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Everything posted by SeniorSurfer

  1. I agree with several of the previous comments and see myself in the same spot: As noted above, I also haven't bought a new Marvel since a year starting with "1" but I can see the point made about the "Young Avengers" success as well since it was an idea I thought was ludicrous at the time. Maybe in this case one would have to read these character descriptions to the targeted age group and there might indeed be interest in someone with a "magic backpack" or someone else who loves that "classical music from '00 and '10" so they pulled the trigger. (As an aside I remember one of the things that got me reading Marvel in the first place was that they professed not to "speak down" to their readers or target specific age groups and made their stories interesting to young and old alike). I don't want to be that old guy who tells the kids to get off the lawn so I'll look for a positive here and applaud the efforts to entice the younger generation to read - not an easy task in today's gaming society. Maybe this will help open developing minds to the alternate attraction/escapism/informativeness that reading provides. Maybe it will better develop such skills. Maybe these young readers will then be encouraged to seek out earlier Marvel books and read the stories through those Omnibus or regular "floppies" as these young 'uns call them. Maybe in the future they'll even be here on the boards carrying on the collecting bug and trying to track down those HTF early ASM or FF that they've heard so much about. Maybe. That said, I wouldn't buy this putridity with someone else's money.
  2. Bought four books at a good four figure price and on a time payment, which Jerry was open to consider. Great communication and packing - thanks again!
  3. I wish I could say she was uncomfortable. Among the sorry, sordid parts about this episode though was the obvious, dismissive "I don't care/I can't be bothered" attitude in her demeanor. There wasn't the slightest bit of remorse or shame or guilt. It would have been great to step into the movie world for a moment and pull a Rodney Dangerfield at the end of "Caddyshack" as Ted Knight wants to stiff him and not pay up, whereupon Rodney exclaims: "Yeah, that's what I thought. Hey Moose... Rocco... help the judge find his checkbook."
  4. You have to have some thick skin to have a yard sale as you'll be dealing with the public and all of their idiosyncrasies. I've had some profitable ones, but to get there I've seen people offer fifty cents on a marked $20.00 item, I've seen (or rather, missed seeing) people shoplift items marked at fifty cents and I've had someone gather up 10-15 items from all over, offer $1-$2, then leave them in disgust when I wasn't enthralled with the offer. But the one that sticks in my mind was this well-dressed lady in her mid-40s who tooled up in a Mercedes. She struck me as a nouveau riche type and was one of those "touch" browsers that had to pick up every item, only to put it down again and usually in the wrong place. One such item was a small, cheap ceramic palm tree S&P shaker with 2 ceramic coconuts that hung at the top with small holes for the salt and pepper. I had it marked at $1.00 and laid it down flat so the small coconuts would not roll off or make the tree tip and fall with any wind. Sure enough, she picked it up and one of the two fell on the concrete, shattering it and making it now a unilateral salt shaker (or pepper... I don't remember which). Of course she sought me out, apologized for breaking the item, paid the buck and went on her way...... Nahhh, I'm just kidding. No apologies, she put it back like nothing happened, left the broken piece on the ground and started walking to her car. I guess if it would have been anyone else I would have just shrugged and put it down to breakage accidents and let it ride, but it bothered me to have someone stroll over to your property, break something, and because of a sense of entitlement, a feeling that they're better than you or simply bad manners they would just walk away as if nothing happened without even an apology or at least an acknowledgement. I intercepted, pointed out that she had broken this item which was no longer useful and asked her to pay-up. She said she didn't have money. I looked pointedly at her Benz, raised an eyebrow Spock-like and noted that people usually don't go to yard sales without money (at this point I knew I was never going to get a cent out of this creature, so I decided to see how far to extend the ridiculousness). She insisted she had none and continued to walk to the car, when I again interjected to point out what had happened and what she intended to do about paying for this broken item which I could no longer sell. She didn't break stride and said she would just have to go to an ATM and return with the money. I repeated everything again, emphasizing the absurdity and with an incredulous tone. "Let me get this straight: You broke a $1 item, you don't have $1 in your posession (not even in change), you're going to track down an ATM, get the dollar then return and pay for this shaker?" She continued to mutter that she would, then just drove away, leaving me in a cloud of diesel.
  5. Purchased several more ASM from Jeff who worked with me on price and was shipped/arrived as fast as if he just walked across the street to deliver the goods. Thanks Jeff!
  6. Purchased a couple of ASM from Jeff and all super-smooth with great communication and fast, sturdy shipping. Thanks again!
  7. The greater the age or the price will garner some interest since one declaration will usually lead to the other being asked. There's usually some interest in the scarcity factor (especially if it's a WWII book), a bit of polite golf clapping, then everyone heads for the booze cabinet. Oddly enough, no one's ever mentioned the obvious: How do you get it in/out of the slab if you want to read it? On reflection, this is probably the same reaction you'd get regardless of the collectible, no matter how treasured the item or passionate you might be about it. If someone showed me a cabinet full of "Precious Moments" figurines or trotted out a stamp collection, I'd have a hard time being excited about it though I'd be mannered enough to listen for a bit just to learn something new (all the while edging nearer to the door). I suppose there would be some extra salivating if a collectible elicits sentiment based on a person's own past or the greater the historic significance/impressiveness the item represents ("Why yes, Bertram... that is the space capsule Neal Armstrong returned in after he first walked on the moon") but even then you still might get a "meh" from some folks.
  8. If only real life was like a comic book: He makes that idiotic statement, you feel yourself becoming enraged, and being enraged you start turning green... gaining mass and muscle...becoming an all-powerful furious behemoth that unleashes his full wrath on the surroundings. Eventually the store is leveled, your anger subsides, and you walk out somewhat dazed (but satisfied) as the owner sputters "You...you trashed my store!" To which the correct reply of course is: "You're gonna' let that bother you?"
  9. I'm a Kirby Cap fan but was also wowed by Steranko's brief take on the character. I'll insert another selection though as my all-time worst rendition that I remember even now. Every page of Robbins' run was excruciating to turn to and couldn't be saved even if Hemingway was writing the dialogue.
  10. For: Vault of Horror #38, Tales From the Crypt #s 26, 35, 38, Crime SuspenStories #13 all at 15% off! It's Christmas in... well... Thanksgiving. Also, PM sent.
  11. More like "if I could afford it," I'd get one of the Frazetta oil paintings that graced the covers of Creepy, Eerie or any of the Lancer Conan paperbacks. I don't think I could get tired of looking at them and as far as investment value...yow!
  12. Forgit about them crummy comics... How much for thet thar glitzy striped bedsheet?
  13. The "Lonesome" George Gobel quote comes to mind when he stepped out as Johnny Carson's guest while, still sitting on the couch, was Dean Martin and Bob Hope: "Did you ever get the feeling that the world was a tuxedo and you were a pair of brown shoes?"
  14. I'm visualizing a reverse Crime Suspenstories #22 if I linger here too long, with my wife holding the axe and me in the starring role.
  15. Re. that Human Torch #12: I didn't know Schomburg had it in him! I've seen near-impalements, near-drownings, bondage, torture and more flying bullets not hitting the mark since the "A-Team" but to have an arm melted off to the bone? (And by a major hero too!). That's the stuff of strong PCH.
  16. ASM #14, DD #1 and X-Men #1 per PM. Thank you!
  17. And just to add to the disaster potential, it's been raining down here like crazy for the last week with (probable) worsening conditions as the time gets closer. Where's that "calm before the storm" I always read about?
  18. Bought a couple of books and had a smooth transaction with great communication, bullet-proof packing, and fast shipping. Thanks Dave!