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Everything posted by Ogami

  1. Oooooh. My photoshop skills are non-existent. Let me pick the next one after the current dystopia.
  2. Did Greggy recently have a board implosion, leading you to go into his kudos thread and attempt a rehab, vis a vis, "he has cool books" on a deal from such a long time ago?
  3. I'm not one to diss a movie in its earliest stages of development but this movie is gonna be Charles Barkley turruble.
  4. There simply is no defense for this. Zoom in and note the homophobic slurs on top of the extreme violence.
  5. I would also like to point out, really just for Rupp and Boscoe, that this isn't Rupp and his crew (Boscoe?) versus Fingh and his crew. All of the posters that have been here longer than 24 months understand that the disapointed posts made by a very broad range of boardies are in one chorus and no amount of deflection can cover that. This post was for new boardies. This is NOT a narrow grudge match or group vendetta.
  6. Someone sent me this PM this morning. I think it high past time someone post the offensive memes so we can seperate good old fasioned board frivolity from sociopathy. I encourage anyone with access to these memes to post them, for the good of the board community, something I'm sure we all want.
  7. RMA, my "let this go" would have been done over a day ago if I wasn't seeing the unfounded implication from a few there was an audience encouraging the creation of murder/death memes. That is just noise and spitefulness. You joining in on this to now take a shot clearly calls out how this is being played out. Meme use has been a slippery slope for a long while. Especially when the new moderation strike policies hit. People started using the memes to mask their messages. Example: I received a strike the previous year for a game that was played I did not care for, but I overreacted to the situation. Comix4fun started a thread asking what happened. The crew involved in the situation showed up, and low and behold not long after the thread gets locked due to their meme posting and cheering. So later that year, Park gets a strike. A thread is started asking what happened, and naturally it becomes a hot topic about the new moderation. I participated in the thread, though there is no love lost with Park. At one point, Ditch calls out how Park must be popular as all his trolls have shown up (because when they did that in my strike thread, it wasn't being trolls). So I made the statement the topic had grown beyond Park, so why keep a hate on? In response, Seanfingh posts this image. 1) Gotta use that meme 2) Know your meme So it was okay when they show up to a strike thread about me. But I'm a scumbag for showing up to one about Park that also heavily discussed the new moderation practices. Does this mean Seanfingh should have images made of his avatar taking a bullet to the head? NO! Nor does it mean a meme with Park's real picture being used, which came up the other day and most probably led to these Seanfingh images being found. That crossed the line, like family jokes and other sensitive topics. Now you can have fun at your "let's get them all while we can" party. New members may not realize the history and fault on both sides in this situation. And board alliances will drive the path of this discussion. But nobody is a victim in this, other than crazy humor that went too far overboard with meme use. Just quoting.
  8. 1. I am calm and as cool as a cucumber. 2. I would like an answer to my question, Nick.
  9. Someone I don't like = justice. Someone I do like = vendetta. I am constantly fascinated how many ethical and moral worldviews are represented on the boards.
  10. Let me make sure I get your vendetta clearly stated, Park. So in adding "we", you want to convince people I was in on any death images. Is that it? Nice! What a great guy you are, Park. Earlier, I couldn't use the word, "gleefully" because you said that was swaying the crowd. You however, are able to use the word, "vendetta". Fascinating. "Frothing" is a nice word. Words are funny things. Finding images someone made privately about someone they dislike is one thing. Trying to make it into a conspiracy is another. That is a vendetta being applied at an opprtune time. Nothing more. I see.
  11. Let me make sure I get your vendetta clearly stated, Park. So in adding "we", you want to convince people I was in on any death images. Is that it? Nice! What a great guy you are, Park. Actually, I am. Cut out the context of the post. Add your spin that is 100% not what I said. Present it as fact. Bosco post!! Intellectual dishonesty is a phrase you should be familiar with. Do you really think anyone is going to believe that spin? Nice attempt at moving the goal posts. I do believe the ship that is your reputation is quickly sinking. You are the one spinning this from the key issue, and trying to make it sound like it is something else. RUPP MADE IMAGES THAT ARE TROUBLING. THAT IS THE FACT! Attempting to make it sound like others were in on this is not fact. Not with me. So no, it is not being a great guy to try and make things up to continue historic attacks. So, Nick. 1. You have now seen at least some of the most disturbing images. 2. You find them "troubling" but that is a slippery, generalized word. You earlier found my morning comments troubling, if I recall. 3. In light of you now having seen these memes, and in light of your standing on the boards as someone who seeks community and fairness, and finally, in the spirit of community and fairness, and linguistic specificity, what do you now think should be done?
