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Everything posted by NoMan

  1. No it's the HUMONGOUS 7/11 kinda store, I mean they have everything. About 20 NYC blocks long. Beaver with cap on sidways is the mascot. You can get those 110 ounce re-fillable coke cups.
  2. dude texas is weird. especially Buckey's. Place creeps me out
  3. fair enough. point taken and I try to learn each and every day to become a better person. I'll stop using such phraseology. Question: The poster on this thread claiming to "hate it (Los Angeles) and move if he could" did he try to improve his surroundings as he saw fit here in LA or did he just sit on his a** stewing in his hate because those of us who do try to create betterments didn't make it good enough for him? He complains about the "junkies" and "homeless" while living in Los Angeles "his whole life.". Every lift a finger to help one? Ever imagine a mile in their shoes. Nah, they're just sh*t making a sh*thole. Maybe it's folks like this I'd just soon be outta here when I say "If you don't like it, go."
  4. Got to always wonder when you see a Ditko sig. it’s like every example in of one a book could make an entire documentary film
  5. i'm so bad at color touch. where is it. did seller say it was CT? Can you fix my washing machine?
  6. I hear you, loud and clear. So, is pressing restoration? How much higher is that Avengers first Taskmaster issue gone go up before I should unload it?
  7. It’s a comic board. So best just keep it at that. I’ll say this and move into pm if anyone wants to know what I think You saw someone do drugs you don’t like, I’m assuming you see someone in a bar drinking and you’re cool with that drug so if it’s a drug you like than it’s ok, you see someone doing a drug you don’t like than they are bad undesirable people. Ever consider the person you saw smoking crack was in such pain it’s the only way they could cope? the El Paso gun comparison thing was that guns are everywhere and can be stuck in your face anywhere pm if you’re serious about wanting to know what the city is attempting in its homeless services. My wife is a social worker and I spent two days ago walking with the mayor and his homeless team through homeless encampments in the la river To whomever brought up the safe injection site projects in Vancouver: where there more used needles in that park before the Safe injection site? Is the city Saving money by having a monitored injection site instead of calling fire/police/medical everytime someone ods Prohibition doesn’t work. But ok let’s get rid of drugs, starting with the most dangerous of all according to the CDC: booze and nicotine.
  8. again, i gotta go to laundry or wife will kill me. Upset over drug use (mad at all the bars around town and the drugs they sell?) and homeless is a problem not unique to la. But leave and go where you don't see the drugs (Booze and nicotine is fine, tho. right?) or some folk down on their luck which maybe someday you may be 3 paychecks away from. Mass shooting are an almost every week/month kinda thing. You gonna hate El Paso cause someone pointed a large capacity magazine gun at you? The homeless are not being ignored by the city and the city is on the cutting edge of many programs that are working. The VAST number of homeless have anything to do with anything else, ya think? Wonder why there are so many vacant apartments in LA? Anyways, off to laundryland
  9. Ok, Buzz. I gotta go back to the Laundrymat cause the front end washer computer is still broken and i'm still waiting on repair guys so I'm off. I see your point. I think it's rude and dismissive to just call some 3 million folk here shallow and that LA (miles in every direction including mountains, beach, desert) stupid or sh*t or whatever. (I know the poster didn't but many do) Maybe what's wrong is whomever in this thread said LA was a bummer hasn't tried to like it and recognize what it is or that or any other host of problems.
  10. please be cautious if you go here. It really is a mess. Confused tourists with fat wallets, scams left and right. I feel the most unsafe in this city at The Chinese Theater and I've been a place or two in LA in 30 years.
  11. It’s 5:30am here and I can think of three reasons to leave a place you loath
  12. House of Secrets is one of the worst comic shops, well, anywhere. I’ve given them numerous time to “ do the right thing” and they go out of their way to rip you off every time. Buying new books off the shelf? Well that’s one thing and I guess they’re ok at it. I Don’t buy new comics. Back issues? They are con artists at worst, don’t care at best. Don’t mind undisclosed missing pages and undisclosed CT? Then head on over. They detest CGC. Wonder why? My opinion: Stay away. In fact I’ve written them off completely. Check out Earth Two on Ventura Blvd in Sherman Oaks or P Dots on Lake Ave in Pasadena/Altadena Also check out Iliad used bookstore in North Hollywood. Mind boggling
  13. Blah, blah, blah. Los Angeles is among the most exciting cities on Earth. Like anywhere else Use common sense. If you don’t like it, leave. Please. “But, but, I can’t leave!” No you can leave if you try hard enough. And don’t let that door hit ya on the way out.
