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Everything posted by fastballspecial

  1. Read issue 3 tonight and enjoyed it. Still fleshing out characters. Sister gets more depth and the basement intro was only let down have to wait till next issue.
  2. It just going to take time to watch the saturation play out. 18K is more then I thought for 1st issue which is why its only $10 right now. I am dying for issue 3 to see where it goes. Seeley is not a known name yet(Other then Hack Slash fans and speculators.) and neither is the artist. They dont have the built in clientele like Vaughn does for Saga or ToT does with Kirkman. I suspect this book will be a slow burn to demand over time with readers. CBR's thread on it isnt very large which shows this is being overhyped by some here with monetary interests, but that tends to happen here alot anyway. Seeley is very accessible which helps as well. His track record for having books on or near time helps and he writes or did write a ton of crossovers to help out other books and draw in new audiences for his book. I hope he does both with this one. With DDP & other Companies he wrote or assisted crossovers in 7 books I can think of off the top of my head. (Evil Ernie,Chucky,Bomb Queen,Mercy Sparx,Zombie vs Cheerlearders,Sucide Girls,Living Corpse) Thats pretty impressive how many other writers you know that have done that? Not to mention all the one shots he did as well. The guy can write and impressingly enough he can churn out volume. My fear is that one of the Big 2 will figure it out and offer him a boatload of money to come work for them full time.
  3. I gave you a bunch from thor, and thats just one movie. I can keep going for every other movie, than all the tv shows, then all the rumored tv shows, then the hot series with out shows, then the hot 1st appearances, and then the hot variants and low print one issues....phew I got a list of about 60+ books worth watching, and thats just off the top of my head. Gotta give people time to discuss, (though lots of them are already being discussed). Yes and others are more then happy to chime in with some books. Seems lately only a few are doing that.
  4. Do you really believe that? Or is that the investor side of you talking your rational side out of being right?
  5. Interesting sales pitch. I would put it next to any Hack Slash books you have and say "If you like this you might like this too" and have them next to each other.
  6. I can be wrong here and you feel free to make me eat my words later if I am, but it aint going to be this book. I would take my money and run. I read this book and unless it got dramatically better after issue 3 it was ho hum. Its not reader interest pushing this book. Its the BBC series and low print run. Could be a monster overseas if everything aligns like maybe a new Doctor Who. I can understand betting on this book though I see the rationale.
  7. havent seen much movement on it, but in general its a bit undervalued like most non-tv/movie modern keys. New comic series that launched in august maybe? Its not a difficult book to find and I think almost every comic shop has one VF or better every month. The gold variant Gambit 1 which languished as a $10 book forever has sold very lately too.
  8. Thanks for this! It fascinates me to look at these numbers. I always wonder about 5-10 years or more down the line, how these numbers really don't seem like all that much if someone tries to go back and look for something. Pre-internets and especially before eBay came on the scene, many of these titles, with numbers like that, would have been very difficult to locate years after their release. I know people tend to blow off all Modern comics as being as common as dirt, and I'm not saying there's any possibility of these items ever going for GA or SA prices due to storing habits of the modern collector, but I just don't see them as common as people make them out to be. The big titles at the top, sure. But the great majority, not really. Maybe it's just me.... The rise of the tpb market has led to a decline in back issue sales. Digital copies will only whittle it away all that much more. A great deal of back issue collecting for many people started with a desire to be able to read an issue they missed. There's no reason to fear that anymore. All of these 'changes' or 'events' that take place, seemingly more and more often are simply forgotten or rewritten, creating a lack of any key issues that someone might want to search out. I mean really, is there a tremendous nostalgia for Marvel Knights issues, or Force Works, or Zero Hour or whatever... A bit maybe. But why not just buy a tpb? The interest isn't enough to make those issues 'valuable' down the line no matter how small the print run gets. It's a matter of demand. Or lack thereof. +1 - maybe something on that list will be in demand 10 years from now but the rest will be more valuable as landfill Dont forget time between issue and tpb. Thats your time to sell.
