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Everything posted by alexgross.com

  1. my mailman forged my signature on the slip for a registered package several years ago and left it in my non-locking mailbox at the time. it was a 3k value package. i was on vacation and it was stolen. therefore my claim to usps was denied as they said they had my signature on the registered receipt. i was ultimately able to appeal directly to the postmaster inspector general who was able to process my claim and finally get me reimbursed, more than half a year later. i never saw that postman again either. since your case sounds much simpler, you should have a better time than i did. but if not, contact the postmaster inspector general.
  2. imho the ff1 speculation train left the station long ago. as @piper said, along with hulk1 and af15, it's already super pricey. everyone knows a movie is in the works. stick with the keys that you can get better than a 3.0 for your money. asm1, xmen1, jim83, tos39. avengers1 is a maybe. also asm2, 3 and 14 always do really well, as do all ditko key villain 1st appearance books.
  3. if you're holding for 5-10 yrs then get the best marvel early SA key you can get. i dont know if its jim83 in 5.0, tos39 in 5.0 or xmen1 in 5.0 but anything like that should do you well over that time frame. i'm less enthusiastic if its a book you can only get in 2.0 since those books are often hideous. but even those low grade keys do fine over time.
  4. this auction house uses a light room to shoot their books, not a scanner. all their books are white background like this. it's heritage. not a secret.
  5. i tend to agree that one cannot trust scans, but in this case, i do not believe this is a result of the scan. i'm well versed in photoshop, and when scans are bad, they enhance contrast, often to hide issues. aka as blowing out the scan. these images have tons of mid range detail, which never happens in bad scans in my experience. one could do this digitally if one wished. but i don't think that's the case on this book. as joey said, it looks weird, like a bunch of whitening work was likely done to the book. also i removed the image of the top of the case as it's not cgc. when scans are bad, the labels often give clues. but this label looked perfectly fine.
  6. see attached pics of a nice looking hulk 1. it's graded by someone not our cgc overlords with a regular label, and currently in an ongoing auction. i've seen a lot of hulk 1s, owned two copies myself, and i've never seen either a front or rear cover this bright. it appears to me to have been lightened through some process. i know this is a thing that some people do. i just wish to know from those who are experts on such things here @joeypost if they think this book has been lightened, and if so, if having cgc grade it might result in a conserved or restored label. i don't plan to bid on it as it will be pricey, but it has really piqued my curiosity.
  7. i LOVE cva and qes because i'm just too d u m b to be able to evaluate a book based on the cgc grade, the notes, and my own lousy eyeballs. this takes all the guesswork out of deciding if a book is a nice copy for the grade. thank you comiclink and metropolis for bringing these wonderful tools into our lives and unnecessarily boosting the sales prices of books that i want to buy.
  8. the sale price shown on CL is the accepted offer price, not a list price. but there have been a large number of big $ sales on the exchange the last 2 days, some for fishy prices, which does indeed make me question the legitimacy of all these 'sales results.' the scarcity of af15 with white pages compared to ff1 or hulk1 is a different world. very tough to find, unlike those other two.
  9. it's just you. grow up and take responsibility for your lousy packaging practices. the paper thin cardboard of a cut up usps box provides the same level of protection as printer paper. how you can have been a boardie for over a decade and not be aware of this is astonishing.
  10. off the CL exchange in the last day or two. a very healthy sale of 78k for a 4.0, largely because it has white pages. yet more proof that with big books, white pages are by far the most desirable and valuable, all other things being equal in presentation. especially for af15, where it's very uncommon to see a white page copy.
  11. this is great news. many of us with policies have often wondered how the claims process works with them. sorry for your loss but glad to hear you were made whole, so to speak.
  12. who is "they?" i've received numerous checks from dhl and fedex on my claims of damaged packages. usps was tougher but i have also been paid. this is all reimbursement on items that i was either paid for and have receipts for, or that i paid for, and have receipts for.
  13. yes you have. at least two of us have already mentioned it. plus it just came out yesterday on hbo.
