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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. As Clint Eastwood once famously said, "There ain't a beautiful woman in the world that some guy ain't tired of f***ing". Bad scarf. In your bed!
  2. Love it. A man after my own heart, Albert HRs&RCs has a full T&P window compliment as it goes: It's a fun title Here's a nice one of mine:
  3. So is this This one co-stars Bob Geldof, who plays a doity boomtown rat. And it's a Triple Price Variant! So good they priced it thrice. I've got a full whack of pence Barrys now, by the way.
  4. Talking of Freddie, sad to see another one bite the dust. Comicana has now packed up the online shop too: I saw on FBonk that sales had dried up. Sad the way it's all going, isn't it?
  5. You're in good company on that one riegler, thank you. There's a whole thread on the subject below if you're interested: https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/488611-a-discussion-about-how-cgc-label-non-us-publications-which-reprint-reproduce-original-us-comic-content/?do=findComment&comment=12543719 CGC clearly aren't going to budge on this strategy, but it's always worth reminding them that they don't own the hobby every once in a while.
  6. I don't give a flying fart at a rolling doughnut myself, but there are some here that might. I'm more concerned that it may represent missing content. I noticed this morning that some posts that I made in the test area did not add to my overall post count so that may explain the reduction that followed the upgrade. I expect they have made them ineligible to stop people from using the test area to reach the post count figure necessary to view certain forums - sale etc.
  7. I did have one introduce me but they didn't respond to my subsequent approach. Thank you though. I'm thinking of writing my own book so maybe the results of all those years of research will get a proper outing one day
  8. Agreed. And very well put. I haven't checked to see what their position is on the black circles, but having tried to highlight books in other areas, I've come to realise that Overstreet is a closed shop with a closed mind.
  9. Thanks again @Albert Tatlock Challengers are now complete for the first four T&P stamp cycles. That gaggle of 'first' sixes gets bigger and bigger as the issues slowly roll in. But then they could just be late second cycle books, as we've discussed many times. Either way, the first in scope Challenger issue by cover date exists. I'm taking a break now boys. Play nicely, and be seeing you
  10. The current census records for the three books are (regular/variant): LR #97 - 6/6 JIM #76 - 48/35 GW #68 - 5/13 Not huge volumes, and no surprise that the romance and western are some way behind the monster book. We know from the examples that I've posted in this thread that CGC haven't been consistent in the past so we can't be sure which of the two version groups the historic black circle book submissions sit in within those numbers. The available images do seem to suggest that they once regarded the black circle book as the variant and we don't know when they changed their mind on that - maybe it was your submission query that prompted their rethink / current stance, who knows. I think it was worth challenging the decision myself, even if the result wasn't what we had hoped for. I also thought a few more members here might have added their voice too. Maybe some more support of my argument might have given CGC further cause to reflect, but all they will see reading this thread is a 50/50 to and fro between me and namisgr. I failed to convince him, and they may take comfort from the fact that half of the interested parties agree with them. I suspect you won't be the last person to be disappointed by the labelling stance Tim, but there you go. The good news is that you have the current highest graded copy of any description and regardless of what is or isn't written on the label of the plastic encasing it, the book should always be the star
  11. It will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered! Well, maybe stamped. And numbered. And I filed it. Indexed it too, actually.... OK, the Prisoner thing didn't work.
  12. It's quite impressive how long we've had to wait to see stamped copies of some of these in scope books, isn't it. Good at hiding, aren't they
  13. It turns out that we didn't lose the Trading Card crowd, we gained the Sports Card crowd. They just forgot to make the new combined forum visible.
  14. I understand where you're coming from a little better now, Namisgr, but the word 'variant' has a very specific meaning when dealing with price variants and comics of the Marvel, DC, Charlton etc variety. I need to go now - got to cook the dinner - but if you want, I'll send you some links later which describe how these books are treated by the community and CGC (notwithstanding this current example of erroneous thinking). A variant can only come from a first print run. Everything else is a subsequent printing, reprint or repackaged item, regardless of the cover price and / or intended market. We failed to agree, but it was fun having someone to spar off of for once. Enjoy the rest of your day
  15. You do realise that you are saying that you are agreeing with CGC's stance that 2+2 = 7, but you can also see why I am saying it's 4. Don't you?