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Everything posted by NoMan

  1. I was kinda thinking the subpoena thing too myself too. Subpoenas are no joke.
  2. Honestly, I'd run away from you regardless of what the proof proved re: your internet-sex-club-wife you've never met with superpowers. Honestly you'd never get 800 feet from me.
  3. Who's complaining? You may view my two or four comments in your 1000 page years-long journal as "pestering" when I suggested getting off the computer and getting a job but that in and of itself isn't complaining. Did I ever say I was smarter than you? I don't believe I have so here goes: Dude, I'm wwwaaaayyyyy smarter than you. I work harder than you, don't take public had outs and have zero debt and my wife is real and drags me all over the world.
  4. i stay because I'm trapped at home recovering from a surgical procedure. I've been told (see a normal person listens to professionals like Doctors and Lawyers) to sit in one place and rest for a month. I'm not sure I said I was leaving this thread, what I believe I said was that I was going to stop wasting my energy giving useful advice (I'm a couple of generations older than you and have had some real life romance/work/making and investing money experiences that I foolishly thought you may find of interest and benefit) like - getting a real job, a trade, stay off the internet meet-and-have-sex-with-a "girl" sites, don't travel to see these "girls," people don't have super powers and so on. I stay because it's highly entertaining (because nobodies been hurt yet) and please grasp this my good completely bonkers friend: I'll venture anywhere I please on these boards. So sue me, maybe you'll win and make a little money for your travels to your wife and her sister. Take 'em out to dinner. Your nested comment doesn't address my comment of you being bat-sh*t crazy, which you are.
  5. Are there CGC Board Mods you can call and explain you're bat-sh*t crazy and they'll unlock your thread? What's the phone number? Whom do I ask for?
  6. ok. There is a lot to wade through here so I may have missed this, however: When, specifically, is the day you (we) can meet your wife (?) and sister?
  7. 1. How is this thread back? I thought it was locked? Is CGC scared, too? 2. If this is really you, the bottom photo is a pretty good one. I don't go around rating guys (not my thing but no disrespect to any boardie who does), however, you're got a good looking look to you. I don't see why real life girls would be a problem for you. Stay off the internet girls and meet a real ones, like maybe at a restaurant you get a job at! You just need a direction and purpose. Girls can sense that and want it in their boyfriends or husbands or guy friends or whatever the kids say now. Please stay away from the computer and walk down the street and apply at the first nice(r) restaurant you see.
  8. Agreed, they will. Will the films be any good? Will everyone get sick of these IPs they spent tens of billions of dollars on so they gotta keep making them, if people see them or not (and they will). Will those that see whatever the latest movie is go buy a 9.0 of the comic from the 60s or 70s spending 500 to a grand to more? Yeah, not so much.
  9. what I'm about to spend getting the Maytag front end loading washer fixed.
  10. ok, fair enough. Who is this?
  11. show us your type! I think Gabe's wife/girlfriend is beautiful and hope she has a personality to match.
  12. you gotta admit his girl is fine. if she treats him well, is encouraging in his crypto - comic business it might just work out. it's important to encourage young loves.
  13. i'm sort of the doom-and-gloom school in all of this. I wrote a very detailed post describing my feelings but I'm not really sure anybody around here gave a s****, including myself. THE MCU movies will stop and disappear as quickly as the westerns. Now is the time to sell. I'm not currently buying comics and instead I'm selling them and buying old issues of Swank and Club, especially those with Christy Canyon in them.
  14. any chance we could edit this thread to read "Safe Deposit Boxes" in the title?
  15. i really like readers at this point A lot of 7.0ish readers. I like reading comics in their original form. So I would just go to town and build a massive reader collection.
  16. Ok, I'll ask: What's this online game called?
  17. Again, if this isn't a long term troll kinda thing, it's beyond my expertise and I'll just step away at this point and hope for the best. Please don't hurt yourself or others. Think nice things about people. Talk to people in real life. Listen, also. Good luck.
  18. if the girl you speak of is your avatar, she's a looker. Easily model materiel. Are you model materiel? Are you a looker? If the answer is yes you're a hunk who's a winner, Ok, could be. If the answer is you're a normal guy like the rest of us, you're being played. It's why female sex workers call the guy the "trick," carnival workers call us "marks" or "rubes." Hash facts of life my friend.
  19. I'm old. I know what a catfish situation means. Beyond that, I don't understand what the person that is catfishing Gabe is trying for. Will the requests for money from Gabe begin once the hook is in? And what you meet people playing some kind of video game? I mean I see my nephew talking to other players on his xbox or whatever so yeah I get that. But there is some kinda life-simulation game where cute girls hang out? This is all so silly.
  20. damn, dude. you're hitting the nail on the head time after time, post after post and it's just not getting there. As I've posted earlier if this isn't a long-term con/troll kinda poster I can only hope that no one gets hurt. If this is real, this is bad and sad and horrible and it's drifting into the realm of terrifying.
  21. I'm taking 6) for my Posterior Cervical Fusion C3-C7 with Laminectomy recovery and it's not making this thread anymore comprehendible.
  22. this thread is weird It seems to me to be: some sort of long term troll con kinda thing or the OP has developmental issues and my man there is no shame in that. If that is the case please get help beyond a comic book board. Lot's of services are our there and use whatever support systems you have. Please listen to those that love you (mom and dad?) Beyond that, I'm really kinda thinken' this whole dealeo is weird. Major weird.
  23. suddenly happy memories of care-free days of summers of Dungeons And Dragons came flooding back to me. Have no idea the intent of your image, but that's what it says to me. So for that, thanks.