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Everything posted by AndyFish

  1. Got one of the packages two days late, the other was guaranteed for Apr 13th and now I get a daily update saying in transit to next facility but it looks like it’s never left New Jersey.
  2. Picked up some great stuff at the VCC! The concession stand closes in 20 mins and we’re out of Chicken but the burgers are a solid 6.0
  3. The recent statements from the Governor of California would certainly cast doubt about this show happening this year, with some thoughts that next year is in doubt too. I'd bet this would be the final straw that gets them to move to Las Vegas or elsewhere as have been some rumors. Personally I think, like the Flu, this will die down come the warm weather but states will be reluctant to put large groups of people together. C2E2 might have been the only big show all year and I feel the pain of everyone who relies on these shows for a good portion of their income (I'm in there with you). The initial prediction was 2 Million people would die in the US, then it was dropped to 200,000 and now as we're about midway through the height of it we're on track for 60,000 deaths, tragic of course for anyone affected but keep in mind the regular flu kills about 30,000 Americans in a low transmission year. I hope everyone gets through this, both literally and financially.
  4. Got two packages right now MIA both priority ~ USPS is usually great but the past week completely off the road.
  5. Don’t be so quick to assume that. I have a lawyer friend and we’ve gone up against much bigger law groups, I’m not saying send them a fire and brimstone toned letter, but one that recognizes they used your property for promotion without your permission. I guess I should rephrase it to “find a friendly competent lawyer”. Were you damaged? Not at all. But at the very least they may send you something as a good will gesture and whoever chose the shot in the first place will get a reminder to not just grab stuff off the internet.
  6. Ace shows are great fun, great people, I'd highly recommend them.
  7. Netflix ain't out there with a tin cup selling pencils, I'd find a friendly attorney and send them a pretty nice letter.
  8. WAAAAY back when we went through the horrors of Sept 11th I remember a group of talking heads on TV announcing that shows like SNL would never return, because America had changed and it would no longer find a way to laugh. Insane that these "experts" actually thought that was possible. Same things goes to the doom predictors now. Will some shops close? Absolutely, there are a lot of shops that are still run like club houses rather than actual retail, and they were likely going to close eventually anyway, but most of the healthy shops will reopen and the sales will resume, by this time next year this will all be a vague memory for most people. So don't panic, this is not armageddon, we're still at a point where there are less deaths from Covid 19 than the Flu in 2018-- and yes I realize this is more contagious, yadda yadda yadda-- wash your hands, avoid sick people, you'll be okay. So will the rest of us.
  9. From a creators viewpoint, a pause of even eight weeks is not going to kill the industry. In some ways its a welcome relief, we often work with insane deadlines and now those deadlines have been extended so we can put a little bit more into the work. We’ve also been meaning to flesh out a creator owned project we have publisher interest in and now this will give us the time to work out the details. I feel for the folks who will suffer from this, we work with some great editorial teams and I don’t know how badly this will effect them, but I also feel for comic shops who have seen a plummet in walk in traffic and sales, having them buried in unpaid invoices would be worse than putting everything on pause. I worry for the employees who will likely be laid off, but the economy will bounce back once normalcy returns and hopefully the vast majority will resume the jobs they liked. There’s no conspiracy on Diamond’s part— they employ a lot of people at their warehouses and those people are now asked to stay home. We’re going to get through this, all of us.
  10. It's easy to get overwhelmed with worry and information and sometimes the two are related. I was listening to the news every morning while I was showering, now I listen to music and I find my day is instantly better. Check in with whatever trusted news source you follow once a day and be done with it. We'll all get through this and don't for a second think that businesses aren't going to bounce right back-- people spend more at restaurants than they do in grocery stores and that will return in droves when the bans are lifted. Be smart, wash your hands, avoid sick people and crowds and you'll be okay.
