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Everything posted by GeeksAreMyPeeps

  1. From Marvel's website: So even Marvel know's there were vast changes made to the character from when she was introduced as a blonde British lady to becoming an Asian spy. If we're just going to throw random facepalms at people, then please, allow me to give your rebuttal a few of these: In the section you quote, the "new powers" include: 1) a temporary ability to be undetectable to machines, which happened in #227 before she entered the Siege Perilous, and ended when she entered it, so that is moot 2) teleportation powers from The Crimson Dawn, which didn't even first appear until #330 3) and powers she gained by swapping abilities with Jean Grey, which has nothing to do with going through the Siege Perilous and again happened much later So do all the issues where she gains these three other sets of powers also represent the debuts of entirely new characters? The only supposed "new power" she gained with #256 was the psychic knife -- which wasn't a new power at all, but simply a focused manifestation of her telepathy/mental bolts, which she could already do. The fact that she looked Asian and had a new costume, I mean, so what? Just because the graphic redesign was successful in making the character more popular does not make it her first appearance. The psychic knife is her trademark look/weapon. It's as important to the Psylocke's character as Wolverine's Claws are to his character. Just so were clear - a new role defining power, a change in her ethnicity, a new costume AND changing her profession from model to assassin isn't a new character? What's a character have to do around here to get the 1st appearance notification? Just get a Bejeweled gem in his forehead and change his name? Is that all? I call BS on that. I would say "appear for the first time."
  2. It's way more than this... Hello BTE. It's like half the VF board is over here.
  3. 1 - 41,693 2. - 24,621 3. - 26,856 The cover to #4 is her vs Galactus I thought 2 & 3 were under 20k issues... I may grab a few more copies of issue #2. I know my wife loves the book and I've never heard her laugh as much as she did reading the first 3 issues. I'm digging Erika Henderson's artwork -- even with all the people talking trash about her work, but yet don't say anything about Ditko's artwork. I thought it was just understood that Ditko was awful.
  4. Every issue in the line has an effing unicorn on the cover. What's not to love?
  5. Any guesses on where this will end up?: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Marvel-Super-Heroes-v2-8-Winter-Special-CGC-9-8-white-X-Men-1st-Squirrel-Girl-/261848644291?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cf7653ac3
  6. Arguably, start of a new Modern Age should be identified around the time of New 52, VEI launch, and Marvel Now.
  7. I'd say there's a typo in there, but it's true that story quality significantly dropped off industry-wide as companies tried to pump out as many titles as possible.
  8. #256 has got to be, doesn't it? I can't think of any others. I don't think anyone, but the people reading them as they were released, care about cosmic Spidey. If #256 is a definitive first, then I'd say that Thor #411/412 (first New Warriors) is probably the long-term choice for clear runners-up.
  9. You would. To me, Valiant, Image, Marvel #1's Trio, etc. exemplified the Modern/Speculator/Chromium era, and to leave them in Copper is patently insane. Pick up a book from the early-80's and one from 1992 and they are from two different worlds. I don't disagree But, until they "officially" make a new era, it's def not a "Modern" I'm just saying that Valiant is definitely not Copper... which leaves... It's pretty clear that Valiant fits squarely in a category of comics called "1990s comics" which leaves little to debate. Copper-schmopper. 1990's comics = pyrite age Did you get that from me? I've been suggesting for years that would be a perfect name for the '90s. (For those not in the know, pyrite is more commonly referred to as "fool's gold"; although some of that foolishness is now starting to pay off)
  10. You would. To me, Valiant, Image, Marvel #1's Trio, etc. exemplified the Modern/Speculator/Chromium era, and to leave them in Copper is patently insane. Pick up a book from the early-80's and one from 1992 and they are from two different worlds. It depends on the book. Some of the Valiants have an earlier feel
  11. $1 is about right for Rai #9. I know it's the first Spylocke, but that book was a massive target for speculation.
  12. I've been reading the Peter Grant novels (the first is "Rivers of London" but was renamed "Midnight Riot" for the U.S. release). They're good stuff. Basically it's police procedural crossed with Harry Potter, with lots of geeky references thrown in.
