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Everything posted by PhilipB2k17

  1. I think people get touchy about this stuff because they may have invested a lot of money into art by a particular artist. So, if he (or she) gets criticized on this board, which is the most prominent discussion board for OA collectors, it could harm the value of their pieces. Or, on a more basic level, they consider it a criticism of themselves, because art they enjoy is being attacked, and it it is an implicit criticism of their taste or choices. But, this hobby is so subjective in so many ways, I see no reason to attack other artists. I am very willing to say what I do like, and that I do not prefer some artists, but I would never criticize their art, because it is a subjective thing. My preferences are just that; mine. Someone else may, and probably does, disagree. I think its fair to say WHY you like a particular artists, an why you think her or she may be underappreciated. But, again, you might not convince many others of that idea. There is art from a modern book I am collecting right now that I think is fantastic, and it is by a name artist who just came off a highly regarded run on a book by one of the Big Two, where this artist drew a major character. I believe this art is a bargain where it is currently priced at, for various reasons I won't go into. But, it is not selling out like some other modern books. (Again, for reasons that have to do with marketing, availability, and speculation, more than the quality of the art, IMHO). But, I am super happy with what I have, and expect that within a year or two, pages from this series and artist will explode in value. But, I bought them because I really love the art! So, if they go up, great. If not, oh well!
  2. Did Nick Fury looking like Samuel L. Jackson distract from the storytelling?
  3. I think the really blatant Land photo referencing/swipes peaked in the mid to late 2000's. After 2010, I think he did less of it (although it crops up in some covers from time to time).
  4. I'm so glad I skipped the whole 90's comics scene.
  5. No. That was the Ultimate Michelangelo.
  6. Yes. Ultimates depicted Samuel L. Jackson as Fury ~before~ Iron Man came out. That's why they cast Jackson as Fury.
  7. I think the thread is kind of discussing why Hitch (and Greg Land) and their Ultimates work doesn't get more hobby (value) love, and discussing the reasons why they may or may not.
  8. The Ultimate universe, though, is partially a template for the current MCU. Hitch, for example, used photo referencing to depict Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury in Ultimates 1. I should think those pages - if only a couple hundred bucks - are probably undervalued quite a bit.
  9. You know, I don't feel the need to criticize artists' work that I don't like. I'm not sure what purpose it serves. If I don't like it, I don't buy it. And, if others do, and drive up prices for it beyond where I think they should be, what do I care? I'm not buying any of it. Let those folks who like the art enjoy it. Or, if they are speculating on it, that's on them. I buy stuff that I like. I probably have a higher opinion of Greg Land than most people. So what? It means I can buy some really great pages for much cheaper than I'd have to pay for them if he was a big favorite. That's good for me! Especially his later stuff where he's not doing as much photo-referencing (or tracing, for the people who like ragging on him). This hobby is really quirky, and tied to nostalgia and sentimentality so much that if a couple of collectors with deep pockets just happen to have the same sentimental attachment to a particular comic, by a particular artist, pages from that book could sell for quite a bit and ignite the market for that artist.
  10. It depends. The Thanos invasion storyline crossover for "Infinity" in Mighty Avengers might actually be featured in the new iInfinity Wars film. That's the book where Doctor Strange was induced to call Shuma-Gorath by Ebony Maw (who will be in the film, and will fight Strange). Here's my page, and I like it. :-) http://www.comicartfans.com/gallerypiece.asp?piece=1409203
  11. I like Aparo Batman stuff generally, but I am not a fan of the inking job on that piece.
  12. This thread can also be about Greg Land. I feel like his later stuff is actually quite good, however. I have a pretty kick DPS from Mighty Avengers, that is probably criminally undervalued, mostly because it's by Land, and despite the fact that the Thanos invasion plot line might be part and parcel of the Infinity Wars film coming up.
  13. I could see that one cap battle page, depending on the auction, go for above $400, easily.
  14. I have a golden age page that has glue stains in some places. I talked to a local art dealer (not OA, but Art) who appreciates comic art and has had some pieces in his gallery. They do art restoration, cleaning, etc all the time and have a national rep. Was going to get a quote on removing the stains
  15. One of them kind of looks like a Boris painting. But, could just be a print. Or fuzzy resolution.
  16. I also think the coloring (the shading inside Donald's sleeve and under his belly) indicated it might be more than just an amateur. But, I defer to the people here with much better knowledge than mine.
  17. Thanks for all of your input. It basically confirms what I suspected initially, that this is probably not by a name artist; and even if it were, there is no way to give proper attribution. I didn't buy it. It is just something I saw at a flea market, in a frame. The fact that it was lovingly framed, kind of gave me a bit of pause, suggesting that maybe it was more than just a doodle. So, because I know little about this type of art, I thought I would take a photo and run it by more experienced folks.
  18. Yes. And....the ridiculously under-appreciated Ernie Chan!
  19. Hey, I'm just learning this stuff. I never thought it was by a Disney animator. Or a high level comic book artist. I thought maybe it was a quickie drawing done by someone at a fair or something. Almost like a Disneyland sketch by someone creating souvenirs, for example.
  20. My research on this also shows that you can declare a capital loss on the sale of collectible art, only if you do not benefit from personal use of it. So, if you hang it up on your wall, you can't claim the capital loss if you sell it. (No gain to report and get taxed on either, of course). But, if you store them in files and keep inventory, you may be able to claim a capital loss. In any case, consult an accountant or a tax attorney before making a decision to sell your art! And keep good records!
  21. This explains why some people might incorporate, or become subchapter S corporations, to buy and sell art via their "business," so they can report losses and gains, and be taxed at the corporate rate.
  22. I have a question on taxes. If you buy a piece of art for cheap. then sell it for a lot of money, you make a capital gain on it. Do OA collectors who come out ahead on net gain on an annual basis report the gain to the IRS? Or is this all under the table?
  23. On big ticket items, do you put down a deposit, and execute a sales contract?
  24. I think Sakai was considering selling Usagi pages from outside the main Usagi continuity. Like Space Usagi pages.
  25. It's unlikely to be a tracing, because it's on thick card stock, and it looks pretty old. Maybe 1940's? That's the Donald era we are looking at, I thought, but others with more expertise know better, I'm sure.