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Posts posted by aerischan

  1. 37 minutes ago, Dwitkin82 said:

    My pick-ups for the day...Anyone else get anything?

    My "Mattina" variant ships out next week....

    I caved and bought everything. Pretty much what's below except top middle (because I can't find it anywhere) plus Tyler Kirkham Group Virgin Variant. Plan to buy the Kirkham Joker B&W (top of right) when preorders open Saturday and hoping to get the ECCC 2017 Foil Cover, too. Oh well, it's good that I cancelled a bunch of Marvel titles and haven't bought any GNs this month.

    Picture from Jorge Jimenez Instagram (likely comp copies?):


  2. 4 hours ago, Carl Elvis said:

    Whoa, "distributed before first printing."

    So I guess the 1st print will say, "distributed after second printing."

    And the date,"2016". I wonder if the 1st print will just say 2017? 

    Nah. It was still printed in 2016 so that's what's on the copyright page. It's just distribution that was delayed. It'll be interesting to see which printing is preferred by the market.

  3. 2 hours ago, Doktor said:

    I think their best bet might be a time reset back to the pre-AvX continuity. Wipe out the Marvel NOW!, All-New Marvel NOW!, All-New All Different Marvel, and All New All Different Marvel NOW! phases and have someone go back, prevent AvX from happening & wipe out all of the legacy garbage that's happened since, including Civil War II, Secret War, etc. Essentially wipe out the past 5-7 years of stories & keep going with the old, legacy-character-free continuity. 

    I'm extremely impressed you remember all the various iterations of Marvel's ANAD NOW! branding. lol


    6 hours ago, ComicConnoisseur said:

    i know people who loved the Marvel movies, and wanted to try the comics,but said the Cap,Thor and Iron Man were vastly different than the movie versions, so they passed or stop reading the comics. Isn`t also the young crowd that loves the Marvel movie characters, so why did they replace them with the Legacy Heroes?

    That might be a bigger blunder than the Spider-Man clone saga of the 1990s.

    I think the only way to be optimistic is Marvel/Disney loves money,so they seen the lousy sales,so now they will fix it. :wishluck:

    Lol, I'm from the movie crowd. I guess I'm lucky Black Widow was still Natasha Romanov and actually had some pretty awesome runs by Liu/Acuna, Edmondson/Noto and Waid/Samnee when I started reading. Also, that I started via Marvel Unlimited so I could easily and affordably gorge on Marvel series from decades past. :D

    Mind, Disney usually offers free trials to Marvel Unlimited via Disney Movie Rewards/Disney Movies Anywhere when you purchase a Blu-ray. I reckon that's what they hope would be the gateway drug or worst-case, even an eventual replacement to printed floppies if ever the direct market goes under. MU is actually a very good starting point if one has a tablet. Read all you can of practically all comics available in digital that were released 6 months ago or older for just $10/mo. Comics as cheap pastime again rather than as manufactured collectibles. They need to get that service into Kindles though, imho. I reckon that's where the heavy reader crowd is, and the Fire is probably the cheapest non-Chinese branded tablet available. Parents are likely more inclined to give their kids $40-80 Kindle Fires than $300+ iPads. Alas, dunno whether Amazon will put up roadblocks given their competing comiXology Unlimited service.

    That said, I'm really enjoying DC Rebirth at the moment. :D Marvel, there's some new stuff of interest but I'm mostly just catching up on older runs. :|

  4. 1 hour ago, SquareChaos said:

    I don't see a real appetite for going back to the super simple stories of yesteryear... and that often means a world stage, and large scale human interactions will be a central part of your story.

    I don't know about that. I'm really enjoying SuperDad Superman and MaLois at the moment. Given the current turmoil in our world, I find it refreshing to see Pa and Ma Kent family values, albeit modernized in the form of Lois and Clark.

    Lol, I just read someone post in another forum, there's no greater minority in superhero comics than happily married couples especially ones with kids. :P 

  5. I think you are pumping his product. No biggie, it's your right to do so. Yes, lots of current sales in the heat of the exuberance. The Venom cover is pretty cool and may do well long term = you may be correct. However, the overall product line being produced right now is not that exciting. The Iron Man covers are, IMO, boring. His website pricing sets the bar high for the secondary market. I think much of the product line will be selling for less than their 'IPO' price in the future.

    While I don't buy JSC's variants (quite honestly, I just don't like most of them, especially not at his asking prices), I don't see how pricing on the secondary market matters for a comic I want for my PC. Maybe it's just me but I treat comic purchases as expenditures, not investments (hence, I typically steer clear of the expensive stuff). I recently preordered ~$150 worth of Super Sons #1 variants for my PC and I honestly don't expect to recover anywhere near "IPO" price if I ever get rid of them. (shrug)


    In this case, JSC is trying to capture a large chunk of the secondary market price by raising his prices. Seeing the demand in the secondary market pre sales he raised his asking price to 200 (?) for the Venom. This put it out of reach for my tastes. It's getting crazy and I am out for JSC.

    meh. Blame the ebay flippers for the price increase.


