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Everything posted by unclezebo

  1. I was going to go to a small auction yesterday of a long closed flea market, but had to work overtime. But thanks to them offering absentee bidding........
  2. I'd love to see the sketch, for the do it up. hehe
  3. 1. Knowledge absorption 2. Rain 3. Thomas Jefferson, Tesla and Da Vinci
  4. Driving around in the 616, I'm betting you can get Silverclaw, Dr. Druid and Jack of Hearts and still have about 12 bucks left over.
  5. someone deleted their post. I'll admit I took the bait and they got me.
  6. I've been enjoying the springtime, most years I don't get to ( I'm in no way down playing this event). This is usually the craziest time of year where I work, so I dread early spring. I've been playing with my dog alot more than usual which I'm sure she likes. My plan is gonna do some morel mushroom hunting in the next few days, although for some curse my property never seems to have much, but jump across the property line........
  7. If I post this pic in the this week in my collection thread, will it count?
  8. I hate to say it, but I kinda want for the Gov't to shut everything down for a few weeks. Let the testing catch up as much as it can, get a firm(er) grip on data and come up with a plan. At least that will be a start to hopefully flatten the curve.
  9. You can always use leaves, but you have to pay attention to where it came from. My aunt popped a squat among some poison ivy..................It makes for a good story during holiday gatherings.
  10. I'm shooting my 12 gauge off the front porch. I figure any of the virus I don't hit will be scared away.
  11. It's actually pronounce Noh-Vell (in tribute)he is the cousin of marvel boy Noh-Varr.
  12. It's not a flu virus although some people compare it to the flu, it's not. It's a corona virus, MERS and SARS are 2 of the big named ones that are of this type. The symptoms seem to some people to be the same as the flu(others claim its worse). At this point I've heard word of a shot/vaccine in the works but that is a ways down the road. From the reports Iv'e read/seen the fatality rate is higher than the flu, which could be from lack of testing to know the correct number of infected but at any rate double the number is still bad. Older adult seem to have a significant higher rate.
  13. Did they shake hands after? Thats the part that had me kinda chuckling, a buncha sweaty people competing against each other with LOTSA contact.................but wait hold up!!!!!! NO shaking hands! We want to be safe.
  14. It's nice for us, but as someone who has cattle for a hobby/secondary (not much) income I feel for the lobstermen. It sucks when things out of your control happen like this.
  15. Probably the worlds greatest stories 1 alice in wonderland on the right.One in the census and I never see many of of them up for sale at the same time.
  16. naww, it's not done. Alot of it comes down to the art, or even wordplay with the archies mentioned above. Look at Cole (whom I love) it's the covers that are the draw 9/10 times with him. Batman 227 imho opinion is a classic "key" cover book, even thought its a tribute to a golden age det cover, but off the top of my head I don't know if there is anything important inside the book. Covers do matter if they didn't the great chromium mines in the world would have went under during the 90's.