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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. this reminds me of a special registry set I thought would be cool for someone else to do (not me). There's not too many of them out there, so I was thinking a 420 set would be a relatively simple but fun set to collect. You wouldn't need too many I think: TEC, Batman ASM, FF, Avengers, Iron Man, DD, Superman, Action Comics, Adventure Comics, X-Men, Thor, Sgt Rock, Hulk, Cap, maybe a few others if you like the old cartoon ones. Then invite your 'friends' over and and have a good 'laugh'. Only 2 or 3 of them would be prohibitively expensive. ...and then you got high?
  2. That's interesting that you refer to the Showa and Heisei eras.....most westerners probably don't know what that means.
  3. The only problem with the stickers is that they CAN be taken off and placed on other books.
  4. I sold my Frazetta Vampi #1 8.5 White. It was unpressed, and probably could have pressed to a 9.2. I hated to do it, but I needed the money, and I got a very strong price for it ($2800.) I wish I'd never sold it. Money comes and goes....
  5. I had the same experience for the same book around the first of the year. Definitely a moment. How many do you want...?
  6. Why stop there? The Gwenhide Kid! Two-Gwen Kid! The Gwen-Thing! Giant Size Gwen Thing! Sgt. Gweny and Her Howling Gwenandos! Gwenny The Model! Patsy & Gwenny!
  7. Think of the possibilities! Gwiron Man! Captain Gwamerica! Gwenjamin Grimm! Doctor Gwoom! The Silver Gwurfer! The Gwewoks! Archie vs. Gwen! Who knew a character who died in 1973 would have such life left in her?
  8. There's an entire run of Punisher magazines, not to mention the Marvel Previews and the various graphic novels out there. Most were OK. Yeah, but if I remember correctly, those Punisher mags just reprinted comic stories. The 70s/early 80s Hulk and Moon Knight mags contained original stories I'm fairly certain Marvel Preview #2 and Marvel Super Action #1 are original stories...97% sure. But they didn't do Punny like they did Moony, for sure. The Punisher mag they did starting in the late 80's was just reprints. Still, the run was kinda cool. Mags were out of favor by then.
  9. Cat bowling Think of the variables involved. This could be Mankind's greatest achievement in gaming. Intriguing but the pace would be too slow. You have to set the cups up again after every try and you have the unpredictability of the cat to consider How many times in a row will the cat fall for that? I think the cat's in on it. He stops right on the mat and hunkers down. It's tough to find an uncorruptable cat. What was that cat made of, nitro glycerin?
  10. Revat is saying the same thing that I, Chuck, and others are saying. Shotted...?
  11. "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."
  12. Who? Who is this "Diamond account holder" that you got your "information" from?
  13. Dude are you for real ? -J. You have nothing. You have zero proof. You have nothing. I'm done toying with you, boy. It's not even a debate. Because you have nothing. Dude are you for real ? -J. You have nothing. You have zero proof. You have nothing. I'm done toying with you, boy. It's not even a debate. Because you have nothing. Dude are you for real ? -J. You have nothing. You have zero proof. You have nothing. I'm done toying with you, boy. It's not even a debate. Because you have nothing. Are you really a business owner? Ive been to his store I can assure he is. Frankly I was wondering the same. Though that was obviously a rhetorical question based on his extreme conduct on these boards. But I gather you knew that already. -J. What "extreme conduct"? You mean, not letting you go with making things up out of whole cloth without challenge? That "extreme" conduct? You are a MASTER of bombast, Jay, a wordsmith extraordinaire, a spin-doctor to beat all spin-doctors, who carefully picks and chooses his words to shade, shape, shift, and shake propaganda to steer public opinion where you need it to go, truth be damned. You really missed your calling.
  14. Do you know what a Marvel 'pallet sale' is? Every so often Marvel offers retailers, through Diamond, the opportunity to buy Bulk Pallet's of their trade paperbacks, 2000 books for a special price - AND at an even better price if you buy 5 or MORE PALLETS. These are overstock. On books that retail at $19.99 and up. In PALLET quantities. If they can do that with $20+ books, they can do it with comic books. No one has shown ANY proof, that Marvel rounds up to the nearest case on variants. There's NO proof. It's an unfounded theory. And yet here, is another example, of Marvel over ordering on product. Where did the theory that Marvel rounds to case amounts on variants come from? Jay, of course. Funny, how all three of us came up with the same thought. Don't be a clown. It came from a Diamond account holder. One who doesn't have a preposterous agenda to advance. Who? You DO REALIZE that publishers sell pretty much EVERYTHING at around half cover price....right? That the standard discount to Diamond has generally been 60% for many years.... You DO know that....right?
