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Everything posted by NoMan

  1. I've been ordered by the doctor to stay in the house for one month. That's what's going on.
  2. Yeah maybe I'm guilty as charged. I'll try harder to knock it off.
  3. all sports fans should go to jail so just head on back to prison, huh?
  4. you've lost me at this point. you wanna know where the needle exchange is in Hollywood, California? I can point you in the right direction. I have no idea what this Liverpool is about except The Beatles and building War Ships.
  5. well, we found the answer now. I didn't know his reasoning for calling himself "Hollywood" did you? Besides that, it was kinda interesting. Don't know if you don't ask.
  6. yeah, ok, that makes sense. I'm sure those guards knew a lot about the community of Hollywood. The blind leading the naked.
  7. Hollywood, the town, is gross. Stripper clothing stores, dirty needles, confused tourists with money falling out of their pockets, pick pockets. Something's bad is gonna pop off at the (once, don't know what it's called now) Chinese Theater. Don't ever go. It's the only place I feel unsafe in all of Los Angeles. Serious. Looking for heroin that's mostly just fentanyl, yeah come to Hollywood.
  8. laundry mats are just weird places. now i enjoyed full on weirdness as a young man, but as an old man, You start talken about Jesus and Flying Saucers you gotta go
  9. hell no. strictly west coast. I don't go west of Main as Philip Marlow used to say.
  10. please come over.i'll pay it. money means nothing to me. my wife of my back and clean clothes....
  11. Mission: Impossible Steven Spielberg (or one of his henchmen) Twister but if you wanna get into history and the specifics of history the writing was on the wall the Summer of Jaws, so that was what 1975 and it was all over by 1977 with Star Wars. Meaning that studio folk began to think, "Why have a slow build into a 2 million dollar profit and have a quality movie like Taxi Driver in your library when you can have an instantaneous 500 million profit with, as Paul Schrader called it, "Dweeb Cinema."
  12. a couple of different perspectives have been brought to light, so what's the Jerry Springer Final Thought here? and while were at it, can someone fix my Maytag front end washer?
  13. i gotta meet my wife for coffee. As Aleister Crowley would say: Do what thou Wilt shall be the whole of the law.
  14. I was noob around the same time. The search function didn't work for sh*t. Something to take into consideration. At a more, perhaps humanitarian level, maybe be kind to someone so they stick around to buy your books when you're done. Keep the hobby alive kinda stuff.
  15. Perhaps Divine put it best when asked about her/his political leanings in John Waters' classic Pink Flamingos: "KILL EVERYONE NOW!" Yeah, I knew a cinematographer who taught film at Columbia College in Chicago. He quit. He couldn't take it anymore. I see both sides of the argument, too.
  16. this is quite the post. far from normal around these parts. Might you expand on it? No, I haven't seen the movie. No, I'm not going to see the movie. I stopped enjoying movies around the summer of 1997.
  17. The Big Sleep has one of the best written endings of a book anytime, anywhere, anywho. Words to remember and live by. I don't know what to do to keep it "front and center with the kids," make it a video game in a sex chatroom with people that you don't know actually exist with a comment sections for plenty of trolling?
  18. The reason (plug any genre film in here) became popular is that someone made a good one, that's all. And dumb-dumb heads go let's make Westerns cause they're popular now. No, someone just made a good western is all. I asked a construction owner friend onetime why they keep building stuff when nobody's moving into them and there is plenty of empty stuff already. Wish I could remember the specifics of the answer. Something about the financing having already been lined up years ago and something else and something else. I believe that's why there's movies like Friday the Thirteenth Part 17 are made when nobody really wants them. Anybody remember the magazine Fangoria? The reason the original editor Bob Martin left and became a casino blackjack dealer is a fascinating read.
  19. call me old fashioned, it's just sad to me. so many, many good stories, and nothing. All Philip Marlowe is is an IP. I don't doubt you or coming down on you or anything you understand. We deserve the films we have.
  20. how can I help my friend with his paperback collection? they are paperbacks in the hard boiled genre and what I call the sleaze genre. Think Orrie Hitt and Clyde Allison
  21. i have a friend. he's 90. has 5 buildings of paperback books. many of them rare raymond chandler first editions. same with phillip k , william burroughs, and you know, just rare paperbacks. I really worry about him. ask 100 people on the street who raymond chandler was. Oh yes, the movies. Always the movies. There were raymond chandler movies, too, you know. I see my friend and it just seems like an ominous warning.
  22. I NEVER pass by a miller book. It needs a home. 191 should be worth about 10 grand cause it's so well made. YOU NEVER LEAVE A MILLER BOOK BEHIND! EVER! I mean the older stuff. The new stuff needs to go into a dumpster fire. What happen to that guy? Does anyone seriously know?
  23. you know Buzz, I gotta say, my gut feelings are you're one of the good ones. Except the music thing....