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Everything posted by PhilipB2k17

  1. Liked your update. 2 things. 1. The Finch art market has been softening lately for some reason. Even hit Batman pages. Not sure why that is. 2. I wholeheartedly agree with you on Magic The Gathering card art. There’s huge growth potential there.
  2. There are studies on auction psychology. I should think you want your piece to be in a high publicity auction that gets more eyeballs on it. It also allows for the people who come up short on higher end pieces to maybe alternatively bid on yours. I dunno.
  3. Send a message to the seller asking if he's selling the original sketch, or a just print of the sketch (which is depicted in the photos), signed by BS. Also, ask for a hi res scan or photo of the original sketch, which should not have the large red BS signature on it.
  4. Yep. The OA market is small, and quirky. A few deep pocket (or obsessed) collectors can distort the market. Their preferences can drive prices. Sometimes, the rest of the hobby agrees and that particular art segment takes off. Other times, it's artificial. I think run of the mill Romtia Spidey Art falls into the latter category, to be honest. Yes, some important pages and covers in that run are iconic and deserve their value. But, a lot of that stuff is not that good, and doesn't deserve the elevated pricing it gets. IMHO, anyway. I think it's being propped up by a few zealous collectors. There are some OA trends I just don't get. Herb Trimpe Hulk pages, is one of them. That, IMHO, is SOLELY due to the fact he was the first to draw Wolverine for publication, and that 1st appearance page went for so much. It drove collector interest in Trimpe Hulk stuff. I'm not interested in his stuff at all, with some limited exceptions. I'd love to get my hands on a Godzilla page from his run on that book at Marvel. Not because I love Trimpe art, but because I loved that Godzilla run. Those pages are hard to find in the wild. But, if anyone has one they want to sell, PM me! I'll look at it!
  5. WD has been going on long enough that the art can easily be separated into distinct tiers. There's potentially a lot of it available out there, and we will see how well the James J stuff does.
  6. I think it's a bit of both. The OA market for mid to lower tier pieces has cooled off, in general. SOME pages are still appreciating, such as cosmic Marvel stuff from the 70's through Infinity Gauntlet and its tie ins. And, Batman stuff is kind of doing well (Capullo, Sale and Lee, particularly, although I'm seeing Finch stuff cooling quite a bit). I expect Cosmic Thor stuff to start heating up too. And not just because of the film.
  7. I'm holding off on purchases for a while. I went on a splurge for the past 6 months, and have to replenish the coffers. I'm not in the "sell- art to buy more art" stage of this hobby yet. I am disciplining myself not to jump at stuff. But this hobby makes it hard, because every page is unique, and some of the stuff I want isn't available. So when it pops up, I have to jump. That's what I did when that great Phil Foglio/Tim Sale Myth Adventures came up at Heritage. I had been looking for one for over a year. Unfortunately, I was trying to be disciplined when that one came up too!
  8. When you watch Ferris Beuller's Day Off, do you interpret Jeffrey Jones' performance differently after he pled no-contest to similar charges?
  9. I'm gonna say closer to $3K. This is a key page, and announces the Infinity Gauntlet. A Lim IG page just sold at comic connect. I'm not sure what it went for but, it didn't have the surfer in it, nor was it an important splash like this one.
  10. DC cancelled the Gerard Jones-written Green Lantern & Justice League Trades they had scheduled to come out.
  11. What do you mean? I like that Splash! And I bet its cheap! Here's the Battlestar Galactica page.
  12. I'm really digging that Battlestar Galactica page by Brent Anderson & Klaus Janson.
  13. Also, the Gold Age comics forum has a thread going about that Action Comics #1 colored silver proof. Seems like an appropriate topic of discussion here as well. Maybe even more appropriate.
  14. Can I ask who "James J" is? I assume everyone else but me knows.
  15. May I suggest cross posting this thread on the Original Art forum, as well?
  16. Here's a link showing the art photos. It also contains some GA comics as well. The photos show some pulp splashes and a complete Jimmy Olsen story from the late 60's. Does not appear to there is additional art from his earlier GA work with Fawcett, or other DC art.
  17. Yep. There is a Bolland Camelot 3000 page up at Comic Connect right now with a BIN of $4k, and a current offer of $3400. Call me skeptical! As good or better Bolland C3K pieces have sold in the last year for 1-2 grand.
  18. Of course, the high prices realized for the few pieces that came up caused those who owned other similar pieces to put their pieces up as well. Supply and demand takes care of the rest.
  19. Well, it's new to me. I hadn't checked there for a while. Someone just consigned a boatload of walking dead pages & covers over there. Only people it could possibly be are Adlard, Moore or Kirkman. Probably the latter.