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Journal Comments posted by mattn792

  1. 2 minutes ago, uchiha101 said:

    Har har har, that's what my mom said.  (sounds like she's also right)

    She wanted to make it as empty as possible so that the room looks big and nicer when potential buyers and real estate agents come in to take pictures and make offers.  (that tends to be how home sellers roll)

    She's the one that told me to put my stuff on that shelf (confined storage is good)

    and put it upstairs, (so in your room?)

    the one that bought it for me.  (who bought what now?  and what does this have to do with anything else?)

    I tried to parse this to make it coherent, and...yeah, no.

  2. 2 minutes ago, uchiha101 said:

    You don't need to lecture me on that. I have a good reason for what I said, that three months that I used my visa to pay for rent I begged my parents to let me live rent free for 3 months and I would pay them back with interest. They gave me a cold "NO" so that's exactly how I feel about it now. Don't give me the kind and generous card because I know my parents.

    Would any other landlord let you live rent free for 3 months?  Not to mention believe you'll actually pay them back, with interest no less?

  3. Just now, uchiha101 said:

    Out of their generosity? Don't make me laugh. They made it clear to me what they care about. Money is all and if I didn't have that I wouldn't be living here.

    You do realize that by charging you to live there, they are actually trying to teach you some responsibility?  You're 26 (if the post above is accurate), time to fly little birdy.  

  4. 29 minutes ago, uchiha101 said:

    Taxes are paid regardless of whether you like it or not. What happens to it after you pay them is up to the government. You act as if I've never worked a day in my life when I've had plenty of jobs. I already explained my plans for this year so if you forgot them then check them out. 

    Well, my parents said they wouldn't touch it and for a good while they didn't until they did. The reason why the shelf wasn't in my room because the shelf would take up a huge portion of my room and make it look smaller than it actually is. To be honest with you I was more cautious with my comics because they have more value but that's not to I didn't care about my toys and video games just that push came to shove and I chose to have my comic books in my room.

    I'm actually pretty sane and if you knew the card that I'm getting you wouldn't be making assumptions. I never said that 591 was a good credit score just that it's the credit score I have and better than I thought it would be. Actually, the reason why my card is maxed out is due to me paying living expenses nothing more nothing less.

    As for the job I've already explained that situation as well so go back a few pages and read it. Do you honestly think that I would be able to keep my social assistance as long as I have by doing nothing? You know I have to report to them monthly right? Both my financial earnings and how I've been doing with my job search.

    By the way here's the link to the EXACT card that I'm getting so you don't think of any more assumptions.



    I read that bolded part and...yeah.  You're living under your parents' roof out of their generosity, and you have the audacity to complain about the size of your room? 

    Buddy, you need a stint in the military.  I really don't know what else to say.

  5. 21 minutes ago, jaybuck43 said:

    So, let's not make assumptions.  Put it all on the table.   How many hours total did you work at Subway and Kelsey's?  What was your rate of pay? Then when you "worked for yourself" how did you fund that enterprise?  Were you on government assistance at the same time?  Were you straight salary or business owner?  Did you pay GPP on top of your taxes?


    What EVERYONE is trying to get across to you, and you for whatever reason keep ignoring, is that government assistance is not a separate pocket.  You don't get to say "O, this is separate funds then my assistance."  Liquidate EVERYTHING.  Take whatever you can get.  Sell the crypto, the comics, the toys, the video games.  Even the "damaged inventory" (just disclose that it was exposed to dry wall).  Take that money and invest in yourself.  Get your resume together, get a nice interview outfit, and find a job, any job.  Go stock shelves at a super market, go pick up carts at a store, basically anything.  Get money in, and start paying off your debts (your credit score is terrible and will affect everything from your ability to rent apartments, get loans, get jobs etc).  Build a nest egg of at least $5k.  THEN you can start finding other things and having "disposable" income.  As long as you are on government assistance you don't have money you can lose.  

    Anyone else remember that scene from Suicide Kings with Denis Leary and the guy on the street trying to clean his windshield?  I got goosebumps.

  6. 9 minutes ago, miraclemet said:

    I assume it meant the money he got from government assistance did not go into comic books, video games or bitcoin. 

    I assume it meant that them money he put into comic books, video games and bitcoin came from "profits" made on flipping comic books and video games 

    I dont know where the credit card debt fits in (were comic book, video game or bitcoin purchases made using credit card?)

    I’m just failing to see where these activities are generating any profits.