  9. I can't believe anyone thought there was a variant. I'm a printer and I mentioned earlier that this was simply a quality control issue. Different print speeds do not allow different color saturation BTW. Anyone who says this has no idea what the printing process involves. It would be more than likely one of the printers incorrectly matching the color sample or getting their Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Black percentages wrong. This was my take as well but I thought a poster a while back was intimating that CGC had noted a variant on the label. It will still sell for a premium. Its quirky and a die hard collector will eventually want it. I wouldnt sell those Reds for quite a while.
  10. If raws aint selling them that should tell you something.
  11. Got a note today in the mail telling my GL Annual 1 order is on back order now from a very large online site. Take it for what its worth.
  12. Look got the Spawn 223 to sell well for awhile. I really hope the print run was low. I look for the reg copy to hit $10 and probably stay around that for awhile at least. One seller sold 50 presales a week back for the book even came out. The black and white version has been selling for $45-50 already.
  13. Mike's right it sold really well for awhile, but it had cooled off lately. Few months ago I had no problem selling copies for $15 each. Now it looks like the retailer variant is really picking up steam. The last few auctions do indicate overall it seems to be on the rise. The Long Beach Variant is increasing as well.
  14. Lets steer this back to Revival you know the comic book? Anyone else check their FCBD copies. I am start to believe the variant copies just dont exist. Lets save all the petty jealousy, back bitting, whining and other stuff for another thread so this one doesnt get pulled k. (thumbs u
  15. Dont think it will matter if GL 0 sucks. Its the 1st app and thats all that will matter.
  16. Are looking to swayed into joining in or were just not impressed with Revival?
  17. Details? No real details just a member who is on the probation list selling in the modern thread currently. Just seems a problem waiting to happen. this involves the whole WDMARVELCOMICS-walkingdeadcomics-Catwoman cluster that all went down last night and this morning, right? We just today got confirmation that WDMARVELCOMICS and walkingdeadcomics are the same person. He started that thread before we began unraveling his whole convoluted scheme Sorry I just didnt want to out the person without knowing the whole story. Yes that is the individual. Worse part is I bought from him last month not knowing the guy had changed accounts.
  18. I have 2 FCBD copies. 2nd print regular cover with the longer indicia's as well. Maybe the site got them mixed up? Anyone else check their FCBC copies to confirm or deny the above?
  19. Plus Baz will be part of the new JLA team. I dont know about credit, but I figured that one out all by myself a few months ago when the movie news came out. GL 0 will do very well I think. I think internationally that book will sell very well.
  20. Details? No real details just a member who is on the probation list selling in the modern thread currently. Just seems a problem waiting to happen.
  21. Just a simple question here. Why do we allow someone on the probation list to sell comics here? Shouldnt it be both ways. I sure as hell wouldnt want to buy books here from someone already on a the list for not completing a transaction. I just notice this today and the seller changed their id? Did I miss the story here?
  22. Another book selling well for the last few months is Guardians of the Galaxy 1 from 2008. Easy $20 and going higher. I cant find any more 1st prints. Sold quite a few of them rather easily few weeks back. Sets also are selling very well. Check your back bins in local LCSs might be in $1 box.
  23. Some clear this up for me. So below from Bleeding cool they talk about a variant of the FCBD version. It looks to me there is at least 3 versions not just two. The 1st print version that was pulped with a different cover. The 2nd print version that has 2 different indicias. The longer version and the shorter version. The shorter version is suppossed to be the 2nd print. Now here is where its gets weird. I have 5 copies of the longer version indicia, but with the 2nd print cover. Is this a 3rd version of this book? Here is link below. Everyone look at their FCBD versions and let me us know. All scan my indicia if needed, but the website has both listed in it. Take a peek and let me know what you guys think. REVIVAL FBCD ERROR VARIANTS
  24. Books were well packed and graded. I would purchase from him again no issues. Thanks
  25. That ASM 678 variant is amazing it has well surpassed the GL/Batman Variant from a few years ago. Man does that book have legs. I cant deny I love the cover too.