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Everything posted by mattn792

  1. So if I'm understanding this correctly, it rendered her Discord account unusable?
  2. OK, but what's the relevance of the hacking? Did it almost throw some kind of wrench into your situation?
  3. What's the backstory on the Discord thing?
  4. Fair enough, family dynamics can certainly be weird. That aside, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be right, but in your Sam situation you're operating on almost total blind faith. A lot of your answers tend to be "because Sam told me" or "because God told me". I haven't once seen something like "well I looked up her name on mylife and it confirmed the age and residence that she told me". At least that would be some type of background work on your part. Add in all the wife talk and your absurd excuses as to why the two of you have never video chatted (she works too much, you need several hours to look your best), and you can see why I have posited that part of you is afraid that this is not real. Keep in mind too -- you aren't talking about meeting a girl in the next town over. This is a significant financial expenditure for you to cross an international border to meet someone you've never even seen, and in reality know nothing about beyond what you've been told and have been willing to accept on blind faith. Granted you're only going to the US and not Syria, but you met this person on MNFclub. Is it possible a predator was in there looking to impart some influence on disillusioned individuals? And the whole super power talk? You're a comic fan, what better way to appeal to you? As of now you're flying totally blind Gabe. Is it any wonder that a lot of us are worried about you?
  5. Here's a follow-up question -- how did you approach these conversations you've had with them? Were you open minded and willing to listen to potentially constructive criticism, or did you bring the same superiority complex like you often do here (e.g. I know better than everyone)? Because the close minded approach is almost universally met with eye rolling, no matter the topic of conversation. Just something to reflect on.
  6. I'm not agreeing, I'm just saying I'll take your word that you've received some hate from other board members. And my counterpoint is screw them, you need to look out for you. Ultimately, the only person any of us can rely on is ourselves. You're not acting in your own best interest right now, and you need to start immediately.
  7. I'll take this as true on its face. So then the follow-up is simple -- All others aside, YOU should not want to see yourself get hurt and do everything possible to protect against that.
  8. Analyzing people you've never met or seen, I'm sure that'll be accurate. You haven't done anything but take someone's word for who they are, which can be incredibly dangerous. And no one here wants to see you get hurt, emotionally or physically. Why do you think folks keep imploring you to collect some actual facts, and verify who you're really talking to via a simple webchat? Stop being afraid that your fantasy world isn't real, because it isn't. The sooner you get to the bottom of everything and return to reality, the better for you.
  9. Again -- HOW. DO. YOU. KNOW? Up to this point you've taken "Sam's" and God's word for everything to do with this situation. You're being preyed on. Why doesn't matter at this point in time since you're still in your own home and haven't physically embarked on any journey into the unknown (yet). Start digging into the actual facts and protect yourself.
  10. You know this how? Because the faceless person on the other keyboard told you so?
  11. Herein lies part of your problem in this fantasy you've created -- people don't believe your version of events, so they must not believe in any of the details involved in that fantasy. It shows how hard you're trying to keep yourself convinced that this whole scenario you've been drawn into is real. It's not, nor is God giving you actionable relationship advice. This Sam construct was merely put into your life by God, fate, life, happenstance, coincidence, or whatever one chooses to believe in. How you've proceeded, and continue to proceed, from there is entirely on you.
  12. It makes me sad that you (or anyone for that matter) can lose all sense of reality like this. I hope those closest to you can bring you out of this, but to start that process a person usually needs to be open to receiving help. You don’t seem to be at this juncture. Just remember, God doesn’t dictate our lives, God only gives us opportunities. It’s up to us from there, otherwise free will wouldn’t exist and existence itself would be rendered meaningless. God isn’t telling you what Sam looks like and that she has super secret powers, that’s your subconscious. Because you WANT to believe it’s true, and have convinced yourself that it’s true, sight unseen. But it’s not real. And FWIW, Stan Lee’s Superhumans is basically America’s Got Talent, only with Stan’s name on it
  13. Like I said, you’re being preyed on by your make believe wife. None of this is real beyond the fact that someone, somewhere (USA, Uruguay, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh...how do you even know?) with a keyboard is communicating with you. Whatever part of your brain is flashing the warning signals, you need to listen to it.
  14. Gabe, whoever is posing as your make believe wife is preying on you. Why, and to what end, I don’t know, but it’s happening. Again, I suspect some part of you knows this. You need to listen to that little voice.
  15. Yes you are, you’re afraid that this world you’ve built up in your mind is going to come crashing down when you try to merge fantasy with reality. So you come up with a whole bunch of excuses to avoid doing so. Your beliefs about your situation are outlandish, and I think even a small part of you knows that. I’ve been blunt with you because I’m legitimately worried for you. At best your building up to a scary emotional crash. At worst...let’s not even discuss that. Take control of this. Find out who you’re dealing with. If you know her full name and where she lives, see if you can check publicly available records about her. WebCam with her. Get some grounding in reality with the situation. Contrary to your belief, you do not know better than everyone. No one is jealous of you, that’s laughable. People are trying to help, stop staying closed off to their advice. It may hurt, it’s no fun, but it is best for you in the long run.
  16. You’re lying and you’re afraid.
  17. If only there was a vehicle in which a person could buy back into a commodities market. If only... Keep the faith though, I’m sure Wonder Woman will wait another five years for you to “get certain things done”. Again, please get some help. This delusional world you’ve created is not doing anyone any good.
  18. THATS THE FREAKING POINT. Get off your ___ and do it. Or is the Sam signal in the sky too frequently and she’s constantly on the move fighting the seedy underbelly of Montpelier? Speaking of nonsense - how is it that you didn’t manage to raise $100 in this current crypto bull market for your passport fee? I’m on record saying the stuff is a sham, and I’ve still made a few bucks off it since March. Surely a guru such as yourself should be swimming in the stacks by now.
  19. New song @Hollywood1892 — Europe - The Final Countdown
  20. Yeah you are. You’re answers just get more and more nonsensical as this drags on. “We can’t book a web cam date because we always miss each other.” So we should believe neither of you can plan anything a day or two in advance? Great life skills 👍