  14. well said. i was shocked at how nearly identical the scenes of dr fate multiplying himself were to dr strange doing that years ago, i believe in his first film. i found the dynamic of the streetwise kid teaching the naive powerful hero how to say one liners straight out of terminator 2. in fact, i found this whole movie derivative, overlong, and boring as heck. if i have to watch another superhero movie where roided up guys shoot lightning bolts out of their fingers/arms/bodies, i will be done with the whole genre. it's just boring now. infinity war was the pinnacle guys. stop copying that and come up with something more interesting for g*ds sake! there's a massive sameness problem happening in comic book movies these days. both dc and marvel are guilty. the last thor was about equally lame, though at least not ripping off dc endlessly. i hope someone can make something interesting again, at about 90 minutes too. i am really burned out on them. and hawkmans helmet looks st*pid, lets be real.
  15. i thought cavill was perfect as supes, but i think the more important issue is the character in general. it might be unpopular to state here, but i seriously doubt superman's ability to do well in the movie market today or going forward. in 1939, the idea of an all-powerful superman who, with his superpowers, could defeat anyone threatening america in the face of the real world aggression of nazi germany was just right for young boys to grab ahold of. do you really think that no matter what enormously popular, cool, handsome star plays him next, he will be as popular as wolverine, deadpool, batman, spiderman, star wars, joker, harley quinn, super mario brothers, grand theft auto, every other video game that kids love now, every other twitch streamer that the kids love to follow, every youtube star? come on now. there's far too much competition OF A HIGHER INTEREST LEVEL than the very basic premise of superman. (i'm not saying twitch streamers are interesting but kids freaking love it) all modern superheroes owe superman a debt. but it's time to retire him, at least for awhile.
  16. pinching corners is a fairly common bummer that happens with many cgc books. this was a 9.2 but not with those corners.
  17. picked this up tonight on CC. pretty stoked about it, it looks good for the grade, at least on my screen it does.
  18. i don't consider it a key, but it's a super cool book. i've seen a few with white pages. i'd probably put it in the middle tier, tough to find with white pages but not rare.
  19. update- according to @DST who rarely posts here anymore, and is a white page expert, Avengers 4 should be on the medium tough or tough list. as for me personally, avengers 1 is a book i almost never see with white pages. i sold a 6.5 white page copy last year, and since then, i have not seen a single copy with white pages or i might have placed a bid on it. i think i saw one shared here on the boards but not for sale.
  20. wow! well done piper! lovely copy! and white pages to boot! #pagequalitymatters
  21. for now disneyplus is now working. it asks me to confirm my birthdate and gender but no matter what i put i get a spinning beach ball and error message, on all devices. a brilliant move the day before they jack the prices. i'm thinking maybe i dont need it after all. on hold with a person in another country who knows little and keeps thanking me for my quickly eroding patience.
  22. perhaps this ought to be its own thread, but i have been thinking about what books are the toughest SA key marvels to find with white pages. i thought i'd make an incomplete short list here and invite others to share their opinions. i'm not doing DC because i don't collect them, and honestly, it seems that almost all of them are pretty tough to super rare with white pages. based on my auction watching over the years, i'd say the toughest (early) SA marvels to find with white pages are: Toughest: AF15, Avengers1, TTA27 Medium tough: TOS39, ASM3 not so tough: Hulk1, FF1, JIM83, ASM1, 2, 4, Xmen1, FF5, DD1, Avengers4 i did not include the later SA keys like SS1, Iron Man1, etc. most of those are easier to find with white pages although SS1 is not so easy, esp in high grade. if i had to pick the absolute toughest one it would be TTA27 as i've never seen one with white pages. although i consider it a secondary key, as TTA35 is a more exciting book for me. AF15 of the major keys is also super tough. please chime in, unless you're the type to say WP don't matter. i don't really need to hear your opinion in this particular thread.
  23. perhaps, but judging from how creamy the cover whites are, i'd be a bit more skeptical. regardless, it's a phenomenally high price even if the book was owwp. last year at the height of the madness, there were two sales at 31k and 28k.