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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. If you're taking requests, do one about the JIM 83 issue. Eagerly awaiting his next drama filled sales thread. He's had a few. Sometimes there is a common denominator Or maybe a charity thread...vague terms work there too. It's true. Nothing says humility like telling everyone how much good you do.
  2. If you're taking requests, do one about the JIM 83 issue. Eagerly awaiting his next drama filled sales thread. He's had a few. Sometimes there is a common denominator Dumper.
  3. You know I can read these posts, right...? Well, you did put me on ignore a long time ago because I expressed the idea that, in a post-apocalyptic society, gold may well not have value and things that would have value would be food, medicine, knowledge of how to do things etc. You PMd me I was "coming at" you and immediately after the PM put me on ignore. But I assumed you'd be reading these posts anyway, so no surprise. I expected it. Ah. Gotcha. You're still bothered that I put you on ignore 5 years ago, and don't want to let go of a conversation I'd forgotten years ago. I didn't put you on ignore because you disagreed with me, Pov, I did it because of the way you express yourself. Not saying it's right or wrong, but it doesn't work for me. You should do the same, if you don't like the way I express myself, instead of adding to the negativity on the board. It's nothing personal, Pov, so you shouldn't make it personal. I red your posts here because it was part of this discussion. That shouldn't come as a surprise, no. Be careful... some people will judge you for this. Just trying to "help" I use the word "red" as the past tense of "read" on purpose. These comments and memes, Dan, just prove exactly what has been said. Oh well.
  4. There's nothing off about it. If you don't see anything I say, you don't have the opportunity to comment on it negatively, as you have done here. Your responses here are precisely the reason for a "full ignore" function. If my putting you on ignore didn't bother you, I'm surprised that you bring it up, and what you thought was the reason why, many years after the fact. Awkward expression aside, you frequently misread what people say, and then respond based on that misunderstanding. So, I will ask: did you think that was an "Ah HA! Got you!" comment? If so, it wasn't. It was "Ah. I see." So, no on your analysis. One person's "dumping on others", is another person's "keep trying, maybe eventually it will get through." Perspective is important. And, it's a little arrogant to think Dan needs protection from being "dumped on", isn't it...? Feel free to address me any time you wish, Pov. My suggestion was if what I said bothered you, as it clearly has, you didn't need to contribute to the negativity...especially taking a shot at my business without cause...on the board. There's enough as it is. I haven't talked to or about you in years, because I'd rather not add to the negativity on the boards. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone behaved that way...?
  5. You know I can read these posts, right...? Well, you did put me on ignore a long time ago because I expressed the idea that, in a post-apocalyptic society, gold may well not have value and things that would have value would be food, medicine, knowledge of how to do things etc. You PMd me I was "coming at" you and immediately after the PM put me on ignore. But I assumed you'd be reading these posts anyway, so no surprise. I expected it. Ah. Gotcha. You're still bothered that I put you on ignore 5 years ago, and don't want to let go of a conversation I'd forgotten years ago. I didn't put you on ignore because you disagreed with me, Pov, I did it because of the way you express yourself. Not saying it's right or wrong, but it doesn't work for me. You should do the same, if you don't like the way I express myself, instead of adding to the negativity on the board. It's nothing personal, Pov, so you shouldn't make it personal. I red your posts here because it was part of this discussion. That shouldn't come as a surprise, no.
  6. I'd just drop it, Dan. I don't know what rainbow crawled up RMA's leg, but he has been posting ad nauseam, jiving and jabbing and pontificating at all manner of things yet often saying he has no skin in the game. Don't feed it and it will stop growing, at least a little bit. My favorite posts are those that behave as if one party in a discussion hasn't been posting as much...if not more...than the other. You DO realize that it takes at least TWO people to discuss anything, right...? Because, of course, what I'm saying has no merit, right...? Right....? Ah, Pov, you're one in a billion.
  7. That's what everyone has been saying all along, Dan. You don't think you did anything wrong. That's the root of all of this. Every bit of it. Carry on.
  8. I've beaten this horse a wee bit long. Nothing's going to change, so I'm off to find another windmill.
  9. Go back a few pages and see how it it started I didn't re-open this can of worms. I simply stated that this is how I run my sales thread even though Ive been ridiculed for it. My post was not aimed at anyone nor did it mention anyone specifically. Mike chose to chime in and take a few shots at me. Fine. I took one shot back and then left Mike alone (even though a few more were fired my way) That doesn't mean my apology back in August was insincere. That's just stupid to think that. Because RMA repeats it over and over again, that somehow made it a fact?? No. It's a fact because it's true. You weren't sincere then ("APOLOGY NOT ACCEPTED, THREAD DERAILED!!") and you aren't sincere now. You were never sincere. You don't think there was anything the slightest bit faulty about the way you handled the transaction, and you don't care that it affected someone, as evidenced by your comments to "get over it" now. If you need to tell everyone how "humble" your apology was, perhaps "humble" isn't really the word for it...? That's what it boils down to. "You're", and "clique." Said to annoy you? No, but so that you can use the words properly...because people judge us on how we write, whether they admit it or not. Not your enemy, Dan.
