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Everything posted by eastriver400

  1. I have to revisit Doom Patrol. Peacemaker was an amazing ride.
  2. 100 %. I can’t stop thinking about it. Is it number 1? Not sure yet. Trying my hardest not to compare it to TDK but I keep thinking about the Jail scenes (Batman / Riddler vs Batman / Joker) in both movies. The TDK scene was so much more intense but like you said, that was all Heath Ledger.
  3. These are the dates from Riddler’s website for those who don’t want to,click. That’s definitely Batman 258.
  4. for those interested in the dates and the key issues referenced:
  5. This one is interesting: Riddler’s website rataalada.com redirects to a secret message that when decoded references the release dates to some key Batman comic issues. One is 10/74 which is Batman 258 (first Arkham Asylum) which makes sense given what we know about the Gotham PD series becoming the Arkham series. ………..but in Batman 258, two-Face also breaks out of Arkham. it’s possible that Two-Face will be the villain in the sequel. Who knows. Interesting stuff and I am loving how Comic-centric this all is: https://www.ign.com/articles/the-batman-arg-seemingly-teases-sequel-storyline (I thought this might be a bit spoiler-ish for those that haven’t seen the Batman yet so I am posting this here.)
  6. I thought for sure they were arrows for some sort of crossbow, but they weren't used in the movie.. or did we miss it?
  7. It isn’t that Black and White. The Riddler certainly didn’t think he won in his cell at Arkham. Quite the opposite that prompts the Joker to "console" him. Riddler proposed a partnership with Batman after telling Batman he was inspired by him to target the corrupt. Batman declined. Again Riddler doesn’t win. If there must be a winner, it’s Batman through evolving. In the early scenes he cares less about the victims and more about beating the criminals to near death, “vengeance”. By the end he is holding the torch and saving the people of Gotham, “hope”. I love that this movie doesn’t spoon feed anything to the audience. The Joker didn’t either. Elevating the CBM.
  8. I will admit my first instinct was WTF when Pattinson was cast. Now, I admit I was dead wrong. Pattinson is perfect.
  9. Yup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXV3MsheCPk Matt Reeves spills the beans at 7:00
  10. https://thedirect.com/article/batman-movie-arkham-asylum-warner-bros-horror
  11. Just read that Matt Reeves is scraping this idea and instead the series will focus on Arkham with a more horror feel. Supposedly going to take place right after the Batman? Anyone hear any rumblings?
  12. Batman didn’t win or lose. He evolved. I interpreted the movie this way based on 2 scenes in the movie. Batman starts out as vengeance and fear.. criminals are scared but crime goes up. Unexpectedly, he also inspires criminals (at least that’s how I interpreted the unmasked Riddler clone saying he is vengeance). by the end of the movie Batman becomes “hope” as opposed to fear and vengeance. Saving people during the flood and the one woman holds on to him after he gets her to safety. two seemingly minor scenes that defined the entire movie to me. Can’t wait for the next Reeves movie.
  13. It was absolutely brilliant. Loved it. Not going to compare it with any other iteration because this was such a different type of movie. You can’t compare Dano’s Riddler to Jim Carrey’s Riddler. Two totally different types of movies. Pattinson was perfect for this role. Absolutely elevated Batman story. Better than I expected. On a side note I love that DC movies can be both The Batman and The Suicide Squad. Why not?
  14. Imagine the morale there during this surge. How many of these employees are going to become super villains? This is the super villain origin story of “the Presser” … or “Mr. 9.6”.. …. the “Foxing-Thing” … the “Staple-Popper” Sorry. If I don’t laugh, I will cry.
  15. Rewatched TDK last night in anticipation of seeing the Batman tomorrow. TDK is still the Gold Standard for me and I’ll be happy if the Batman could fill 80% of those shoes.
  16. I miss just talking about the joys of this hobby as opposed to the stress involved.
  17. I understand the whole brand loyalty thing… but once you start victim blaming the customers….… you are probably suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
  18. Dish! I have tickets for Saturday so don’t say too much though.
  19. IMO facesmiles validate the importance of the original book. BUT there is no doubt sadfaces do nothing but hurt the value of the original release.
  20. Can it be a coincidence that books locked in at lower fees like value books AND pre-price change books are waiting longer? Its one thing to wait a year if books are being graded in the order they were received, but based on all the feedback here this is certainly not the case.
  21. The optimist in me believes the CBMs are creating more and more new collectors by the day. The pessimist in me questions if it will last. Sure, my 11 year old is obsessed with the Avengers right now, but to him nostalgia will be re-watching the Avengers movies on a screen. I wonder if he will care about comic books and first appearances just about as much as I care about the original blues records that inspired Rock music. Spoiler alert: I don't care at all.
  22. Staying away from any more reviews at this point. Looking forward to seeing it myself and also looking forward to hearing reviews from boardies as opposed to "laymen". This bronze-age nerd is most looking forward to seeing Neal Adam's and Denny O'Neill's names on screen. That alone makes it a must-see for me.