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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. I had never heard of this guy. Unless someone does eye catching covers or has created a title or is an old school penciler I wouldn't have though.
  2. I am relegated to cutting carboard on the porch as my wife doesn't want cardboard snippets all over the house. Right now it is freezing. So I figure those clippers might be hard to close as my hands will be frozen. I know I need to replace some of my porch screens, but I can't do it in the cold, it hurts my hand too much to pull the trigger on my heavy duty stapler (I know, I am taking whining to a new level.) With a sharp blade, as Bird says, it is pretty quick work, even in arctic temperatures. This blade was not so sharp, however. I need to find my blade box. I also cut my finger, ignored it, and noticed the next day it is slightly infected, Yay! All because I don't want to pay 15 cents a board to the folks at Gemini. There is something wrong with me. Really pathetic: My son bought a computer monitor. It came double boxed in a huge Amazon box. I eyeballed it and was salivating over the prospect of chopping it up. However, the way to maximize the # of potential pads (and cut it up the quickest and easiest) does not work because the panels are 10.5 inches wide and I need 11 to fit a bag/board. I look upward and curse! All this to save 15 cents a board. I need mental health help.
  3. Has a Rom movie been announced? I thought this would cool after the IDW release, but it doesn't seem to have cooled. https://www.ebay.com/itm/ROM-1-1979-NM-HIGH-GRADE-1ST-APP-ORIGIN-KEY-APPEARANCE-FRANK-MILLER/303019271175?epid=85420912&hash=item468d5b2407:g:UfkAAOSwXnxcMBFR https://www.ebay.com/itm/Rom-1-1979-1st-appearance-and-origin-of-Rom-and-1st-Spaceknights-VF/143078073926?hash=item21501e2646:g:N6IAAOSwNXpcLRim (I know, sales results are all over the place on this one.)
  4. I was in an ebay listing coma leading up to the Venom movie, so I missed out on that. Question is whether there is sufficient buzz to list these now or wait until the next movie? I know these books always sell, but I want to optimize and it isn't like I have deep stock of either issue and I have plenty of other stuff I can use my 50 listings for. What are you doing?
  5. I think I saw your thread, can't remember if you had pics. I find the Facebook format disorienting on the phone as a buyer, but as a seller it may be easier.
  6. That is hardly uncommon. You don't think Alex Ross does that too?
  7. I think at local shows you are more likely to have a collector setting up shop who isn't always keen on everything. A big show where it costs $2000 to set up, not so much.
  8. Garden clippers? I used to have one of those big terrifying paper cutters, but got rid of it, no way I wanted that in the same house as my kids
  9. A lot of dealers lack interpersonal skills. I once pulled out some early SA wonder womens and was contemplating discussing buying them and before I said a word the guy (another regular here in nyc) jumps in and obnoxiously tells me "those are going to be expensive".. I took that as my cue to walk away. I wasn't 12, I was a full grown adult.
  10. The moral of the story is don't be the doof who sells $50 books for $10. I love you guys, I love finding those books, but I wouldn't recommend it as a business model. Of course, is they guy who jacked the prices up 500-1000% actually selling anything? There was a local guy who set up here and would mark all his run filler books 200-250% of opg and then put out a 50% off sign. I don't think I ever saw anyone buy. Maybe he sold some wall books.
  11. Half the folks here are dealers, it's just that most aren't local to you. (My sad little 50 item store hardly qualifies me as anything but a junior flipper, despite my compulsive hoarder inventory.)
  12. Well, there are plenty of unimprovable defects. Spine ticks and corner dingage and CB creases are usually what knock high grade books down.
  13. Huh? I am not doubting he has a shop, just wondering how many copies we are talking about. As for knowing the market, this stuff is hour to hour. If you are scrambling around on new book day maybe you aren't on the interweb. A couple of months ago there were 4 flippable books that came out in one day.. The deadpool garbage pail, the creepy wonder woman cover b, the dematina deathstroke, and the horror themed Batman calvacade book.could have been others, I dunno. That stuff happened quick. Now maybe this stuff is getting hyped a couple of days before and a shop owner can figure this out, but I wonder.
  14. How many did you have on the rack and when did you know it had popped? Did they go to regulars or guys who show up to clean you out whenever there is a hot book? If I had a shop I'd be happy to sell them at cover to my regulars, offer the B cover to file customers who ordered A, etc., not so happy to the guy who shows up when I open on Wed every 5 or 6 weeks to clean me out of the hot books.