  10. This situation has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with me, Dan. Discussing me, and anything about me, is not relevant. The issue is simply this: is it possible for you to understand and admit that the way you handled the DD #1 situation was not optimal, and in the process, unnecessarily aggravated a customer by pulling the rug out from under him in a deal he already thought was made? Whether you agree with the reasons or not, can you simply say "I'm sorry that happened, and I'm sorry my decisions caused it" without qualification? If you can't, then you lack empathy (the ability to understand someone else's feelings), and that will cast a cloud over all your future dealings ("is he going to pull the rug out from under me, too?") That's all that matters. PS. I buy and sell plenty on this board, and have for many years. You continue to make these weird mistakes, like assuming that because someone doesn't buy and sell publicly that they don't buy and sell at all. Critical thinking is vital, Dan.
  11. I am sure it also contributes to the USPS going in the red every single year. I know we would all be screwed if the USPS ceased to exist or didn't provide free priority packaging anymore. Just pay for the Priority Mail service or use old boxes that came to you, diamond mailers, Uline boxes/mailers or something else if you are going first class. We would ALL be screwed, indeed. 49 cent letters? Gone. $5 Priority packages? Gone. $20 overnight packages? Gone. Those who have priced UPS and FedEx for their services will understand. Not everyone gets a corporate discount, either, and if the USPS vanishes, so will those. Then you'll be paying $300 for your overnight package. Nope another private sector company will easily take USPS place and do the job faster and more reliable to boot. No. The USPS is subsidized by the Federal Gov't. Just because the USPS does not get direct tax dollars does not mean that it doesn't get all sorts of favorable positions not granted a private sector company, such as favorable loan rates, exclusive access to residential and business mailboxes, and the like. Faster, yes. More reliable, yes. Cheaper? Nope. Not unless those same advantages are given to these private sector companies.
  12. I am sure it also contributes to the USPS going in the red every single year. I know we would all be screwed if the USPS ceased to exist or didn't provide free priority packaging anymore. Just pay for the Priority Mail service or use old boxes that came to you, diamond mailers, Uline boxes/mailers or something else if you are going first class. We would ALL be screwed, indeed. 49 cent letters? Gone. $5 Priority packages? Gone. $20 overnight packages? Gone. Those who have priced UPS and FedEx for their services will understand. Not everyone gets a corporate discount, either, and if the USPS vanishes, so will those. Then you'll be paying $300 for your overnight package.
  13. No, Dan, that's the heart of the entire problem, and WHY your "honor" is being called into question. If you want to "agree to disagree", then your honor will continue to be questioned, and you will not escape it until you decide to have some empathy. You have just rejected the whole point of the entire conversation. Most unfortunate. Oh well, I tried. Complete waste of my time, but I tried. Good luck. Seriously?? How do I not take your posts personally? Please change the record, it seems to be broken. Who are you to decide if my apology is genuine or not? It's up to the person recieving the apology to decide. But of course since I disagree with you, I'm wrong. You must have a really long stick to reach the dead horse from way up there on yours?? Let it go. In the 113 page thread at the end we were all talking about music and here you are 15 pages later reminding everyone how wrong I was. The lecturing is getting old. You preach to everyone else to learn to take constructive criticism, maybe you should look in the mirror. Now please get the last word by saying I don't get it and how you feel sorry for me kudo's for trying to get everyone to be sheep and think like you though and please don't waste any more of your time on me. Oh.... and these remarks arent personal, im just trying to make you see how your unjustly treating people so you can go forward As comix4fun said, it's tough trying to get empathy out of a stone. Your lack of self-awareness is bold. And, for future reference...an apology is genuine when the actions that follow support, rather than contradict, it. "I'm sorry" followed by "you're still going on about this?! Dude, I humbly apologized, get over it!" later on down the line is not, by definition, a genuine apology, showing genuine contrition. It's not rocket science, nor is it something only the "recipient" can determine, and most people understand this. As I said, I tried to help you, but you only see it as an attack, me telling everyone how "wrong" you are...because, again, low self-awareness. Good luck.
  14. People...let's not be openly bragging about ripping off the USPS. I know nothing is going to stop those of you from doing it, but let's not be quite so brazen about it, huh? Nothing wrong with recycling USED material. Everything wrong with using FREE material, unused, for your own non-Priority/Express mailing or other purposes.
  15. No, Dan, that's the heart of the entire problem, and WHY your "honor" is being called into question. If you want to "agree to disagree", then your honor will continue to be questioned, and you will not escape it until you decide to have some empathy. You have just rejected the whole point of the entire conversation. Most unfortunate. Oh well, I tried. Complete waste of my time, but I tried. Good luck.
  16. Hope springs... No, seriously, does anyone know the way to Hope springs...? I'm late for a mineral bath.
  17. She was wonderful in National Lampoon's Vacation and in that Brady Bunch cameo appearance.