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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. Not every one of those covers is that great, but I like most of them. For a fringe title there are an awful lot out there, maybe stores loaded up on the kieth books. Weird series... Lasted like 170 issues and there are like 2 or 3 issues in the run that generate interest outside the $1-2 box context.
  2. I have probably bought 50 dollar box books over the last 10 days and, honestly, nothing worth posting here, a couple of $5-$10 books, but nothing exciting. I did get a lot of Batman New 52s in super nice shape in the teens through the 30s because I wanted them, but almost none of it is much of a find. Pretty sad for the guy who started this thread! Over Thanksgiving I did pick up some decent variants a store had given up on selling on the rack. I need to hit some new spots, I have probably picked the 5 or 6 places I haunt clean.
  3. Those two issues are probably no worse off than the stock market lately. People here keep on saying #1 is going down, but it still seems to be around $2000+. I guess I must have stopped paying attention when it got into the mid-$2000s, because when it hit $1800 I was pretty much "that's crazy/why didn't I order 1000 of these when it came out"?
  4. "I generally pick up anything Sam Keith I don't have because I like his work" You will know the mental illness has kicked in when you realize you have 6 or 7 of each of his good MCP covers.
  5. TWD 1 and 19 in 9.8 just for giggles is a pretty big outlay!
  6. Winnie the Pooh #1 used to be a consistent seller for me in the $20-$25 range for a nice, but less than 9.2. copy. I hit a "honey hole" so to speak of #1s and had (still have) a few. Haven't tried to sell one lately (Actually, have only sold 1 book on ebay in the last year...). Dunno about this stuff.
  7. I figure there is definitely a group of people buying the TPBs who have no interest in other comics, just wondering whether their comic buying counterparts would care about a billion different covers or is that a "comic collector" thing. Seems like some might jump out..Like the #100 Michonne slicing the zombie head off would have a lot of appeal beyond just comic collectors, but some of the other covers, not so much.
  8. And while governments are supposed to invest money to pay for future pensions (before the market tank new york State had about 95% of its future pensions obligations saved for, Illinois was in terrible shape I believe, maybe under 50%), future retiree health insurance is another issue. Retiree premiums don't cover the whole cost. If i retire at 57 or 60 or 62, before Medicare kicks in, my premiums cover about 25% of the cost of the policy. When Medicare kicks in at age ___, I believe this retiree coverage becomes essentially a medigap policy (to cover the 20% or so Medicare does not). These words are meaningless to a Canadian, but those of us with elderly parents hear all about it. Contrary to world opinion, we do have socialized medicine here, it just often overlaps with private.
  9. In some sense it is ridiculous, but I suppose they are giving fans A LOT of options. I wonder how many people read/collect the comics as fans of the show, but don't buy any other titles?
  10. Can I take 500 of the silver bags/boards at $12.75 per 100? I'm in Brooklyn. Should I wait for confirmation before paying?
  11. They could/should do 10:1 a reverse split. The 68 million outstanding shares will be 6.8 million and worth 10X as much. Or maybe a 50:1 reverse split.
  12. The pre-funding requirement was basically put in there (likely by politicians beholden to fedex) to make sure the post office would look bad and run a deficit so they could justify getting rid of it. Someone will complain we are getting political ,for sure, although this does impact us. Increased shipping costs are a big reason why margins on selling comics online are getting tighter and tigher if you are not selling high end stuff.
  13. "The White House has floated the possible privatization of the Postal Service, a longtime conservative goal." Won't be happening any time soon. "The post office has lost more than $65 billion over the past decade as Americans increasingly transmit messages online, according to the White House order. Postal analysts largely lay blame for the financial woes on the email-era decline in letters and on the rare requirement that the Postal Service pre-fund health benefits for future retirees." Everything I have read says the pre-funding requirement is the reason. The notion that personal letters no longer being sent has hurt the post office is ludicrous. A flat rate priority envelope costs $5+ and requires as much effort to deliver as a single letter, but generates 10X as much revenue and mail order is bigger than in a long time. 50 cent letters that require hand delivery seem to be a money losing proposition.
  14. I think it was cod. What is "rock salmon"?
  15. Because everyone here is trying to get them for 50 cents to flip them! I'd buy them for a buck because I like maxx and Criminey, ever since I started looking for image newsies like 2 years Ago I have not found one! They do seem to sell ok on ebay. I can't gauge condition of the sellers on my phone. Seems to be a world of difference in sales potential for news vs. Direct.
  16. That could be it. They really pop on the screen.
  17. I take it you don't want to sell $25 mystery short boxes on eBay?
  18. I get it. 97% of my books I selected individually. Hindsight being 20/20, some of it (more than I want to admit) was dreck (and stayed drek), but generally speaking there was a thought process behind the purchase. When a shop closed a few years ago I turned down 5 or 6 long boxes of stuff, for free, he didn't want to drag off. It was stuff I had previously decided wasn't good enough to buy previously at $25 a short box and had been picked over by others after 6 weeks of going out of business sales. Hindsight being 20/20 some of the junk in there may have popped later or I just don't know the value of every modern, but I just figured it was more I would be tripping over for years that I would break my back dragging up the stairs in my house.
  19. I was there in 2006. It was rough and I am used to Manhattan prices. I ate a lot of fish and chips because that was usually priced reasonably, which I know, is really touristy, but I like fish and chips.
  20. Brexit can't be helping. London was too frigging expensive anyway. Now I could actually afford to eat at a restaurant.
  21. Scan front and back and a few interior pages to be able to determine page quality.
  22. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Captain Underpants, Dogman, etc. books, which combine cartoons and text (Dogman is mostly cartoon, I think) sell in the millions. My 7 year old watches a screen way too much, but if he had his way, he would spend 30 minutes a night before bed reading the above stuff. He is a bit less interested in reading serious super hero stuff (even if he likes to watch cartoons, movies, etc.), he wants to laugh. FYI, Conan was hugely popular into the mid 80s or so. It was one of Marvel's biggest titles. And Savage Sword was sold at newsstands, and may have had preferred placement given it was more expensive than a comic. But yes, distribution numbers were vastly higher back then, you're right. 40 years ago a kid could get 3 comics for $1, more or less. Now it is almost $12. Inflation would have it around $4. Same cost as a pack of Pokeman cards, which sell pretty well. 3 comics or a pack of cards? I'd take the comics! My 13 year old is getting interested. He prefers reading TPBs/GNs to floppies, and reads a lot of comics online. He wants to help organize my collection and learn stuff. But he may also be looking at me, a heart attack waiting to happen, and figures he needs to know how to monetize this stuff, because if I drop dead my wife will put it all on craigslist and sell it for $50 to get it out of the house.
  23. Trying to figure out how and where to hang these. Look better in person. The brush work is so subtle and nuanced, you can barely tell it is a painting. Going to put it up on ebay for $1500! (just kidding)
  24. I probably would have bought them for $1 each..the rest of the box has got to be worth 50 cents, no?
  25. What is the problem? I randomly look at sales threads, are too many people trying to do auctions or grab bags? The scan requirement is sort of a PITA for 50 cent books though, no?