  14. "Nasty Redhead" looks like Poison Ivy from The Cramps.
  15. Los Angeles is the most amazing place on earth and I would never live anywhere else (Except maybe Pomuch, Mexico in the Yucatan where, when you die, they bury you for one year and after one year dig you up and lay you atop your grave in the cemetery, your corpse just laying there. It really is full on weird) Regardless, in LA use common sense, be safe and have fun! Lots of good people here
  16. there's "Mystery Boxes" all over downtown Los Angeles, especially east of Los Angeles Street. You really, really got to be brave to peel back the card board lid and peer inside.
  17. Hell no to this guy. Repulsive in 17 different ways.
  18. don't get me wrong. i've got comics and one day i'd like to cash out and make some bread. I won't tho. I buy them because I love the stories and art. Maybe one or two books that are big keys will make me a buck or two, the others, nope. These kids today aren't gonna remember Captain Marvel when and if (and that a big IF) they ever have discretionary income. They aren't gonna remember Captain Marvel two weeks after seeing it. And by the time they MAYBE have some money for buying back their childhood there will already by 750 more MCU movies, 500 more Star Wars movies, 200 Star Wars reboots and about 1700 more other reboots and 400 more reboots of those reboots, 10,000 websites and 3,000 tv stations over 200 platforms. Where is an adult of tomorrow that is a kid of today even gonna know where to focus? He's gonna be living with his mom and dad. Forever. And God love mom and dad but they'll probably be sick of 'em. Sure honey, you can't afford your own apartment but buying a Tony Stark Gold Armor Statue for $750.00 because someone on your internet Facebook group thinks it's a good idea and the "woman" you're having virtual sex with thinks it looks cute! This of course in not all encompassing to all kids. Many study and work very hard. But every kid I'm familiar with, yeah, it's just like what I wrote above.
  19. I know this is the perpetual circle of a discussion we seem to be in, but the OP did ask and well I ask how many of those young ladies and young men that after flocking to see Captain Marvel (or whatever MCU movie of the month) are then flocking to pick up her first appearance (or whatever MCU monthly movie first appearance superhero) slabbed in plastic graded 9.8 (or any grade)? (I'm not counting the comic book speculator Facebook group circle jerkers in between sessions of Fortnight or pretend internet sex club whatever you call it playing hot potato comic book with art and stories they couldn't care anything about if they actually ever took the time to read) I think this is the most important question and it seems to me, at least, to be conveniently brushed aside. Like the monkeys that cover their eyes and ears. I could be wrong. I'll listen to other opinions and welcome them. However, for me, some kinda warning bell is going off inside my head about all this that I'm not smart enough to put into words. Isn't the fact that there are fewer actual comic book back issue dealers at SDCC now a warning that is loud enough? And what's with this undying devotion that Disney can do no wrong? Disney has sunk so much money in their theme park type movie roller coasters or whatever that they will never stop making these movies. Quality what? They want you to buy a ticket to the theme park and buy a t-shirt. Exit through the gift shop. Like screenwriter/author William Goldman used to say, "In Hollywood nobody knows nothing."
  20. You mean Physical Therapy? I can't start for one month. Spine/neck has to heal. PT's gonna be no joke tho. I take that sh*t to 10. "Beast Mode," as the kids say. I got an Army Drill Sargent like Physical Therapist and I just do what I'm told and say, "YES, SIR!." Sh*t hurts.
  21. it's fine. . have to get better cause wife is already figuring out a trip to the outer Mariana Islands. Chilling my wife out is the hardest. I gotta drop a book off at my Bank Safe Deposit box. I'll talk to the ghosts there for awhile and let you fellows have some peace.
  22. here's another 7 pages of thread for ya, why don't the OP's ever come back (and say Thank you?) I believe his question was answered within the first 4 responses.
  23. it's cool. I've learned alot. glad to be here. attempt to be of service. don't much succeed I don't think but as in World Federation Wrestling as long as you don't have to pay musical rights for wrestler ringside intro songs and keep getting up, it's really all anyone can ask for. BTW - the doctor thing is regarding a spinal surgery. Not like I killed someone and there's a thingee around my leg. Yet.
  24. To say I derail threads every time, and even italicize the words every time is hyperbole on your side of things and not true nor is it fair in a knock down school yard fight.