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Everything posted by eastriver400

  1. My first computer. I loved that thing... Archon, Archon II Adept, Strip Poker, etc. etc.
  2. I hate this. To grade this cheapens the hobby. These aren't holy relics. Neat to own, sure. Grading trash? Shark Jumping.
  3. Oh absolutely. If it doesn't do exceptionally well, there is no way on earth he is coming back. I believe if Shazam FOTG or Blue Beetle do well, we will be seeing them in the future too.
  4. It must be REALLY good for them to even consider moving on with Ezra.
  5. I have one goal. To press and repress at least one book in my collection until it comes back graded an 11. It can happen.
  6. Love this Neal Adam’s cover. But I just noticed Batman’s right hand (poking from under the cape). What is happening there? Am I nitpicking or is that another wonk-limb like Joker’s leg on 251?
  7. Just finished with the family and that was truly fun. LOVED that they used a Cramps song for Wednesday’s dance. That was great!!
  8. I wouldn’t feel bad about it. Honestly, I feel bad for people who don’t have a hobby. A true hobby, be it fishing, golfing, cars, comics, checkers, whatever. Something to focus your attention on that doesn’t have anything to do with work, or any other responsibility. Reminds me a popular Joey Diaz rant, “You gotta do something” Warning…. He’s a great comedian, but takes some getting used to…..
  9. Can studios be sued for misleading movie TITLES? I want to sue for “Freddy Got Fingered”.………… and if the Statute of limitations hasn’t run, then add “Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang” to my suit. VERY misleading.
  10. Misuse of Priority Supplies. Geez. If they only saw the robots my son builds using Priority Boxes. .... I meant my friend's son...No, I meant a stranger's son...... Prank Caller!! Prank Caller!!
  11. What happens? Do they return the package?
  12. Yes. It really was exceptional.
  13. Honestly if you are a Superman fan, aren't you happier that Superman is going to be front and center in the new DC universe (as opposed to who the actor playing Superman will be)? I'm a Shazam fan since childhood. I really like Zach Levi as Shazam. But I would be more upset if Shazam the character wasn't a part of the new Universe as opposed to Zach Levi being replaced. I don't know, the baggage is just way too heavy. I am ready to move on. Ray Fisher was cool, but I rather see the character come back, cohesively. This mythology deserves to be done correctly.
  14. I also thank DJ. No doubt. But the writing is on the wall and I am looking forward to moving on. This mythology deserves more than the dysfunction of the last decade. I truly believe Safran and Gunn will do it right.
  15. I wonder just how much of this whole "clean slate" approach has to do with Black Adam not doing very well at the Box Office. Let's face it, if the Rock, the JSA, and Cavill's return as Superman couldn't bring in the crowds...... then why continue to beat a dead horse? I truly enjoyed the Black Adam movie, and I would absolutely LOVE to see more JSA, more Cavill, and more of anything to do with he Shazam Universe, but I get it, this is about $$$. Sucks for Cavill, and sucks for me as a fan (i still think he was the best Superman EVER), but it's called "Show-BUSINESS", not "Show-ART". I remain optimistic and bullish on Gunn, Safran and the future of the DCU.
  16. Im starting to believe all the Jason Mamoa playin Lobo speculation is true. I highly doubt it will be first. Superman will be.
  17. I felt he truly embodied Superman. Best Superman yet. But, in Gunn I trust. If Gunn could make excited about D-list characters, I could only imagine what the DCU has in store. As much as I loved Cavill playing Superman, I am bullish on the future of the DCU.
  18. I would be really upset if i bought this as a 9.8. I have an otherwise flawless book with a MUCH smaller chip in the same spot that received a 9.4
  19. Writing, writing, writing. Gunn could write. Writes so well, that characters like Peacemaker, Rocket Raccoon, Polka Dot Man (WTF), Rat Catcher, and even the mere mention of Bat-Mite, earn a place at the table. Imagine what he can do to a character like Superman. I see this a long term win for DC. The Rock was right, the hierarchy of Power in the DC Universe has changed..... and while it wasn't the change he or any of us expected, Ive never been more bullish on the DCU.
  20. Cavill is THE greatest Superman to date. He embodied the character. That said, I am surprisingly OK with this. DC desperately needs this reboot. I am placing my trust in Gunn and Safran.
  21. Same here. And with Safran at the reins, I believe we will see a lot more.
  22. WWIII scrapped? I believe it. Who knows, maybe Jenkin's treatment for WW3 sucked (as bad as 1984). Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman scrapped? NO WAY. That is ludicrous. I don't believe it for a second. Nor do I believe Cavill as Superman is scrapped.
  23. Never noticed the reflection!! I don't want to get too excited, but you never know.
  24. I think there are metal leaches on his suit. (Honestly, what are those?)