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Everything posted by NoMan

  1. My first day on a set in 1987 was for Phantasm 2 when The Tall Man reaches through the mirror and grabs the main character (last shot of first Phantasm, a personal favorite of mine) and I was like, Wow. and then went with a photographer to shoot Cindy Crawford nude for Playboy. And they paid me a lot and I was like, Wow. Does this happen in other industries? Just complete total burn out. I've only ever know the film biz. I'm burned out and should probably stay off this sub thread because it's about the fiction here (i mean this in a good way) and not reality. I just know the reality and it's not good plus I"m sounding like a cantankerous a-hole. BTW: if you're a fan of Phantasm 2, me and a buddy snuck a bicycle pedal into as many scenes as we could with out the ---script supervisor (in charge of continuity among a million other things) noticing. Kind of a fun fact. That Bike pedal is in damn near every scene. Bosco do you like all types of films or just the superhero ones?
  2. if you're a good guy and you enjoy these things, more power to you.
  3. Yes I am numb. You have to be to pull the kinds of hours and turn arounds we do. "Satisfaction to the viewers?" The viewer would be satisfied watching a monkey throw sh*t on a wall. I've heard that from more directors and producers than I can remember. After 30 years, yes I'm trying to get out of the biz but not sure I can or know how. I know working stiffs come in all industries but the hours in the film industry just kills, man. On average after an AD (assistant director, both 1st, 2nd, and 2nd 2nds) retire they live about two years and die. From the hours and stress. I wish I had a time machine and could go back and smack the younger me over the head when I got it in my head I wanted to learn how films were made. I got what I wanted. That is for sure.
  4. There's nothing to bow to so no need. You're the smart one; you can still enjoy movies. I'm too tired to make heads or tails of the rest of your post. I'm just trying to say that the guy that wrapped lighting cable covered in human excrement and urine in downtown skid row Los Angeles at 6am this morning after a 19 hour day on the reboot TV show of Perry Mason doesn't care if you're leaked the ---script. And to that person it's all the same: Perry Mason, Iron Man, Jesus Christ, David Bowie, The Milk Man, A jar of mayonnaise. It's all one big spanish language pepto bismol commercial that some nowhere blogger thinks we care if you know how it ends.
  5. this might actually get the IRS into looking at Berkbridge.
  6. as long as your writing these Russo guys, could you ask them if they care about the health and safety of crews working upwards of 20 hours day (meaning most of the crew live on abut 2 hours of sleep a day, often times and an hour and a half), 6 days a week as much as they do of somebody telling somebody else that Iron Man died? I mean lots of us crew don't want to die falling asleep at the wheel if that'a ok with the Russo Brothers.
  7. Compared to the work I and other lowly crew do, I don't consider directors and producers and studio heads living in the big black tower as "hardworking." You've either lived it or you've just read about it. I've lived it. You? But do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law and if you don't want these masterpieces spoiled, I dunno what to tell you. I won't spoil 'em for ya. The rest of the internet that seems to make a living parasitically off the film industry, go argue with them.
  8. Again, this blogger said the hard working people of the film care, and mostly they don't. That's all I'm saying. Of course the big shots care. They can't remain kings of a fiefdom if nobody comes to their moves. My point is that these folks who claim to speak for the crews don't. I'm telling ya my man, 98% of the folk who worked on Endgame or whatever it is these guys did don't care. They really dont.
  9. Whomever this blogger person is said "the hard working people who made the film" care. And 99% of the hard working people don't. The studios and directors and the high up muckty mucks, well yeah, they care, but the crew does not.
  10. I'm one of those "hard working people" who work on films. I couldn't care less if you read the ---script of a film I worked on and told the world. I know many other "hard working people" who work on films. 30 years worth of "hard working people" and I've never met one that would give a rat's a**. Whomever this Keiley Kaiser person is should probably spend their time on something besides worrying about The Joker ---script being leaked. I'm imagining she/he/it is delusional and would crumple within seconds of being on a film set and seeing how hard the work is. She/He/It is probably better suited for Twitter/Instagram hoping to become a studio mouthpiece and film "influencer. So much so the studios give her AN ALL EXPENSE PAID JUNKET WITH TOYS AND TREATS FROM THE FILM for her to say what the studios want her to say. Just sit behind that keyboard and tell us all what you think and tell us all what we should do. Now that's some serious work. BTW - it's funny as heck to watch the Social Media influencer junket. Somebody has to babysit these clowns and wow them with their own director's chair and a coke from craft services. OMG THIS MOVIE IS SOOOO GOOD!
  11. People are weird. Why bring up sweet lou’s not eBay account?
  12. yeah, you're probably right. Like I said I can't bring myself to read the article now. Maybe everyone involved sucked: Writer, editor, reader, University of whatever. Parent's tuition money would have probably been better spent on cheerleader's miniskirts for the ESPN saturday college football shows b-roll shots than some guy "cataloguing" a bunch of comic books.
  13. I stopped reading at "Kapow." Can't journalist do better?
  14. i always get libel and slander mixed up. My dad was a lawyer. I should have become a lawyer. But he was kidnapped by gunpoint from an angry client so maybe a job as a film set monkey isn't so bad.
  15. i don't think they care. They have a new car every 4 months I go to see my mom. Their 20 year old kid with his baby and baby mamma live there, too. I ate a bowl of his Fruity Pebbles and almost threw up. the kid's kid is like 2 or something and is just starting to talk. I think his first words were "OH, SH*T!" The house is full of toys. Man, everything. Toy Grilling Barbecue hunk of plastic, various plastic cars, play bench press with fake weights. You know that stuff you have by the fireplace with like a sweeper and like that to clean the fireplace. He has a toy plastic one. It's another world in Sugar Land, Texas. Great coffee tho at Blended Coffee Club by the giant Imperial Cane Sugar silos/building, the only thing that looks real there. "Let's build a mansion and add six turrets and an indoor and outdoor pool. And a turret atop the pool slide!" Whenever I drive through these McMansion subdivisions in Sugarland with the houses right next to each other I always wonder how much longer this planet's got left. It really gets me down.
  16. my sister lives in a McMansion in Sugar Land, Tx and her ac bill was 1k.
  17. If, as a seller, you bend to a "better" (lower) price to a buyer then see that buyer turn around a sell it higher, I dunno, I'd get a little pissed
  18. Good Thread! I'm always curious, too and they're are some smart asses around these parts. I'm always looking for a laugh in the morning!
  19. my nephew likes tennis shoes. He showed me some "Air Jordans" that "are worth thousands." And that Kanyea West creep has some shoes that "are worth thousands." You can't wear them of course. The whole philosocial angle about if nobody wants it it's worthless escaped him
  20. can we press the thread to increase grade to increase PPS?
  21. I missed what started all this noise. Oh well, I gotta go to bed.
  22. let me tell you kids what I remember about The Thread. I remember not understanding it cause it wasn’t about hulk 181 or pressing or “how much is it worth” so it kind of stood out. It was interesting reading. Slander was brought up but not libel. There was some sarcasm , tempers were heating up and mess man bring back that thread!!!
  23. Kav you lose in this game we call life.