  15. Do you know what a Marvel 'pallet sale' is? Every so often Marvel offers retailers, through Diamond, the opportunity to buy Bulk Pallet's of their trade paperbacks, 2000 books for a special price - AND at an even better price if you buy 5 or MORE PALLETS. These are overstock. On books that retail at $19.99 and up. In PALLET quantities. If they can do that with $20+ books, they can do it with comic books. No one has shown ANY proof, that Marvel rounds up to the nearest case on variants. There's NO proof. It's an unfounded theory. And yet here, is another example, of Marvel over ordering on product. And where is the proof of anything you're saying Chuck ? He's challenging you, and any claims he has made have been backed up with evidence. ...says Jay to anyone who challenges him, without offering even an attempt to demonstrate how. So? Why does how "Chuck looks" matter? Is what he's saying accurate, or is it not? That's all that matters. Why do you absolutely INSIST on making personal commentary that is unrelated to the discussion? The answer is because you're hoping to fool those who don't, or can't, use critical thinking into dismissing what Chuck says, not on its merits, but because you try to paint Chuck, as you try to paint everyone who disagrees with you, as someone whose opinions aren't worth consideration, because they "don't look good." Emotional, irrational, juvenile, jr. high school girl tactics. You mean, Diamond is offering 50-150 copies of a retailer incentive in a nationwide sale...? Because those are the "case numbers" you're talking about, here. And, of course, the "rounding to the case" still doesn't have anything to do with the print run. It's jaw dropping how easily put words in other people's mouths, and then decry those words, as if those people actually said it. Just jaw-dropping. Ugh is right.
  16. Do you know what a Marvel 'pallet sale' is? Every so often Marvel offers retailers, through Diamond, the opportunity to buy Bulk Pallet's of their trade paperbacks, 2000 books for a special price - AND at an even better price if you buy 5 or MORE PALLETS. These are overstock. On books that retail at $19.99 and up. In PALLET quantities. If they can do that with $20+ books, they can do it with comic books. No one has shown ANY proof, that Marvel rounds up to the nearest case on variants. There's NO proof. It's an unfounded theory. And yet here, is another example, of Marvel over ordering on product. And where is the proof of anything you're saying Chuck ? You are generalizing your own biased opinions into "facts". Why exactly are you doing that ? It is not making you look very good IMO. By the way just talked to one of my LCS' and asked if I could come by and look over the variant offerings. His response to me was: "Why? It's just a bunch of that nobody ordered." Touche. He also echoed the bleeding cool article, that it is predominately star wars related with a mix in of ANAD variants some of which are (but not remotely "all") are RI variants- but again, the ones that nobody ordered. This would be consistent with marvel printing up to the nearest case, even if only handful of retailers actually order the more obscure variants after qualifying, that would naturally leave an excess inventory of dreck that we see being offered. Basically what Paul said. But I guess he's another dummy who doesn't know what he's talking about either, right ? Ugh. -J. Answer the question, Jay: Where? "On the record" means it's publicly available, for all to see. Where is it? Just post it here, or a link, or something.
  17. Do you know what a Marvel 'pallet sale' is? Every so often Marvel offers retailers, through Diamond, the opportunity to buy Bulk Pallet's of their trade paperbacks, 2000 books for a special price - AND at an even better price if you buy 5 or MORE PALLETS. These are overstock. On books that retail at $19.99 and up. In PALLET quantities. If they can do that with $20+ books, they can do it with comic books. No one has shown ANY proof, that Marvel rounds up to the nearest case on variants. There's NO proof. It's an unfounded theory. And yet here, is another example, of Marvel over ordering on product. Where did the theory that Marvel rounds to case amounts on variants come from? Jay, of course. Funny, how all three of us came up with the same thought.
  18. Yes, but rounding would only account for, what, 50 copies? 100 copies? 150? How could Diamond advertise a nationwide retailer sale with only 50 copies on hand? Sure, they COULD, and maybe even have...but it seems like a bit of a waste of time. I have dozens of copies of New Avengers (2005) #4, #5, and #6 ratio'd retailer incentive variants. Dozens of them. I bought them from Wizard, when Wizard divested itself of its inventory in 2007. Now, someone correct me if these figures are a bit off, but as I understand it, the New Avengers variants started with 1:20 (the Spidey cover), then 1:19, 1:18, etc. How did Wizard manage to obtain hundreds of copies of those "retailer incentives", when they certainly weren't buying thousands of the regular issues...? I assure you, if anyone thinks of "rounding", it is only as a matter of accounting in passing. They don't spend much time on such issues. Remember: Marvel has always printed hundreds of extra copies, which is accounted for in the "copies not distributed" section of the Statement of Ownership, for office use, freebies, comp copies (for creators), etc. And look at the SOOs themselves. The SOO for New X-Men for 2002 had the following number for "copies printed for the issue closest to filing date" 154,742. That's for a single issue, not an average, New Mutants #99 lists a print run of 318,102 for its "issue nearest to the filing date" (#94? #95? #96?) The SOOs are littered with odd numbers, all over the place, none of which can be accounted as "case" quantities. So what gives...? Do they REALLY round up "to the case"..?
  19. Yeah, it's a head scratcher. Especially since retailers would have more incentive to keep quiet about any sell offs of extra RI variants, to maintain the appearance of scarcity. + 100 but it was bleeding fool so whatever. Also they print damage replacement not neccesarly over printing. Anyone saying that incentive variants are not printed close to case pack sizes are not asking the right people. Fair enough. Who are "the right people", and how do we ask them? And what is a "case pack size"? If you mean "rounded to the case", what does that mean in terms of total print run? Concrete information, not theory, is what is needed. Agreed on the last sentence, though probably not in the same way. I'm not sure, though, what the other part about this being "almost entirely the latest reboot" has to do with the issue of retailer incentive print runs....could you help me understand?
  20. You should be flattered if ANYTHING flirts with you. ANYTHING. So you ARE flirting with me!
  21. (I can't believe Larry's flirting with me. Not sure if I'm flattered or completely terrified.)