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Everything posted by GeeksAreMyPeeps

  1. Agreed. The BW action figure variant seems to be throwing too many variant gimmicks onto one cover. Why not make one for Deadpool too?
  2. I don't think the Gambit appearances is really comparable to the other examples, or the IH example. In this particular case, it looks as if the story in UXM was written with the idea in mind that this would be the reader's introduction to Gambit, and the publishing schedule necessitated having to fit in an explanation of who this Gambit character that no one knew about was. That's the way it reads to me. But being a company with a lot of moving parts, Marvel had the annual on the schedule where it fit based on the publishing plan, earlier than it would have comfortably fit creatively. This does not change the reality of what was published first, but I think it does have an effect on what a collector might desire more, more so than the other examples cited. For the record, I have one copy of UXM 266 that's likely not leaving my collection any time soon, and several copies of the annual which I may look to move soon.
  3. If we're going with Wizard as a definitive source (I'm not saying that I do, but let's run with it for now), their top 10 books suggests that there was some inconsistency in what people were valuing more back in the day. Scans in the spoilers (because they're huge) are from issues 15, 16, 17, 2 from 18, and 2 from 19.
  4. It seems that there are enough people shelling out money for both of these issues right now that there might be a situation where there's no clear winner in the long run. Keep in mind that they're both considered classic covers by Valiant fans. I find this recent EW4 vs Rai 0 to be hilarious. This debate was settled back in 1993. Last page cameo = EW4 1st full appearance and cover, and most important book in valiant history = rai 0 Hasn't changed in 22years, what what make it change now? What's changed now is a new wave of speculation. So people aren't so much concerned about what they want personally, because there's no debate on that. You want what you want and you buy it. The debate is over what other people will or should want.
  5. It seems that there are enough people shelling out money for both of these issues right now that there might be a situation where there's no clear winner in the long run. Keep in mind that they're both considered classic covers by Valiant fans.
  6. I would either recycle them, sell them as is as a bulk lot, or donate them somewhere.
  7. *ahem* Have you seen it yet, or are you going by gossip. I'll be seeing it Tuesday. I was talking with my sister today, who has already seen it, and apparently
  8. What If Venom/Deadpool seems to keep on growing: http://www.ebay.com/itm/What-If-Venom-Possessed-Deadpool-1-Rare-/381234655068?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item58c35b2f5c&nma=true&si=S%252Bo6zkLQa7tqtO5V1XIg2oPu6mE%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  9. During the Phase 3 rollout event, they explicitly stated that Captain Marvel (note: "Captain," not "Ms.") would be Carol Danvers. But there has been speculation that the new Ms. Marvel would show up in media. Sometime before the Phase 3 event, I decided that I was going to start collecting Carol Danvers books. Mainly because with the way KSD is handling her, I think within a decade she's going to be Marvel's Wonder Woman (i.e. their primary female hero). Already seeing quite a few cosplayers at cons. Anyway, the day after the announcement I figured it would be a good idea to step up picking up some back issues, and grabbed a bunch at the stop. I had to "settle" for a second print of #17.
  10. He's racking up the ignores left and right, especially after his juvenile post in the Gold section yesterday. What did he say? Did the post get scrubbed? Yes, the post I made got deleted. I posted a comment which was meant as a *joke*, in the "Ask Gator" thread....which had about 500 pages of questions. It struck me as a "Dear Abby" sort of thread, so in that vein, I posted up a playful joke....the intended IRONY of which was apparently* lost on the boardies who read it and reported the post to a moderator. Here's the best course of action to follow when you want to post a joke ironically. First, make sure that the entire audience couldn't possibly take the joke seriously. Second, make sure that the joke is actually funny. Third, recognize that this is the internet and one of the first two points will likely fail and don't bother.
  11. Suicide Squad movie. For sake, at this rate the question will be which 2nd tier villain or hero from the DCU is not in the Suicide Squad movie instead of which ones are in it......... I predict we're going to see quite a few deaths. Perhaps we'll get an Indiana Jones-style opening with a largely unrelated adventure where pretty much the entire team is wiped out.