  11. While I do think the media is fueling panic, which is why you can't find toilet paper or ammunition on store shelves, I've changed my opinion that we should take serious steps to stop this based on the observation that many people out there are complete and utter apes when it comes to behavior. Yesterday picking up some items at the market I watched an otherwise well dressed older woman walk in the door pushing her cart and do a full tongue cough-- this is a real performance piece-- your tongue leaves your mouth creating a circular shape and actual flem ejects, and she did absolutely NOTHING to curtail it-- not even a hand up. Now take this to conventions where I often see attendees LYING on the filthy con floor with their lunch spread out in front of them and I can see why postponing these shows is the right thing to do. If people could be responsible we wouldn't have to go to extremes, but they aren't. People still going to bars is not defiant it's irresponsible. You might not be in the demographic that gets sick, but you could be a carrier and unintentionally sicken a neighbor or relative who is simply by being a carrier.
  12. Concern but not panic. Terry's close-- there were 60 million people infected with the Swine flu in 2009 resulting in 275,000 hospitalizations and 12,000 deaths. The Swine Flu first appeared in April but was not declared a threat until 1000 Americans had died by October. Where was the panic then? If that doesn't speak to you then you aren't paying attention. This is not the plague, this is not ebola, this is not even the Swine Flu. Wash your hands, avoid sick people, if you're sick stay home. Wash your hands again. Get a grip on yourself.
  13. I'm taking some time off due to Corona, congrats to the winners!
  14. I'm all for a 30 day moratorium on all events-- shut down international travel, eliminate nursing home visits, all that-- 30 days-- but when we start canceling things that are running in June forward we are guilty of knee jerk reaction.
  15. Yup they cancelled it yesterday. Nonsense paranoia << and I direct that at our Massachusetts governor not Ace. They put themselves in jeopardy if they ignore warnings and then someone gets sick. Is it ever the right thing to give in to panic? If you're sick, or if you're elderly, or if you've got a compromised immune system avoid large crowds. The rest of us just wash your hands and stop lying down on the convention floors and you'll be fine.
  16. 45 Million Americans infected this year by the regular flu-- which isn't always receptive to antibiotics and many folks still get it despite getting a flu shot, 46,000 of those infected died, so where's the panic there? Antibiotics only work on bacterial infections not viral ones. When Corona Beer reports an extreme drop in sales because of peoples fear of this thing you realize the inmates are running the asylum. Antiviral drugs exist but for the most part they are only given to folks at higher risk. Go to the doctor and he tells you it's a virus 9 times out of 10 he's going to tell you to drink fluids, get rest, stay out of work. I don't get the flu shot, and I've not gotten even a cold in the past three years-- how? I wash my hands a lot. I get plenty of sleep, I shower and wear clean clothes every day, I brush my teeth. I take vitamins. I avoid sick people. This despite conventions, several boards I'm on and going to church and my local club every week, in other words I don't lock myself away from people. Basic common sense gets me through flu season, the same thing will get me through this nonsense. Don't let the media or politicians cause you to panic. We'll all be okay.
  17. I'll have to look at the few 9.8's I have because those corners on WW would never get above a 9.0 if I were a CGC grader. New rounds of grades I tried a different strategy, I drank myself silly and hid my glasses. I think I have a winning formula now.
  18. I've bought a few things this way. Offers don't bother me at all.
  19. Wash your damn hands for 15 seconds with hot water and soap and you'll be good to go. More people have died from Bee Stings this year than Coronavirus. 18,000 people die every year from the flu, so why the panic over this? I'm not saying it's not a legit concern at cons-- how many times are you next to someone at the sink in the bathroom and they're done before you've even hit the soap-- and how many just walk out without washing at all? That's the problem.
  20. Just sent in mine, I should be out by Round Two-- folks often think my grading is too strict.
  21. Looks to be about a 7.0-- tough to tell from the angle of the photos.
  22. Well we know hygiene is a huge priority of most con goers so we all should be good right? Maybe if con goers didn't spend a good chunk of their time on the Petri dish floor of a convention hall we'd be in better shape.