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Everything posted by NoMan

  1. Many places I go I attract attention of security. I don't know what it is. My wife makes fun of me. I look at nice watches and security starts following me around. I dunno. Never stole nothin'. Just look guilty is what my wife says. I'm not allowed to speak when we travel and go through boarder check points. Once I did on the Romania/Hungary boarder and dudes with machine guns came out. I was fumbling for the rental car papers or passports or whatever and suddenly it was straight up Midnight Express. My wife kinda chilled em out and they were cool. She's pretty cute, tho. Hell, everybody looks at me sideways at a comic con. Or maybe I just think they are. But sometimes I feel like vendors are checking me out hard. Sh*t I don't say nothen' to nobody. Regardless, it gets old. I even buy pricey books, too. That one guy was cool, tho. Forget his name. He's on here. I'll remember in a second. Anyways as everyone has said. Sorry.
  2. Dubas*s thief screws over everyone. Trusting OP gets screwed, customers all ways getting the evil eye and feel uncomfortable: Is this guy a thief? Sorry this happened.
  3. The Leader is why I continue to get up in the morning. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
  4. You sure talk about Youngblood a a lot. Something you want to tell us?
  5. It was good food and I enjoyed it (as an 18 year old). The only time I semi threw up from it was when I got a to go order of their version of a fish fillet sandwich and some curly fries and took it across the street to the campus art movie theater and saw the midnight show of Pink Flamingos.
  6. 100% true. They put me on some kinda gurney that raises you up in the air with your butt towards the ceiling. Perhaps it was a colonoscopy. I remember one doctor saying something like "the patient's anus is like my girlfriend's." I really have no idea. As the machine was raising me up the other doctor asked about my diet. When I told him my Burger Kind diet he immediately started lowering the machine and had a "heart to heart with me" about eating healthy and how that's important. Been trim and fit and very, very little junk food every since.
  7. Wonderful! Now I can properly describe life in 2019! Thanks for the wording idea!
  8. I ate nothing but Burger King for nine months once while in college. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. The only water I drank was whatever slipped into my mouth while taking a shower. I started to poop blood and went to the doctor thinking I had colon cancer. He asked about my diet and told him. He said that was not a smart way to eat.
  9. You're really really talented at art. I wish I could draw. I'd just draw pictures of nakid women all day and night. I'd have a nude studio at my swank artist loft in downtown. Have good looking women come to my loft for me to draw them. Go to parties every night with the in crowd. Important people would write about me in ArtForum Magazine. I'd be on the cover about 2 -3 times a year. Sorry I have no legal advice for you. I just wanted you to know I'm jealous of your artist life and let you know I would draw pictures of nakid women.
  10. Fortnight I know. Skins tho?
  11. Hey I got some kinda Tom Gord (? -never heard of him before) free comic on free comic day. “Moon Cop” and went back and bought the graphic novel and became a Tom Gord (?) fan and bought all his stuff. So Free Comic Day worked on me. I therefore consider it a much larger success for everyone - comic shop owners, fans, everyone!
  12. About 3 days is all can handle of NYC. Hell, probably two. Real men live in Los Angeles.
  13. I’m just trying to think positive. As I’ve nentioned before, I feel no hope for this hobby. It’s sad to me cause I feel I got so much out of my interest in comics
  14. I believe you. I was pretty much just talking out of my rear end through most of that diatribe. However, my farts can often be correct smelling and blow in the right direction, just like that Bob Dylan song. Makes sense with the coins, I guess. Money is money. Every coin shop I've been in, with the exception of the one I've been meaning to go into in Sugarland, TX when I'm there, has two old guys smoking cigarettes shooting the sh*t with dust everywhere, nothing touched for years by the looks of it. Come to think of it, the one in Virginia I used to go into, that old cigarette guy always had a wad of cash in his pocket to buy coins with. I guess coins maybe was the smarter hobby. I collected for awhile, but as a kid when I got a hold of some Frank Miller Daredevil, I didn't care much about staring at wheat pennies anymore. However, oddly enough, with the advent of Home Shopping Networks, I used to love to get high and watch this home shopping show called The Coin Vault, I think. These two guys would scream at the top of their lungs while hawking "one-of-a-kind" coin collectables. Sometimes I would call the 800 number and if the operator that answered was female, I'd try to get a date. I think this might be it:
  15. Wouldn't that be incredible if, because of these movies, millions of new collectors/readers really were created. Millions and millions hungry for good fun stories & art in a physical comic book. Millions and millions searching out back issues.
  16. In about two weeks I'll be in Northern Iraq and can't wait to see what sodas they got there! I also believe there is a comic shop in one of the cities we will be in (I forget but I'll ask my wife and list 'em soon). I found it online but it was all in a language not familiar to me. EDIT: Ok, I just got yelled at by my wife for you guys so I hope you appreciate it: "We're going to Kurdistan, not Iraq!" Hey she's a great gal and you take the good with the bad. We will be in Erbil and Sulaymaniyah. I beleive the comic shop is in Erbil. https://www.facebook.com/search/110301785664699/places-in/133510666716809/places/intersect/
  18. Did you mail them the book? (CL) I'd have to hand deliever something like that.
  19. Than I guess the idea's not working. I have no idea how to save comics. Perhaps have a big final "tour" (like Motley Crue) and say no more comics, ever. Create a rush to buy "the last comics ever made by marvel and dc." Then start it up again. Then kill it. Then...
  20. I'm not sure what this is. Do they give it away at movies? Has someone stole my idea?