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Everything posted by @therealsilvermane

  1. Yeah, I was a super-fan. This book my introduction to the guy. I guess this is how a lot of people discovered Warlock while we were discovering the Silver Surfer.
  2. Fan enough to know He never had a decoder ring. I always had a thing for Marvel’s weird all-powerful philosophical Frankenstein heroes along with Vision and Silver Surfer who were kind of all a variant of the same guy.
  3. As an official Adam Warlock super-fan since my childhood, I'm good with it. Bring on GOTG3.
  4. From Deadline: ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3’: Will Poulter To Play Adam Warlock In Next Installment Of Marvel Franchise Wow. Did not see that coming. I was really thinking Gunn and Marvel would go with some typical "handsome-type" actor like that Alex Skarsgard or somebody equally boring. An interesting choice. He's a good actor. He must have went well with gold make-up and glowing eyes in the try-outs I imagine. Maybe more important, can he pull off a good Magus?
  5. And you're wrong. All you have to do is look at the sentiment from the CEO's of movie theaters themselves after Shang-Chi's first weekend and before. Before, it was doom and gloom as the domino effect hoped from Black Widow didn't happen. In fact, it was thought because of the new streaming trend success of Black WIdow, the multiplex was now doomed.The Delta Surge had a lot to do with the doom and gloom, too. After Shang Chi's big opening weekend, Venom 2 moved up two weeks. AMC stock went up. CEO's of movie chains tweeted rainbows and happy thoughts. Umpteen media articles flooded the internet on Monday after proclaiming the movies are finally back. Every weekend since that first weekend has been steady business at the multiplex. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings saved the movie theater industry. You can deny and hate on Marvel all you want. But that's history.
  6. I hang on to facts, figures, and trends. My ego means nothing. Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings saved the U.S. movie theater industry. Numerous media articles, theater CEO's, theater stock figures, and box office trends say it. And it's mere commonsense to suggest that ScarJo's lawsuit made movie studios think twice about day and date streaming as a regular practice beyond the pandemic which would have killed the movie theater industry.
  7. It's not about loyalty. At least it didn't start that way for me. I gave the Zach Snyder DC universe movies a chance. I simply didn't like them beginning with Man of Steel, though I was pre-jaded because of my utter dislike of his Watchmen movie. I didn't like Batman v Superman that much. Suicide Squad was a disappointment. I hated the theatrical Justice League. Though Shazam seemed to be better accepted critically, I didn't like that movie, either. It's too much failure for me. I'm out. Now my comic book investment portfolio is like 98% tied up in Marvel, so I root for their success. And I like their stories. Marvel tells good stories within a continuous universe. That's really what's important to me.
  8. Outside of a handful of Bond films, were the 007 movies ever really that good? The main actors like Connery, Moore, etc. were great, but as far as the movies themselves, I think it was a few hits, lots of misses critically.
  9. I predicted Black Widow would save the U.S. movie theater industry. Really that the MCU would. However, the day and date streaming on Disney+ of that film really killed its numbers at the BO the following weeks (and a general disappointment in the film to be honest). But maybe ScarJo's lawsuit put a damper on Studios considering the day and date streaming plan. Maybe Black Widow, in a way, did help save the U.S. movie theater industry. But as far as raw numbers and direct effect goes, it was the MCU's Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings that saved the U.S. movie theater industry. Because of its success, Studios were reminded that audiences still want to go to the movies. Venom v Carnage moved up two weeks because of Shang-Chi's success to its own success last weekend. The domino effect I talked about, that good feeling that the movies are truly back, is happening now because of Shang-Chi.
  10. October is a goldmine month for Halloweeny super-heroes. Marvel Studios would be wise to release their Blade movie in the month of ghouls and goblins.
  11. I think we see evil Dr Strange in Spider-Man this Christmas yes?
  12. What If? has been so mean to Tony Stark. And so deserving...
  13. This Vagg guy couldn't even use "enormity" in the usual improper sense. Enormity, properly used, means great crime or sin. Improperly, it's popularly used to describe something unusually large. I'm not sure what he's trying to attribute this use in regards to Hans Zimmer's score. Next time just use "awesomesauce" and we'll all get it.
  14. Looking better and better. Digging the dynamic camera angles...
  15. I don't think I've ever really tried listing my top 10 MCU flicks as I love most of them... Avengers Endgame Captain Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Black Panther Thor Ragnarok Avengers Infinity War Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings Thor Ant-Man Captain America Winter Soldier It's a bit off-the-cuff but looks legit to me. And yes, I prefer the MCU's later films to the early ones. I'm sure Eternals will bump somebody off this list, probably Winter Soldier.
  16. Look, I don't have time right now to dig into Screen Rant's internet history, and maybe I exaggerate a bit on how much misinformation they peddle, but when I see a Screen Rant article anywhere, unless it's some set photo or something, I skip it. It's usually some sensational headline that promises some juicy info that ends up being a news bit lifted from some other news source and then turns into a lot of the writer's opinion and ends with "we'll see what happens next!" Ugh
  17. Sure, when nobody else was scooping MCU comic book movie news. And he was usually right. Now everybody does it. Speaking of quoting, I just looked up to see how MCU Cosmic is doing in other parts of the internet and got his thoughts on Black Widow and Shang Chi. "manabyte 2021 brought my least-favorite MCU movie (Black Widow) and my new favorite (Shang-Chi). I thought Widow was just boring and felt lifeless. We know how she dies and explaining the whole "Dreykov's daughter" line is good and all, but in doing so they ruined Taskmaster. I thought Death Dealer was a much better silent villain than Taskmaster. On the other hand I loved every second of Shang-Chi. Aside from a reference here and there it almost doesn't feel like a MCU movie. They made an awesome Wuxia movie and it was amazing to see Tony Leung in a big budget movie like this. My favorite MCU villain, hands-down."
  18. MCU Cosmic was the first person online to break the Eternals MCU story when most were like "I'll believe it when I see it," so the guy had some reliable inside source. His constant whining about being hated on got to be a little tiring though. I don't miss it. Now everybody is covering and leaking the MCU anyway.
  19. Meanwhile, Dune is looking more and more like an eau de toilette commercial. It even has dreamy slow-motion shots of Zandaya right out of a parfum ad. LOL
  20. The important thing in this story is that $110 million is now "lower budget" for a movie First, Screen Rant is a horrible source for nerd news. They constantly muddy their "news" stories with misinformation, amateur opinions, and skewed headlines. Second, Venom 2's "lower" budget is nothing new really. The first Venom movie was even "lower" at $90 million. Shang Chi, a Disney Marvel film with 10x the amount of special effects, had a "low" budget of $150 million. The reason these budgets are still so high, even though they're called "low", is the amount of special effects. The time and people power it takes to make them happen and not look like garbage is substantial. The average studio budget for non-special effects movies like dramas, horror, or comedy is still around $10-20 million.
  21. Again, it's a James Gunn Christmas holiday special. Who else will it be but Santa Claus? Even others on the internet are saying it's going to be Kris Kringle...
  22. Eternals is officially going to be bada*s.