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Everything posted by Rick2you2

  1. While we have a thread about attempted flipping, I haven't seen one generally about pieces where the prices seem out of touch with the market. They make me wonder if either there is something special about the piece that I missed, or maybe it is just a case of "what the hell, nothing ventured nothing gained"? I am also not talking about things that are little over market, or nutsy stuff you sometimes see on eBay (or those brothers who shall go nameless), either. Example: This was listed recently with a price of $11,000. It is from Book of Magic 3 and is by Charles Vess. I like it: good pedigree, nicely done, lots of important characters. I gather it is a gouache, but I am not sure. It does not blow me away, but I do like it. But $11,000? In 2016, A page by Vess from Sandman 75 went for about $3,500, although, this one is better. I would like some other opinions. And if anyone has seen something they also have questions about, feel free to add them to the thread.
  2. I don't set specific goals; they limit opportunities. But overall, I was happy with what I bought and only missed a few things which, in retrospect, I wish I had bought.
  3. As a Ramones fan, I might take issue with that, but they were good.
  4. If you want to read a real collection of horror stories, go to the Facebook group entitled "Comic Art Buyers Beware".
  5. At last Sunday's show in NY, I also had Barry Orkin do this little commission. For $75, it was a bargain. Let me add that I bought a copy of his graphic novel, Stoker & Wells, a reimagining of the origins of "The Time Machine" and Dracula. It was a fun read (and I thought he did such a nice job on the commission, it just seemed like the right thing to do).
  6. Modification in boldface. There are worse sins.
  7. I saw the original image when I was young. It is a hell of a painting. Did you ever hear "Spanish Bombs" by the Clash? Listen to the language. That's the same war. Don't forget that the Spanish Civil War came just before World War II. WW II opened up a pandora's box to horror around the world, which had not been seen by the public (although, it certainly happened to lesser degrees). After WW II, the Spanish Civil War didn't seem so bad. In that sense Guernica dates itself.
  8. Just read that thread. Looks like an opportunity to have a "spirited discusssion" on the intersection of those circles (so I added a comment). Might as well bring some cake to the political parties (but I won't use red or blue frosting, I promise).
  9. Followed your suggestion; and for the first time, received a positive response. Unfortunately, the response made it clear that I would have to blow him away with an offer, and given the market price, I am not prepared to offer a multiple of it (at least not right now). But, I plan to thank him for his response, tell him I like the piece but can't blow him away with an offer, and ask him to keep me in mind if he does decide to sell it because I am optimistic about the future.
  10. Nah, too much required maintenance.
  11. But, that's using counterfeit fruit.
  12. But how many of those accounts are active? Or, active like this board? Ten times the premium member number perhaps? And don’t forget the collectors who buy lots of commissions. How many consider it a “good haul” because they pick up half a dozen commissions for $50 to $100 a pop? Lots of them on Facebook apparently.
  13. Not really. They needlessly pissed off a customer who now has reason to think twice whether buying a piece In the future from them is worth the aggravation, and damaged their standing in the community by being indirectly responsible for this thread. It could have gone worse, but no, all is not well. Reputation is something which is hard to repair.
  14. Or, she could tape a piece of fruit to a wall, and really impress the tenants.
  15. In my office building, the landlord displays “art” that was abandoned by former tenants. Now you know where a “Love” poster resides. Really. My other half picked up some junk from Salvation Army to decorate the lobby of her building. She found this copper colored thing, turned it on it’s side and displayed it like it was serious art. No one said a thing.
  16. I just have a thing for men’s jewelry from the 1970’s, opera capes and Fedora hats.
  17. Bad news for high value comic art, particularly anything less than 1960’s era “classics”, or most of the stuff from the 1970’s-early 1990’s. Not so sure about the surviving pre-1960’s art, unless special, like the cover of ‘tec 27.
  18. I sometimes repeatedly look at the same CAF post on various days. Does that count as more than one view? The reason I do it is because: (a) I really like it, or (b) sometimes, it is no longer listed as NSF, but the status has gone to blank, or something like "please inquire." I don't ask about NSF pieces, as a rule, because there is so much out there, and more keeps coming, that there is little reason to do so. In fact, there is only one exception I have made, and I have never heard back. Oh, well.
  19. Actually, that is another reason I don’t post. I am concerned that someone who sees my idiosyncratic preferences will try to set a price which is higher than I could get it at auction or general sale. The Phantom Stranger does not attract much interest (although, more than you might think), so I am more likely to get nice pieces for less than a comparable Batman or Spider-man. Since I don’t sell, financial appreciation is irrelevant.
  20. Honestly, I prefer it if those items don’t show up. When I have been an underbidder, I feel like looking at someone else’s success is a reminder to me of what I missed.
  21. I was too late. He already inked it. Still, I expect it will be great.
  22. I sent him an email this morning to do exactly what you suggested. I hope he hasn't inked the pencil version yet (and that he reads email).
  23. As some of you may know, or not, the two artists on the Phantom Stranger from the 1951-1952 series were Carmine Infantino and Sy Barry. Infantino's work speaks for itself, while Barry is best known for the Phantom. Sy Barry was a guest at the NY Christmas con this past weekend. Last year, he said he wasn't doing commissions or art anymore. Things changed. I asked him to do a First Series Phantom Stranger for me, which clearly made him happy he wasn't being asked to draw yet another Phantom. So, he did a pencil head sketch (not quite what I wanted, but hey, I'll take it). Unfortunately, he didn't bring his inks with him, so, he took it back to finish with the promise he would send it to me in a few weeks. Here is the pencil sketch, and if you are wondering, yes, I almost kept it without the inking. Do you think I should ask him to just send me the pencil drawing and do a new, full sized one with inking, too?
  24. I stole this at the November Heritage auction for about $800. It is the cover from Scarab 2. I am a lucky buyer. This is my first collage, as well as my first painted cover. You can't really tell from the photo, but the images of the Phantom Stranger, and at least 3 separate parts of the Scarab character, are actually cutouts which have been attached to the painted back. That's why some of the lines are so crisp. It could stand a little cleaning and minor restoration. To call or not to call Bob Dennis: that is the question (probably not yet). While the listed artists are Glenn Fabry and Tony Luke, I am not sure who did what. Most of the painting is pretty clearly that of Fabry, but after looking at Tony Luke's work on Deviant Art, that guy was really good (he died in 2016). The detailing on Scarab's face looks better than what Fabry typically draws (at least on the internet stuff). So, I am guessing he did that. He may have also done the back board (but so could Fabry). If anyone can identify who did what from the picture, help would be appreciated. I am very happy with this. Very.