    Of course, you are entirely within your rights if you don't wish to purchase JSC's variants because you don't find them a good value for your money anymore.

  6. I think you are pumping his product. No biggie, it's your right to do so. Yes, lots of current sales in the heat of the exuberance. The Venom cover is pretty cool and may do well long term = you may be correct. However, the overall product line being produced right now is not that exciting. The Iron Man covers are, IMO, boring. His website pricing sets the bar high for the secondary market. I think much of the product line will be selling for less than their 'IPO' price in the future.

    While I don't buy JSC's variants (quite honestly, I just don't like most of them, especially not at his asking prices), I don't see how pricing on the secondary market matters for a comic I want for my PC. Maybe it's just me but I treat comic purchases as expenditures, not investments (hence, I typically steer clear of the expensive stuff). I recently preordered ~$150 worth of Super Sons #1 variants for my PC and I honestly don't expect to recover anywhere near "IPO" price if I ever get rid of them. (shrug)

  7. Not sure what you mean. You said they are asking prices and market value is sold prices. Then I linked the sold prices which are higher than what JSC was asking.

    JSC having a big enough fan base agreeing to pay the asking price or higher makes it fair market value.


    Boils down to supply and demand. It's a collectible so it's to be expected that demand is relatively inelastic up to a certain price point. What that price point is for when demand becomes more elastic, I have no idea. (shrug)


    It sure would be interesting to see what happens if he starts pricing his exclusives at $500+.

  8. After buying a couple times directly from his website, I am not going to order anymore. While I liked the product, these prices are getting insane. To be honest, all his female characters look the same, like seeing Gen 13 over and over again. Not too much creativity either. It's not worth the chase or the price point.

    What comics are you referring to? Venom #3 was cheaper than buying on eBay and it was signed.


    I stopped and did not order the Venom #3. The shenanigans with the delay and price increase did not sit well with me. Just because it is cheaper than E-Bay does not mean it's a bargain. I'm not a flipper. I just like a copy for my personal collection. He has lost my business.


    Haha, what? So you want to pay what you think is fair, not market value?

    Technically, those are all just asking prices. Market value is when buyer(s) agree to pay those prices. Granted, JSC certainly seems to have a big enough fan base willing to pay high prices.


    Mind, I've got no love for flippers and would happily see them get screwed over by their greed.



    There, highlighted it for you. :eyeroll:

  9. After buying a couple times directly from his website, I am not going to order anymore. While I liked the product, these prices are getting insane. To be honest, all his female characters look the same, like seeing Gen 13 over and over again. Not too much creativity either. It's not worth the chase or the price point.

    What comics are you referring to? Venom #3 was cheaper than buying on eBay and it was signed.


    I stopped and did not order the Venom #3. The shenanigans with the delay and price increase did not sit well with me. Just because it is cheaper than E-Bay does not mean it's a bargain. I'm not a flipper. I just like a copy for my personal collection. He has lost my business.


    Haha, what? So you want to pay what you think is fair, not market value?

    Technically, those are all just asking prices. Market value is when buyer(s) agree to pay those prices. Granted, JSC certainly seems to have a big enough fan base willing to pay high prices.


    Mind, I've got no love for ebay flippers and would happily see them get screwed over by their greed.

  10. will it take the Super Sons comic to come out for there to be interest in Superboy's first appearance in Lois and Clark....they sell but not really well.

    It might take crossing over to mass media (animated feature/series or movie) and seeing his acceptance there before there's any significant appreciation.


    Also, there's still the question of what's considered his first appearance. Lois was pregnant with and gave birth to him in Convergence: Superman. First time his powers manifest is during Superman: Lois and Clark. First time he wears a costume is in Superman (Rebirth).

  11. They updated the Mattina covers on Hiphopfs site to reflect with the DC logos..although I would have preferred the virgin Cover, I actually think it looks good..


    Are there any others we missed

    Fried Pie variant by Jonboy Meyers but no official image yet. I think just inks or partials on his Instagram.

  12. I'd probably subscribe to a DC Unlimited service if they had one available but buying all of DC's releases every month is just out of the budget. I've just been borrowing/reading trades via Hoopla. Also, is it just me or has pricing for trades gone up to pretty much match # of issues x cover price?

    Yah it's hard to keep up with every title, I had to drop some from my pull list early, then be selective with what I order when new stuff is released. I don't think trades are a better deal. Example Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love is a 3 part series, $5.99 cover minus your pull list discount... the trade is $16.99. Save a buck I guess if you buy them all individually at retail, not sure if it's worth waiting for the trade. Some of them vary, the bi-monthly titles in trade are a better deal.

    Not necessarily. I think some trades only have 6 issues for a $16.99. At $2.99 per issue, that's just $1 savings, too. I get 30% preorder discount from the LCS for both single issues and TPBs (DC/Marvel) which makes for just $0.70 price difference so there doesn't seem to be much savings to be had by trade waiting.


