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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. I still look out for the 10d stamped 1966 gap issues occasionally - here's a DD #22, finally: I recognise those labels. 'Scarce in UK' indeed! A second example: No #21 example yet though - hard cover to spot it on though:
  2. 1,500 posts! I definately (H) need to change the title Sorry Gary, I missed this post - yes, Bob 57 was a typo. Here's the complete 'missing list' with all 56 eligible titles present: Let me know if you spot any errors, or of course if you have any of the missing stamped copies (more romance would be brilliant) As the table suggests, I have included cover dates beginning October 1959 as we have several of those in existence but I accept that, for reasons of dual month indicias and 'on sale' dates that many of these may have missed the original cut off and will therefore never materialise. Only The Three Mouseketeers has a September 59 cover dated example, but that may be the only one. Titles like Superman, Superboy, Action and Adventure may of course be 'complete' if their October 59 cover dated issues didn't make it. I've been looking on and off for some of those for many years - long before I started this thread / exercise - so the possibility of them turning up may be small. As Morlar used to say, "We shall see"
  3. I haven't finished it yet Gary, give us a chance I'll have to finish it over the weekend Gary - on the road tomorrow...
  4. Yeah, I meant if different copies of Action DD #4 had FF#72 and 63 in them, that might be the most likely DD title to have your 58
  5. We both more or less said the same thing though I see Best hope for a FF#58 might be one of these Gary: I'll keep me eyes open...
  6. Will you stop beating my posts by three seconds Gary!
  7. Many UK reference sites refer to the likelihood that the books were repackaged on an 'unauthorised' basis. I'm not so sure, as they were the possessions of the UK distributor, Thorpe and Porter, who purchased them from DC. I'm no legal expert, but what law would be broken by repackaging what you already owned in an attempt to sell it in a different manner? Maybe the repackaged covers infringed copyright or something. That CGC case must be deep - they're chunky buggers.
  8. Got it, thanks. It shouldn't be blue, being incomplete. And it shouldn't be labelled 'UK Edition' either.
  9. It does. It's trying to rise above the relative mediocrity of fourth in the table
  10. So close! Current Uptown Top Rankings: Marwood's Sister - 54 minutes Garystar Gary – One hour and 30 seconds (for the right puzzle) Marwood's I - One hour and 3 minutes Reggie-Variant - One hour and 4 minutes Garystar Gary – One hour and 7 minutes (for the wrong puzzle) Marwood's Mum - One hour and 55 minutes (with a nap in the middle, she now tells me) Let's see how Mrs S-V gets on
  11. Busy, busy Here is the updated cover sheet, showing the current earliest stamped copies for each of the 56 titles that exist on the first four stamping cycles (click to enlarge): Still only three titles now without a confirmed stamped copy: Flippity & Flop Dobie Gillis Peter Porkchops I wonder if any examples will ever turn up, given their relative obscurity? Maybe they will if we can have The Three Mouseketeers and Rex the Wonder Dog With you guys help, I've plotted 1,845 examples across the four cycles and they now present as follows (you might have to save them to your computer to zoom in on the detail - it's impossible to plot each cycle on one page now without minimising the text to the point that you can't read it without magnification): The consistency shines through now so we can say with near certainty that the DC comics came over in sequential batches, and were broadly stamped in line with their cover dates. The second, third and fourth complete cycles all cover 8 sequential months by majority cover date: 1st 1-9: November 1959 to January 1960 (not a full number usage) 2nd 1-9: February 1960 to September 1960 (8 months) 3rd 1-9: October 1960 to May 1961 (8 months) 4th 1-9: June 1961 to January 1962 (8 months) I like it when that sort of consistency manifests - it means you're on the right track. It's interesting how some months have considerable less titles than others and how some months have no majority slot (e.g. no July 1960 majority slot but two March and two May slots for that year). And look at the consistency in this slot: A lean month, but every book in it is cover dated June. Regarding my 'what's missing' chart yesterday, I've rejigged it to this: Once complete, we can use that to help us to look for any issues which could / should have stamped copies within the first four cycles. I know that some books have bi-monthly indicias, and that the on sale dates will have a bearing, but for now I'm going to work with any October 1959 cover dated comic as potentially being in scope given the handful we have confirmed. At the end of the fourth cycle, the 9 stamped books are dated either January or February 1962 so I've used the latter as the cut off point. We seem to be doing well between us with most genres, but the romance ones aren't looking too good. There just isn't enough love in the world is there! Anyway, a big thanks to all the image contributors to date - I'll carry on plotting, tabling and searching for the missing books. Given how haphazard you might expect this operation to have been back in the day, in its fledgling state, and given its reliance on unsold copies being returned and redirected, it's quite remarkable how many of the in scope books exist / made it over. Wouldn't it be a thing if we could find a copy for every single one...
  12. Oh, they're just fantastic Gary, thank you mate for posting all them That Pat Boone #3 is a beauty. I'll start adding them to the table now, and then post am update. Brilliant...
  13. @themagicrobot 24 it is Gary: Batman #2 seems to be the popular one. Can't think why... Here are some content examples from the TCC files: Batman DD 3 - Batman 188, 189, 186 & 192 Batman DD 3 - Batman 188, 189, 186 & 199 Batman DD 3 - Batman 188, 189, 186 & 204 Detective DD 3 - Detective 352, 370, 356 & 375 Detective DD 3 - Detective 352, 362, 356 & 375 Detective DD 3 - Detective 352, 377, 376 & Metal Men 31 Action DD 4 - Action 356, Avengers 30, Brave & Bold 67 & Fantastic Four 72 Action DD 4 - Action 339, Avengers 37, Brave & Bold 70 & Green Lantern 57 Action DD 4 - Action 364, Avengers 36, Brave & Bold 72 & Superboy 148 Action DD 4 - Action 363, Avengers 52, Brave & Bold 78 & Fantastic Four 63 The odd Marvel pops in occasionally. I've had a few in my time and they're nice books to own.
  14. I think I've gotten to the Bottom of why he likes it Reggie, yes. Have you dunnit yet? The jigsaw I mean
  15. Thanks Mr T. Those Wonder Womans are hard to find online - nice to see copies at last. Some more War would be nice, yes. Romance is a disaster, currently - I didn't even bother with a list. Seems no chicks collected back in the day. I'll do a full 'missing list' soon, but here are some high profile ones which should exist: Adventures of Bob Hope #57 All American Men of War #83, 85, 87 Blackhawk #150, 153, 159 GI Combat #79, 81, 86, 87, 88, 89 Green Lantern #5 House of Mystery #94, 95, 101, 102, 106, 108, 114, 116 House of Secrets #29, 42, 47, 50 Our Army at War #94, 99, 103, 105, 107, 108, 112 Our Fighting Forces #55, 56, 59, 62, 63 Pat Boone #3 Showcase #26 Star Spangled War Stories #91, 96, 98 Strange Adventures #116, 118, 119, 124 Sugar & Spike #29 Jimmy Olsen #42 Tales of The Unexpected #52, 58, 61, 68 Tomahawk #70, 72, 73, 75
  16. That issue suffered with staple placement didn't it - my old copy:
  17. Only a million views for this thread: Is that all...? @Point Five
  18. I love this thread, and I wish I had more PHM copies myself to post in it. The 9d pence copy of TOS #10 is the 12th Marvel pence copy that was made and, alas, that and #20 (Strange Tales #77) are the two books I've yet to get of the top 20: The right copy just never seems to come up. Hopefully I'll put that right soon