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Everything posted by lighthouse

  1. KUDOS to BigMan... for sending me 103lbs of porno comics that were so depraved they made ME want to claw out my own eyes with the shattered remnants of an AOL 6.0 CD... ...thankfully I was able to find a local serial killer who was interested in trading a half-empty bottle of lotion resting inside of a small basket for them... I hope one day to be able to get up the courage to dispose of the basket... but for now it sits as a reminder of the horror that was once part of my life... I take little comfort in the news that the man who traded for the comics committed suicide halfway through the process of sorting them... because the crime scene investigators assigned to the case recorded only 101lbs of comics at the scene... I know that somewhere... out there... those 2lbs of comics wait for me...
  2. Drew and "wasonff" are one and the same... Nice list! I need to update my own list soon... but it almost might be easier to list the people who I haven't done deals with. One of my former managers recently starting posting here, I wonder if signing his paychecks counts as a deal? Probably a positive one, since most of them didn't bounce. Thanks again for starting this thread Bruce, it's one of the two best on the boards...
  3. Whew... That deal was really starting to worry me... I put the wrong address on the box the first time and get it returned, so I pay for an upgrade to AirMail M-Bag when I sent it the second time. They quote 4-7 business days and it took a month. So whose face is going on your dartboard now? I'm sure my picture was falling apart with all the holes in it... Enjoy the books, and the freebies... And I think I might have some more trades available if you're looking for some. 'House
  4. For 'House. To look up what happened before, read chapter 12, part 1H Chapter 12, Part 2H: New Beginnings That Seem Like Old Beginnings! I can't decide whether it's the new issue of Crisis or these fabulous pain meds, but I suddenly want to curl up in a blanket and coo... Mmmmm... Crisis...
  5. Joanna, It's been 57 days since the last installment of Crisis... I miss it... I miss it terribly... I miss it more than the Goth Princess, who left me to dance in juice bars... I miss it more than Gerald, the crazy drunk guy who used to live across the street from me... Heck, I miss it more than my first car, a 1978 Cadillac Coupe De Ville... I miss Crisis... More, please? Please?
  6. Screw you hippie! Ooops....wrong poster! There's someone else? You told me I was the only one... You told me I was special...
  7. He's half the reason I post on the CPG boards... the other half being Bugaboo... Just two weeks ago Hammer2 was calling me out as being one of his vicious attackers, and now he and I are co-authoring a book on strippers... On the subject of my "welcome" to Beyonder, I have gotten a lot of mileage out of that post. I don't need to wave that big stick around very often. People know it's there... Especially greggy who keeps backing into me "on accident" at shows...
  8. Arch Hmmm.... Bugaboo - Coinee JC - Dr Gloom Khaos - KostumeKween
  9. With an endorsement like that, I'll be a bazillionaire in no time! You're in luck too... I just got another one of your pretties in...
  10. I had a lot of fun writing the horror episode yesterday. That's one of my favorite storylines. Next is funny animal, and naturally, I have no idea what's going to happen (like I ever do). I'll try not to make the wait as long this time. You know, it means a lot to me that you guys are enjoying Crisis (even though Ian couldn't get through 5 lines of it without getting bored. ). Thanks for sticking with me! -- Joanna It wasn't that he got bored. He got so excited that he called Christine at home to see if she had a spare copy of the first appearance of Mylite...
  11. After spending pretty much the last four days in bed sick, waking up to find a new installment of Crisis was Thanks, Joanna... Ginger Ale tastes almost palatable with fresh Crisis...
  12. Who says international transactions have to be a pain? This one was a pleasure, and I'd be happy to do it again sometime. Although I think you have a little light reading to catch up on first....
  13. Well you said you wanted lots of packing material... I grabbed what I had nearby... Kudos right back at you... Anybody who buys Howard The Duck, Incredible Hulk, Generation X, Transformers, Spider-Man, Teen Titans, and Legion of Super-Heroes can't be all bad... I plan to be in your neighborhood sometime this summer. First slice of Chuck E Cheese is on me...
  14. Safe delivery??? Safe delivery??? You could have run over that box with your car without damaging those books... And kudos right back at you, for being willing to buy stuff you didn't really want, at a price you didn't even choose...
  15. Screw you hippie! Let the record show that we have just witnessed the 19th post by greggy to include the exact phrase "Screw you hippie" since April 13th, 2003... And for those of you who would like to view the historical record, here they are: Re: NEW Kudos to Forumites I've Worked With Recently! The Comics Marketplace greggy 02/20/04 09:26 PM Re: Is this CGC-worthy? Comic Book Grading and Restoration Issues greggy 11/18/03 11:33 PM Re: Is this CGC-worthy? Comic Book Grading and Restoration Issues greggy 11/18/03 10:01 PM Re: Is this CGC-worthy? Comic Book Grading and Restoration Issues greggy 11/18/03 09:59 PM Re: Is this CGC-worthy? Comic Book Grading and Restoration Issues greggy 11/18/03 09:17 PM Re: Is this CGC-worthy? Comic Book Grading and Restoration Issues greggy 11/18/03 08:57 PM Re: Guesses on grade? Comic Book Grading and Restoration Issues greggy 10/26/03 11:39 PM Re: Guesses on grade? Comic Book Grading and Restoration Issues greggy 10/26/03 11:32 PM Re: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Comics General greggy 10/20/03 09:48 PM Re: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Comics General greggy 10/20/03 09:44 PM Re: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Comics General greggy 10/20/03 09:31 PM Re: Sometimes The Real Insanity Comics General greggy 10/03/03 11:37 PM Re: Forum Top Prize Thread Comics General greggy 10/03/03 09:59 PM Re: Qualified or Crapified? Comics General greggy 09/10/03 08:45 PM Re: Qualified or Crapified? Comics General greggy 09/10/03 08:37 PM Re: eBay's down again?? Comics General greggy 08/20/03 11:35 PM Re: Another Hypothetical Comics General greggy 07/25/03 11:00 PM Re: Another Hypothetical Comics General greggy 07/25/03 10:38 PM Re: White House Escalates Diplomatic Pressure on Syria The Water Cooler greggy 04/18/03 12:30 AM And in keeping with the Kudos thread... mega Kudos to PovertyRow for paying me the money that greggy owed me!
  16. I need to get me some more firearms... I have only been testing my inbound packages with a framing hammer. I feel so emasculated... You had me freaked out for a second. You shouldn't use "inbound package" and "hammer" in the same sentence. Shouldn't you be busy reading Sandman?
  17. I need to get me some more firearms... I have only been testing my inbound packages with a framing hammer. I feel so emasculated...
  18. Even though we give the Aussies a lot of flak for constantly selling CGC 9.4's of Amazing Fantasy 15, ours was definitely a "no worries" deal for me. And although I never intended to offer new issue subscriptions through the forum when I arrived, you're not the first to inquire and I'll be happy to work something out. So who are these mystery people who deserve the anti-kudos?
  19. Joanna, congratulations on all the paid work you have going on... I know you wouldn't make us go 19 days between Crisis installments if your plate wasn't overflowing with work... Although I caught Pov secretly hoping you'd get an hour of free time soon...
  20. As I mentioned in the original post, his Bio of a Space Tyrant series is some of his best, a five-part sci-fi series focused on a character named Hope Hubris, following his rise from migrant worker to President of Jupiter. "You'll never look at a urinal the same way again... "