  13. I have no skin in this game, but I find it strange that a " 2nd appearance" is missing from this list. When you look at it listed the way it is above, one gets a better idea of how absurd the whole argument is. Its like everyone is trying as hard as they can to not call 181 his 2nd appearance, and go as far as eliminating a 2nd appearance entirely. If 182 is his 3rd appearance, what is his 2nd? Anyone? Then you have to ask.... If 182 is a cameo ( and it is ), why is it considered his 3rd appearance? Based on your standards above, should it not be considered his 3rd appearance ( cameo ) and Giant size x-men be his 3rd full? This is what you are doing for his first appearance above, but change your stance on later appearances ... again ... why is there a double standard in place? I personally think we should consider labeling books ( with 1st cameos ) from now on like this: 180 : 1st appearance of wolverine ( cameo ) 181: 2nd appearance of Wolverine ( 1st full appearance ) 182: 3rd appearance of Wolverine ( cameo ) Giant size X-men 1: 4th appearance of Wolverine ( 2nd full appearance) Uncanny X-men 94 : 5th appearance of Wolverine ( 3rd full appearance) To me, this explains his appearances properly. Cameo has been a term we have used in this hobby forever. It doesn't need to go away, just call them for what they are. They are appearances, period. Cameo or not, label them in order and call them what they are. It doesn't matter if a characters 4th appearance is his 1st full, its still his 4th appearance ( 1st full) (thumbs u ...I approach this in an unorthodox manner, but agree with you for the most part. In my opinion, if you don't own 180, 181, AND 182 then you don't own Wolverines first appearance. It's all the SAME story. GOD BLESS... -jimbo(a friend of jesus) (thumbs u I own the Wolverine/Hulk book from the '80s that reprints the story, so do I own the first appearance?
  14. Does this seem high?: http://www.ebay.com/itm/The-Amazing-Spider-Man-361-VF-Carnage-1st-apperance-2nd-Print-Marvel-Comics-/291425046650?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43da49507a
  15. That's incredible for a book that was $3 until a month ago. I would say that this book is hard to find in the wild in great condition. lots of copies i've seen have issues True... the white cover picks up ink/dirt pretty easily, the back cover is all black... which causes ink/dirt to rub off. Plus a lot of these have been in store stock for years because they were popular but not impossible to find. Supply was there, so that supply has been handled. Someone has at least a small hoard of them, though, because two new CGC 9.9 showed up on the census this week with several CGC 9.8. I don't know if they were fast-tracked or if they happened to be in the queue already. Still only one 10 though
  16. I was thinking the same thing as I watched people buy them. I wonder how many artist make this kind of money this quick and if this could become a short term trend ? If I'm an artist, I'm exploring my options. I think there are an extremely limited number of things that collectors are going to pay $20 for with the knowledge that there are 5000 available, and that a company is going to let an individual artist rake the money in on rather than offer it up themselves. Maybe the action figure variant is such a huge success that Marvel threw the artist a bone in this case.
  17. Did we just add 100 pages to this thread in about a week?
  18. I was going to ask the same. I saw it in the store and considered picking one up because my brother was a huge fan when we were growing up. Looked kind of lame so I left it there. Wasn't sure if it had any actual licensed connection to the band. They've got a solid fan base though, so who knows.
  19. I doubt it. Marvel isnt going to pass up a chance to cash in on SW biggest potential breakout character I never got the whole "Boba Fett is awesome" thing. He is a pretty lame character - what exactly is there to love about him? His inability to succeed? His vast progeny? Their incredible inability to succeed? Hopefully Disney can do better. Boba Fett shares his first appearance with Bea Arthur.
  20. And where does he get his information? comixpedia...... Research? Sure lets bash someone that spends countless hours/days researching information and makes good on sharing his findings over here. BIG -1 Uh, except that he doesn't. All of his posts have a certain proprietariness about them. I don't call "research" assembling the work of others and representing it as your own. I believe that's what's called "plagiarism" if not properly credited.
  21. I totally agree with everything you are saying. The market has decided that #181 is the money book - and I am fine with that. I just try and let people know that it isn't the first appearance of Wolverine -slym I've never owned a copy of 180 or 181. Too tough to find them for less then FMV. I see a slight "deal" every now and then but its gone before I can think about it. That depends on who is determining "fair"