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Everything posted by NoMan

  1. NoMan


    I'll check the two comic shops here. One today. The other (the owner is my friend) on tuesday when they next open. If there's one there I'll pick it up to send to you if it's for your personal collection.
  2. NoMan


    when did it first come out? The last issue?
  3. NoMan


    nobody at the methadone clinic is gonna know.
  4. NoMan


    I don't know much about TWD, but if I understand my ebay search you can get copies all day long for about $4.00. Why don't you buy a stack and stand outside Cavalcade of Comics and sell them to $10.00 all day long? EDIT: I guess that would be crass to the longtime LCS. So don't do that. So sell them door to door in Florida or outside the Pill Mills or Methadone Clinics. You get my point, tho, right?
  5. So "not good" on the western "IP"s?
  6. how are those cowboy/indian/western "IP"s doing?
  7. Thanks! What a wonderfully depressing read on a bleak overcast Sunday Morning. However, I do believe that what happened to stamps is a mirror to what will happen to our beloved hobby in the coming decades. Period.
  8. I got the trade paperbacks. Gonna be stuck for a week in a room, so need something to read? Story good?
  9. I have these books in my collection. Had 'em for awhile. Do they say they were giveaways? How do you know?
  10. I was a Cracked guy. Certainly RIP to Mad. I did buy the first re-booted issue a couple of years ago. So I gave it a try. It was God awful.
  11. I ain't got all that Economic education. I ain't got no skills with money. I got very few skills but the one that makes me money so I'm lucky I got that. Back to bein' all smart about money and investing about money, I ain't. I got a financial guy and a wife. They be smart. They said I could get a big key book, so the financial guy contact the Big Auction House and said, "yes, this simpleton that's written you letters about being lost in Africa without a phone is a serious bidder. It would be in your best interest to take him seriously." So I got my Big Comic Book. At our next meeting at his fancy office in that tall glass building he askd me "You good?" I said, yeah I'm good. Got a bank safe box and everything and I like my comic book entombed in plastic. Then him and my wife went to looken at stuff, graphs, investments and taxes and stuff and talken big financial words so I got a coke from a pretty secretary and stared out the window. Next time we met, the financial guy asked me, "You like your comic book? How is it?" I said it's cool but I've been thinken of getting some of this famous Comic Book Guys original art. The financial guy and my wife looked at me and shook their heads no. I found the pretty secretary and got a coke and stared out the window. Like I said, I ain't smart but even I can see what happened to the westerns, can't anyone else?
  12. Did you mention your opinion on the notion of "I'll cash out in 30 years" in regards to the big keys: AC 1, Tec 27, etc? I half read your post and half listened to my wife talk about her friend in prison that witnessed someone getting killed by having a pen shoved in their ear so you may have covered it. Sorry. I'm heading over to OA discussion now. EDIT: In case no one has brought up the Chinese and/or that Spidey Will Never Die, I'd like to. 2nd EDIT: Read the OA thread. Understand your opinion. Carry on.
  13. I'm guessing it's part of the Collector's Paradise store in Pasadena. Judging from the Pasadena store, umm, not hopeful.
  14. I don’t like Kentucky Fried Chicken either. They are mean to birds and torture animals in factories. So, yeah, that Sanders guy. He’s on my list.
  15. Like I said, I try to better myself everyday. Not sure a small community of comic collectors is a loud audience. If my first post was about this guy, than yeah, you may have a point. carry on. I derailed enough.
  16. If you're curious. I feel the same way about "Dr." Phil. Work for him and tell me how you feel about him. Or just talk about my thresholds.
  17. I am glad he's dead. You're feeling are valid and so or mine. Difference being I actually knew and delt with the guy. And he screwed me always. So you saw what I originally said? Cool. I do try to improve everyday. Some days I do. Some days I don't. And I what I originally said is what I originally ment.
  18. Now that's some masking! Or am I masking now? So confused.
  19. Now you're gonna get the strike that was for me
  20. oh mess I've already got a strike. Thanks.
  21. I kinda would like the specifics of this. But that's just me. There was a time when I first moved to Los Angeles at 19 and my career was, kinda, non-existent, trying to get a break when I had never been west of the Mississippi before and knew no one in California. I got going to a pawn shop. Things were bad. Eating the free crackers at Wendys w/ketchup for meals bad. I was regularly ridiculed for being poor at this one pawn shop in Echo Park that I sold stuff at. I never understood why they had to be so f-ing mean about a person being poor. Had no car. No money for bus. It was the only place I could walk to so off I went. "Minolta Spot meter?, we'll give you 50$." Really? They cost $1,200.00 and this is Hollywood. You'll have no trouble selling it for $ 500.00 Can you give me $100.00. "Well, how about 25$?" they would respond. What could I do.And why mock me? Flash forward a couple of years, I'm rollen! Put on my worst clothes, shuffle in with my Rolex Submariner. "Hey? Where ya been?" Need some cash, what will you give me for this vintage sub? "$75.00." $75.00? They go for thousands. "Well how about 50$? I told him a bad word. I than called him the bad word. Guy thought he was gonna get a collectable Rolex for 50 bucks or whatever. The disappointment on his face was awesome. Bla, bla, bla owner needs to pay staff, overhead. Fine! But why make fun of someone because they are poor? Years later Echo Park got all fancy and in the last days of this pawn shop before it got turned into a wood fried pizza/craft beer hipster hang out I wandered back in. The dude had recently died. Place was in shambles. Karma? And I kinda contemplated this guy's death while walking out. I'll just keep those thoughts to myself suffice it to say, good, I'm glad he's dead.
  22. But somebody bought those crappy comics. Who? I had bailed about 3 years prior.