  12. May I ask where or who you got the image from? PM me if you like. That is not the issue, Michael. The issue IS, did you create a meme with a gay slur showing Sean's avatar holding gun to his his head, and another meme with the same avatar with another slur showing a gun and blood and bones shooting out of his head? Yes or No? BTW, when you posted the "funny" picture of Park, you created a link to your photobucket account which is set to PUBLIC...why on earth would you put tax returns or anything private on a public account? It's not like someone had to hack in somewhere. and nor would that be trolling... Let's also not let this post be overlooked in all of the obfuscation and deflection.
  13. Let me make sure I get your vendetta clearly stated, Park. So in adding "we", you want to convince people I was in on any death images. Is that it? Nice! What a great guy you are, Park. Earlier, I couldn't use the word, "gleefully" because you said that was swaying the crowd. You however, are able to use the word, "vendetta". Fascinating. "Frothing" is a nice word. Words are funny things.
  14. Nate, the difference is through bad times and good, I am there for people that have treated me kindly. But that never means excusing horrible behavior. In this case, if proven out, I would be there to help encourage a friend to get help. Not run for the hills because things got really bad. But the images are the concern. Not bringing up all this other noise that gets away from the main concern. Let's stick to the main point. The main point to me, is that all of these data points about Rupp's character (and many more that I could have mentioned and did not) all add up to a larger picture of the man's character. We are known by our speech. We are known by our actions. We are known by our friends.
  15. I seem to frequently miss parts of this site where all these 'board rules' are posted - please direct me to where the rules regarding PMs are posted. Perhaps I should have said, "long standing board etiquette".
  16. Nate, some of these statements are troubling. 1) None of this discussion has anything to do with sales. Yet the General Discussion thread meant to talk about sales general discussion topics is being used to repeatedly beat people down. 2) When the GIJOEISAWESOME situation came up, people were posting their PM discussions with him and being cheered on for it - including people that swore in that Graham Comics situation you never post a PM. Yet the hyperbole comment now being made that "Rupp has gleefully exposed PMs" was him posting the threat made by Graham Comics that he wanted to meet him face-to-face at a show for posting the forum guidelines in his sales thread. And Graham Comics did receive a strike for this, so there is something to it. But I have not seen Rupp posting PM discussions "gleefully" and excessively. 3) Another troubling thing to learn which was posted yesterday was when Logan510 admitted a small group of people were going through another board member's Photobucket account to see what images had been made of them. Also, that when images of other board members were found, these were sent to those members so as to get them on board. Roy was sent images that now upset him (not fair to Roy). But when I questioned Rupp about the Roy images, he pointed me to the Comics General threads where they were used publicly. With one of them that included Seanfingh's and Park's avatar images, they laughed and cheered it on. Seanfingh said 'my body is bumpin' because it was the Heat Miser head on a woman's body. So see how hyperbole can lead to misperception when history is forgotten? Open letter to the Moderation Team 4) The GIJOEISAWEOME situation is just plain crazy. But to watch it come together through a vendetta search that just so happened this one time to be right also came with a high level of "creepy" associated with it. So who else is being researched on past sales so a few forumites can judge whether or not others should be allowed to conduct transactions on here? ========================== If Rupp has these other images that are now being used to fire up the masses, it is very troubling. Nobody should want to kill someone else. But it is just as troubling how they were acquired, and how they are being distributed with an end goal in mind: destroy Rupp's reputation permanently on here! THE END DOES NOT JUSTIFY THE MEANS! ========================== That's certainly one answer to the questions, and a fine defense of a friend.
  17. This is a very good question, and as I said before, Rupp has gleefully exposed PMs before when it suits him. He has no regard for board rules concerning PMs. Another point-he willfully disregards George in freely giving out GPA info. And now to find out he posts homophobic and threatening memes to other members on this board OF members of this board. Just wow.
  18. Yeah, I'm sad to hear about this too. There were a few making fun of my sexuality as well as one about Logan's wife. I really have to question when someone uses this type of humor. So let me get this straight. Rupp has made a bunch of picture memes mocking boardies in pretty outlandish fashion, (you guys need to fill in some details for me here), let others see them on the boards via PM, has himself disclosed PM's thus invalidating the sacredness of PMs himself, and is upset that he's being called out on it?
  19. Go ahead and post some more of your sociopathic memes. I am sure the rest of the class would love to see your true character. I would start with the ones that have the guns and wishes of death about other board members. Or the ones insinuating other members are gay. I'll wait.