover appearance, large/medium/small event, co-star appearances, etc. There are many different types of "key" issues. It all depends on your point of view, just like the Spidey-centric collectors who believe the MJ marriage is the be-all-end of keys. I bet there are some Flash Thompson fanboys who believe the issue he went to Viet Nam, graduated college, or got married are big keys too, again, from their POV. I don't recall anyone saying the annual was the "be-all-end of keys," just that it was a key. Maybe not high-end-of-the-spectrum key, but a key.
  13. I think that mini is worth keeping with or without any future stories. I love that story. (thumbs u Perhaps, but if you've got Marvel Unlimited and it's available that way, then maybe you don't need to hold a physical copy in your collection.
  14. By the way, they suggested at the Marvel panel at NY Special Edition that the Maestro will probably be hanging around post-Secret Wars, so you may want to hold your Future Imperfects for now.
  15. That book was on my list some time back of something I should pick up, not for any Hulk rumor, but rather because I first became aware of Cho when the Herc book was out, and was reminded a lot of the duo when I was reading Archer & Armstrong (no surprise, since Fred Van Lente was writing both). FVL's A&A is one of my favorite all-time runs, and Cho is sort of a proto-Archer in my mind. (Yeah, he's a character from the '90s, but the reboot reminds me of Cho.) So, are we going with Chulk? Maeschro? We need a catchy nickname.
  16. Considering that Project Rising Spirit is a central organization in the current Valiant Universe, and central to Bloodshot's story, and popped up in Harbinger as well, it's almost certain that they'll play a big role in the movies.
  17. So, by this logic, every single book ever printed could be deemed a "key issue" by a sub-section of the hobby? Fine, but we're talking about "hobby-wide keys" that have been accepted as important books by a significant portion of the collecting base. I don't see how the first point is true. It's not even close to every first issue that features a first appearance or some other milestone event in a character's history. As to the second point, I'd say that how big a key a book is should be placed on a spectrum. It's a big gray area, not black and white. Certainly there are going to be books that every person is going to agree is a key because of its overwhelming importance not only to characters involved, but also to how it may have changed the industry. Then you're going to have issues which pretty much everyone is going to agree is not a key since there is nothing of significance or noteworthy. But there are a ton of books in that gray area that we're going to argue about, depending on the focus of our collecting or how we perceive the hobby in general.
  18. That looks like it's just the signature that would be part of the regular cover. It was in this thread somewhere, but I don't feel like going through 50 pages. They said he seemed very disinterested and didn't really even make eye contact. Maybe he's got Aspergers or mild autism or something that would explain that. Was he rude?
  19. I found a Near Minty Point One in a dollar box at NY Special Edition today. Very pleased.
  20. For collectors of Rocket Racer, his first appearance is a key for that character. It's just there aren't many collectors of Rocket Racer, so most don't acknowledge the book as a key. For collectors of Spider-man, his wedding is certainly a key issue. It's true that there are a lot of books that are keys for more general reasons that appeal to a wide variety of collectors, and those understandably are more valuable and considered more important keys.
  21. My understanding is that another solo Hulk movie is unlikely because of some sort of shared rights thing with Universal. Basically Marvel would rather keep all of the money from any movie for themselves, so they're going to focus on other properties. The last movie made sense, I suppose, because of the built-in name recognition, and to help the build-up for Avengers.
  22. Looks like Citizen V from the Thunderbolts. It certainly does. I kinda expect that Phase 4 will include a Thunderbolts movie.
  23. But will the average audience buy into a Red Hulk? I mean, there are plenty of comic enthusiasts (myself included) who think the idea of multi-colored Hulks is ... well, dumb. Does Marvel want to take their chances that the general public finds the idea silly as well? I'm not seeing it. They should do a Hulk in every color. Green Hulk hulks up when he's angry, Pink Hulk when he's in love, Yellow Hulk when he's afraid, Purple Hulk when he's puzzled, Blue Hulk when he's sad, etc.…
  24. eBay is busy this morning with the All New Marvel announcement: http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=avengers+80&_in_kw=1&_ex_kw=&_sacat=0&LH_Sold=1&_udlo=&_udhi=&_samilow=&_samihi=&_sadis=15&_stpos=10001&_sargn=-1%26saslc%3D1&_salic=1&_sop=12&_dmd=1&_ipg=100&LH_Complete=1