    Granted, when DC's monthly titles go up to $3.99, the TPBs are going to be a better deal assuming one does not value the digital copies.

  13. PSA

    For people who preorder, FOC for Batman #21-22 and Flash #21-22 (The Button story arc/crossover) is on February 13 because apparently, the lenticular covers require longer lead time. Why DC couldn't be bothered to solicit earlier, I do not know. :facepalm:


    Good call, I would like to get these. Anyone know what the "international" variant is? Is it ratio? Just a theme? I think there's 4 covers total for #21 and 3 for #22 correct me if I'm wrong.


    Regarding the Rebirth line, I'm still reading most titles and enjoying them. Finished up the JL vs SS arc and thought it was enjoyable. My favorite reads right now are Superman and Hal Jordan. Titans #7 was a great issue. Green Lanterns picked up with the Phantom Ring arc. Hopefully keeps improving. Cyborg is surprisingly decent. Wonder Woman is solid like always but I tend to collect a bunch then read them together because of that dumb alternating storylines thing.


    A new one that came out of nowhere, but I'm not sure if it's related to Rebirth yet or not, is the Fall and Rise of Captain Atom. Just read the 2nd issue last night. It's a time travel story so far with great writing. Really good stuff, recommend you pick it up.

    Afaik, a French company holds the trademark for the Smiley face so DC can't release the cover with smiley face in Europe unless they pay for licensing (which they apparently don't want to do) hence, the international cover.


    And yeah, I really enjoyed Titans #7, too. Really nice to see Supes and Wally bonding. Tomasi/Gleason's Superman run is my favorite read at the moment (except Multiplicity seems like a misstep) and I'm very much looking forward to seeing more of Jon and Damian's hijinks in Super Sons coming out 2/15. Thoroughly enjoyed the Robins bantering in Batman #16 (released yesterday) and Bruce Wayne eating a hamburger is just precious.


    I'd probably subscribe to a DC Unlimited service if they had one available but buying all of DC's releases every month is just out of the budget. I've just been borrowing/reading trades via Hoopla. Also, is it just me or has pricing for trades gone up to pretty much match # of issues x cover price?

  14. Good summary.


    I also have a sneaking suspicion that the ultra uber rare stuff may be hurt, long term, by it's own selectivity, but it's even more speculation than the rest of it.


    It's based on the assumption that people desire what they actually see, and if there are literally just a handful, they're not going to be seen at cons, shows, or even for sale online. You'll still have a subset that chase them, and that may be all you need considering the supposed rarity and cost.

    With the advent of the internet, just because something is not available for sale doesn't mean people don't see it. Out of curiosity, I checked out the site stats for CBSI.


    Daily Unique Visitors: 690

    Monthly Unique Visitors: 20,700

    Daily Pageviews: 1,933 (2.80 per visitor)


    The site seems to have a pretty rabid following so I reckon certain covers might maintain or increase in value simply by being featured on CBSI (at least until too many of their followers get burned).

  15. - Picking out half-backs or full-backs for these mylars is easy - simply choose a half-back or full-back one size smaller than the mylar itself. For instance, the 700 half-back or full-back fits inside the 725 mylar.


    Can anyone confirm they do this? In terms of mylite2s and fullbacks, I use silver-gold with silver-gold, and standard with standard, and everything fits great. I need a pack of Super Gold for a couple of oddballs. Does anyone else downsize their fullbacks? My local store has Super Gold mylite2s but only Gold fullbacks, and I don't want to chance it.


    Standard: 700(HB/FB) board; 725M2 bag

    Silver/Gold: 750(HB/FB) board; 775M2 bag


    If you match bags and boards by name, you're already good to go.



    Gold: 7 5/8" x 10 1/2"

    Super Gold: 7 7/8" x 10 1/2"



    Gold: 8" x 10 1/2"

    Super Gold: 8 1/4" x 10 1/2"


    Imho, Gold fullback is probably too small for Super Gold bag so sides are potentially unprotected if the comic gets jostled.

  16. Issue #1 is $4.99 on Comixology if you're just looking to read it with no hassle and yes it's excellent.

    Alternately, $5.99 (just $1 extra) gets you the full volume 1 (issues #1-6) on Amazon Kindle and it transfers over to comiXology if you have your accounts linked.


    That said, Monstress #1 is packed with enough content/story that I reckon if you prefer print, the $1.99 Image Firsts reprint is quite sufficient to determine whether you'd want to continue it or not.

  17. Is the story good?

    YES!!! (thumbs u


    Does it have legs to be another "Saga" or what not?

    I like it a whole lot more than Saga but that's just one opinion. (shrug)


    I agree with picking up the $1.99 Image Firsts edition to see if you'll like it. It's almost 70 pages worth of story so triple issue size. I guess that's also partly to blame why this is hard to get in 9.8 at least for a modern. :D