  7. 1 hour ago, uchiha101 said:

    I have asked in the past what the LCS's slow months are just that I forgot what they've told me. Social assistance is welfare and as for why I justify buying stuff while being on it is simply because the money I invest is the money I earned so I can do as I like with it. I've already explained the plans I have for this year so if you've forgotten just go back a few pages and read it.

    Before multiple streams of expletives start flying around, please define "the money I earned" and where exactly it is originating from.  

  8. 7 minutes ago, uchiha101 said:

    That happens with every market, to be honest. Like I said earlier this is a new market and just starting so let the bear market shake out the weak hands it will mean a healthier and stronger correction. The cryptocurrency market has a long way to go before it will be considered the end. Right now while most people are avoiding the market the wealthy are buying up everything cheaper and pushing it down even further so they can accumulate. Sound familiar? You can agree with me or not but I'm not buying what these people are saying at all.

    Well if I ever introduce MattCoin, you’ll be the first guy I call (thumbsu

  9. 1 minute ago, uchiha101 said:

    No, it's not. Fiat is the currency that the government promises has value nothing more or less. No one owns cryptocurrency. Also, it needs to be legal tender for the government to consider it currency like you say. Soon enough it will be accepted in US and Canada <3

    That's too funny.  Anyone can invent one, and guys like Mr. Craig Wright can certainly have a field day manipulating the entire market -- https://coinnounce.com/bitcoin-cash-hard-fork-screwed-the-whole-cryptocurrency-market/

    Invented by man, regulated by man, and will ultimately suffer due to man's whims.  Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see my lotto ticket cash, but if it doesn't I'm out about a quarter's worth of REIT dividends.  Other rather impulsive types might be digging out of the hole they created for decades.  When Long Island Iced Tea Co can skyrocket its stock by 8000% or so in a day just by changing the company name to Long Island Iced Tea and Blockchain Co, its time to wave the red flag.

  10. 2 minutes ago, uchiha101 said:

    I actually use lots of different exchanges because I invest in many different crypto's or look for certain trading pairs. As for leaving all my money in one exchange even if it were fiat it's not something I would feel comfortable doing unless it has an insurance policy for that situation. But while we're talking about exchanges my favorite is Kucoin.

    Buddy, ANY man made currency is "fiat".  Dwell on that for a bit.

  11. 52 minutes ago, 1950's war comics said:

    stay away from crypto... that ships has already sailed away.....hit a reef and sunk with all hands on deck,,,,,,

    This has a high probability of being true, though I do maintain a small lottery ticket in Ethereum and BitCon through Grayscale's publicly traded trusts (again, wouldn't trust those exchanges with my dog's name, much less all my PII).

    @uchiha101 - I assume you're using multiple exchanges to mitigate the risk of hacking?  That in itself should tell you something.

  12. 2 hours ago, uchiha101 said:

    No, you're right but I have multiple accounts, wallet addresses and so on. It's gonna be a pain to get this all in order for the year of 2018 and not something  I'll do in one day but it will get done.

    Sounds like you’re making it too difficult on yourself.  Much easier to have all your holdings under one roof.  Though admittedly I wouldn’t trust those crypto exchanges worth a :censored:.

  13. 57 minutes ago, uchiha101 said:


    Video game losses

    $301.72 USD

    Thrift shop purchase losses

    $400 USD

    The inventory will be calculated later but it will be nowhere near enough to recover my costs. Everything has nearly been thrown out due to renovations and I can't in good conscience sell something with drywall dust on it even if I had been able to clean it I still wouldn't sell it. That's all I wish to say about this.

    And you’ve lost how much in the CryptoCon arena on top of this?  :facepalm:

  14. 4 minutes ago, uchiha101 said:

    It's better that way. However, if you are interested all you need to do is pm or you're not really that curious to know what the cliffhanger is as you say you are ;)

    Lame.  I'll just make up my own story then.  Utilizing your avatar...I'll guess that she lives in Ukraine, TASS reported her dead, but a few days later she showed back up on Skype perfectly alive. 

  15. 36 minutes ago, miraclemet said:

    Remind me, are you not working an actual job so that you can continue to collect social assistance? (in other words if you get a job, the assistance stops)

    If this is your intended career, why only spend 7 hours on it (I assume this was over a week, but maybe it was less? more?) . You also run into the problem of transport once you've gone through all of the local places for flipable items (I assume you dont have a car?), and if you are relying on picking up items online and then having them shipped (rather than local pickup) you eat into your profit, and your timeline for flipping... 


    Doesn't this seem like a contradiction?  If he's avoiding a job but building a "career", wouldn't that DQ him from further social assistance?  Makes me wonder if any of that flipping income is being reported.