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World Devourer

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Everything posted by World Devourer

  1. Hah. That's funny. This one has foxing in the top right hand corner. I suppose if it has been taken from the CGC slab it may no longer be 8.5.
  2. Does anyone know if this copy has been released? https://www.theverge.com/2015/7/22/8870089/texas-comic-book-heist-anthony-chiofalo-tadano Arguably the most infamous comic (certainly Golden Age) to own.
  3. Heh. As Jay will tell you, there's no such animal. #194 - common as dirt #667 - Holy Grail
  4. Hmmm...not a claim to fame to be in this club. The book is as common as dirt. What about the ASM #667 variant? What? No one? Heh.
  5. It will always be one of those books that will hold value, as there are only a finite amount in top grade. The price may fluctuate but it is a safe bet and one part of the Bronze Trinity that also consists of Amazing Spider-Man #129 and Hulk #181. X-Men #94 in top grade with WHITE pages (no mean feat, for some reason many of the top specimens are OW-W) is also a good choice.
  6. Heh. Thanos in his helicopter. I deliberately didn't worry about this one. That said, the tiny figure of Death on the building top in the deep background was clever...
  7. I remember buying a 9.8 W copy 4 years ago which I still own. The seller sent an email after the transaction thanking me profusely as the money was going to pay for a nursery for an impending child. I replied and said I hoped it would help and wished his family all the best. I was truly moved by the sincerity. It was a poignant reminder that there is always a human element.
  8. I didn't forget (or ignore) the fact that Captain Marvel was cancelled.It was in point of fact the quality of the stories that came AFTER Starlin's run that did the damage. The letter pages in the last few issues praise the new direction, but sadly it came too late. I'm also fairly certain "cosmicness" isn"t a word, but I doubt this factor affected readership. Cosmic characters such as Galactus and the Silver Surfer have also proven to be popular. Starlin had a clearly defined arc for the character, and these events resonated through the Marvel Universe for years to come. I think you are also overlooking the fact that the character was successfully resurrected in Silver Surfer #34, and has enjoyed even greater popularity. I don't believe many characters can claim this. Also, why would the length of the film worry you? A:IW was 149 minutes and highly enjoyable.
  9. As Avengers Endgame is almost upon us, I decided to re-read the classic issues from the 1970s featuring Thanos. What was striking in hindsight was just how significant the character became in a relatively short amount of time, and the subsequent impact on the Marvel Universe. There are the Starlin issues * Iron Man #55 * Captain Marvel #25 - 33 then * Marvel Feature #12, Daredevil #107 and Avengers #12 in which Thanos is frequently mentioned (appearing in the last) Starlin again: * Warlock #9 - 11 with a titular character who was completely unaware of Thanos' villainy; * Avengers Annual #7 / Marvel Two-In-One Annual #2 then * Captain Marvel #57: a story most people are unaware of. Per Mar-vell's comments to guest star Thor, it is only one week AFTER the events of MTIO Annual #2. The story is heavily referenced, with Thor helping Mar-Vell deal with the consequences of the battle (specifically Mar-Vell's inability to contain the excessive solar radiation he has absorbed due to Thanos' tampering with the Sun). * Captain Marvel #58, in which Drax discovers Sanctuary II and finds Thanos' now stone body. Drax then finds Mar-Vell on Earth, and blames him for depriving him of purpose. In a nice continuity touch Mar-Vell mentions Warlock and attempts to explain he was responsible for killing Thanos. * Captain Marvel #59 - 62 features the war against Thanos' master computer Isaac on Titan. Thanos is consistently mentioned and has evidently planned for a possible defeat. Sadly, despite rallying in the late 50's, Captain Marvel was subsequently cancelled. The story, however, continued: * Marvel Spotlight #1-3, with Isaac defeated, and Thanos' legacy finally thwarted. A few years later Captain Marvel died of the cancer he contracted after a battle with Nitro in Captain Marvel #34. This was depicted in the graphic novel The Death of Captain Marvel, in which Mar-Vell acknowledges Thanos had been his greatest foe. Thanos greets Mar-Vell in the afterlife and brings him to peace. So from 1973 - 1982, Thanos was far and away the most dangerous but also most compelling villain in the Marvel Universe. Doom, the Red Skull, Magneto, Annihilus, Ultron, Kang, Immortus, Maximus, Loki, Pluto, Mephisto etc were as nothing next to him. The Mad Titan didn't boast, posture or toy: he ACTED in a cold, methodical fashion that provided the reader with a real sense of suspense and dread, as here was a villain who could conceivably win. And we have Jim Starlin to thank. Amen. Enjoy Avengers Endgame.
  10. Heh. Agreed. I have an AF #15 in 5.0 W. I feel better about that than either of the options presented.
  11. Heh. Dark. I suppose the soldier could have bashed another wolf to death with his rifle, but that defeats the purpose of the story. I know if I had a fiance called Sonia who looked like that waiting for me I'd be sure to make it back.
  12. Thank you for posting the story. When you say "narrowed" down did you actually mean "marrowed" down? Some Crypt Keeper humour...
  13. Here's a synopsis from the EC Comics wiki: http://eccomics.wikia.com/wiki/Haunt_of_Fear_Vol_1_13 Be warned - spoilers!
  14. I was talking to a dealer recently about EC stories and we picked favourites. As it turns out we both enjoyed "Wolf Bait" from Haunt of Fear #13. Set in early 20th C Russia, a group of travellers in a sleigh are pursued by ravenous wolves. All efforts to slow the wolves fail, including a soldier shooting two wolves with the two bullets he has (the starving wolves devour their companions and then continue the chase). The appeal was in the fact that the group agree someone has to die to save the others, because if the wolves bring down the horse driving the sleigh, they all die. The town is nearby, but when the choice has to be made... Does anyone recall this story?
  15. I'll try and investigate. The search is half the fun!
  16. There's an uncut sheet available on Ebay: https://m.ebay.com/itm/1975-Topps-Wanted-Poster-Stickers-Uncut-Sheet-Comic-Marvel-Superheroes-Die-Cut/163093116986?hash=item25f91b783a:g:pK0AAOSwEupZhgwG I'm based in Australia, but I distinctly remember another set. I saw Hawkeye and Iron Man - the images were much sharper with richer colours and a white background. There were also no captions. I'd be interested in owning that set.
  17. Yes, all rumour. Besides Marvel is busy with more seasons of the existing characters. Re: the speculation, we've been discussing it for several years now. As I said previously, people paying $14 + K is ridiculous. A notable comic dealer and I were talking about it once and he said they would never get their money back. It isn't even a case of a quick flip because there is no upcoming film/tv product featuring the character. Prices for MSH#13 are currently exorbatant, but least I can understand the demand because it has some basis.
  18. Mmm...I'd rather wait for a masterful 9.8 than have a rushed 5.0.
  19. Well put. Like the avatar by the way (shame about the sequel).
  20. I really like this issue. The first appearance of Spider-Man's greatest and most interesting foe. There wouldn't be another Spidey foe with this kind of evil charisma until Venom in #300.
  21. #3 is the first appearance of Mephisto. All issues of the original SS in 9.8 are scarce and demand top dollar. Only 6 of #3 in 9.8...