  12. No. Previews are not comics and that's about all that needs to be said. I didn't post this because it previews upcoming series and despite my reputation this was an honest question. This comic is very hard to find in the wild and on the web it's an expensive issue. Personally I thought it was pretty cool because it's the first non-narrative, art, image, appearance or whatever of Dark Knight and Watchmen. The thing that sucks is that I was previously unaware of this book, but I want it now that I'm aware of it, because of the Outsiders. It wasn't the best comic out there, but it was one of the first books I followed, so I remember it fondly. But I'm not going to pay Watchmen and DKR preview prices fr it. I suppose it could be worse. I could be a huge Zatara fan.
  13. On the spine to the right and above Aquaman is part of G. Perez's sig. not a scuff. I see what you are talking about to the right of Super Powers, but could be production crease. It's neither. (thumbs u Looks good to me, I like the large scans. In other news I think this is a new record for 9.4 Harbinger 1. $220 plus 23 shipping. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Harbinger-1-CGC-9-4-Valiant-VEI-Valient-/181710871496?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_2&hash=item2a4ecfdbc8 I think its time I slabbed a ton of these pre-unity Valiants. Considering the silliness, I just may throw my Harbinger 1 slab up on eBay. It's a purple 7.5 (which I won as part of a raffle package; did not buy this specifically) on which someone apparently tried to fix the spine split with glue, but if it's getting this much attention, why not. I still have my OO copies and a couple others I picked up along the way.
  14. Niche market book. This book has been semi-hot for years. Its a cool book. Typically brings $15-30 in decent shape, and there are always random buy it nows in the $50-100 range ( as collectors in this new era tend not to shop around like they should ) The problem I have always had with books like this, or any preview, is this question: It is really the first depiction of said character? I have found more often than not, that the first preview/ad whatever, is many times found to be wrong later on, there is something earlier. These previews and ads are MUCH harder to research than regular comic issues. A "depiction" and an "appearance" are two significantly different things to most collectors, I would say.
  15. And if you're looking to eventually read the Acclaim stuff too, you should know that Armorines #4 hasn't been reprinted or made available digitally anywhere yet, so the only way to read is to get the original, and it's extremely limited. Usually when they pop up on eBay they're a BIN in close to the triple digits, but there's an auction on eBay right now that's a relative bargain: http://www.ebay.com/itm/281668393566?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  16. The Rai flipbook was really the second chapter in each issue that started on the Magnus side. Chances are slim that those issues will be reprinted, since VEI doesn't have the rights to the Gold Key characters. So, for the Gold Key characters, your best option is to hunt down the back issues, or, with Magnus 5 now going for a premium, look for the second Magnus trade paperback, "Invasion" (although that can be tough to find cheap as well). There are Solar trades that reprint the origin story that was serialized in the first 10 issues, and another for the first arc (issues 1-4). For 5-10, again, the only legal option is to find the original issues. (Fortunately the reprint of 10 can keep the cost down on that story.) For all other properties owned by VEI, there are a few options. Most of the line is available on Comixology, and they occasionally have .99 sales. They're also started collecting them in hardcovers, although I don't think any series has more than one volume (about 7 issues) so far.
  17. Is this just speculation based on news of the upcoming issue, or has this been established in the comic? (I haven't read an X-Men book in years.) I could see a scenario, much like how people read body language to gauge a person's emotional state, that maybe there's a similar way for those with mental abilities to get a feel on the fluctuations of a person's emotional state based on mental energy. When one notices the changes in a person that occur when they're attracted/aroused during an encounter of someone of the same sex, one determines that the person is gay. It's a little more nuanced than "determin[ing] gay thoughts"
  18. That seems like a pretty decent price for the buyer on the 9.9, for a #1, no?
  19. These probably came out of a dollar box. http://www.ebay.com/itm/251927674415 What amuses me is that there are $19 price stickers on two of those, which I'm guessing are old stickers, and would seemed ridiculous a few months ago, and the final price is more than triple that.
  20. I think they're focusing on the new stuff now. Hopefully they'll get to the point where they do annual Yearbooks that feature stories from the original universe.
  21. That's mostly evident from the titles of the books. Fortunately for new readers no knowledge of the original universe is needed to follow the VEI books, so not necessary to read the classics to enjoy the new books.