  15. They are selling them for $20 because that is what they are popping for on ebay. Half the shops probably sold them for cover for a bit before realizing this. Was it pre-selling for $20? Shops get surprised and don't always know what will be hot.trying to guess winds up with 10 extra copies of Batman damned 2. I really doubt shops struggle because of the occasional $20 cover. They are struggling because readership is down because of a million Factors. Nobody is missing this story due to spec, there is the other cover. What benefit do they Gey selling Joe flipper a $20 book for 4? Joe flipper won't spend money on other things out of gratitude.
  16. I've collected GA along with everything else since forever, but the bulk of my collection has always been what's more readily available: silver, bronze, etc. I had a phase in the early 2000s where I was chasing some GA in my, then (overpaid bachelor with no kids) price range of $50-$500, amassed some slabs, a few interesting raws, etc...sold most of them when I bought my current home 13 years ago, and in the mid-90s I went through a Barks Ducks stage. For the first time in a long time I felt a little less broke because I had a second job, and now I am selling on ebay again. And I have to say, other than some Sgt, Rock silver age books and a few select undergrounds, unless it has a 10 cent cover on it, I have barely been bidding. (OK, in that sense I am into SA because I did buy a Flash 109, Showcase 23, and a GL 2 (which the seller reneged on), but they all had 10 cent covers!) I do have a few BA keys I'd like to buy, but as I don't want to pay market price for them, I can make offers until I am blue in the face, I probably won't be buying. So, my apologies if I have been bumping up auction prices. Admittedly, I have a $50 and under sweet spot (sure, I sometimes go over), so I am not hurting most of you much as things quickly get out of my range. I'll probably calm down once I have another big home expense or whatever.
  17. I didn't say anything about you claiming anyone was obligated to do anything. I just find it surprising when people living in capitalist countries are outraged that people would act like capitalists by charging what other people are charging for the same item. Now, yanking them out of your pull list and selling them for $20, that's very different.
  18. I haven't seen the variants in $1 bins, but to be honest I have not been going to shows and the 5 or 6 shops I frequent have a limited selection.
  19. OK, that answers the question. I think I read that previously, but am apparently brain damaged and forgot about it.
  20. But I don't see those SW #1s in my dollar boxes. I was getting Spidey 2099s cheap pretty soon after release (I know, Wizard still said they were worth $5. whatever) Anyway, the white 2099 cover actually looks pretty snazzy.
  21. I did not even know this existed as a different looking cover rather than some "second print" indication on the interior. I have an old overstreet on my desk (2005) at work, it mentions it, but it is the same $2.25 price as #2. I find it mind boggling that there was even a second print. A billion copies of the first print were sold. But I guess that wasn't enough back then.
  22. The bulk of the shops not jacking up the price likely do not know it is jacked up yet. When the Deadpool garbage pail kid cover was hitting $20 on the day of release my local shop did not have a clue at 1:30 p.m. when there were still copies. By 5 p.m. they had figured it out, but they were sold out by then. Sure, you may occasionally having a shop like Midotwn that had tons of that Joker mask book a few years back selling them at cover, limit 1 per customer, but I also think that was under $15. They do that strategically I think to get you to run there thinking it may happen again with other hot books and when you do, and they are sold out (or behind the counter) you may buy some other stuff. It is $20+ on ebay. Unless you ordered it for your file or you spend a bunch of money at your shop, why on earth should the shop be selling them to you at cover price? These are mostly struggling businesses, they need to make money where they can. A shop selling it for $15-20 when they are all over ebay selling for that much or more is hardly being unreasonable. They lose money on so many other books every month. They need to take whatever little profits they can while they can. If you want to read the story there is an "A" cover that I assume has not exploded.
  23. With that said, I don't get giving a 4th tier kind of generic artist $240 for this when there is decent OA out there. I just missed a Byrne submariner page for about that much and another 150 would have gotten me a nice colan dracula page (1990s dark horse, not 70s marvel), but to each his own. I spent less than half that getting two really cool paintings from Christian slade, our very own darth corgi (and a published comic artist in his own right, just not a Big 2 published one...)
  24. Well, I think that's it. Obviously some folks have good business relationships and friendships and it would make sense. Like lawyer referrals. You do run the risk of sending someone over for them to check out the hulk 180 you don't have and then they wind up spending $2k on stuff you may have had.